HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-08-19, Page 4Ric
1� rtlit'm1 ,retic 1
x A:atl"ll!St 19th; 1937_
$32,000 RIZE UST
LAl`l for a day or two. at Western Ontario's
own exhibition, This year will surpass all
previous efforts for agricultural, industrial, scien•
tific and home exhibits.
DAY' weir R 4 Secretary
Shirley Adkin: is visiting .}ii Dor-
een 'Reichert. •
Mr. and Mrs. W. 1• Heber', i of etql-
it115.11A idwited Yritli _:ci:•. :!::o;,_.
:41iee .lnniv coe5 a.•e• i=l'- C'1[iton,
"is i t" iting in the vicinity.
Mr. J win iii . ,.,*` cal ?e
an lir, and .7,11;
Lo doe during ti': we e'er
calked in tk..,. vl'' :t
t . find Mn. sl. S is e3i. Dzereit.
ie guests flat its.
Mr. Braclae o i r ,. the
guest of 2.Ir. ane .,, t:. .e . a::a i..,'2.
St. Joseph and 3 v :'.:i
Mr and Mrs. Hector Laperte and
:iistighter from Detrai!•. ere -pt :'ding
is woek in the r, ghlc,?eLenel cf Drys-
-dile and St. Joseph.
Misr Josephine. Pr:mesio and two ,
s_ons, and t*s. Aiinantl J.';'inet of
Chicago, spent a few dee.. r,.':ie n ing
acquaintances in this vicinity. The
lrbneau family left ea Tee. day for
Toronto, Buffalo and other points on
their way back to Chicago.
Mrs. Cyrus Stan& ary and two
tons of Detroit an: spending their
vacation with Iivlr. and 'MI's. F. E.
a': and Mrs. Joseph Canna of Mon-
ftreal, spent a few day, visiting fri-
Miss Gabriel 'Cantle was a Sunday
-visitor with her parents, lir. and Mrs.`
Mr. and Mee Alf. 'i'ayloor, - 1rs.J.
•bice ton• iTes 3*:li;;;aret of 13ensail;
Kee , J. Denner of Montreal and Mies
Violet Willie 'of. Marlette, Mich., we-
n: 1•.'!'t':it eieitors with '11r and :ilr.s
A. T. Deanelas, Hyde Park.
The Ser:tion men are busily eng-
aged in p) s.tiiee in a largo number of
on t.''. 'r seeVna running from
a<nn to es -areal miles :oath of the
jean C eii lei:ell
ientee _e ,i.'a en h: -r
ee turned til 'home
U n
rwr a - tele lot? silt
fee: v•seske eee.
Seetlr Herein W. -I. to Meet
South Heron Lt'onienV' Institute are
i:mains a Seremery flay in Hensall
town hell, on August 1 7th at 2 p.m.
to complete their refinishing furnit-
.e pr',) 1, Lt. Th., exhibit, story of
the work and an illustrated lecture
ily Miss Sliet r, departmental inetr-
eetorese, will be followed by after-
no.,n tea.
Had Accident
On Sunday last while Mr. and
,Mrs. George Pearce and family, of
Heneell, were motoring to Delhi they
had the misfortune to have a blow-
out near Lucan, causing the driver to
lose control of the car, which turned'
over in the ditch. Mr. Pearce suffer-
ed three fractured. ribs and was
brought home in an ambulance, while
Mr's. Pearce suffered greatly from
shock,, but soon •recovered. The
family were unhurt.
after a very
relatives, , has
in Toronto.
has regained
of her whist,
tiiroeg i a fall
• was using
F. •Canting
Kiss Patricia Masse of Detroit,- isl.' Burried Here
wisitiing in the immediate neighbor- • '
:hood, of Beavertown. • The funeral of the late Mrs. Rich -
r_ and Mrs. Ross Hewitt and son and Pollock who died in hospital at
'who have been camping in Beader_ Battle Creek on Aug. 2, took place
town.the past few weeks, have re -from Hensall station on the arrival
tun_e l .to thein home in Wjndsor. of , the train on Aug., 5th. Interment
!Ir. August Bedard of . Wiirdsor, is :RIMS 2T1 the Hensall 'Union Cemetery.
