HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-09-16, Page 4F'g E AUCTION SALE Of 'Household Effects, rnc1 Dwellii'tg� 'Property,, at Blake on 'WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 29th, at 1.30 o'clock Abe following: PROPERTY --A good frame house two story with cellar, kitchen and woodshed attached; Good bank barn +r th loft, all cement floors, good orchard, also a number of fruit trees, 'Iwo never failing wells 1111 acres of land, also a smoke house. Terms of roperty. 10% on d'ay of sale and balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reserved bid. 'OTHER ARTICLES -Parlor snit'e, 2 3 -piece bedroom suites, bect springs and feather ticks, single bed, 2 dou- ' le beds, bedding, sideboard, parlor table, rocking chair, large glass cup - ',hoard, desk and bookcase combined, .small desk, dining room chairs, kitch- en chairs, folding card table, bedroom 'stands, small table, extension table, kitchen stove, Good Cheer range for wood or coal, table linens, couch, 2 round tables, coal heater, large heat- er, large parlour lamp, Raymond sewing machine, wash sink, washing machine, Daisy churn, 4 cellar tables, cellar cupboard, curtains and window screens, trunk, dishes, knives, forks, spoons, sealers, iron kettle, buggy gear, M, R. cutting box good as new, -,sections harrows, 2 crowbars, buck- saw, 2 mason hods, 5 cords of hard stove -wood, genuine horse -hide robe, down spread, Star phonograph with records, mail box, and numerous other artielf C TERIYIS---CASH .Arthur Weber, Auctioneer Thomas and David Meyers,. Execut- :ors, late C. B. 'Meyers Estate. AUCTION SALE' - Clearing. Auction Sale of farm, :Farm •Ssock, Implements, at Lot 25, Con. 2, Hay Townshiy. Two miles 'north-west of Hensel', on TH'RS- 'DAY, SEPT 23rd, at 1 o'clock sharp, Consisting of the following: HORSE'S— horse 10 yrs. ofd, 1 aged mare. Cattle—Durham grade ueow, 6 yrs. due Dec. lst; Black cow f; yr. due Feb. • 25th; 2 bla^lc cows 6 -yrs. milking; Steer rising 2, heifer ~rising 2. IMPLEMENTS, • tT.-FI- tinder 5 -ft .cut, mower, sm'i'le' tooth cultivator. hoe drill, riding plow, walking plow, Set diamrrd harrows, scuffles, hay -rake, wee;on, wagon rack, gravel box, stone boat, sot sleighs, cutter, buggy, fa:n_ninp mill with bagger, bag truck. set scales. set single har- ness, 2 set ''o xh1e ha''•,ess, one set al- most new; hors- •coli'rs, horse blen- lets, robe, bug v rUP auto rug, oil Arum, grass seeder•. g rind stone. cross cut saw, ditclhing -" .de, kanthook. Ford car touring, bor'ig machine and auger, quantity of lumber, block and tackle, 2 screw barn jacks, wagon bb?g.te, ",1`41 5'4a 4xir, lay 1:1 , cuibert tile, p bt ekoe ., barrel, coxa- pinto sct n'ood carpenter's tools, qua- ntity of 'bay, quantity of household effects, forks, chins, whiflietrees, an numerous other articles. Positively no resarve. Terms CASH. FARM --At the same time and place _the farm which consists of - 50 aez'es more or less, witth frame house and frame barn, 2 good wells, soil is clay loans. Quarter mile from school, 2 miles from Hensall; will be offered for sale subject to reserved bid, if not sold will be rented. 'perms on real -estate-10% of purchase money to be paid down on day of sale, balance in 30 days. George H. Elliott, Auctioneer, Mrs. W. D. Thompson, P.roprietoress• HILLSGREEN Anniversary services will be Con- ducted by Rev. R. R. Conner of :Ern- bro, at the Hillsgxeen church on Sunday Sept. 19th, at 11 a.m. a nd 7.30 p.rn. Mrs. John Bell of Kippen visited her daughter Mrs. James Morris, Mrs. Love and family were visited with relatives from Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. C. Robinson were visited by relatives from •Mitchell. Mr. Fred Stacey of Detroit called on 'relatives during the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Turner attended the funeral of a relative in Michigan Miss Mary Hagan left for London, after spending several weeks with her sister, Miss Dolly Hagan. DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. More and daughter Helen, Mrs. Gordon Murdie and son and Miss Murdie; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brown and Jack Glue all of Winth- rop were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Felix Wilds, also taking a motor trin to Thedford, Kettle Point and Port Franks. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Koch, Utica, Mich., are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Koch. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Morenz who • spent the summer at Silver Isle have: returned home. Miss Gertrude Hoffman rs .spending: a week holidays in IUtchener, Miss Zeta Nadiger; R. N. of Vict-. oria Hospital, London, spent a few; days with her parents last week, re-' turning on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoffman ands Gertrude Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Tie man and Nancy Ann motored to: Niagara Falls on Sunday. " Miss Alma Ratz of Shipka, spent. Sunday with Miss Zeta Nadiger. rimixtuir„.. �h1 ®•1a0 ,2211 iiii�iano r i..— rl�l i masafls'; ■I ■rm'"" v"m®a1 cs■rnrmunemoa••li•®®®� imm Num* ..e..■/sv.��wm,,e, ■vacr1..tlr•/fir• .....m....WiliiiIM [��mt�/rrllililmo.a�too•■••elp f:,'!b,tu,,u.�..••��+;a�--- air �metar��'E*,Eea""��= { '�I t a N�lAro�v�a�e t\10�i��1►Iii1IIi*! Modern Conveniences Are Today a Necessity Ens .Bathroom Fixtures and Fittings are modern to the miltai 1 , t»ttechanically perfect and finely finished. They will giveLears•of.satisfactory service and greatly improve the appearance and ccomforts of your home. The foiiiIr ipieces :illustrated—Built-in Bath, Shower, Toilet and .11ra\vatory--with all fittings, ready for installa- tion, cost telly.,, . $143.70 Other complete Bathroom equipment as low as... , 483,15 Duro Pumps Parni sh Thinning Water If your home is without running water, there is a Duro Pump that will furnish a supply to kitchen, bath- room, laundry and barn. The Duro-Special 4Pumping System has a cape ty of 250 gals. per hour, complete with 30 -gallon Galvanized Tank, 25 or 60 -cycle, 1.10 -volt motor, and co#s only .$89.6.0 Home "Improvement Luau Aet . Take advantage of this..Govern- ment Plan to modernize your home with EincO equipment. Small monthly payments over a period up to three years. Write for Free Booklets or see FOR SALE BY: STADE and WEIDO Duro-Special MPIRE BRASS MFG, CO., LTD.110 Can also bo furnishes for Gasoline Engin* of ertttion. l,onrlc'y ,iiOt iifon TC oali•* Winnipeg Vancouver _ZURICH FIELD Wier O.% 193 TWO VIEWS ())1 • THE • LIQUOR: QUESTION "THE PRtIFITp•-says Reibu=n "THE PEOPLE"—says Mr. Rowe t OR three years the liquor problem has been out of col -dm -Ain Ontario. MT. IElepburn, w! gorried by the rising tide of , public p indignation, now tacitly admits the fact. In acknowledgment of - the situation, he makes another typical last-minute, pre-election.promise. But Ontario voters are not going_ to be fooled. again. "Revenue "irsf'"— Hepbu rr "Profit" has been Mr. Hepburn's liquor policy e'er since he took office. Here are his own words as quoted in the Border Cities Star, Windsor, October 26, 1.934; - "Another thing that the Province requires is revenue. I am informed that since Mr. Odette took office, he has turned over to the Treasury $2,800,000.. Let these people point out some other source of revenue. Do they want higher gasoline or cor- poration tax? Do they want a Provincial Income Tax? Itis obvious that if we lose the revenue from the Liquor Control Board, we will have to get it elsewhere. "People Final " Eowe Contrast this "liquor for