HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-10-14, Page 4'VP It rt)1111,
VI Farm Stoel and Implernants,
40n. Lot 12, Concession 12, Hay Twp.
Commencing at o'clock p.m.
HORSES -1 mar6, yns; oid; 1
=are 8 yrs. old; 1 mare 10 yrs, old.
LIVE STOCK—Roan cow 7 yr.
old; Mack cow 9 yrs. old; Roan cow
B yrs. 'old; Red cow 5 yrs. old; Wht,
-cow 5 yrs, old.; Spot heifer rising 3
.due Nov, 19th; Brindle heifer due ,
Dec. 27th; purebred Jersey cow 8
yrs.e14 due Nov. 30th; 2 steers 2
yrs. old; 4 black heifers 1 yr. old;
4 calves coming 1 yr.; 4 young calves
IMPLEMENTS—Binder 7 -ft, "cut,
-seed drill, cultivator, manure spread-
er, disc, 3 -section harrow, 10 -ft. rake '
14-h.p gas engine, 2 walking plow,
1)-1.n. chopper, cotter, single harnessd
'pig rack, grain rack, wagon, buggy.
No reserve, as the proprietor i giv-
ing up farming.
TERMS—CASH. Settlement must
be made before articles are lifted.
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer.
W. S. Johnston, Clerk.
Chris. Zirk, Proprietor.
tonal Walking plow, 2 Bleary walking
plows; riding plow, disc, 2 2 -furrow
plows, road cart, 2 gravel boxes, Ian-
perial incubator holds 105 eggs; 400
eapacity incubator; broadaxe, adds,
boring machine, large fence stretcher
scraper, neckyokes, eveners, canthook
3 set of iron harrows; 1 -horse sculfier
root pulper, cutting box, army saddle
cower emery, 2 set of heavy 'harness,
hells, 2,0004b. cap. scales, Clinton
fanning mill, Jolliet graingrinder,
quantity of bags, extension grain
blower, and numerous other articles.
en cook stov&, large heater burn coal
or wood, Detroit vapor 8-hurner coal
oil stove, lawn swing, DeLaval cream
separator, Eaton separator, chopper,
kettle, iron kettle.
No reserve, as everything will be
sold as proprietor has sold Ms farm.
Arthur Weber;-Alietionebi'.
George Merrier, Clerk.
John Bender, Proprietor.
Miss Roselle CorriVeau is spending
a few weeks with.friendS at Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Laporte are
spending a few weeks with their chil
dren in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Denomme,
Of Farm Stock, Implements and '1' and Mrs, John Denomme, Mr.
Household Effects, on Lot 18, Town
and Mrs. Lloyd Bedard: were week -
Line, 1 miles east of Dashwood on
end visitors at Detroit.
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28th. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Corriveau sr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Laporte were
At 12 .o'clock sharp, the following Sunday eve visitors with Mr. and Mrs
George Denornme.
Mr. and Mrs. Mandan and son
Percy of Sarnia, called on friends
here on Sunday.
Mr. Louis Gelinas was a visitor
with friends in Chatham.
Rev. Father .Marchand is spending
a 'few days with his parents at
Till -
bury this week.
Rev. Fr. Brisson and Fr. Stinson
from London were Sunday visitors
with the former's step -mother, Mrs.
Ed. Brisson,
Mr. and Mrs. Heft Wesley of De-
troit called on Miss B. Mousseau on
HORSES -1 brood mare 8 yrs.
-old supposed to be in foal; 1 bay
...horse 17 years old; 2 grey mares
18 yrs. old; 1 bay mare Clyde rising
2 yrs. old; 1 sucking colt Clyde.
CATTLE ETC: -2 cows fresh with
-,calf at foot; Cow fresh; 'lied cow; I
Baby beef ahc.ut 600 lbs; 2 roan
caws supposed to be in calf still,
milking; Red cow in calf; Steer 2 -
yr old; 2 year Old heifer supposed
to be in calf; 2 -yr. old heiier; 4
.steers rising 2 yrs; 4 spring calves.'
.A.bove cattle are all good Durhams
PIGS -70 stoclzer pg.3 'weighing
about 60 lbs. each.
POULTRY -75 White Leghorn
hens. yearlings.
GEESE -2 geese and a gander.
ick binder, McCormick newer, Bra-
ntford B.B. Mower; McCorm-
ick 11 -disc fertilizer drill; 10 -hoe
grain drill; International spring tooth
Cultivator; stiff -tooth Tudhope
vator ; McCormick low-down manure
preader, M. -H. bean - scuftler with
!puller combined, 2-wheeltrailer, cir-
cular saw;.. 841..p. gal engine; 214 h.,
p. gas engine, 3 wagons, wagon box,
.stock rack, 2 heavy flat racks 16.4t..
