HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-08-12, Page 8PAGEEIGHT' THE STORE WITH THE STOCK w Linens . ► whew Shipment of all Linen Towelings, Tablecloths, Fine White Tabielinen, Guest Towels also Maderia pillow cases, Lace Tablecloths, opened up. All of these lines are advancing in price, Procure Your Requirements Now! Men's Wear For Warm Summer Days A Complete line of Men's Sport Jerseys, Bathing Suits, fine Shirts, Sox, New Ties, Underwear of all kinds. Also Work Shirts, Overalls, •Straw Hats, Etc. See our Men's Overalls at pair ......................$1.19 Men's Work Pants at pair 1.29 GROCERIES! GROCERIES Large Chipso at 19c. Canned corn at 1Oc Sodas, 2 lbs. for 25c. Large Catsup at 19c P and G. Soap, 6 for 25c. Q.K. Jello 4 for 19c Salmon 1-s. 2 for 19c Princess Soap Flakes, 2 large, 1 small pkg Castile Soap, 6 bars for 28c 10c Fresh supply of Christies Cakes always on hand at 10, 15, 20, and 25c each J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 The Canada Trust Co. TJE HURON & ERIE Mortgage ' Corporation INTEREST RATES NOW EFFECTIV 3 Per Cent. for 1 and 2 Years 314 Per Cent... for 3 and 4 Years 31i Per Cent. for 5 to 10 Years. SAFE AND CONVENIENT E :1'j Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFFTI 41110611404444411041100134041144410 WOO HARDWARE ZURI ER.acd. 'I'hul<s&� b 11' a't d 2th, Ja3i'1' ...-.�•an�ne�aa�a'�-..-.t,.-....,=owar,:W.W,;� e�:e�e,.., Will IBI(iIUIi II IM111III111111111 IIIi 111111II1111111(Illllllllll1 Ull)llllllll infll li IU m iIIIllIiIil 11111 1111 il11111111111111fi!`�PF(QI111111i1Sllfllll hot ZURICWS r.cery Store so- FOR 30 DAYS' • \..4::::_ =` 30 DAILY CONTESi .i�ilu�a' _�_ x r i Large pkg...,........ . 25c OXYPOI Cider vingar, per geal,...,...4flc Canned Peaches, per can 15c Welch's Grape juice, per battle 30c Prepared Mustard, 24 -oz. jar' 18c Sunsoy, per pkg '.25c Orange punch, per bottle. 25c Menne Oesch EGGS WANTED. ANTED. e(ffrfffllR �lm i li'T R; 1, tl f Zurich Phone 165 ITEMS Of Ltkout, TEREST Misses Ruth and Audrey Foster of London, visited in the vicinity ov- er the ,week -end. Mrs. Wm. H. Hoffman spent a week with her sister, Mrs. W. F. Finkbein- er at Stratford. Mrs. C. Eilber and her cousin Mrs M. Gibson of Stratford, spent Friday with the former's sister, Mrs. J. Mit- chell of Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Siebert and family who have been visiting at the home of their parents, the past week have returned to Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Unvbach and daughters Norma and Joy of Toronto are camping for two weeks' at ,Smith's cottage at the lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnston and two children of Kincardine, were week -end visihtore at the home of Mr and Mrs. Julius Thiel. Mrs. Clarence Hoffman and little Bobbie, of Galt, are spending their holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. •Siebert. Prof. Otto Voelker and wife of New York city were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Horner one clay last week. Mn and Mrs. Ted Mittleholtz mot- nroed to London on Sunday, tfe form er':s brother, Claytus, who had been for some time staying with Ted, re- turning to London. The Misses Loyola and Marcella Platz, also Raymond Platz of De- troit were week -end visitors at the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Mac- Kinnon. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mans and son Raymond of Detroit, returned to their home on .Sunday after spend- ing ten days at Smith's cottage at the lake south of St. Joseph. The many friends of Mr. William Lamont who is spending the week at Clinton Hospital, are pleased to learn that he is progressing favorably and is expecting to return to his home over the week -end. 4111111 Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rowe and chil- dren moved to their new home in Tharnesford on Wednesday of last 111000406.00.114911404100411114/ — SEEDS and FURNITURE Wire Fencing If you are thinking of doing any Fencing this year, be sure and consult Us. And be sure it is the famous Frost Fence! PAINTS! FROST FENCE .... for long life. Cone in and see our stock