'spending- a few weeks with leis par- Rev- A- 'Sinclair bad charge or the
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bedard of St. services. Mrs. Pollock was a for
;Joseph. north. mer well known and respected lady
Mr. William Jennison of the Blue` wlep resided here with her husband,
'Water Highway has started with the tl2e.iate Richard Pollock, for anum-
zeason's threshing, but of late, due be`r of ;years. After the death of her
do the wet weather the wort: is gre- l husband about eleven years ago she
tly handicaped by stook threshing. sold ht r.property: here and moved a
'Work on the Blue Water Highwaya1 ay
itis fast progressing and in a rew more
weeks will be all completed. _(
Mr. Leo Bedard of Courtright is
spending the week with Mr, and I •Hensall Cou��cil Minutes:
Mrs. Fred Ducharme.
Miss Yonne Cantin of London, sp-
ent Sunday at her home in St. Jos- The regular meeting of the Village=
ample. Council was held on the eve. of
Mr. Sol Williams of Seaforth, spent Aug. 9th at 8 p.m. in the Council
.a few days with her parents, Mr. Chamber with all members being
aged Mrs. Oscar Ducharme, Sr. l present. Minutes of the previous
meeting were read and adopted.
The Clerk reported, Mrs. M. Pope
1 was .askirg permission to remove a
;tree in front of her property; re-
ffered to property committee.
Wm. McAsh, his sister of Hensall, Geo. Fee reported re extra police
1"ir. and Mrs. E. A. M•cAsh and Mrs. ; protection for Band Tatoo and was
.Annie McDonald, London, were vis -
instructed to stop bicycle riding on
tors with his brother, Dr. John Me the sidewalks at .once.
.Ash, Tara. S. Rennie and T. E. Drummond
Amy Laramie of Windsor, is spend 1 appeared for the Band asking per-
• ng her holidays with her mother, .mission to close Bing street foo the
Vers. Wm. Laramie and sister Greta. I night of the Band Tatoo between
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Paterson Wellington and Nelson strs.
sent .a week -end at Meaford.
A. band tatoo will 'be held in Hen -1 Motion, that we give the band
sail, Aug. 25th. Six bands will take permission to close King st from G.
Sutherland's to Tudor's Hotel on
night of August 25th. Also that the
Council put top on well in Park and
insall pump.
F. G. Bonthron appeared asking
permission to cement in front of the
fart, Parkhill, Grand Bend, Dash-
*vood, Exeter, Zurich and Hensall.
Violet Willis of Marlette, Mich.,
fins been visiting here with her re
/Alves, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Taylor and
Mr_ and Mrs. Robt. Paterson.
Irene Douglas, and Ada Gram left Post Office between the curb and
-onday last for a motor trip to diff- sidewalk. Motion, that this per-
cre'nt points in Northern Ontario. nv.sion be granted.
intend visiting the quints at Callan- Correspondence read from County
oiler. Clerk and filed.
John -Craig,, who is in the Victoria Bills and accounts read as follows:
Alospitai, ILondin, is improving nicely
;and hopes to be •Home soon.
Mrs. Hannah Taylor is leaving
:for her former home in FillmoreiSas.
• the has a lot of property there that
Breads het attention. . She has rented
leer home here to Fern McLean.
Mrs. Chas. McCreaand daughter,
:Wary McCrea of Sudbury were re-
eeent visitors with Geo. Sutherland. 1.25;. W. Taylor, labor r :.tic 13./5;
Mr. eel Marr.., Wm. Orem of De- Cook's Cash Store, relief 15.7.1; O.
was a visitor with hisfi
arents. owcliffe do $4 T. E. Drummond '1
,Air. andM. s .,Ge Gram. p F. G. Bonthron, brie.- em"- W
Mrs. Whir -Jones had the while misfari.- x Oster do 21.00; W. ere ls'ior 1
ric ;. ,.
gtsiiig down the steps of i Bark 9.90; J. Sangattr do le 3.60, ..
leer home Ur fall, causing a bod in 11••Tyrlro, for hall and motor 4.09: II
„fury to her knee. i "lotion, t!' OA; Mill: and eacot:;.'".
toht., as ore spent a• week e paid, A -., ' .e
�w, � spent week at read In p i that i
i vrir 1)1,zI, Mtx;�l;ol< and 'Cobernior,• _Tarries .�-.soli r "':c,
A Spencer & Son, supplies streets
60.99 ",Iunicipal World •supplies hall
3.89; County of Huron, indigent 41.-
10; J .Sangster labor water tank 15.
