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Zurich Herald, 1937-10-07, Page 5
BUSING CARDS ICH LEGA L�CAL NEWS Mir Cad] :Bern has lett for TnJYs z' ton where he has ag:cepted ,a,,peeileer Men Louise V4►Tllert was nweek- st surnMrs. Mary Gibson, mho s+P't11ag. summer momt'lits with 'lidr OUP,. visitor Lnatad in, M. C. Eilber, left ;for bee hope at Stratford on Wednesday„ 1l +� DLEY E. UotattE a suis on. Toronto schools are not opening BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOT till after Thanksgiving that is Oct- ARY I'1C°Fid>IIC ETC. - saber 12th. e0FF10E—H Alton Street,, Just off I Sask., is visiting; Doerrrd tfrom _ the Square, G©n/ERI $" with his roister Ontario. t Bernice T,hieI. 'Special Attention to Couneel and Coon Werk. nen Holmes may be consulted at 1oderich by Phonies atad Phone charges. reversed. DENTAL • • Dr. W D.ERYCE . D.• 5. DENTAL . SURGEON• • At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASH W OOD Every i%lbnday, Tuesday and Wednesday. D. II . COWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETERINARIAN Laird, Miss 1Viiss Nora Fremlii!n spent the we- ek -end with her friend, Miss Grace n Manson at .H ;ensan. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mi's HERALD ;Clerk. :Catnip. Jac#ka Battler,! I. , FL! Neeb; t' s„,iat•oes„ Mei mitts,,( • 1sa�n Iielnercr; catered' corn, 'I1. 'Des- lard•iai�e, Mrs. henry (cuss, Lollection �. oatuaedi frisk, H. .tleslardine, W. •U. Clark. Mx, and Mxs. 'Wm, Sehextk, IVIr. wilt LADIES' WORK and Mrs, Edgar Schenk of Detroilb.;' Mee. Hae kne tour,, canto Mr. and .Mrs. A. Lev ?cy, quu't, canton, Clinton; IMr. and Mrs. Karl Mengli .-; 'k , M.t)IRade Iaj erne quilt, lo• h rtc�, R. GC1ge ehey and lams(, of Chiselhurst; 1Vfr. W. G. Glade Et. and Mrs. Martin Wurm of to we sai'eacl, knit or crochet, \4i s. 1'e u ,ley, 're Hack. . 1)I�trling�; bedsp�rea'cd, fan - o, .cy M Rader, Fuss- l,o t . Mr. and Mrs `(sloe. H. Haugh - > Dan Oswald, 13renson line. vI, s H b a a>gi' . 1 „less,- ..Miss M. L,vtugston; V/. G. Mrs. John Haugh are attending the Now that the election cµixtpaignis •iOlatic; tl,.ans sleeping garment, fir,, unrr<i1 ai a relative'Mr. S. Geiger, over we will tall back to our' weeklyd Lamson, Mrs B, defile &Son. .at; Oshebrook, N. Dakota this -week. routine of work and we wi7I we1eoini Ghi:�d's made over xis ess \Ta s; L ec + any news you have to:I eins:a I•Ii. A. euss•..bedi sheet, \1rs. • Mr'.•'Chas. Bartlett of Owen ,Sound oar correspondents sen enlarge some- a+peos, " E� Miss M. s 13 'Pfile; Mrs. Hemel' Fess; kitchen and • 1V1iss Kay ,McLean of Kincardine, what in" their ,budgets of • ' i � Mrs. 'E Mrs. Darling; s. called on friends in town on ,sun- will always be pleased to u'r news, nye sr°A'1 .„suits, Vers, ,f d'kney, : Mrs. day - items p oI>ll any Cuh,,,xri,nts, Ayrs items of interest: We ere no• fill :. ,i, „uoto`t,, ilii•u' PAGE• !" AND00411.0410.4 t /6.414 •04040�R Af• 46116.111.0.011).......40414004.000 , MM•• '•.it.rwNl4140 4.000 i ZURICH ZURICH CREAMERY 1 i We Pay a .Premium of Two ,Cents per Pound B. Fat for Churning Cream delivered at our plant. 