HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-10-21, Page 1V.o I )(X V' I: I I. +fag, /6; ZURIClia THURSDAY, 01 NI NG, OCTOBER 214,.937• et the Ads. in the Hey COMFORTABLE GLASSES At. REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zuxbrigg, moa. Successor to S. FITTON at EXETER Open every week clay except Wediaeeday±• ST. PETER'S 'evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH —• ONT. °A Changeless Christ for ee: Chasrsg Jug Werld." Friday, 8h—Luther League., 'Thursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m.—German Sezvia . 11,15 a.m.—Sunday SchooL 7.30 p.m.—English. services. Everybody Welcome to all/ Services. E. TUERKHEiNI, Pastor: Figure This Out Someone with a mathematical .mind ,has figured out that, at the rate Premier Hepburn is losing his major- ity, the Conservatives wi11 come into power in Ontario about 1959. •God- erich Conservatives, however, figure that one more election 'wi.1I just .about wipe out the Grit majority in Huron. It doesen's cost anything to figure, anyway_—Goderich Signal. St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mr. and Mrs- Hector Laporte and daughter Charlotte of Detroit spent the week -end visiting friends and relatives in St. Joseph and Beaver - town neighborhood. Mr..Solonrn Denomme and family of Windsor was guests to Mr. and Mrs. Filbert Denomme of St. Joseph Mr. Jerry Bedard of Courtright and son iGerald„ accompanied with Bill Bedard, N. Cantin and Benidict Bedard were Sunday visitors to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bedard Sr.. of St. Joseph north. Mr. John Cantin of Montreal, has spent a .row days in St. Joseph vis- iting his mother and relatives. Miss Alvina Denomme of St. Jos- eph, north, left on Sunday last for. Windsor, where she will spend part of the winter :with her two sisters. Mr. Josiah Sararas of the Blue Water south is Iaid up at present with an attack of lumbago. Chester L. Smith, $125 a year, U.S. .81.50 in $1.50 INA.R6i1ARS, 92 MAY Bi 011 direct your Fall Puiohases Mr. and 14I•rs. Richard .\laff se of Grand bend called on .\l „i;n;d Mrs. Leon Jeffrey of Beavertown on Sun- day last. The finishing touch is 7i�a ikiein ' g laid on the surface on the 13l il,'ater Highway. and ,will';be coniptalieli;in a few days. Other parts o1 .ur,done on the Highway is nearing nor ipletion Mx. Clayton Smith of ;this burg has treated himself and 'herr ;with a new Dodge sedan. Mrs. area .uucnarnie of B1101 e Mn and Mrs. Wm. F. Braun and Water south suered a heathtack family of Forest were Sunday visit - on 'Saturday last Fuid is slowly impro- ors "with Mr. Wan, Lamont. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence FIoffman ving. and son Bobbie of Galt are having a • 4►7"P few holidays with their parents in STEPHEN COUNCIL Zurich this week. Mr. Jack McGinn of Orillia form- erly of the staff of the Bank of Mon- treal, spent Sunday with his friend, Stephen met in the Town Hall ()red- 14Lr. Ralph Uttley. iton, on Monday, the" 4th .dad (`Oct-" Mr. Horrace Klopp of Stratford, olber at 1 o'clock p.m. A11 ipexnbers and Mr. 'Wm. Klopp and family of nver•e The Council of,,the Township of present. The minutes of the prevrou;'regu- Jar meeting held on the 7th stlf.Sept. ember and .the special meetia ig• 'held on the 14th of"Sept. were re l and ad opted. The following correspoiacieh,' read and filed: r ,; 1. Letter front the Departneaent of Municipal Affairs acknowledgg': re- ceipt of application for ] iij su:h- sidy with copy of 1937-. te,,sa, ice, Stratford visited their .mother and other relatives on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Link, Miss Eveline French of Dashwood; Mi. and Mrs. Rev. Burn of Zurich, and Miss Rose Albright were Sunday vis - was itors at the home of Mrs. C. England of town. Rev. and Mrs. E. Burn front town and Rev. and Mrs. Roppel of Dash- wood were at Underwood on Mon- day where Mr. Burn preached at the �rrom i�epartment orizblic funeral of his friend Mr. George Roppel. They returned on Tuesday, which was approved: lvof�rxodt Welfare regardi _ families who are receiving Mother's Allowance. Mrs. Amelia Schnell Passes There passed away at her residence 3. From the Provincial Treas`tirer at Zurich on Monday, October 18th, enclosing cheque for $2,7i6 2Q, is:': a Mrs. Amelia Schnell, relict of the late +++fi4,6. +fi4++444.44.1.4,.