profit" policy with Mr. Rowe's clean-cut stand in the interest of the people:. Mr. Rowe has pledged himself : "I will return to, a policy of control by a responsible board; free from political patronage. A survey will be ina.de by the new board of all licensed hotels. I promise you that these "mushroom dive, which have sprung up and flourished under Hepburn will be closed— and stay closed." The Conservative Party takes the position that public revenue should not be gained. at the expense of decency.. No More MusI r o -o rr rives When Mr. Rowe is elected, beverage rooms will. be confined. to' standard hotels which respect the :law and give adequate service to the public. Riestaurants, taxi offices,rooming houses and hot dog stands will not, by means of a few erry built" changes in' construction, be•able to qualify as standard hotels. Beverage rooms will not be forced on communities where they are not wanted. Nor will such places flour- ish in the shadow of the churches of the Province. Non-Poll/Meal C fro! Under Conservative administration, by means of a responsible non-political control body, beverage rooms will be so regulated that they will cease to be a blot an the social and moral life of Ontario_ , Avote for the Conservative candidate is a vote for this policy of control. T Issued by tfi&1iberal'-Conservative.Party of Ontario - "11`CE;rTOI SHIP - "Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Green and 'fondly of Port Stanley,visited with the latter's brother, Mr. herb Smith and family over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ccleman and daughter, Miss Gladys of Egmond- ville, spent Sunday with friends' in Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keys of Eg- mondville spent Sunday with their son Elmore and wife at the old home 'I3•ab•ylon Line. A large number of friends from this vicinity attended the funeral of the 'late Mrs. W. H. Stephenson at' Marlette, Mich., on Sunday. "On Thursday, Sept. 9th there pass- ed away at Marlette, Mich., Mrs. W. H. Stephenson, dge1 69 years. De- ceased was born in Stanley. a dau- ghter of the late William and Nancy MeClinchey. About 47 years aro She was.rnarried to Mr. and Mrs. Wm Stephenson, . moving to Marlette. Where they have since made their 'home. She is survived by her husb- and, one son Orvile of Marlette, a daughter (Agnes). Mrs. Alex. Wiley of 'Detrtoit, a brother, Robert Robt. IM'eClinchey and a sister, Mrs. W. Armstrong of Stanley, also two grand Children. Theii many friends in Stanley extend sympathy to the sor- rowing 'husband and family. 'HENSALL Mr. and :Mrs. Harold White of St. Marys visited with Mr, and Mrs. Geo C. Petty. . Mr. and Mas. Frank Hedden and Mr. and Man 'Wm. Wilson of St. Catharines were visitors with Mrs. Geo. Redden. Ruth Hedden was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, London and op- erated on for appendicitis and is pro greasing. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Taylor and two .ons, Dr. and Mrs. McLethian and son, Dr, McLennan of Windsor, vis- ited with Wm. McAsk and Miss Mc- Ash. Edmund Geiger of London, was a holiday visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Geiger. George 1'frook and Sam Merner have again this year a large yield of tomatoes,. the returns of over 400 planus. .They have also sold a large nuantity. ,of fine variety, being efli-. cleat in the culture, Miss Sarah Manson spent the we- ew-end in :Toronto, Goo. C. Petty intends leavzng on fire :18th for a bwo weeks' visit with his daughter in Winnipeg. Mr. and 'Mrs. B. 1 Nth and slighter Woodstock, were vi'itbrs with her ,,,,'e. Mr, 4;2d i..' ji31?t, Higgins Mr: 1 o th returned -home atone, the others rerntining in Hensall. The condition of Bobby- Cook and Doris Fletcher, who at present are patiefrlt in