4 Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price ce Guaranteed Tested e same IHaber-er, • au;,ar plain ac r; con Your Cream Graded, e r; '�and PaidaI �) el! Day d for th - • 11 .- do • We also buy and pay Cash for your Eggs and Poultry at Highest . Market Prices, accordingto s grade. ----Your i �' Your Patranag� Appreciated ! • 1 THE ZURICH CREAMERY •• 6110000000110400000060000600 0-*stpst*twanoehfu,*#04(4)0094teettobelifbio ler. Solomon Ginger els of the et (Goshen Line, south of Zurich, in with a painful accident while unlo ing beans recently Itvhen a ch struck him in the eye, injuring eyeball. Hydro power will be off at the f lowing howls: Sunday, Oct. 10 f 6.30 to 10.30 a.nn:. and 1.30 to 5. p.m. And on Monday llth fro 6.30 to 10 a.rn. Hydro 'users a irked to govern themselves actor ingly. ad- aain t ol- rom 30 ni re d - There will be no services next Sun day evening in the Evangelical ,chu ch ,because of the anniversary .sex ices in the Dashwood Ev. entreh. But there will be a T'htankotrering servic in the Zurich church o:-1 Sunda an'ob nin. A large audience is looke k v e�y for. Last Satin -day evening ended the political campaign as far as political meetings was concerned. There was probably the largest erowe present at this meeting of any in Zurich. As we understand, no public meetings or came broadcasts are allowed by law, any closer than 48 hours before ,the time of election. This is a very ise ruling we think. As usually an unnecessary amount of "hot stuff" is holt at the electors the last few mom- nts before election, and this 48 hour eriod gives people a chance to think ornraliy. Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON 1 Office in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. Phone -96. Zurich A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V-Sc Graduate of . Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All it ceases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night •rs3ls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness Hennels. Office om Main Street, (apposite Town Hall, Phone 116. • HENSALL. w •Is e LP n I 'Put Your Want. For Sale Lost, Found; `: Etc Ads. in this Column. LICENSED AUCTIiNEER For Huron and Middlesex 1. AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duet any Auction Sale, 'regardless es•lo size or article • to sell. 1 solicit your business, and if not satisfied wink make no charges "fair'"' Serviteg ORei - det,ed. `- ARTHUR WEBERI)asliwoo'd Phone 13-57. PROD • NOTICE • CATTLE WANTED "'A 'Fenner ,n; a position to take in and feed. ,a.; Jin'd ed num:iee- of cattle for' the corneae . 'winter. Apply at Herald Of c •,. • WANTED • Er l,: ,t, •, fiVIrGiz:l • for general:. :house -.work i N. E.