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Zurich Herald, 1937-09-16, Page 1
Vol. XXXVLIC llu. ZURICH, THURSDAY MORN“0, Sept. 27th and 28th are the Your Children's Eyes Are you sure that your Child. 'is not handicapped; by the neer. of glasses which are no: longer correct. This is a vitalmater which nmst not 'be neglected- Do it maw fear the new School Term! C. E. Zurbrigg, R.o. i ISu.ccess*r tot S. FITTON at. EXETER Open every week tray eaccept Weetemaiser ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH —• Orf"itr eV,. Changeless Christ far a Chang - lag War!L" PFriday, 8h—Luther ogee. -511'hursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m.—German Service. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday SehooL 7.30 p.m.—English service. ', Everybody, Welcome: to all Services. E. TUERKCHEl d, Pastor. SEPTEMBER 16, I937 Chester L. Smith, EuhThshiai $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Advents* $14o IN ARREARS, in MAT- »z t78t.1te ieY tes of the Zurich Fall Fair .I+++t,++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++•+++•.4.+++++++++++p + ♦ ♦ ♦ 4. t• 4. 4. 4- 4. 4• ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ f • 4. ♦ BUILDING MATERIAL If you intend doing any Building or Repairing this Year we will be pleased to supply you with the finest of Building Materials. Let us quote you. SUMMER SCREENS Combination Doors --screens for the summer' and glass interchangeable for winter. Will make screens to prop erly fit your windows, Etc. Etc. Let us have your order, Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials F. O. YLIS t"Ipli7ooronformeammammemm000masakommasfamawah yfVLr. Carl Burn is now visiting his .guts'after spending alI summer up rth. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Beaver and fam- er visited with friends in Baden on r,tnnday . eMessrs. Herb Mousseau and Albert ess are enjoying a few days hunting G ` IVluskoka district. The auction sale on Saturday af- +frnoon brough out quite a large thering of people. Rev. E. Burn was called to serve the funeral of the late M•rs. P. exrlick at Stratford last Sunday *14++++++++++++++++++++++h a++++++++++++++++++++++++. HAY COUNCIL The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the Township of Hay was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Tuesday, Sept. 7th, 1937, with all ionsmembers present. The minutes of the August meeting were adopted as read. After disposing of the corn munications the following resoluti- ons were passed: 'That J. W. Merner be given a private telephone line to his house on the [farm south of .Zurich upon the condition that he pays for labor and material required inproviding same. That the final assessment on the Black Creek .be fixed at 80 % of the. tern44n. original assessment for the year 1,937 Mrs. Frieda Colosky and Mr. Har - That the By-law providing for the "did 'Genhard from Detroit were vis - drainage work petitioned for by Chas. =' ors the past week with Mrs. C, Col- Aldworth and others and for borrh*" ;risky and Mr. and Mrs. J. Albrecht. ing the necessary funds for payor _ Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Swartzentru.- far the work be provisionally passed tier of the Bronson are visitingwith and that a Court of Revision to con latives and friends at Baden and .sider appeals, if any, beheld at the`,1 Town 'Hall, Zurich, on Monday even'„ thew Hamburg. ing, October llth, 1937, at eight: Mr. Alvin Gascho, of Emo, North - o'clock in the evening. . - h:fern Ontario, has returned after sp- That accounts covering payments' ending a few days at his parents, for Township Roads, Hay yelephone,,l2ome, Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Gascho. System, charity and relief and •gen- r' Mrs. L. Deters and daughter Anna eral accounts be passed as follows ;'save returned home after spending a Township Roads: G. Hess, signs, :H. with the former's daughter and $4.50; L..Schil'be & Son trucking 'mil in Kittchener, poles 5.95; Stade & Weido acct, 1,4.5 .f; y +++ +, ++++te++ ++ ,�,�,I + ,1,4,x, ;++ W. Farrell rd. 18 13.30; F. C. Kalb- ". Mr. Garfield Brown of Zurich, Jac - 4, fleisch lunber rd 14 81.45- W. J.