of Frost Farm Fence .. the finest we've evet had. Heavily galvanized by special Frost process. Wears for a lifetime. We can quote you attractive prices. TIGHT dib LOCK Z(NC BONDED in exclusive FROST forbore ea. SAVES YOU MONEY, j PAINTS! week where Mr. Rowe has been en- gaged to teach in the high school in • I that place. Mrs. Merner Eilber and two sons of Detroit spent the past week with 9 her mother, Mrs. Jos. Routledge of town, while Mr. Merner Eilber was over for the week -end and the fam- ily returning home with him. 1 • • • • • We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Cc,odyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes' in all sizes Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- : ing our Specialty. Full line .Df heavy and h 1f H d Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Wagner have returned to their 'home in Guelph, on Tuesday after a 'few weeks visit with. the former's parents. Mrs. W. C. Wagner„ returned with them for a few days visit with friends in Gu- elph. _ Farmers are busily engaged in harvesting an d threshing the .big crop which in most cases is outstand- ing. Although some fields of wheat and barley are not so good in the Ikernal, but the straw is quite heavy. • Mx. and Mrs. J. W. Merner and p family have last week moved into their new home on the farm on the ' Goshen Line, a short distance south of town, which they recently purch- • ased from Mrs. Herb. Bender. Mr. $ Merner, will however continue to con • duct his general store business in A. the village. 1BEE STINGS WERE SERIOUS Attacked by a swarm. of aces, and horse died at once and' its nate died of stings a little later while their s e ar owner and driver, Wrn. Forrester, of • Saugeen Twp., had more -than 550 ware always in stock. • stingers • er, removed from his :Face axed STADE & WEIDOI, r^ins. Forrester suffered intense pain but his condition wa• lot re-- girded as serious. The bee, ere so LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs, dozen 21, 19, 14 Chickens, dressed 15-10 Chickens, live 10 Wheat, bushel L07 Btrleyy, ;bushel 60 Oats bushel 40c Buckwheat, bush- ........... .... 75 Flour, cwt. $3--4.25 Shorts per ton 36100 Bran per ton . ...............34.00 Live h4gs 11.50 ansmassmsateenexee Has Deficit Attributed to the changed spend- ing habits of the people, Goderich old home week committee will be "in the red." How much is not just ascer- tained but estimttes are between $1,000 to $2,000. Mayor MacEwan said: "There will be a deficit, we hate to admit it, because we never had one -before. Ten years ago we made $4,000. This year we nad huge crowds,, grand weather, but strangely, everybondy made money but the co- mmittee." Crowds at the pageant, baseball games and second day's race meet were not up to scratch. Beverage rooms, refreshment places, dance halls, the midways and its con- cessions did roaring business. "And everydy, had a wonderful time, but the ; committee is in the red." The mayor said. Sent To Reformatory 4.4. -?.........................+..........t.......... • YOUR ' •+• Hardware • STORE • THIS SEASON CALLS FOR GOOD NEW r t FENCES ON THE FARM. LET US. SUPPLY YOU WITH THE BEST OF WOVEN WIRE, $ ALSO HAVE BARR-_WIRE. SEE' US ABOUT NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING, AND EVE. TROUGHING _ SPECIALS S• pecial Gasoline for Stoves, at SPECIALS! Pe gallon 28e 4.We aim have some very Attractive Prices in Furniture. See Our New Beds, Springs and + 4 Mattresses. $ USED FURNITURE Two Goal Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand; Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; 4. + Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Saler One Dozen Used Rockers ranging from $2.00 Up. * BE SURE AND SEE THEM/ 1 Jolnjstojj & Kalbllejsch I Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 Janies Valley, 28, of the 21st con- cession of Stephen.Twp., who forged his eniployer's name to six checks for t tota of $130, was sent to the Ont- ario eformatory for 18 months in- deterOnate when he appeared before Mag. )C. W. Hawkshaw, in county police, court at London. Varley pleaded for a chance, .but the Mag. said, "we'vegiven you two chances already" as. Varley had previously appeared twice in court. When Var- ley appeared before the magistrate a week ago, he confessed to each of the six charges of forgers. The various checks for sums ranging between $10 and 1130, were cashed in Middlesex and Huron ,County service stations. g ZURICH ONT. thick th-y ,covered the horses' bodies Ont hone dropped to the ground QUALITY PRICE — SERVICE and triel to roll over. His action prevente,l the other horse from,. got- !