• Cool:; Iletisall;' Phone 63 tr Farm Produce•:. WA N TE HIGHEST CASH PRICES —FOR - CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 04, Zurich. BUTCHERS Zurichs' ' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you withthe very Choice of Fresh and C+ur- ed'Meats, Bolognas, Sausages,' pct., always on hand. ; Kept fresh in Electric Refs' geratidn Highest Cash Pirces for Wool,, Hides and ' Skins • 111. Yunghlut `& •Sox INSURAN-CE ',astern farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co FOR QU CK' ;S LE A quantity of einixed • dry wood. Apply to Mrs. Mabel Snider, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE A Sucking colt (Carriage); Year- ling Jersey heifer in calf; a Ford power jack. Apply to: Ed. Haberer, Zurich WANTED A housekeeper- for two adults, (father and son), to take full charge the house. Apply to Jos. Greer, R. R. 3, Bayfield. ,1 ' .FOR SALE � ¢ an .i offerii>tg'. our supply b i,gkwheat,.honey for sale at 6c. pound in , customers containers. J.;a�JiIaberer 8c',Sans, Zurich- :) .1 leg back with this week's issue for the eleietion results, These; will be in next week's issue. It will conn; pell us to print Thursday instead of Wednesday afternoon. So we thus't ii, ieun,tevesee k'j. or crochet, M. Lie- d Lawson. to have the issue this week4,on Teen Candle eye* slpr ad W. C. Clark, l.ar time. Iry IE. ID.arling• a, man's sweater °: OCTOBER 51--THANKSGIVII'1G'• lees Yeti, H. A. F'us's, _Mrs. 'Hackney; DAY ,cIe ni',de from old stockwg, M. Snowden, Mrs. Hs Fuss; Thanksgiving Day falls on-lMonday, ' :a.d:, 'frs, October 11th this a 'r rt year, • making 'floor ina.t, cotton, EdIdaberer, long 'week -end The procktiniatior, B. Pifile; ;,door 'Ulla t' Wool coags, published in the Conidia Ga,ettesets 'r .•,<it, the date as "a day of generail thanks wool d ` nn H i* l n ;Le fl yor giving to Almighty God for the beim r\-oo1 ya111; II. IDesla. u'ilu, \Irv. tiful crops and other blessings with j'HOd711ati' which Canada has ,been;favored tihis Dining(Room Furnishings.—L year." seri:, cat work, Mrs. Ed L Lieingst n; Lawson, a lunch veli other ZURICH FALL FAIR Mis's Livingston, .Mrs. Tack; t uzats1rs. Tack, `(Mfrs. }flack (Concluded from last week) table clot(; ancl ,.'-t.--, Miss Liv tag seek or stocking, Mts. tH+aekn+ey,, H., A. 'Fuss; orochet :gloves, .M. ,Rader, Mrs. Ed Lawson; lcititted,'H, A, Fuss, Mrs. Tack. floor • Mrs. Susan k, mat, Lee ends Miss kind. eels ne.y ; u g- \iFi idle t ass; ick, Mrrs. cut arvv - c k, en - Ed. o,w on, nil an - 'H. stroll, Mrs: Lawson; centre Collection of PFa11 pears,Mrs. Diaal piece,, 'Livingston, V sot, >il , ev, Laith'w�ai'te; coli. 'Winter ,pears, \d s. •Darling,IsMrs. aLawson; no 1 aathwaitc, Mrs. .Dailey; coli. pears, eerie,, Miss Livingston, H. A. :e Fall and Winter, leas. Sterling, Mrs.,leech Sect, embroidered, Mrs. T Dailey, Bartlett ,peer, Dailey, Sterling; Mrs. Darling; card ,table cover, Flemish Beauty, Laiithwaite, Mrs..Lawson, Mrs. Darling; buffet set, Dailey; •Clapp s ;Favorite pear, Mrs. e'ork, Miss Livingston, Mrs. L Dailey, Jacob Battler, sou; table cloth, large, Mrs. Ta ;Peaches, IH. Desjardine, .J. Sterling. I1Trs, Darling; tea cosy, Mrs. Ha Prunes, Susan Reliever, Leith weite. ney, Mrs, Darling; tea towels. • Craft apples, red, Hy. Fdaxbar•d, H Haberer M. Racier. Desjard,ne; crab ,apples, y'el'low, Fred .E•ed Room 'Furnishings• — Pill M'eCiymo,i,t, H. A. 'Fuss. elies, 'embroidered, M. Livin'gs•t Gna'pes Jacob Battler, E. Reste-. Mrs. Tack;' pillow slips, other ha nieyer; coil. grapes, Susan Hab'erer, work, .el. Livingston, R. 