HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-10-07, Page 8fi it 11 )i PAGE ETC;TTT • THE STORE WITH THE STOCK FALL �o We Are Receiving Shipments of New Goods ., . is , M1�) ,:; • Almost Daily, and ' Invite Your Inspection of The Following Lines: NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW DRESS MATERIALS. MACKINAW FLANNFT S. FLANNELETTES. SWEATER COATS. SILK HOSIERY, In Latest Fail Shades. Boys' Bloomers, • Knickers and Overalls For School Wear. EVERYTHING IN SCHOOL SUPPLIES J. GASCHO SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 .0 Auto Insurance THE REDUCTTON In She cost of 1938 License: should be used in Buying Auto Insurance Why not protect yourself ` and ` buy a Policy Special Reduction oAllotved,. to—Fanners Living on Township Roads. GET MY RATES.' NO OBLI'I'l0N Andrew F. Hess; - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFI= ee ail 11111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111I111111111t ZURICH HERA 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 i{g11111111111111111 III111111111II1111 IIl'iji19l11il llItll 111011111, 01}1'1, zuRIews Grocery Store Coffee, Maxwell House lllll.-•- •.•••r 1b.40c' Corn, Golden Ban.tam,,per can 10c Tea, ,English Breakfast,, per lb:50c' Salmon,,Casrade, larger i2 an 25c 2'5c 25c Sardines, per box ,. c Cookies, marsh mallow per, ib. 18, Mentio Oesch Zurich EGGS WANTED. Phone 165 sate "while, ; l a. ;3,9bottle$ •• sv.] 11Ilr. �>1 1 ;Salts;' 8'115s. 11 I11111111111lltIIt 11111111 111i11111t111,11t{llJ I111i 1111111111111111111111® ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST„ LOCAL MARKETS Rev Mt Peters of Varna gave' us a _friendly call on. Tuesday. .Mr. Wm. Thiel enjoyed a very ple- asant trip to Sarnia and Port Huron on Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Braun and family of Forest called at the home of Mtr_ Wm. Lamont on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Blair and baby and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hosack and babe of Woodstock were Sunday vis- itors with Miss Ethel Hess. Would those children going around ringing door beels without any cause kindly cease from doing so before they will be, reported to the author- ities, as the parties are known. Mr. Irvin D. Smith of Hamilton, called on his father, Mr. 1). Smith, ` and his two brother here one day Iastt week. ':A goodly 'Member 'of this vicinity attended the Bayfield Maar'last Thurs- day afternoon; ` ' and` ”` wei e greatly pleased ieIth -•the fine ear1]ibits at that live aum)e7 event. 4111111111011 (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter,. creamery .Eggs, dozers 30-25-2i>1' (thickens dressed. 20-25 Chickens Inert . - . 15-20 Wheat per bushel 108 ,Barley bush. 60 Ruck wheate bush_ 58 Flour, cwt. 3.0014.00 Shorts, per ton 28.0* bran ton 26.00 Hogs, cwt.. 15.0.€ 61 Potatoes bag 75c 32 Oats, •bushel Fish are Hungry So well are parch and black bass .biting these daysthat even the ladies have taken a hand, and according to repent; have beenmaking a fine Pelt opt. Three ladies who are wellkna- weefor their prdwness. They caught exactly 278. perch, on Monday. Other fishermen did just as well, one pair taking~ home to London 130 pelmets Progress ,i� gradually made o. perch irea"potato' sack and 28 hags on .the new garaged in .yZbeingiich: bumade' while 'two Rtrdnay men Were a cfae bY C. Fritz &. Son. The 'concrete: work second with 100 pounds of perch and six_ bass. Others here from many up, `'and. Western. ^Ontari.a .points did cora-esp- anumber �dingly well in the length of time 'the. breaktw2tgrs--�•Gtrd-� ,of the .walls is being ben it will give, employment to o(f vvorkinen etor some ltinie Lions Hold Clinic extich"Sig ]aI, The Seaferth, Clinton and 'Godes- ieh Lions Clubs held their annual: clinic for crippled children for I3u:Yron County at the Scott Meiiiorial Hosp- ital ,Seaforth. ;IThirey chii'dren we.*e examined. 