„.++++ 4+++++,gi„,1,+1igxiii,,+i++, one mill subsidy for the reductio . of John Schnell, aged 74 years, 4 mon- al. :general municipal taxes. �` ' g the and 2 days. - The funeral will be r1 rest ence uric on 1Jwn, CHOICE • 'SWEET TRYECgEL'S Talk" also re Motion, that the followhi .g. •;Sheets and Orders be passede, •„ "g' Norman Heaan; rd ,3, $4,4 �• �Desjardine sd 1'm6 17.65; ”; .P 't ''rd 10 .96- H. Isaac rd 17, 17 • .Turner SB 19, ,90; do rd 19 J. Gill rd 20 "14.60; Tay she 4 • 4 28'. Ge r1b 4S " i"t'ir�tliton 1'oIace pillage 237>7: 6 Gravel Pit ,exp. 39:44;, W. Devine rd a. 14 S.40;;L, Hill rd 4 15.16. ay • held from he id i Z h Friday October 22nd, at two o'clock p m , at.;the house; to Lutheran. r church for service, an: to Lutheran cemetery for cnterxnen [ unexral pri- vete cite liou5e`. l iaezzclsplease •ec-. HYMENEAL GOODS. Fleischaue4=Norry, ! Orders—, Ireland hauling grivel A quiet wedding. • was solemnized e of the Highest ,t. Qua Quality i fox Twp.and 10' G Eil? c mak' Calvary United manse, London. on • IL 4 All Ingredieit UsUseday ;e J 5, B k oft t7or e t, d October 9th 1 R -i, Ec a 's cry Zurich Telephone 400 ALL CONFECTIONS -- ICE CREAM Our Store will be dosed each Wednesday Evenin canton .tie 192.0 ; an ` airliner- .! ur ay, , vi ten er. ce cashing road cheques 1.� D"oin uncan McTavish united in marriage of Canada General. Inc. Co k r ttiand ;';c':iorence' Isabelle, youngest daughter Trews Bond 30.00; H. K. Eillir.r', pt .,of Mr, and Mrs. John Norry, of Ex. - °'salary* as Clerk and Treas. ,s j:25, eter, to Albert Fleischauer, son of the Treas. Co. Huron re Weido and call Car late .l\lr. and Mrs. Henry ?leischauer �Zurich.TheconpIe'icre tuat- 9 ruthers 14.85. ;° The Council adjourned to neer t en d e d T he 'nide ware a becoming 4.4...a+++++++++++++++++++4.+++ +++++++444 -i,'•44.7, -H4++++++.4+ again in the• Town Hall, Crediton, on .gown ting of brown sheer crepe with mat - the 1st of November -at 1 o'clock; p• i cling hat and accessories and a nor nt. sage of sunset roses. After a lunch - Herbert K. Either, T 'p. Clerk eon at Wono's cafe, Mr. and Mrs. Fleischaucr left for a short honey- _�_ _• moon to Eastern points. On their re- turn they will reside in London. iE r. • WE SELL THE BEST FOR L E:SS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Carnation Evaporated Milk .fall tin, 3 tins Libiby's Tomato. Juice '1(4x;.•. -oz, G tins ................25c Connor's Herring in Tomato Sauce, 2 tins, ..........., Ready cut Macrae Tema, 2 lbs. _... , _ _ ... , ..13c Chateau cheese,. Half -lb. pkg-.,, per pkg.. .. » . �'i fac Many Flower Toilet Soap, 3 cakes for ........ _ _ .._...11e Infant's Food, assox"sen, tins .. _........ ..., .... , ,.. 7110 Kota rSalnton, 1ih. tin, 2 tins ... , . Maple Leaf Stxc% ye Salmon 1-s. per tin Heinz. mad. Fork & Beans,. 2 tins ... Choc. MalIont* Biscuits, per ;th. ... ». w .. _ .... ,., tic Snowcap Toilet Rolls, '4 :rolls - - .... .--....1._—__...25c Royal York Coffee, Ib, tin —.a.. , _.