'Geiger; f I aithwaitc 'Plums, Mrs. 0. !Dailey, cy,'sheet and .pillow slips, Mrs. Lei,thwaite '& Son. Foss 1T L' • GARDEN VEGETABLES Mi:s. ]Tuck, M+rs. Lee Hoffman; ba 1'ci atocs -- World's Wonder, M. 'toyer( etc., Mrs. 'Tact., \firs. 'Darla, Rade Dooley s M. deader, Roy La- curifain e Mrs. Rile, _\iss Livingst • nson ff any varicty, late M. Rader, J vah tr 'set; Miss Livings i3attl•cr, any vnr,ety..c eriv Aston \e 11. Ilea c'er Green elesuest n,T M. Rade Dt .'• Derh;ig it ccYsQiion, VI 1 i1 er, Jacob;Baffler; Trish Colreler, ' j.Mrs: •Lee IHofineni,\lrs.r Tack;( col' Battier. 11I: Rader.•eIlrµxittf s.et, _Mrs':: Hackney,\1'rs. i rens:,. corn, efacoe Battlers dent Ess; heel jacket, Mrs. Lawson F Ic rn ows..iflaekn�,r; •srieet corn,.'T Haleerer,.,ladies' see, \Mss lcivet ! yellow- banta,i, sweet Ston; ',He A. Fuss; ladies' dressin 'cane J'aceb 'Battler, 1H. 'Desjardine- 0.owi R. 'Geiger, Mrs. 1H. :Fuss:' pi I a,gc reel onions, Jacob Battler to-* 'sli'ps, cut 'work, M. Liviirgs•to large yello\v onions, llacolb Battler, H l[rs `L•ckiiey, A. Fuss; 'Du'tch setts, +j. Battler, H !Desijacdine; Slpanish' onions, 'J_. Battl- er,' H.'.Desjardtne • se \,Iliac fiend-,carreis, Vf, R'ad'er, 'T. sr; earn corer Vlrs. u ivingston guest tow YOUR EGGS AND POULTRY BUILDING MATERIAL If you intend doing any Building or Repairing this Year * ' + we will be pleased to supply you with the finest of 4. Building Materials. Let us quote you. + SUMMER SCREENS • t Combination Doors --screens for the summer and g?:ass I interchangeable for winter. Will make screens to pasen- S erly fit your windows, Etc. Etc. Let us have your order i Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials e • C. << to L BF ___,� � I } PHONE 64 - ZURICJI• • •✓++++++++++++ ••�4 ++++�§•-3•d +++ '-✓. a r..;.. .rror.h.•+4–I..r,.J.Jr_r.�.sr-F.;..;.�..� +4 •••••••••••Ses•••••••••S•1 ��oess••••••••N••1•t'd•••N1 Coal and Ooke • • We are now filling ord(rs for the -eI,�. tl, • coming winter's fuel.' Prices will le .I b higher later on, so order now • d Master and Pioneer Poultry Feeds F Plow points to fit -all makes of s 0, 3 plow, twit+' le'n's Wear. — Bennet, jacks "l , a n+si4'?::,ao�ees, Vlrs .,}frac+hney;' se ',nen- a teenier; :rod : rr Hackney; , 't r a arivag, _vire. • wild carrots. H I"'las- 1; carriage set, ,\Irv. Hackney,ii SEEDS! SEEDS'! bard, W.Mousseau. Swedish turnips Ins, '+rus,; cruises four', dress, \'t'rs. H Truemner; •long red mangolds, H llariii Ars. .Lee tiottman, play, • 'Preens r ii,termed';a'te marigoldsHoffman1 y, We are in the Market for Red, Alsike, weer Clovers and cress •and bloomers, Mrs. lay \7 R tiler, lief. ,Smith soleal bee; i ,•t✓ar1ir}�g; cosxar,aae,r knit 'or° c'ro1' -Timothy __�.h r. ieangolldj '1i' eecnr;'T 'VI Snowden, I cue,,, 1Vars. Vv. iG, ,Cl,uk, H. di.' Neeb. e'•'iteeresiel cati`biagc. hurl Haberer; '\\'.I reeieg Room deurniseinasse cube' Mouss`c'ipu ti netiiiihcan cabbage Z\'.I Preser enc ,Lawson,, ell's'.. • (Lame, es Mbunseat; ''se in I; I�aberer' M .:, 'blue cab-ute 1'11'ner,. • ,I Ll u,gs.tol, .-,`1rs• ; besse facab 13httler. . ' i . :reek- ''sofa pillow, enteroidered, Mrs.i Black ,S:paiifell redish,,j.',B'attler, H.i Biu ' t;u'sr; Vua ° at. -a e; ,,,,a j,t„u,,,: reax,bard;•• white; radish, H. Do'sjard- °LI\de'•'l,and�work, T. \T. Snowclen, ding Tack; ncr, G Clarke manure tl kin, .. Trueniner, T. M. 