International hay loader, McCormick
1.0 -ft. steel rake; steel ...drum roller,;-
gilde delivery rake, •dobble light sleigh
with tongue and shaft ,2.set'bob ale-. •
leis, 2 set bunks, 2 cutters, •Internat-:
Mr. Glen Weido spent a few days
with friends near Dashwood.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Robinson, Mr. and
and Mrs. W. Davidson visited Mr.
and Mrs. John Dodds in London.
Mr. and Mrs..L. ,Schultz have folks,
coining to their home from Germ-
any. We wish them success in:
theii; new country.:
Miss Annie Cocrane of Clinton,
visited Thanksgiving Day with her
sister, Mrs. Fuss.
iMr. .and .Mrs. J .Richards.on fwere
visited on Thanksgiving Day with
members of. their family..
Mr. and Mrs. W. Forest visited
sineoeseesepsoefaeotmesioesery omeessammeommimesectimmeo,
Of Huron
Extend my Heartfelt Thanks to the
Elector of Huron and particularly to all the
workers in the great campaign for the con-
tinuance of the Hepburn administreion in
the Province of Ontario.
Free Mountings and Plenty of Free Air for all Tires
purchased from Us; Quality Best; Prices Lowest;
Written Guerantees; Ask to See the Tire which
has over 125,000 miles of seiviee: Brngyou'r Cat-
alogues, we will meet, alt competition.
Seeding linpiernents should be in good working
shape sh'ortly; Order M. -H. parts early.
Cultivator points for many makes
Tel. Shop 149 0. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67
Ott '
Thinsasti, Odxiber 1.4th, 1,931"
,a,graS fot.frlit,4' •
• ,
'Wills your name appear in Monday's newspapers? If it does, will you
be 'Writhing with pain in the emergency ward of a hospital, va'.d1 your
mangled remains be Testing in a funeral parlor—or will you be held by
the Police on a charge of manslaughter?
'' If yiiu, are a MotOrist- and. value life and property, help to stop -this.
slaughter of innocent 'people. The death toll from car accidentsih
Ontario, mast go down./
We are justly proud of the Police of this Province ----but they, aini`ot:
be ave:Twhere. Most accidents'occur when a policeman is not around;
'Traffic: 7ip1ators know better, than to'speed, cut in or cioNV4r2Otliet.t4i– •i.
with a oolicenian in sight.
Ontario,. Motorists will Co-operate
WherrYon'see a motorist driving ,irx:a manner .dangerous ta
the:PUNIC', take his number, make a careful note of the actual
time and place aid when you:reach youi:, destination write to
the 'Motor Vehicles .Branch,: Department of •Highways,
Toron-iii; giving full details. We de not invite reports -of inin.or
infringements Of the traffic laws; you are requested•to use,
sound judgment. We will deal adequately with offenders.
Motor Vehicles lirgnch
rin.' • '‘ '
Mr. and Mrs. F. Lavender in Henson and gave his friends a real treat.
Owing to the Anniversary Servic- Filshie, one of our bright
es in the Kippen church op Sunday, young men left recently for Tur-
The. service will be withdrawn in the Onto, University to resume his stud-
Hillsgreen church.
Several took in the Velma Anniv- 'Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser •of De-
ersary on Sunday. troit, who recently rented the house
oil Albert st. belonging to the Jahn
Glenn estate, have moved here from
Ip Detroit and are now nicely settled.
In Auto Accident
While returning to Toronto Sun-
day eve last, after spending the week
end at their home here, 1VIervyn Ry-
chman, Harold Sherritt and Marion
Sinclair met with nasty accidents on
the highway, two miles out of Guelph
Mr. Sherritt, who was driving, to av-
oid a collision with another car, tur-
• .F.neemass—Saundercock
A verY pretty wedding took place •
at theJtome of Mrs. Annie Sauncler—
'cork when Mary Isabel, second dau-
ghter of Mrs. Saundercock and her
late husband, was united in marriage
to Wilfred R. Freeman of linnet twp
by Rev. A. Sinclair, Henson. Misis:
Edna .Saundercock, sister of the bride
ina.de a charming bridesmaid and th&
Harold Hilliard has rented the lied into the ditch and the car turn- groom -was 'supported by his cousin,
IA 'on the corner of Albert st. ed over twice. Miss Siriclair had her '
.n.a*---rr Freeman D th nit
Mr. Robert E. Robinson and soh
Douglas of Carlyle, Sask., arrived at
Brucefield this week with their stock
and. household effects, his wife and
daughter remaining in Toronto for a
short visit with .friends there. They
expect in a.shert time to.settle on the
farm recently ;purchased, from • Mr.
W. Dowson.
Misses Rosy, and Adelene Palmer
and the Misses Davidson of Hamil-
ton spent the week -end with friends
at Varna. The. Misses Palmer assist-
ed with the music at the Anniversary
services held at Varna United church
on Sunday.
Varna Resident Passes
A highly respected resident of
Varna, in the person of Mr, Alfred
Ao.istin,;!,passed away at his home
there op tricky October 8th in his
'Z3rd 401[4wing a brief illness.
