HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-08-12, Page 5Xugtrst 120., I9" • BUSINESS CARDS LEGAV... XIDL1Y E, HOLM1B :BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. 1010+'ICE—Hamilton Street, Just o1 the Square, GODERICa, Ontario. Special Attention to Councel and Court Work. Mr. Holmes 'may lie consulted at Goderich by Phone, a.; id Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At 3)EITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At I3A'RTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASI3.W OOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. OE. H H. COW1[N L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURN OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETERINAR1P..N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc, Ads, in this Column. STRAYED From niy p'r'emises, Stanley Twp.. a one year old Holstein eni Finder please notify Ed. Hartman, Phone 98r15. r FOR SALE • REAL ESTATE In Blake—Consisting of 1N, acres with frome Ph storey dwelling, good frame barn, never -failing well, orth- ard, etc., property of late Chas. S. Meyers, deceased, Church and school within half mile. For particulars apply to T. H. Meyers, or D. C. Mey- ers, Zurich. 5-3 FOR QUICK SALE A limited number of one -year -old - White Leghorn hens for quick sale. Oscar Greb, Zurich tf3 FOR QUICK SALE We have several good used wash- ing machines for quick sale. Stade & Weide, Zurich 1937 TAXES TOWNSHIP OF HAY Taxpayers can make their money $'$one --96^ Zurich earn interest at the rate of 5% per. �— - annum by paying a deposit on their ., R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All diseases of domestic animals treated %sr the most modern principles, Charges reasonable, Day or night calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness' Slennels, Office on ,,,Main Street, apposite Town HO. Phone116. HE.IlbALL.. LICENSED ` AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to' sell. 1 solicit your business, and if not satisfied will 3aake no charges for Services Ren; :tiered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57. ' %PRODUCE Farm Produce WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES --FOR-- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY 21. -yr. -old Harold Faber, of Tavistock fatally injured on July 24 in a coll- J4'm. O'Brien ision at the crossing of the Exeter support of the drys the candidates Res. 94, Zurich Grand Bend road and the Babylon Phone 101, tine road. Although the accident hap-, nominated by the Liberal and Conser pn eed in Huron County, Faber died native parties must be of sterling ih Middlesex on his way to T,ondon i temperance records. Also the cand U '] C H E R S Hospital Evidence showed that Fab- idates must be absolutely opposed to' 11937 taxes. A discount at rate of 5% per annum will be allowed on prepay- ment on 1937 taxes made before October 1st. A. F. HESS, Treasurer, Hay Township. FOR. GOOD -CLEANING Have your Dry Cleaning and Laundzy done by THE PARISIAN I44UNDRY LTD.,LONDON. Men's Suits* and Topcoats 80c. All . kinds of Laundry done at reasonable prices. tf-4 Thiel's Transport, Zurich ancieliD High Salary Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., cbaerman'of General Motors Corporation, who was the highest paid executive in United States last year He was paid $561;311. • • Ask For Stop Signs A coroner's jury last Wednesday at London recommended that the gravel road from Exeter to Grand Strong feeling was manifested a - Bend be declared a through highway and that Huron County erect stop signs at all intersections along the rotd. The jury, under Dr. H. Hender- .condemned in no certain terms. The son, was investigating the death of matter of an early election was dis- cussed and the meeting was unani- mously in deciding that to obtain the Lt AL. NEW Miss Louise Willett of N�.7tclie'ner, was a week -end visitor at her liome 'here. Mr. Howard Mason and fxdexad of Guelph, were weekend vi:aai�Qrs with 1V1cr, Harold Stade. Born --^In Hay `1'�awnship, on Aug- ust 6th, to Mr. and . Mrs. Lloyd Be- dard a daughter. Miss Minerva Maltby .off •it4hener is spending a week with her friend, Norma Umback,, at the- lake, south of St. Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. -.Plies,. Cglerean; Mr. and Mrs, Alfred. Ings of "Vara, were Sunday visitors with Mrs; and. Mrs. ,L W. Horner. Miss Martha Heideman, wlio is in training at Sarnia Hosirital, was a visitor at her home here the, past week. Mrs. John Brenner .and son Clarence, were Week -and visitors with relatives and friends in:K.iteh ener. , Mr. Mervyn Killway' `iii iilrria e, Sack., Miss Grace Williaine of Gien- avon, tS<ask., are at present spending some time at the home of 3 x,' and Mrsj Garnet Jacobe, Parr Line. Visitors at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. W. L. Siebert over the tveek- end were: Mr. and Mrs...W. R. MajorToron- to; or Patsy ofT an anddaughter to; Mr. and Mrs. Moore and M. and Mrs. Tilly of Oakville; Mr.ah1.d Mrs. A. C. Siebert and children of Mon- treal; Mr. Siebert and.' family of Stayner. On Trip to Coast 'Mr. and Mrs. G. S. ,Howard and daughter -Evelyn .of Exeter, are away on a •-trip to the Pacific Coast.: Word hts been received by , friends from Banff where they were open ding a few days with his sister. Fror ,:there they were to leave for' Vai ouver, hoping to return the third week in August. They had travelled 2,500 miles without a single mishap and were enjoying the trip.. ' At Banff they were at an altitude` of 4500 ft. and the scenery was betutiful. OBITUARY Mrs. N. Geromette Victim of a heart .attack; Marie Badour, wife of.Noah Geremette, died at her home on Huron. street, Goderich, on Tuesday last in her 59th year. She was born in Stanley Township, north of Drysdale, being a daughter of Simon and eelartha Badour, and after her marriage to Mr. G.eromette went to live.in •Goder- ich in 1910. Surviving beside .her husband, are three sons and one dau- ghter: Vincent, Lawrence and Clar- ence, of Toronto, and iVradeine, at home.' A son, Willard, "` 1, eased his mother by three years. Five bro- thers and four' sisters also survive: Requiem high mass was sung at St. Peter's Roman Catholic church, God- erich last .eriday morning at 9 o' - lock, and interment was made °'in the R.C. Cemetery, Colborne. DRYS HOLD MEETING Hensall, Aug. 6th—A representat- ive meeting of Temperance ;workers of Huron was held here to -day. gainst the placing of authorities for beverage rooms in Huron and the action of the present member was Popular � er was driving west on the Exeter- , beverage rooms and be prepared to Zurichs' Grand Bend road when his car coil- do all in, ,their power to have the -y�ided with a car being driven south on , amendment to the Liquor Control Act MEAT MAlUT{ T the Babylon road by Wm. Decker,of referring to beverage rooms repeal Zurich. Decker's car was drawing a ed. Failing these qualifications the Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats,, Bolognas, Sausages, lEct., always, on hancL Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins .11. Yungblut & Sou trailer tt the time. After hearing Temperance people of Huron will 1 the evidence, the jurors said they nominate an independent candidate were unable to decide who was to and will organize effectively to. el- blame for the crash., ect him.—W. C. iPearse, Secy. INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK MBE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOiNG BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at` Risk on Dec.. 31st, 1935, $20;479730,00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $254,627.52. Fates --X4.50 per $1,00.0 fon 3 Years, 1+ E. F Klopp_ urikhl F. DealerHods. s� Also inI�>rill•tai� IC 40.1)31 all Wails, Gtk i !nsur.�atl :t,. 1 !. MASSEY-HARRIS NEWS Special Service Man. Howard or Mack For Five Days Only Have your Binder Inspect- ed by Him GAS OIL AND GREASE TeL Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS Rees. 67 AAJCTIONEERING? YES! a 1/ p PAOl`+,r,; Heavy Peach .Crop A recent trucker who passed tier- , the Niagara District peach belt 1 stated that the peach, crop will be a heavy ,one this year. In some dis- tricts orchard owners have found it necessary to prop the heavy -laden .ranches of their peach trees with poles. The yield is not only large;: this season, 'int peaches on tae whole are comparatively free of disease and of fine quality. :he eerly nasi, tics are now being marketed and are bringing from 60 to 70 cents for a :six -quart basket. Reduction in Hydro Rates.. .The Public lJtili'ie, Cornmierion have received word from the Ontario Power. Commiseien oi' t Anther re- duction in rates, The co:-; oa' power t.h the Ioeal c:err•.