1 Atteiiiptg'Stii'nide Fouiud' se'f'iously' 'wour ded i.r} , le cellar of his Tiome fit 'Bayfield, :a eine lying' beside' him," Fred Geriieil' - hardt, cider mill owner, was rushed to Clinton hospital Friday last. Two 25 -cal. bullets were removed from his left side. One had entered only the fleshy part of his body, but the second had penetrated deeply. The ',STANLEY TOWNSHIP Aleniversary Services rrAnniversary 'services will be held. in Varga: United Church on ' Sunday, Olgtob.et 10th'. at 51'1'`a:1n. and 7:30,�x. iyipteRev; ITT, Hate of St.' Marys will! het the preacher...The services will lee l withdrawn from 'Goshen. and B1alce churches for - that day. The annual:,! fowl supper wall' be held in the tarn runty shed, Varna on Thursday October 14th. Robinson—Mcelinchey The home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Robinson, Stanley Township, was elderly man was charged with att- the scene of a pretty autuunn wedd- enmpted suicide by Prov. Constable ping on Saturday, October 2nd, at E. McCoy. Mrs. Gemeinhardt wase high noon, when their second datiglt- s erea16000000000G000M000N8008 6000 : 1 upstairs in her home when she heard ter, Annie Grace became the bride of 1 HARDWARE SEEDS and FURNITURE Wire Fencing If you are thinking of doing any Fencing this year, be sure and consult Us. And be sure it is the famous Frost Fence! FROST FENCE .. for long life. Come in end see our stock of Frost Farm Fence .. the finest we've eve, had. Heavily galvanized by special Frost process. Wears fora lifetime. We can quote you attractive prices. TIGHT ' LOCK ZINC BONDED a .rd sive Thar fr.lr* cid SAVES YOU MONEY1a PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax i Gc•odyear Balloon and -" Cord Tires and Tubes w in 'all` sizes _ Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses , Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evdtroughing and Tinsmith- * ing our Specialty. Full line .af heavy and shelf Hard - 0 ware always in stock: ISTADE & WEIDOI ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY — PRICE SERVICE a 90.00110•1100•919.01001100•649009100•4911000041049100.0040060.0 ,two shots. She rushed • down cell= Mr. Bruce C. E. 1VIcClinchey, younger and found her husband in a pool of 1 son of Mr. Robert McClinchey and blood on the floor. Ie was said the the late Mrs. McClinchey of Stanley_ plan had not been enjoying good The ceremony 'was performed by health 'and was despondent. He will Rev. R. J. Peters of Varna. The recover. bride entered the living room on the. arras'. of her father to the strains Held Inquest of "Weddingg Bells" marcn played by An inquest was meld at Clinton, Mrs. George Anderson. The bride on Wednesday afternoon of laet we- wore a graceful Iong gown of 1Viar- m v till eke regarding the serious car accident tins blue and silver net oea satin, of Sunday Aug. 8th, involving Lon- '.Fashioned in Prancers style. .She dare don residents. Mrs. Hamilton and Tied a bouquet of yellow Tollen. ros- daughtert Betty, lost their lives and' es and plurriosa fern. ,Mise Isabel four others were seriously injured .when the sedan in which they were eliding got out of control and crashed into a tree on No. 4 Highway. After ,hearing the evidence of the driver of the car, witnesses and police, the jury brought in a verdict of accidental death, the accident being dut to the 'physical inability of ;the driver, They also recommended that in ;future,the department of motor vehicles demand a certificate from- a medical' doctor concerning the physical condition Of any applicant, ...'1''i ri»ThuA'Si daSe Oet&[1er^ '7th, IOW" °' 'j'( ," "' '+:4u a `.*' '+'jjQ +4.4.4' "'' 4"F'"fi+ +44+44\ t""j 4 + ,!t 4.4.++fh'Y",uj!' d14 fir, YOUR 1Hardware an STORE THIS SEASON CALLS 1: FOR ` ;'GO l) "k 1 ,SEW. FENCES ON THE FARM.)e,t 7,.i PS; S Tim YOU, WITH THE BEST ALSO HAVE ��',. NEBARB Wim., ,.. SEE OL,- t ROOFING, PLUMBING, AND EVE- + TROUGHING i �k SPECIALS! SPECIALS! Special Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon 4 4 We also have some very Attractive Prices an • FU r . See Our New Beds, $per � Mattresses. ......�.28c 4 USED FURNITURE -- Two Used Chesterfield Good Dressers from $4.50des ab es; . Kitchen �a�, Etc. up; � ' g Fables; Bargains for One Doren Used Rockers ram 'orn 9$2.00 Sale. 4. • BE SURE AND SEE Up. JObfl$tOfl & Kalbfleisch1 I Hardware & Furniture. Phone ` QQ V + 9+9+++.944++++++++9+44++.9 .