• .,_<is'9c Quaker Puffed wheat, per. pkg. . „ _ .. _ . , ...., ..10c Sunlight Soap,., 4 •cales _ _ » ». _ 25 c Aunt Jeminea. Pancake. Flour, per pkg. Men's Sweater Coats, • Underwear„ Ladies' and Children's Sweater Coats,, Pullovers, Underwear and I-Iosi:ery. A full' line of NV:inter Wed Shc will adore this 6 :diamond ensemble.,, "Marina" SOILITAARE Es the new :and beautiful "Caroline Guaranteed :and perfect. Highest (*' Eggs. A. C. HESS Jeweler and Optician, Zurich McQuillen—Farwell Watson—Farwell A. ehaianing double wedding took place on S. i, -d:'y- at St .,iaz:, church, London, when Rev. Father Gerald Labelle officiated, when Miss • Cecile `Farwell became the ,bride of e Lawrence M. 14TcQ•uillon of Loudon, and her sister, Miss Annie Marie s FtirweIl •vas united in marriage to M. 'Wateon, of Zt?cieh. The ibi-t les aro daughters of Mr. and Mira ''Pi.erce Farwell of the Goshen line, south. of Zurich. Autumn flowers and terns' `were used effectively in deoorati:ng, the church. The brides Vero attended by Mi.s (harolette • i+arwell of Detroit, and Mrs, L. Ko(:rt- i;;ie, :also of •Detroit. The grooms- men were Leo: A. 11IcQuillen, of London, and Louis Nl inwe"11, of Zurich. Both brill s 'Ore iiilu', 1♦Iii Cecile's gown was of navy blue French wool; strictly tailored, with accessories in blue and a corsage of roses and carried an ivoay prayer • beak; while Miss Annie Marie's gown 'WAS also. ,of :,French blue navy with it atchnt , je.eket , trimmed m gray Persian,']ainb and accessories in blue. Sne �vvre a. corsage of roses and cur - 1 a gel 'an'ivor7 .prayer .book,. 'Thomas Ciueenan acted as usher and Miss Jiata Pei'rin,•er, who was at the organ played• Softly throughout the service, 1..1103/34 'S.' 'McQuillan sang at the o:fi;e,rtory and the signing of the re,- inter. The wedding parties rcturue: tai Zu7rich for a breakfast at the hime of the brides' parents. After the honeymoon which was pleasantly enjoyed at, Stratford, Hamilton, Nia • gra Falls and Dunv:110, Mr, and Mrs J„ M. iMoQui'.l1en will reside in London and Mr. and Mrs. Watson will take• lr residence near Zurich. The Herald yoints their many trirttdu in extending c. ongratulations, Cow Causes Accident Last Saturday night a stray cow on the road was the cause of an ac- cadent near Wroxeter, when Wilfred Rudolph of Mitchell, all but wrecked his car and himself receiveng a bad shaking up. The cow, owned by An- drew Douglas, jumped suddenly out of a ditch in the 'darkness. It fared much 'better than the auto. Farmers! Attention! We have been appointed selling Agents for the celebrated Viking Diabolo Cream Separator, the separ- ator with a ten year guarantee. Let us demonstrate this machine to you and compare it with all others. And , Put don't forget, the best feature is the unusual easy terms. Liberal allowance for trade-ins. C. SCHRAG & SON. tf44 AR�'.1 i, HAIRDRESSING THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING PARLOR Mrs. Fred Thiel wishes •to advise the public that she is now open for business. Permanents and Finger - waving "a specialty. All permanents guaranteed. Parlor located in rear of shop. For appointments call or phone 102 Zurich, Your COAL in raow a; the low price. A sharp ai$ vance may be expected $0037‘, Tile and Brick W. R. DAV/DSONI We pay Cash for Eg Phone 10 004,4040#0Q®##Qeoam44#0#44 #494+44440044004#.0 arca,11• ,: e • • 1-•'•. Tell CIAO •• SUITS • • OVERCOATS A FINE RANGE OF THE NEWEST • STYLES AND PATTERNS .DUST IN, AT REAL " BARGAIN PRICES . SEE OUR $22e00 Up 011e • New Fall Hats, Caps, Sox, Ties in ill the latest • aSgt=ties and Colors. k.MB.A,ALi!r.ERS AND FUNERAL, DIE Et:T e 3,4,00K,,00 4.0 •• e.,a0.r,•s nt,4,c-ao-• a. aagasuranan ble GOC ON DISPLAY Rc4.1 Wool Blankets, White, Grey and Pled Flannelette Pp Flannelettes, Mackinaw Flannels, Heavy Winter Shirts for Men and Boys. Special Bargain Prices on: ouse Dresses, Prints, Men's. and Bays' Sweater Coats, Pullover Sweaters; Boys' Bloomers and Knickers.. Harness Repairs a Specialty. Stove Pipes, Elbows, and Stove Fixing, Cement_ FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL itnr7ROHANT , ,g] ste 1 ry