'Snowden DMA er, mammoth squash, Jacob Bat- ger, r1. •,Fuss; coll. of articles made . ,Per•, T, 'M1. Snow -den. Irotn` table oil cloth Mrsd Blood beets, IH. Desjardine, H, y;' cold. • ass, Mrs. � Hac.l.rie• ,garden uriages, miss Truemner; ,root (beets, J. i3attlor. Livingstone kitchen roll, curtains, Watermelon, R Geiger, H. Truem- etc.; Mrs.' P.file; coil. different styles ner; Muskmelon, T.M. Snowden, J. needl'ewor'k, Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. Dar- Battler;••ree, tomatoes, 'J. Battler; Mel ling. • Smith; yellow tomatoes, 'Jacob Bat- tler, Mel Gil,iiIl Collection of garden vegetables, il. Battle, A. F. Hess. DAIRY 'PRODUCTS, ETC. Butter, crock, IR. Geiger, 'Jacob Bat- eer; butter, prints, Fred efoOidymont, R. Geigers., Cheese, homemade, Ed. Halve err ;P1. 'H. IIN•ecb. ,Honen eri comb, )Ed. Hal berer; hon- ey, entrapped, ,Mics. Hackney. roe's s,y> u'p, J. Battler, et. Racier. Hen's eggs, J. Battler, W. G. Clark, Pr. chickens, dressed, .\lel Smith,• ART WORK nt Caoon, Mrs. Dailey, Miss Living- ston; .poster, A. iF: Fenness, Hy. Fla hard; • crepe, etc., 1H, Fuss; oil paint- ing, landscape, M. 'Li'.ingston; oil nee ting,„ merine, M. Livingston, Mrs. Dailey; water colors, 'scene, MI, Live ingston,' Mrs. Dailey; water colors, Rowers, ,grouped, M. Livingston, ., ,F[. ;Fuss; water colors, animals, M. ' Liv- ingstone H. Fuss; pastel, M. Li' i;yg- ston, Mrs Fess; conventional( design; of Fred 'Vicelymoi,t, Homemade hand \I Livingston, H. IFlavbard; ,• wooed a' sip, W. G. Clare, 'Fired efeClyniont.. • le •se r ivi„ssien., \test, Fuss; iFritr- special .\M Smith. Laird ,spec• amateur ,photo; IH. Fuss; art work sat, 5l. Rader. ..,,,.; t :.cess; 'a. Livingston; 'e, DOMESTIC SCIENCE ” ..:' . _ ';W•i It b FARM FOR SALE • 100 acres, beiing lot 15, Con. 7, Stanley Tp., one mile song; of Varna There are on the premises a large 1 frame house, bank barn, sttnwshed, all lighted by hydro, water in both house and baen pumped by evindmill, about 12 acres 'bush and 2 acres or chic OF WOODSTO Ii°°MeS;ota • coed' be gtvtei at any • rd. The fares is all seeded to Tie 'I read, Mel Sntttli; M\r. G. Son Mpnarch sipecia1, H 'Fess; Dr. Clark elW'illianis special); sort'lareed O'Dwyer : special Mrs. Fuss; R. W. G. Clark; raisin • buns . or rolls, Bd. Simpson .s'oeci^1:. `r,r F ,.. 1,1' I-Iaberer; Met :Smith; tea 'bis'cui,ts, sent 'Glarage special, 'R ` Geiger;, Fred \icCiymonit, W ••G. OIarlc; roll- ton Oescn s;peciai, _ ,.FI. .tiuemne, ; 'ed su' ur ,000kies, Susan ' Ha,berer, W. iZuroich Elder ,Mills .•stieoial, Ured- Me - G. Clark; rolled ginger cookies, W. Clymon.t. _ 'C.T. Clark, 'Hy, Flaxibard; 'fried• cakes, jingo: 'Mrs. ID,, A. Fowier, W. G. Clerk, .Fred Haberer. galleon. • • ,'Loaf cake, Ed* Halberer, W. G. • FLORAL EXHIBITS Clark; Clark •layer cake, tiered .MeCly- Boulquet, lenge, :Susan Haberer; mann, W. G. Clerk; light 'layer cake, Mrs, Lee 'Hoffeian; banquet, small, Etd iHaiberer, W: IG ICi.aatk Susan IH'aibtr t,;. Seinir+t;` Saisan '• Hale nnets,.,lmrcd