+++'t�'Fi�4499+�F9'tt 9+994444el Choice Quality Zurich Garage Boob a� Shoes We; carry aE nice like' 'of choice Footwear o Allen, Boys and Alf ur S&oak is fresh and of veryc 'choice materials. No leftovers or second grade lines: Let. us,, fit you 'tip with your next, pair of Slides. See our Iii ,n Sport Shoes. • Robinson, sister of the bride, wore tea roses }ripple -shear' over figured satrin. and carried a sheaf of yellow chrysanthemums and plumose. fern. The groom,'was supported by his brother, 'Mr. Frank McClinchey. Jahn Robinson acted as ring bearer and Leona.. Anderson and 1Vlary McDon- aa d were .flower girls. During the signing of the register, Mrs. Elmore Stephenson, sister. of the bride, sang .`I 'Love You Truly" and "The Swe- etest.Story Even° Told." Following license a the Ceremony and congratulations the iweddin�g dinner was served, when A Home Destroyed,,. lour.of.•.tlie bride's cousins: Misses The two-story liritk'' dwelling of Olive Errra;tt, Neeene Robinson, Ger- Isaac Bothwell, „ogle, and a, cpaarter. imide ' d, end Jean Reid acted as miles north of Varus,'1�odere'.] Twp. 'waitress. The bride was the receip- was burned last Wedne c).~:., • along• tent' of irtany useful' and beautiful, .with nearly all the 'contents. Woe':l T+resentts. The grooan's gifts were: To cutting had been .isx progress during ,the •bride, silverware; to the bride - the previous afternoon and the fire j sfnaid, silver candle holders; to the is said to have started in the saw dust grooms/Tian and ring bearer, tiebars; pile close to the attached shed which to rte. flower girls, bracelets; to the -long with a large pile of wood pisfiist and soloist, silver butter dish thrown into the, shed fell ea y prey es. Mr. and Mrs. McClinchcy loft to the flames. Lack of fire ]ghting by motor for Chatham, Detroit, Flint. facil]tie: made it impossible + check and Marlette, .Che bride •travelling the flan 5 which quickly et) ad to in a Oft of green English wo:;'.. Vie" the main structure. All of the up danker green accessoaries. On. they stairs fur ' furniture and the basemer.,o rn t`r:ve vlill reeside on the giro stores fell prey to the flames. Mr. om'S Paso, Goshen Line. Std Rathwell hada fine bank barn burn- Frith the best wishes ief their many ed about 10 years ago. l It„.iends. . GARFILED BROWN 'victoria Street. )Zurich, Out. WE GIVE EXPtitt WORTKMAN_ SS$YP IN REPAIRVG Your Patronage Solicited Come and purchase your A.ut oanotive Requnremenia from ZuricI }`oldest ` estt=ablished Garage and Service Station,. We can suPPiy.. your .,,needrs.. Expert Automobile repairing. Acytelene.; •. rWe1cling, ` Tires, Batteries, Oils, Greases and repairs. :tt', n LUNCH ''ROOM And clean Rest Roams at yqur' . ,e;,tits ��• .Er. 11/101/SS A Phone17ay E03 31T ht. We .. k181t111{1118111111111e1 9CI11111H1M11111111H1111111HIIIili1; H t5ar,'111131111Hii1fillialli 6f9f1ilSRMON1111111/1818881ikl11111111t11H111111il111111 ' THESE PRICES subject to change without lichee Painting Wagon Painting Buggy .....,..,.......... Recovering Buggy Top Rem -wrung Buggy Wheels Buggy Shaft $7.00 and 10.00 a .......... 6.00 and 10.00 1 16.00 and 18.00 :. 1 Set :.......: 12000 Cross Bar Buggy Reach Buggy Spokes each ,......aa..3.Oil) YOOO..o......•<MMO• ww M.aa N.. boo• 1.00 •4.,.._............' 1.25 25c HESS, the Repair . Man • 91111111111II11T{HIIIIIIHIgIHIHHHI>111111@111H91HIIIIIHI190lIIIIIIIHIIHIHIHUllUlllllllHUIIIIII011(II1H111HiH1111H9111H9111911;'�f�lh(Hit(114{(HHIIIh1111nHHH(t011lbHgliblHi11HH(HiI1HimiN111H!HHf 1111111 ibd 111;11' 1111, to to team le IIIN.Ill 1.0 1111 n0'111111111 11111) elrylYrtell neewie e ; apt eejeltliir, eeti1 lff (1'111; FY if40,. ‘,1 HERALD OFFICE Do You Know?' Mr... MERCHANT! You know thoroughly we1l;that you !Aye power` • i+ ,..y. ur .tis-,; y _ re, to influence the 'decisioxi of � ,�; _ ' $11 Otir St0 tomers .in regard to what they buy from you Y►ulr customers rely on you to give them products which, in use or consumption, will give thei ir"co'rnplete satisfaction. If it is right to use big city dailies and nationaly- -circulated magazines alien, by the same token„ it is right to use local weekly newspapers! , I an the Master Salesman of this Community, and my name is ADVERTISE (Uai11111i1111111e11(11111111111111111Itee19i1i!111111111 110.1111 1.1 gitill=1{111121 age 111.41111,:u11111t1�ili"i: