HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-10-07, Page 1Vol. )(XXVII Na, i4 R ZUURICH, THURSDAY MO)ciN1NOi, OCTOBER 7, ;937. Let the Ads, in the He: COMFORTARF F' GLEES At REASONABLE ICES C. E. Zurbrigg,' Ro. •Successor to, S. FITTON at EXETER Open every week day: exce at Wetisesdayr ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH. — ONT. "A Changeless Christ Cor s Chang- ing World." Friday, 8h—Luther League- Thursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m.—German Serviiee. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday Schnmd. 7.30 pan.—English sante' e. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. TUERKREINI„ Pastor. eniversar Service; - AR . 'UNITED CHURCH On .S•.tJiiIDA:Y, ocromaR, 10th 19.37 Rev. .R. W. Hare; B. A., of Knox Preslbyterian church, St. Marys will pxeadh at 11 o'clock a.m. and 7.30 pan.. All are welcome to these serv- ices. HOT FOWL SUPPER On THURSDAY EVE, OCT. 14th Will be served in the spacious Shed, followedby a fine Concert given by The Centennial Concert Co. of Lon- -don. Supper will be served at 5.,30 and our people are preparing to serve the largest crowd. yet. Wel- come to you and your friends. Admission 60c and 25c Admission 60c. Children 25c. Elmer Webster, Chairman of Comm. Rev. T. R_ Peters, B. A. Minister. Firs! Attention! We have been appointed selling Agents for the celebrated Viking Diabolo Cream Separator, the separ- ator with a ten year guarantee. Let us demonstrate this machine to you and compare it with all others. And don't forget, the best feature is the unusual easy terms. Liberal allowance for trade-ins. C. SCHRAG & SON. tf44 4+4-14t+++++++++++++++++++++ .++++.fir+ :'fi-4-1.3,-2-•r& :-a +++++} •;',- _+ 4 4 4. 4. 4' tray ECKEL'S 4. w CHOICE VARI.EET Y • OF SWEET GOODS All lugrecliMt.ssell '.are of., ALL CbCTIONS -- aise CAKE, PIPS, AND e' II Best Quality ICE CREAM i Chester L, Smith, PubIist*i i• ;1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Advar-saIi 51.50 IN ARREARS, m2 MAY BE aFtioasim direct your Fall Purohases Leavitt's Theatr EXETER — ONT. Wed., Thurs., Fri., $at. Oct. 6, 7, 'S, 9. "MAYFAIR':. Jenette MbDonald and l\telscfril Eddy A Metro Goldwyn Maye± P xture Admission children 2,5e. 'Adiffe..,3,5c Mon. Tues. Wed. Ott. 11, 1r2�;113 "SWING HIGH, SWING LOW" Fred McMurray and Carole Lollabard Associated News 'Reel FEATURING : THE ')NESE, FAMILY Tuesday night the Masse Fannly will be guests of our Managerneht. COMINt Oct. 14, 15 16th, Louis -Farr , • 'fight Pictures , HAY COUNCILt• The regular monthly meet, the Council of the Township was held in the Town Hall, on Monday Oct. 4th, with ark bers present except Mr. Win.; The minutes of the September ing were adopted as read.' After disposing of the Ci? cations the following resoluti re passed: That Joseph Gelinas be a 2f .y ugh T air` re -construction wo r ' c nection With -the • circuits`' of ',Dash Wood. Central be authorized as. Poll Sorry to report that Mrs. Wm. Miller is again on the sick list. Mrs. Burke and daughter of Tor- onto visited at the home of the for- mer's mother, Mrs. Wm, Uttley. Miss Inez Yungblut has returned after epenring some time with re- latives and friends in Kitchener and Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoffman and Bert Zuloff and family from Milver- ton were visitors with Rev. and Mrs. E. Burn on Sunday. Mr. and 1VIrs. Louis Schilbe of town Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brenner or Mid- land, Mich., spent a few days visiting relatives and friends at GQderlch last week. Mr. Hilton Truemner has returned to his home, 14th concession, from Clinton hospital, where h@ received treatments fel' ;lis fractured leg. He is progressing favorably. • October 14th is the date set for the annual fowl supper