M+oCPyaii'titif, ikaretis 1Hia'h ever, ,:1.trsci ,41e Biot nifin) clandias, Sus- , Dun - 1 i r 1 Y j alassi.e cept'six acres of el/neat at a e erer, ,cher y • i •,b, Ie Serer` Ic { _' g'J1 LARGEST IR';IrA;{; NCE OF ANY CANADlA I it4 Fre . VAL COMPANY DOING .]BUSINESS 'i OF THIS KIND IN ON1iARltij • 1' neenannt of Insurance at RisI i on dyers: 31st, 1935, $2.0.,4`+`9,.?30.00 'Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $254,62`p.52: •Rates -54.50 ler $1.000 for 3 Venni ` F. KLO.P'P :ZURICH , Agent, also Denier :in Lightn g Rods and 'all kinds of .Fire. Insurance . of eneee ,.4 most '-.desire( ie "p p+ rty pi y to 'Rhein' Logan, Valente en to ox. 2' i ansa(];: —r_ r FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 100 acres of good farm land, being lot fl , ' Con. 11. Stat,ley Township. Farm is s;ejeippe 1 with good bank Barn, frame house and other' outbuildings. Good .fenced, some bush, water in :house and barn. For .further° particulars apply to Pro prietac., I3hvid; Stephenson, Jr., Vann P. 0; `ArteClymoist; Dutch aanplft e. esie "Ii r A; 'F•ucs Ed Haberer; cofeee•leeke,' F.d f3+alsert•er. Fred 'Halberer, • tweet 'loaf, 'St.neani, Haberer.. Canned; ihulbeeb, Su - sass '.Hklbet'er, W. .G. ,'Cla'plt • , cenned 'aspinrries. "H.` Deeljard.in,i �R. Geig- er; cenred.stnawiberries, 'Mrs. J. Mack, H. Desjardine; cherries, Mrs. Tack, H. l)esjardiite; c+an'ned pears, 'H. D.es- jardine, WG. Clark; •citron, IR. Geiger Mrs. B. Ten & Son; canned plums, W. ;G. Clark; canned peaches, 'H. Dies- j'ard'ine, W. IG. 'Clark. Currant 'jam, W. IG. .Clarric Mrs. 13. Pine & Son 'berry' jam, H. A. Puss,, Mee Mile. Red c'u•rrant jelly, /H, •Des- lard'ine, W. G. Clatic, miic-cd vinegar '7ick`tes, Etl 'H'aberer, Vl'7•s..lfile; mus- 'rrd ,Jencks, lined MCGIentont, eV. G. n Halaereris{ .tea antes, +S'ttian Haberer. '• ikstens, , 4s!an Ha'hoe, , ., petunia's, S,ttsan ', la{,ber ;, h•Quse ;;pl'ains, Susan Haberdil col us irn, ?pots, R. •Geiger, VIr, IFfihe; annuals not 'lashed, ;,Susan Haberer; Mrs • Ieee I1offimen; zinnias, A. F. Hass; 'S'usan fiaibei'er; ver'betras, Susan IHeberer; gladiolus, ,Mfrs. Law- eon, aw •son, Susan Haberer; 'roses, Susan' Hh'berer. CHILDREN'S D'EPARriTMENT Coll. autumn l -eaves, A. F. Hess; mounted weeds, 'A. F. Hess; best dresser( doll, &Henry b'lax,bard, H. A. Puss; ccoc'het work, H. A. (Fuss; 'bird house, R. 'Geiger; l Biu, r, Ge tier; writing, over tl'0 years old`, Ii, IFIaxbaad; art, over li) years old, IH, ThFaxbard. Bank 0,1 :won treat s'pccial,F'tax- b<ard, .t, IF, Treses. • >ri.� L• Sch'i-lbe &•:Son J . a'•i0••r•aM••a••iedits '®b®esca, 1••••°N0060••®i090100•N Wydvieryh`wAWh'mm'w.16YYvM1Y(Vih VivYAYYiJ'. Zurich Drug Store � INSECTICIDES We have a complete stock of . poisons and sprays for the cle�' struction of all kinds of ic sects and vermin We Stock Paris Green, Arsenate of Lead,1 Bordeaux Mixture, Black Leaf No. 40, Fly I Spray, Cyano Gas, Sodium Fluride, Common Sense Rat Poison, Rat Nip, Mothocide,-,,Ant -.,1 Traps, Insect Powder' .: and Corrisi 'e f • isi es • pa a at Sublimate." -",; elk See Our Supply of ToiletNo Preparations Chit Dr. aR MacKinnon,.Zuri- AiRWANt 4J"IMMAP W WAMPAPM WWMRAMW