HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-09-30, Page 10'PAGE' FTORT THE STORE WITH THE STOCK DS We Are Receiving Shipments of New Goods Almost Daily, and Invite Your Inspection of The Following Lines: NEW DRESS MATERIALS. NEW MACKINAW FLANNELS. NEW FLANNELETTES. NEW SWEATER COATS. NEW SILK HOSIERY, In Latest Fall Shades. Boys' Bloomers, Knickers and Overalls For School Wear. EVERYTHING IN SCHOOL SUPPLIES J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 �! 11111111111li L' BBI1111111�111 llilil111111iIil Illi! The Canada Trust Co. F9 iF HURON & ERIE Mortgage Corporation INTEREST RATES NOW EFFECTIVE 1"11 3 Per Cent. for 1 and 2 Years Per Cent... for 3 and 4 Years Per Cent. for 5 to 10 Years. SAFE AND CONVENIENT ZURICH HEAL) Hill11H8m uullluulllii111 ff u111111uuluuuuu i iil1m1lli III IIIIuullluuulilli 11 IS 1109 1N tl Grocery Store Coffee, Maxwell House 1b.40c Corn, Golden Bantam, per can .. . Tea, English Breakfast, per lb 1Oc ..,,,.50c Salmon, Cascade, large, 2 c " ins ;r.., ...,.,... ...,.L�c Magic white, Bleach, 3 bottles • Salts, 8 lbs .... Sardines, per 130X .i, . ,w • 5c Cookies, marsh mallow per lb. .:+..25c 25c Menno Oesch EGGS WANTED. 18 Zurich Phone 165 IIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIII 11111111111111111I111111111111I11111111111111111111Ii1111111UMi111i8111111111IIB11I11118181111111118118118(1811111111111111 111111111111111111llith. ZURICH FALL FAIR Farmers! Attention! ' 2nd; Steer calf, F. Haberer. Holstein -Wm. Sparks won all. prizes in this class. Jersey -+Cow, Geo. E. Timmins, E. Haberer; Heifer, 2 yrs, Geo. Timm- ins, and 2nd; 1 yr., G. Timmins and. 2nd; Heifer calf, Geo. Timmins and 2nd. Brown Special, A. Melick; Yung - blue Special, W. Oestreicker; John- 'ston & Kalbfleisch Special, A. Pfaff; Special Beef Type, W. Oestreicker Special Dairy Typt, G. E. Timmins. SHEEP Lincoln Sheep -A D. Steeper -& Son took all prizes. Oxford Downs -Aged ram, 0. McGowan, F. McGIymont; Shearlang ram, J. P. Henry and 2nd; Shearling ewe, J. P. Henry and 2nd; Ram Iamb, Henry and 2nd; Ewe lamb, J. P. Henry, 0. McGowan; Ewe, hav- ing raised lamb, J. P. Henry, 0. Mc- Gowan. Shropshire Downs -Aged ram. A. D. Steeper, 0. McGowan; 0. M,cGow- an. won all the balance in this class. Leichester--Agee ram, D. A. Gra- ham & Son; and 2nd;Shearling ewe Ram, Ilam lamb, ewe lamb 1st .and 2nd by D. A. Graham & Son; Ewe D. A. Graham & Son, R. Manson. HOGS Yorkshire -A. H. Warner won all Prizes in this class. Tamworth --Aged sow, T. M. Sno- wden, R. Manson; Aged boar T. M. Snowden, R. Manson; Spring boar, R. Manson and 2nd; Spring sow, R. Manson and'2nd. Geo. Deleheiit Special, R. Manson L. 'Schilbe & Son. Special, A. Melick. Judge, H. Le Hunter. ' POULTRY Black Hamburg,, Cock, Lkoyd ' 0'- 3 ' Brien, 0. Battler; hen, ckl, pit. Lloyd O'Brein and 2nd; S. S. Hamburgs Cock, hen Mills, and Lang, Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, Ckl. pit. Mills & Lang and 2nd; Burred Rocks, ckrl, hen, ck. pullt, F. McClymont and 2nd; "White Rocks, Cpck D. Graham & Son, T. M. Snowden, hen, T. M. Snowden, J. Kockems, ckl. H. A- Fuss, 0. Battler, pit. 0. Battler, D. Graham; Brahmas, Cock, Dr. MacKinnon, hen Dr. Mac- Kinnon and 2nd, ckry Thiel Bros and 2nd; Bak. Minorcan hen 0. Battler, J. Kockems, ckrl and pullet, 0. Bat- tler; Wht. Manorcas, Cock and hen H. er -Red ,clover seed, :M. (Rader; a.isilce Desjardine, ckrl and pullet H. Des- dog gr 'seed, Mrs. iE. 'Darling; sweet jardine and 2nd; Couchins, hen J eteve send, T. M. Snowden. 