�1SsM M9M . s000 NM• ting away and it died. 'MANY MOTOR ACCIDENT$ Last year 546 lives were lost in motor accidents in Ontario. This yr. if the remaining five months show the same rate of increase as the first 7, over -800 ,persons will. have been kil- Ied and 14,000 will have been injured None of us . has any guarantee that mern4ers of your family or mine will not be among this number. That mak es it'a rather personal matter for all of a.* to consider. For years the De paripent of Highways has conducted educational campaigns encouraging safe.driving: These campaigns have marl Ontario among~ the safest 'ar- easpf the world,' although the fact remains that this year we need some- thing more. We cannot face the pos- sible` loss of 8Q0 lives with equanim- ity ;. For our enviable record in the past our newspapers deserve a large share of credit; they have 'teen re- maxkab,.y generous and helpful in supporting our efforts, and 1 am sure will not fail, us now. To meet the Y ,re4ent Situation the Minister of Highways has sponsored an advertis .' : ig.campazgn designed Otto shock the people into a realization of the need for., saner and greater care. Your newspaper is to carrry the ,advertise- ments of this series.:EEut advertising is •not going to be enough. We know Choice Quality Roofs and Shoes We carry a nice line of choice Footwear for Men, Boys and Women. All our Stock is fresh and of very choice materials. No leftovers or second grade lines. Let us fit you up with your next pair of Shoes. See our line of, Sport Shoes. GARFILED BROWN Victoria Street. Zurich, Ont. WE GIVE EXPERT WORKMAN- SHIP IN REPAIRING • dai4 4 4. 4 4 Zurich Garage Colne and purchase your Aut— omotive Requirements from Zurich's oldest establisher Garage and Service Station. We can ,supply.. your needs., Expert Automobile repairing,. Acyteletie Welding, Tires,,, Batteries, Oils, Greases and repairs_ LUNCH ROOM And clean Rest Rooms at your - Service H. .ZVI+OUSSEI Your Patronage Solicited Phone: Lay `r03. Night, 47 11iailliliffiginiftliti11111$11111lll111111ni111111111111111111kI11111111Ii11111111iN8111111111111111111111111131111111Im11101 11831 'ilfff,' f f1111ID11111Ml11111 I N 111illllllllliillfllllflliflil linin THESE PRICES subject to change Without Node* Painting Wagon $7.00 and 10.00 Painting Buggy • 6.00 and 1000 Recovering Buggy Top .. _ 16.00 and 18.00 Rerinuning Buggy Wheels Set 12o00 Buggy Shaft • Cross Bar Buggy Reach Buggy Spokes each .........3.00 1.00 ..........<.......... 1.25. 25c g HESS, the Repair Man • lIRi1111111M1111111111111110111111Ni1N11111111N11111RI1111111111111N1111111111M111R111111111111R111RN11NIMI 1111RN1111RIAl1NDilNltill3llNlUII 11111$11111111i11Ri111111Ni1NiRR111NM1H11111111 Ila (dEi 1MI1(IlII the`; power of the press and we know that we •must have,your wholehearted and entinosMstic support, expressed in editorial and news c;olumn.—M.h'.4'. 1 it 11 11' III!1mi111111iN119R 111111111 111111111 :111411li 1111111 IIR1 1,11113 tit(i1M.', 11 lii'';4,il1111 11 NTIME LD OFFICE Do You Know?- Mr... MERCHANT! You know thoroughly well that you have power in your store, to influence the decision of your cus- tomers in regard to what they buy from you. Your customers rely on you to give them products which in use or consumption, will give them complete satisfaction. If it is right to use big city dailies and nationaly- circulated magazines then' by the same token, it is right to use local weekly newspapers! I am the Master Salesman of this Community, and my name is ADVERTISE.. 1111 I1111dpmg1,1111111111111,d111ba v1l,l1 1111 101.11!PII411111!1111 REM m' h a , ':11 'fh Jc