of the Varna United Church. These events are quite scarce in this district this fall and will, undoubtedly be well patron- ized. A public Thankoffering Service, under the auspices of the Womans' Missionary Society of St. • Peter's Lutheran church, Zurich, will be held on Sunday evening October 17th. Missionary on furlow Miss Emma Johnston will be the speaker. Every- body is cordially invited, Dr. A. J. 11iacakinn-,g;, ap, tr Z atbfle self miter, e'd the.,lno„ r. accident inquest at Clanton Last Wed- neday afternoon. The, accident took place :on Sunday Aug. 8th a mile c south of Clinton and these two gentle 1 men happened along just after the I !had spill in.Whicb two were- killed. - Harvest Home services, also' coin- munion sea -vices were' observed in St. Peter's Lutheran church on Sun - r' day. The• church Was fittingly decor- ated for the occasion and the pastor, Rev. E. Turk'bein, had very suitable messages. A special offering was taken up for missions. . * Our Store will be Hosed. each Wednesday Evening 4. Eckel's Bakery Zurich + Telephone 10Q ++++++++.i^ 4.4rl^E3rF+-+'4'++4+4++++l4. F1r4-u"r-4-I' +++h WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials • far Thursday, Friday and Saturday 'it-inso. Targe 'erica?-. at — ...Mc Shortening, 2 Nts, at .._......,.....,,... 25c Aylmer Toxna :.sq;> 2 tins ..,_..-.-._.,....,___ 19c Moiled oats, 5 lbs. ....... _< 25c Sultana Raisins, 2 lbs. -.25c Pumpkin: 2,�3' large,. 2 tins .__.,..._.*._.,....._ ,.. .L 1 e McCormick s Butter Bar Biscuit per lb....-.____..... i 9c Campbell••"s Inmate:+ soup, 2 tins- .. .19'c Fry's Cocoa,: haW-lb. tin . .... 23c Old English,,.. No .Rubbing wax, pts. per tin -.,_59c Cascade fa a LORI'c salpion. 2 tins ......-...............,...25c Snow capvtoilet,piper, 4 rolls ... :... ... _25c Richard,'•s`" tail`' 'c• soap. per, cake .. »..:.w....._, , 5c Our Stcok of` Winter Sweater Coats„ •U sr , o ar;,, Hosiery, etc, for -women, men and children :is mow complete; get: ready for the cooler weather,„ IioIe sale prices 'are higher; but our prices are mill: 'aaF the same I"t zxi' easmona'I. aj • . .. Highest Prices far 1,10.1111111011MINSIMINSIISIWARIAMMIIMMIT911 . onws: Trimming trees;' Tie -setting ne cessary poles on eircult on Goshe • Line, Twp of Stephen; Re setting or !circuit on l3lue Water Highway ,ostl of Port Blake; Re -placing poles •:be tween. the 16th. and 19th concessions an•.the Dashwood Road. • That the; ;monthly alloWancei''4.fo. Wrr, .Hay be cancelled for the'rmonth .of October. - That accounts covering payments for Township Roads. Flay Municipal "Telephones System, Charity anti Ze- lief and general accounts be passed as per vouchers: Township Roads — Huron County, calcium Chloride 110.08; H. Fuss rd 5 5.60; R. Miller rd 9 2.40; H. Stein- bach Road Supt. 42.00; A. Mousseau rd. 13 17.15; T. Steinbach rd 8 12.70 A. Smith rd 8 21.55; A. Smith rd 13 14.5'; W. Farrell rd 18 $2; R. Munn rd 1 25.60; Dom. Road Mchy Co. re- pairs '8:72; J. M. Ziler rd 10'4.90; Hay Tele. creosote 2.25; H. Mc9.rr Murtfie rd 1 3.80; N. Foster rd 6 8.25; P. Neuschwanger rd 7 3.10; H. H. Pfaff rd 13 4.05; E. Erb rd 17 4.20; E. Campbell rd 1 $4; W. J. Elliott Tales rd 13 $60, Charity and Relief—E. Hendrick rent 3.50; Koehler's Bakery, bread, 2.28; E. Tiernan & Son goods indig- ent 7.70; W. E. Butt clothing indig. ent 10.75; J. C. 'Reid & Co:'goods -1.18; C. Rinker milk indigent 1.660. Hay Telephone System --- Bell Tel: Co. tolls July•to Aug. 490.63; H:G. Hess, salary 165.00; Twp. Hay audit portion_$45; Northern Elec. Co, sup- plies 178.82; P. 1Vtclsaae salary '3 months 537.50; P. Mclsaac extras ?3.09. General Accounts = Watetloo.Fire Ins. Co,, ins. on hall $20; Municipal 'World supplies ; 7.4$; G. A, MCCu;b- bin re Aldworth Dain $280; Serving and mileage by-laws, .drain 9,50; r S: Jo'lnaton.postage,+,tax "notices .20:24, Assistance Aldworth„ Drain 38.00.