'Timothy i 0.1144 01089®•�et•sat•�••! I►10€a®tlfi,i6e� , Kockems sand 2nd; Brown Leghorns seed, •H. Trnem'ner, T. M. Snowden. hen, J. Kiekems, ckri and pu11t 0. i Small white .field (beans, Jacob Bat- • ' Battler; S. C. W. Leghorns, cock tier, M: Ilt'ader.: I9 Thiel Bros. and 2nd; hen Thiel Bros. 3g Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SABZTT 41111611111 We have been appointed selling Agents for the celebrated Viking D labs& Cream Separator, the separ- atorwith a ten year guarantee. Let ug demonstrate this machine to you andcompare it with all others. And don't forget, the best feature is the unusual easy terms. Liberal allowance for trade-ins. C. ' SCHRAG & SON. tf44 D1r. R. Hobbs Taylor Conservative Candidate of Huron, who -is holding a meeting in the Zur- ieh Town Hall, ,this Thursday evening •Sin -rowed . barley, M. Rader, :Jaeoi B'atitter. .: White :oats, early, Mrs. E. Darling, H. .1 edjai-dine, white oasts, lace, 1Mre,. Dart mg, :II. Desjardine. jardiine. Small peas, M..IRkder. ' l ye,.IH: Des+jardhne ,Jacob Baattler. ,IB•uckwheaf, H. Destgardine, M. IRad- HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE Wire Fencing If you are thinking " of doing any Fencing this year, be sure and consult Us. And be sure it is the famous Frost Fence! FROST FENCE .. . . for long life. Come in and see our stock of Frost Farm Fence . , the finest we've eve had. Heavily galvanized by special Frost process. W ears for a lifetime. We can quote you attractive prices. 4 6, `Artrnt74111Clit (rid in 1 tAitiallialtil1sar,� tit Ali Op=I�f' %y]0M MB km 4. ammo sem erns !mu • TIGHT t LOCK ZINC BONDED as .uk,she FROST /edam dos SAVES YOU MONEY(, PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses It. Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. Coclarl Thiel Bros, T. M. Snowden, pullett, Thiel Bros and 2nd; R.C.W. • Leghorn,, cock' J. Kockems, hen cool E punt J. Kockems and 2nd; Buff Orp I • • • ingtons hen J Kockems • Wht Wyan- • HORTICULTURAL Coln. of any kind of apples, James Sterling, Mrs.O. Dailey; Fall apples, J. Sterling, Laithwa�ite & Son; Winter dotes, cock, D. A. Graham, hen and apples, . Jas. Sterling, 'Roy Ilamont; pullet, Mills & Young and 2nd, ckl. Ring Manikins, Mrs. Dailey, Tames 0. Battler Thiel Bros; Rhode Island Sterling; snow apples, Mrs. Dailey, Reds, cook-hen-ckri and pullet, 1. Y Ray Lamont; Northern Spies, Mrs. Henry, J. Kockems; Campine,, het 0. Dailey, Roy Lamont; Baldwins, Jas. Battler; Anconas, cock, ckrl pullet Sterling, Roy Lamont; IR. I. Green- Mills &Young and 2nd, hen, Malls ings, Uaines Sterling, Mrs.;Dailey; & Young, 0. Batlller; Silver Grey Dorkins, cock, J. Kockems, D. A. Graham & Son, hen J. Kockems. O Battler, ckrl, J. Kockems and ~2nd pullets J. Kockems; Bantams booted hen, Lloyd O'Brein, H. Flaxb'ird; blacIntosh Red, 7. Sperling, Laith- waite & Son; iRi,bson Pippen, Mrs Dailey,. 'Laithweite •& Son; Golden • Russets, Ns. Sterling, Mrs. Dailey; • Wtigners, Mgrs Dailey, E. Resitem'ey- er; Mantras, 1'nit!hwaite & Son. .Bantams, unboeted, cock, hen Lloyd Wolfe River, Ed. Haberer; :On- O'Brein, D. A. Graham & Son, cock- ferias, Nirs. Dailey, 'J'a's. Sterling;, erel, pullet D. A. Graham; Bik. Sum- atras, cock, hen Lee O'Brein; Old English Game, cock, cokr1, Lee O'- Brien and 2nd, hen L. • O'Brein, J. $;ockems; Jersey silk. Giants, cock hen, ckri and pullet D. A. Graham; Andalusians, cock, ckrl 0. Battler, pulle:t`0. Battler and 2nd; Bik Lang- shang, cock, hen and pulltnI., Kock - ems and 2nd; New Hampshire Jeers, cirri W. G. Clark, H. A. Fuss, punt' H. A. Fuss, W. G. Clarks; Sussex hen, ckrl, pit. J. Kockems and 2nd; rI tuIans, cock, hen. Lee O'Brein, 'pit. L. O'Brein 'and 2nd; D. W. Gaines, Lee O'Brein 4 first,, and Seconds; A. 0. Var. Mills & Young 4 first 1 sec- ond; De. MacKinnon and 2n `Coll. of Pigeons, H. Flaxbird; Pekin Gina.. Ducks T. Snowden, 0. Battier, young O. Battler • Rouen Ducks old T Sno- wden; no- wden • Ducks anyvar. of en, Fuss, youngSnowden; t n.nle 4. all young, Wild Dr cls old and aJ nea,GRAIN AND SEEDS lv7�c.. 1 I Maiden's Blush, W. •MJousseau, Mrs. 