For 0115-54 .20 years, Mr. Austin* has
icen the 4,cient rural mail carrier
,, 1
front v,tmna .Est Office and by kind
obAgyrkgomiliners ate made a host
of” frien,ds, The funeral service wits
held on lYlonday from Varna United
"hurch of which the deceased was a
faithful member. Bev. R. 3. Peters
officiated. Surviving are his wife,
four sons and bwo daughters.
use . ur ng sg g
formerly owned by the late Mrs.H.,.heact badly cut, requiring several st- of the ,registHer; mrs. C.' Passniore
'tches and several teeth knocked out .sFaalt."intim. Garden of my Heart."
Harmon and will move in about Nov
lst. Mrs. Victor Fee has purchased
' the house occupied by Hilliard.
I Thoos. ShnpsOn., acConipa.ned by
his mother; Mrs. Simpson of Wing-
harn were -recent visitors with friends
lin town. •
Geo. C. Petty has arrived home
'from Winnipeg :after a two weeks
visit witht his daughter who resides
Mrs. Hyoid Callas, who spent sev-
, end weeks here. visiting with her TIM -
Wier, Mrs, John Dinsdale left for her.
home in Santa Barbara, Cal. She
was accompanied by her sister, Mrs.
Fred Simmons, who with her. sum
Jack will spent the wiptar,,,
carnet Case is Puttine ilarg0
weigh scale:s 'it. the railway' Station
yards. .. , . , , . . 1, , ,
1 t '
1:t)V1I'11', y
The HeMlnlInnublip. an& continuati:,
on schools Were re -opened again
Monday last after being closed for
10 days owing to t'ne epidemic.
There was considerable changing
of hornes on Oct. 1. Otto Stephan
and family who have resided the
:house belonging to Nathan Peck es-
HENSALL tate, moved out on the Stelck farm Aft 10 inches' anti weighed over 5 viage to Mr. Brownlee in Delas, Tex.
near Ilillsgreen. Wxn. McAsh who re- tons. These are the largest logs bre- I After' residing for some years In the=
3. W. Ortvvein recently picked ^ently 'from Sask., has moved into tho 5-71!,, floe IlinrsalT. savutnillk for IL they returned to Clinton. The
some fine raspberries hi his garden, Pcsk home. same' yea& •• , funeral was' to Clinton cemetery.
-.nd badly shaken up. Mr. Sherritti
had his head and one eye badly cut
and .other injuries while Ryckman
was badly bruised, after receiving
medical attention the young ,people,
were -able to go. on to Toronto.
The Hensel! United Church was the
scene of a quiet wedding when Rev.
A. Sinclair, uncle of the groom, un-
ited in =cringe Dorothy Jea, dalig-
• h,ter of Mr. and 1VIrs. Dennis Burgess
of Pt. t4iward to Arthur Frederick
Manser of Sarnia. The bride was at-
tended by Miss Marion Sinclair, of
.1.1oronto, while the groom was sup-
ported. hy his , brPther.,„ A :reception
for the:immediate was lield
at the Iltritedlchnrchlanarise at Hen-..
Sall. The happy. •couple. left. fog'.
Motor' trip:to Northern Ontario.,andi
.01Wr174,3klitsr • • •,•,-
;-•noit ;IH.1A B'kgee '
Arthur Dick ' drew into Welsh*d
saw- mill, four elm logs cut from
one tree, on the farm of Mrs. Wm.
M. Doig, east of Kipper'. The logs
contained 3,850 feet Three of the
logs were 12 .ft. long and one 14.The
butt log at the small end measured
The' Wedciing dinner waS served in
prettily ie�orated, dining room.' After
the Meddinglxlinner, the happy couple
jef44.4y 3nc4or..fer a trip to Detroit..
The 'ride twaixtlfe •recipient of many
pretty and OSeful,presents. The gro--
can's gift to the bride was a handsome
silver flower basket.. On their return
from the, trip they will reside in
Clinton -
The payentent south 'of Winghar4
on No: 4 highway, is now 01 clear.
Dios At $eaforth
Mrs. Isabel Broadfoot, widow of -
William E. Broadfoot, died in Sea --
forth Inspit.0,after, a lengthy i1ines1;
She :was :member of FirSt'Presby-
terian Mora. A" Private 'funeral
was, held Friday last to Maitland'
bank Cemetery.. ,1
Several; robberies at Bruce Breaeh
noiltdps,pre.r.qpote,d1...si!ye,9ip swp.-
mer,o,cptiRap.ta hayte,left. ,,..rOkl,ce are •
endeavoring to trace' the culprits;
Died at Cliaton •
The death 'occurred at her home
in Clinton of Matilda l'errin, wife of '
Wm. H. Brownlee in her 76th year.
She was horn in Clinton in 1861. 00
Nov. 1903, he was united in mar-