% The Counr'.il adjourned to meet,~a- gain on Monday, Nov, lst, 1937 apt 1.10 o'clock, p.m. Emn'ianuel Evangelical church, Zurich are holding their annual anni- versary services on Sunday October 17th, morning and evening. Rev. F. B.' Meyer, a former pastor will be the anniversary speaker. There will be ^.eial music by the choir and Men's .Chorus. A supper will be served on October 18th. Friends of Mr.' William Lamont, are plc :sed to learn that he is able to enjoy several car rides the past week and is getting along very nicely after his recent injured leg. Mr. Lamont is able to go around the house nicely with the ad of crut- ches, which we are assured will be dispensed. with shortly. • Mr, Russell Preeter of 'Toronto, 1VIr. John Preeter and Muriel of Kit- ,chener have been the past week be- tween Zurich and Clinton, as Mrs. ')Preeter had the misfortune to fall on fair night and fracture her hip, and was • removed to Clinton, hospital where the fracture was reduced, and •we•are pleased to report is making as rapid progress as could be expected. Mr Win!, Rowson, who resides four miles norton the Goshen line, is having an auction sale of his effects Thursday Oct. 31sh. Mr. Dowson has recently sold his farm, and we are`;ploase•d.,to Learn that be and llins 'Do •wsoir' wi.l]. ,nave to Zurich, to re- tire:'having leased a house in the setidhern part of 'town, just south of the Lutheran church. • Sixteen of. our baseball Ceant and fans were at Detroit on Sunday wh- ere they were given a pass to the Cleveland vs Detroit game which was- the asthe best game played on the Detroit grounds this year. After nine innings of play the score remained the same as at the end of the first inning, 1-0 in favor of the Detroit team, who played .their last game of the season. The Cleveland team .made only one hit off the Detroit rookie pitcher, Jake Wade, while Detroit collected five hits off Allen, the Cleveland i'''- eber who lost his first game of the season., having won 16, A. F.: Hess, Clerk. HAIRDRESSING THIEL'S 4IAIRDRESSING PARLOR Mrs. Fred Thiel wishes to advise the public that she is now open for business. Permanents and Finger- ' waving a specialty.. All permanent? guaraxr.'teed. Parlor located in rear of shop. For appointments call or Atone 102 Zurich. Eyes Examined Glasses Filled Mr. C. E. Zurbrigg REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Will be at the Store THURSDAY EVENING Good Glasses if you need them, Good Advice if you Son°t. HESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN Phone 74 Zurich WARNIN 'blue co ••�+�'Nt Put Your COAL in now at the low price. A sharp a+s14,. vance may be expected sot ,p Tale and Brick W. R. DAVIDSON: We pay Cash for Eggs Phone 10 e•••••♦♦•••••••••••••404.••••••+++4,44fos***o-#.ge0.41 -. • • • • • `S 1JiTS f TaiJoredTo.Measer • .• • .;,,,, • • $22.00 '''. Up QV OVERCOATS.. . . ... • ; A FINE RANGE OF THE NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS JUST IN, - AT gI •• •REAL BARGAIN PRICES • SEE OUR • New Fall Hats, Caps, Sox, Ties in all the atest` : • Styles acid Colors. W IL Iio• Soni • EMBALMERS AND FUNEliAI•.. DIRECTORS 01 • * • Seasonable Goods ON DISPLAY Wool Blankets, Whiter Grey and Mad Flanrlel+att BI :::'...::37 FIannelettes, Mackinaw Flannels, Heavy Winter Shirts. for Men and. Boys. Spec` Bargain Prices on i Pius Dresses; • Prints,,. Merefs and Bays' Sweater Coes, p''Pullover ,SMrea ere. Boys' Bloomers and Kniakeri. ` ` ' • Harness Repairs a Specialty., Stove Pipes,, Elbows,, and. Stove Fixing Cement. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON H.ANn R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL ArePO '.SANT PHONE 11 - 97