Victoria Hospital, London both laving been stricken with in- fantile paralysis, is very- satisfaetoryi as both are making rapid progress, and are soon expected home. Dr. Harry Joynt, of town, is assist- ing Dr: R. Taylor at Dashwood, with his practise for a few weeks during Dr. Taylor's eTection campaign. Mr. and Mrs. NL G. Drysdale; Mr:. •and Mrs. G. M. Case and Mr. and 'Mrs. E. Drummond enjoyed a delight •.ful week -end motor trip to Tober- mory. A large `amount of grain is. being marketed in Hensall' daily. The em- ployees of the three grain warehouses are working day and night unloading the numerous loaded' trucks ,and. wag one, some of them coming 40 mites. A large bean crop is being harvested in the dietrict. Some growers have threshed. The beams are a splendid sample and turning out well' to the aore. Miss Clara Volfand Passes Miss Clara VoIIand, a well known and highly respected resident passed away at Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea forth, on Tuesday morning, .Sept. 7, after an illness of •several months. .She resided in Hensall with her fath- er, Conrad Volland, and when her father went to work Monday morn- ing she did not seem any worse than usual. She was later 'found unconsei- ous and was taken to Seaforth Mon- day ;everting but failed to rally. Miss Volland' was 51 years of age, and had lived in Hensall for IC years, was born on the Babylon line, Hay 'Township. Surviving are her father. one sister, Mrs. William Letbotd, of near Zurich, and two brothers, Henry and Emanuel Vo]land, of •Goderich. The funeral was held from her rate home in Hensall on 'Thursday after- noon. interment in Hensall 'Union Ce- metery: A private service was held at the home at 2 o'clock, conducted tby her pastor, Rev. A. Sinclair. COUNTY NEWS 1',-mnle Aci•l Water. .Setnewhat recovered from the eft- ecas of a burned throat as a result of drinking aeid water from a baetery, Wilmer Robinson., 2 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robinson, of occasional'chair toi'"a pth ntr''or tea 'lowed the Winning number, drawn br were handed out to lucky ticket hol- Ken. Cedke; Jr., member of the Cit-• tiers, at. Clinton. last Thursday even- izens' Banc'). Merchants kept their• ing when the annual street concert stores open wring the evening and'. and extravaganza sponsored by the 'refreshments booths along the streets' ,Citizens' Band was held. Music dux- .did a thriving trade. A crowd estim- ing; the: evening was furnished by the ated at 3,000 heard the band music. Seaforth Highlanders'' Band. In the and thronged the main business thr- ticket, draw; George. H. Elliott arae -I oughfares. iNOaIM00.O411ld111i1110aM►O1/Ml11140!O A 'iNO11011•1111•00•••• • ZURICH CREAMERY es • Edi a. • i • • •i••••MNNN•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••! We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound B. Fat for Churning Cream delivered at our plant. Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed Your Cream. Graded Tested and Paid for the same Day. YOUR EGGS " AND POULTRY W.'e alsobuy and pay Cash for your Eggs and Poultry at Highest Market Prices, according to grade. ---Your Patronage Appreciated! THE ZURICH CREAMERY • ee•••••••••••o•••M•• • Gal and Coke We are now filling orders for the coming winter's fuel. Prices will be higher later on, so Order now Master and Pioneer, Poultry Feeds Plow ' points to fit. alb makes of ploWB` SEEDS! SEEDS! We are in the. Market for Red, Alsike, weet Clovers and Timothy Seeds. Goderieh, has been taken hone from the hospital. 1 1....Schi lbe 1'Firldy gAl�ttCncl CI'lrtts:e YDrsivitri p '4::., l;y 100 l 1 i�: ;', rap2:'n' 4WT.0 f?'om i:wi 1 ' ' '�li> it%t!attifit. /et rrb.+dii?Jf.^N'.'�'4•�4,. j. ;f' �M.n%•, il!1�1�Aii$GQi�tA '�'���� '�••N Son 1.. I 1 �jt