75; Huron Expositor, printing 2.52- .
A, Taylor, labor streets 12.25; T.
Shaddick do 9.50; Dept. of Health
insulin 3.50; Geo, Fee, labor stveete
82; E. Ronnie Est., supp'es, hall
Ifyou• drive recklessly and have not made up your mind
to stop it, you are going to d yourself in serious trouble
soon.l The Department of Highways is determined to
put reckless drivers off the road and keep them off, if you
need your car in business, stop and think for a minute what
would happen if you had your driving license cancelled.
You might lose your job. But what is your job compared to
the death, crippling, or injuring of `i: _good citizen!
Reckless drivers are crinins'' going along our highways
breaking laws, maiming and killing defenseless people.
Our laws are adequate and fair. Obey them and you will
keep out of trouble; break them and take the consequences.
You cannot say you jave- not been
warnnd0 Stop speeding-! Stoj-cug
in ! Stop passing on hips. Stop taking
chances of any kind. If you must
drive slower than the average tra c
keep well to the right side of the
highway or - use. the side :roads.' Do
not block other traffic.,
to put reckless" drivers where they belong.
Here is what to do.,When you see a'motoist
driving in a manner dangerousto the public,
take his number, make a careful note of the
actual time and place and when you, -reach
your destination write to the Meter Vehicles
Branch, Department of Highways,: ,Toronto,
giving full details. We do not invite,` reports
of minor infringements of the traisc law ,;
you are requested to use sound jud„ent.
We will deal adequately with offenders.
Still Enjoys Good Health
Listowel— Still enjoying good
health, Mrs. Margaret Hamilton, old-
est resident of the district, walked 1
mile from her E1n a :Township home
go Listowel last week. Mrs. Hamile
ton is in her 102nd year,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scotchmer of
Stanley Township announce the en-
gagement of their daughter, Eleanor
Elizabeth, to Mr. James Douglas
Black, son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Black of Tuckersrnith. The' inarriage
to take place in August.
• Gets His Coronation Medal
When Mayor MacEwen of Goder-
ich sorted over his mail the other
day his eyes fell on a parcel, from
Buckingham Palace, forwarded . via
Ottawa, and naturally it war the'first
one he opened. It was his Coronation
medal, from King George VL
Leads at Entrance
Miss Pataicia Morrison, of Hullett,
obtained the highest standing at the
•recent Entrance exams in Last ,Hur-
em. There were three hundred and
.tarty -one candidates. Patricia is only
twelve years of age and is a pupil of
'Miss Agnes Reynolds of Hellet Sep-
arate School.
ilnfantDaughter Dies
Darr sympathy is expressed to Mr
Sul Mes. M. F. Gladman of Exeter,
n the loss of their infant daughter,
'osernary Pickard, aged 14 months.
.'he babe was taken i11 at Grand
'vend, her' condition was improved
.id they returned to their home in
mitten, complications later set in
nil :he was taken to nee War me'
:,r.. ir.l Clei1dren't Hospital whore she
rite ea5.:''t,1 Swale
James Manson
• The- death took =place in .Seaforth
on August 10th _ of Janies Manson, in
his 88th year. The funeral was held
from the residence of his nephew,
Wm. Manson, Egmondville on Thurs-
day. James. Manson was born in Tu-
ckersmith and attended the old Eg-
inondville school :. on the hill. As a
young roan the •went to Michigan it
the .'winter.. `He lived at Bayfield for
the past 35 years, coming to Egm
ondville last Jan. He was a faithful
member of •Bayfield Orange Lodge,a
Conservative in politics and a staunch
Presbyterian. His ,Brother, Wee pre-
deceased 'hien in California a few
months ago ifi •-
Injured in Accident
While rounding the curve at :Stur-
dy's;'' Cor 1 ,'+irieer Holmesville, last
Tuesea'y;Aug. 6th, a car said to
have been driven by D. Heiley, De-
troit, failed to make the curve and
swung sharply over to the left side.