•iob and Percy Weido and George Kel- e* =1• Elliott poles roads 13, 14 38:50, f;: texinan of Dashwood motored to Kit - TRY E CKEL'S 'i" Steinbach road Supt. 22.05; W Cole Lchener and Waterloo over the week - man rd 2 12.30; C. Aldworth roads `� � nd.: r ♦ 3 5.82; .R Millar rd 9 11.70 ; E Cam , - f ! h r+g, Abell rd l 10.80,• G. Block; bolts and In.the special prizes in the Zurich res .I. sphl[es 13 90; Hay. Telo. System ; X11 Fsir prize" list.: the special prize alk" t, eso 3'.50, T flux mote d.14 ,'� „� e e ftp winner of highest points G � Thiel �L P'V streets' 13 3b "'44"`le 4. ' ,a SVCS, 1 ';Di eiT�liy 14Ii M'llt + Adams rd 10 8.40; Labor on poles Deitz of Zurich instead of Mr. Milton + CHOICE AND + rd 14 8.15; G. Jeffey rd. 15 24.20 Oesch as stated. 4- U. A. Pfile rd 14 12.45; J. M. Zile, rd 10 5.77; P. Campbell rd 14 11.70; `' .;'Mr.., Quimby Hess, who has re - VARIETY OF CAKE,. PIES,, SWEET GOODS. �`. All Ingredients Used -are of the Highest Quality .2 ALL CONFECTIONS – ICE CREAM 2 Our Store will be closed oath Wednesday Evening Eckel s Bakery . Zurich 4. ie+++++++++++ -E4--14-1. 1$1,++++++,++++++++++++44+-1-44+4,++++++ Telephone 1!.flO -1- + + WE SELL TIIE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and :Saturday Quick Quaker oats, large plain -per -plug_ Libby's choice: peas, per tin ...... Corn Syrupy„ 5-11t. ice, ears.,.. —_..___—.,._..._».39c Sultana Raisins , 2 lbs. Hillcrest: shortening',[ 2.lbs__.___..,..,...._--.._...__.___27c Carden Pate conk, -tins — .23c Oxydol'„ large pkv. .__ ._.... _._ .. <___._ ___ . _ 24c Corn Flakes,, 3 pigs ..,_. • . __.._ ___...25c Pitted. Dater„ 2lbs. ._ ,-..._25c Blue Boy coffee: Baer _________ —.25c Royal. York coffee, . per Cascade Salgicsr, 2 tins ....w25c Clara"s. Tomo: vegetable je RRNE3R Highest Prices for fig*. PhautX140 Hay Telephone System—Work- men's Compensation ass't 12.99; Nor. Electric Co. material 167.29; 7I' G Hess, salary, etc. 222.92; E. R. Gar enther `cartage 2.20; Bell Telo. Co tolls June to July 345.51. Charity and Relief—E. Hendrick rent 3.50; County of •Huron, hospital- ization 62.10; W. Hay allowance 20, P. Mcisaac burial indigent 30.00. General Accounts—Zurich Hydro lights town hall 4.29; C. Siemon, pay list Zurich Drain $14; H. Koehler 2nd award S.M.S 10.50; E. Cor iveau ditching .St. Jos. 6.95; F. Schwalm 1st award S.M.S. 17.50; E. Swartz- entruber 3rd S,M.S. $7. The Council adjourned to meet a- gain on Monday, October 4th, at 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon. A. F. Hess, Clerk. Leavitt's Theatre EXETER — ONT. 4 NIGHTS Thur., Fri., Sat., Midnight Show, :Monday morning Sept. 20th at 12.15 Sharp. '"WINGS OF THE MORNING' In Natural Tecnicolor with "Annabelle" "Henry Fonda" Presenting The World Famous Irish Tenor JOHN McCORMACK Hear him sing ("A Little Bit of Heaven") and other Irish favorites. 