'Donley; Blenheim 1Fip'pen, 'Jas. Sterl- ing; Mgrs. Dailey; P,ewaukee, Mrs. /Dla.iley, taithtwai,te ,Son; Culverts )James. Sterling, Mrs. Dailey; 130, -oz. Pn�,¢ein, Laittiwrlute .QCs Sen, Mrs. Dail- ey; Tatman Sweet,' Mrs. Dailey, .Roy Lsrnant; We t`teliy, "'Mr's. 'Dailey, Ili. Teutnlner; cotleotiori ,'af Russet ap- ples,. dames, ' 'Sterling, Mrs. Dailey. (Concluded next melt) + d T. Snow d 1 A T sSTAREW E 1 D lJudgeter ora ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY - PRICE - SERVICE 1••••••••••••••••••iloomimm000d•OesombOO•oowoom000stoolks eta 111�Ci: I �....... _ September aOtlii, 44.+ 4. YOUR „i4 • Hardware and Frnthret �.�4 STORE it THIS SEASON CALLS FOR GOOD NEW I FENCES ON THE FARM. LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH THE BEST OF WOVEN WIRE, IALSO HAVE BARB WIRE. SEE US ABOUT NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING, AND EVE. t. + TROUGHING SPECIALS! SPECIALS! is Special Gasoline for Stoves, at anon ,� per gallon We have some very Attractive Prices in Furniture. See Our New Beds, + Springs and 28c ' USED FURNITURE I. Twa Goad Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand;, 1Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; 4. Kitchen Chairs, Etc. Dining Tables; All Big Bargains for quick Sale. . 4. f One Dozen Used Rockers.f.: ranging from $2.00 Up, • 4. BE SURE AND SEE THEM 4. Johnston, & Kalbjjeisch I Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 f •+4 + +44+44 + ++++++++++ +4 ++++ 4.4.41N+++Tri};IFi''tl'4+3'++++++++++4++++ 4.4 Choice Quality Zurich Garage goofs and Shoes We carry a nice line of choice Footwear for Men, Boys and Women. All our Stock is fresh and of very choice materials: No leftovers or second grade lines Let us fit you up with your next pair of Shoes. - See' our line of Sport Shoes. GARFILED BROWN Victoria Street. Zurich, Out. WE GIVE EXPERT WORKMAN= • SHIP. IN REPAIRING Your Patronage <Solicited Come and purchase your Aut- omotive 'utomotive Requirements from; Zurich's oldest established Garage and Service Station We can supply.. your need, Expert Automobile repairing„ Acytelene Welding, Tires',, Batteries, Oils, Greases and repairs. LUNCH ROOM And dean Rest Rooms at your Service • MOUSS Ag Phone: Day U12. Might, 47' VIIIIHiI111111 8111/E1 au,1111111111i1I IH 1111111110111HHHIHIU11111111111111H1111HlHlfllhlilfliilfllklf i411M s'Itild�ll ON11IHIIH1111111111111111H111111111111111HIflifilli rr lP4 THESE PRICES subject to cbaoge viae Painting Wagon $ 7.00 and 10.00 Painting Buggy 6.00 and 10.00 Recovering Buggy Top 16.00 and 18.00 Rerimsning Buggy Wheels Set ,....,.............. 12000 Buggy Shaft Cross Bar Buggy Reach Buggy Spokes each 3.00! 1.00 1.25. 25c HESS, the Repair Man IIIHIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIHIIHIIHIIIIIIHIIIIl111111111 IIHIIIIIIII111111 NHHHl IllIIIIIIIlIDH8I1111IH1111111RIlHfRil?ifttlitu"It SIL IIIIiIiHHHIIHHIIIIIllIll11M1I1111l11111 lflHlliig.HltlR E BRASSEY-HARRIS NEWS FREE! FREE! FREE Free Mountings and Plenty of Free Air for all Tires purchased from Us; Quality Best; Prices Lowest; Written Guerantees; Ask to See the Tire which has over 125,000 miles of service. Brng your, Cat alogues, we will meet all competition. , Seeding Implements should 'be in .good working shape shortly; Order M. -H. parts early. Cultivator points for many makes GAS OIL AND GREASE /� KLOPP Shop 14 0. K & SONS Re.. 67, A:UCTION2 . N a? YES!