After travelling some 120 feet, t
again swerved to the otherside, and
after going some distance along the
ditch, turned over on its- side. E.J.
T);ewartha who was driving a team
aoayard Clinton at that time, narrow-
ly escaped being struck, He assisted
Mr. and Mrs, Healy from the wreck.
After receiving first aid treatment,
they were removed to Clinton hos-
Many Attend Funeral
The funeral of Mies Amy Parsons„
26 -year-old school teacher, who was
drowned 'at Sunset Beach, Goderich,
was held at Brophey's chapel and
was attended by numerous friends
and acquaintances from her native
toninship, Hallett, Former ' school
seee e tided ee pallbeaee s, the 'sery
ice:being conducted by Rev. Broar:'-
of Blyth. Interment in Bern', Ce'-ir,
Motor Vehicles Branch
sons had not been in good health Armories at Goderich
since her mother's death, two years ' Word has been received from the
ago. The .girl's personal beionggss, Department of Public Works that the
her shoes, one stocking, her pure •Government is prepared to take over
and a bunch of keys and,a •flashiight a portion of the National .Shipbuild
:have been: founr3. .on the lake shorei.ng plant on Newgate St., Goderiche
150 yards north of where her body and .convert it into aan armory for
was washed ashore. The presence of the training of "C" Company, Middle
the flashlight supports the original ewe -Huron regiment. Terms are '$800,
theory that the girl disappeared in -a year fer Five years and an option
the night. i for another five years at $600 a yr -
The cement building• has long been%
Visited at Exeter vacant, and has an exceient layout
Dr. and Mrs. Cecil Johnston and for an armory. A spacious drill hall
will o
son Peter left Exeter recently for occupy the graund floor and on,,
Rochester, N.Y., where they will spa a high Balcony will be a line of oft
end a few days with Mrs. Johnston's res. Work will commence shortly an&
mother and her sister's family. They w ill be .completed this fall.—Godericle.
left their home in Wallkill, N. Y., a- Signal.
'bout three weeks ago, visiting fi•rstet Death of Mrs. 'Orr
Saranac Lake, afterwards crossing After a lengthy illness, death cla
the St Lawrence at Cornwall.. They lined on Saturday at Goderich, Mrs.
agent. some: time in Ottawa, thence to Richmond Orr, at the age of 4tm
North. Bay- At. Callander cney satin years. She was formerly Elizabeth
the quints and though it was Tues- Muir',daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.
day morning they were surprised to' 1VCuur, at Brumfield. 25 years agoe
see the hundreds of cars that ~vete . ,Tune she :married Mr. Oar, whoa
rolling in, each with its quota of i With two sons, survive. Her parents
sightseers. Their trip then continued I and a brother, John of Goderich, ,anal
to the Blue Water Highway and
a sister, of Colborne, Twp also sur -
down the Bruce Bach on Lake Hui i wive Mrs. Orr was a devout member -
on where they visited relatives:, in-
n- of Knox Presbyterian llru eh,., ,' he
eluding his parents, Mr. and Mrs.w Ladies' And and the Women's Tilsit
g I ute. T.he'funeral was held on i1lort-
n Johnston. '
f day, by Rev. Lane with interment ire.
A $5,000 Contract Maitland Cemetery.
Dien At Goderich
The Goderiche. Palle Utilities Corn ' The industrial life of Goderich suf
misaidn• has several irons in the tire feted .a severe lossith the he sudden
of Old Home nvek decoration enthu- passing of Thos. H. Mitchell resie
, p.
siasm, the largestg
of which is the ; dent and general manager of the
installation of .a new lighting system • Dominion Road Machinery Co. He
on the Square. At 'a meeting recently was .15, Born in Colborne Twp., neer
a $5,000 contract with .the Canadian Goderich, he received his educatiierit•..
In Godeiicli, 'entering the employee •
of the Dominion Road Machinery Cle-
w accountant, rising to become its
chief executive. In indifferent health
he had spent his evint rs h the south
in recant years. Besides hi,, wife, her:
General Electric Co. was approved,
the win* to. be completed by the end
of Jktly. A plan for -emblem -,around
the powerhouse, submitted by S. W.
Archibald, engineer,. of Lox don, was
tery. It was di,close,l that Mk. Par- tabled.