'SEE—The beautiful lakes of Kill arney, The 'Changing of the Guard; 'Me Run.niaig of the Derby; Owing to popular demand, this picture will be held over for 4 nights with mid- unight show. Mon., Tues., Wed. KEN MAYNARD In "HEROES OF THE RANGE" HAIRDRESSING THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING PARLOR Mrs. Fred Thiel wishes to advise the public that she is now open for business. Permanents and Finger - waxing a specialty. All permanents ,guaranteed. Parlor located in rear' sof shop. Dor appointments cull or phone 1.:0:2 Zurich. • • cently''been on a motor trip to Cali- l:foima'ind other parts, returned to errs~ herhe on Friday. Quimby has ,nhab=ny souvenirs and relicks he picked 'up along the way which are interest - ing. - Zurich Wins First • Zurich was fortunate in winning the first game of the final play-offs .far Huron Perth championship at -Crediton on Tuesday evening, when the locals defated the Crediton boys by the score of 10-2. Heideman, the Zurich pitcher was very stingy with hits, while the Zurich bays did all their scoring off Restemeyer in the first three innings, after that the veteran Motz pitched for Crediton, ,shutting out the Zurich heavy guns for the last six innings. The return game will :be played at Zurich on Friday evening at 4 pan. HYMENEAL Grainger -Snowden The home of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Snowden,'on the Blue Water highway near Bayfield, was the scene of one of the season's prettiest lawn wed- dings when their elder daughter, Eli- zabeth Rosamond, became the bride of Russell Alexander Grainger, son of Mr. Geo. and the late Mrs. Grain- ger, of Alvinston. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. M. Gale, of the United church, Bayfield. The wed ding march. was played by Miss Glad- ys Gale. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was eeauti- ful. in a charming floordength gown of white lace and net over satin. Her long bridal veil was of silk embroid- ered net caught in halo with orange blossoms and she carried a bouquet kV talisman roses and bouvardia. Her sister, Miss Mary Snowden, as brides maid, wore a pink ,taffeta gown and 'carried white gladioli and scherstn- tnus. illiss hrma Hobson, of St.. Tho- mas, in pink taffeta, and 1Vliss Minnie Penha.le, of Stanley, in blue taffeta were dainty flower girls. Miss Doris P,enhale, also in blue taffeta, was train -bearer. Master Billie Pollock was ring• -bearer carrying the ring in a white; and gold velvet case. These junior attendants were cousins of the bride. The groom was attended by his brother, Murray Grainger. During the -signing of the register, Mrs, Ed- win Hobson, of St, Thomas, sang "Oh Promise Me' and "I Love You L ruly'. After the reception, the young cou- ple left on a motel' trip -to Detroit, t3lirgfie1 i. Toront' . Nicara and other points. For travelling, the bride chin- 6ea to a navy blue suit Witn nlatcil- ing accessories. On their return, Mr. end .Mrs. Grainger will take up resi- denee on the on the J3ue Water highway, Eyes Examined Glasses Filled Mr. C. E. Zurbrigg REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Will be at the Store THURSDAY EVENING Good Glasses if you need them. Good Advice if you Don't. HESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN Phone 74 Zurich WARNING 'blue coal` Put Your COAL in now at. the low price. A sharp air vance may be expected soon. Tile and Brick W. R. DAVIDSON We pay Cash for Eggs Phone 10 HENSA • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.+4.••• •••6••••00••••••••• ..Y••••••••.••••••••• +4.• •• • • Order Your New Suit. • • • • g • • • • • • • • • • * • • • e 0 • • • • • • • • • • • To -Day NEW SAMPLES $20, 1lITLI II 0eY ii n ...A, EMBALMERS AND FUNERAI. DIRECTORS Pet40•eae...•***••;,at. 0,464.00,4bo0440,e+0.0,,a4.0,4Td•©a9citil4e. 4 4 01. 49 4' 49 0. dito Q-. • 4�rr 49 49 •41- 41' 4w d►• ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦• Sunirer Goo rs See Our New Prints, Broad- cloths ,Drapery, Chintz, Cur-. tarns and Curtain Goods, Etc. 1937 Garden Seeds, Root Seeds, Paints, Varnishes, Floor Wax, and Polishes, Vam-- Lac, Etc... Etc. HARNESS REPAIRS, ETC. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON FLAN ' R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL fiffEROHANr PHONE 11 97 BLAKE 11, • ,. •