- ,;ion hiss been re- duced. frons. $36.50 per len. to and this:saving i. being pa e in in. cheaper rates for the consumer. For the domestic rates t'1 :..• end nit has been r'edu^ted from 1.1 to le. cw.h. In commercial the rate ha; been reduced f. em 2.40 to 2.8. There , is also a redu(l',or of i'. t s in th^ I villtges of Da:;}7wnn l ' d Zurich. These reductions eat,. took efi'oct August 1 t. 1',' tc 'S um; ::••Advo - c -ate. GODERICH OLD HOME Godericb. Old Homo Week during the pat week was celebrated in roy- al good fashion, and the old bogie came from near and far to met greet etch other. The weatherman was very favorably. A big attract- ion was the basebe:l ^mc' • ' nesday afternoon in which the De- troit colored team won both games from the Buffalo All Stars, for the $1,000 purse. The pageant "Brit- tnnia" an old home week spectacle, was put on three nights aand was wit- nessed by thousands, it was staged by 600 Goderichites under the direction of M. Turner. Srtnet dances and all. the fun and frolic that goes with such an occasion, was enjoyed. AUTO ACCIDENT A most terrible accident occurred on Sunday afternoon on Highway No. 4, a mile south of Clinton, when a sedan containing six passengers from the London district, were on their away towards C,;clerich, and travelling at t lively gate, when the car left the road, swerved to the left, g'ased a tree, broke off several fence posts, and then Ianded head on against a large tree. The auto was terribly smashed, tnd.the six passengers were strewn around terribly injured. Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, his son Archie, and 14Lr,. A. C. Kalbfleisch of Zurich, were on their way returning from •Clinton, and :the Doctor immediately rendered first aid until assistance ar- rived with the fatal following result: The detd: Mrs. Robt. Hamilton, was instantly killed, and Betty Hamilton, 19 yrs., daughter 'of the dead woman died in Clinton Hospital an hour af- ter the accident. The injured: Rebt. Hamilton, husband of the dead wo- man who suffered terrible head in- juries and severe body hurts; Wm. Shaw 22, driver of the car, suffered a fractured arm, severe face lacerati- ons and terrible body injuries, who was taken to Seaforth Hospital, while the other five were taken to Clinton; Mrs. Geo. Shaw, his mother, body in- juries and lacerations; Earl DaIlan- tyne 22, injuries, a compound frac- ture of one arm, and laceration ; a- bout the face and head. Dr. Mac- Kinnon of Zurich, assisted by Dr. .Shaw of Clinton gave their medical .aid to the Clinton patients, which re- quired several hours of work, and. which was a big help to the patients. 4 Voluntary Hospitalization . Plan for 'South Huron Dr. A. Moir • •'• We are this week reporting a good healthy interest taken in the volun- tary hospitalization plan for South Huron. Subscribers are more than doubling in number each week over the previous one, and we have nearly all occupations represented, viz: tea- chers, doctors, ftim ers and business men with their families. There are still nearly three weeks left in which applications can be accepted for the year beginning October 1st. There are at present 140 'hospitals in Can- ada alone which are conddcted on this plan. The netrest of these is Listowel. Many increasing in subsc- ritbers for .the second year over the first'.ber nxore than 100 per cent. We believe however, that residents of our municipalities would prefer enlisting at the beginning of the ser- vice, eo we am reminding you that the elst of August is the final date for intimating your intention. A large proportion of the people do not. take a local ptper, consequently you will b.e doing good service, espec- ially to those of small moderate means if you will inform and discuss this projest with them. The plan, explained in detail in articles I, II, and III, and so kindly printed in previous issues of this paper is briefly one in which any resident at South Huron in ordinary good hetlth, be- tween the ages of 2 and 70 will for the yearly bubscription of $5; $,2 for children, be entitled to 3 weeks free service at 1-luron Springs hospital. ZURICH CREAMERY • We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Poured B. Fat for Churning Cream delivered at our plat. • Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed • Your Cream Graded,Tested andPaid dor the.same Day. cs+ • O . 9 YOUR EGGS AND POULTRY We also buy and pay Cash for your Eggs and Poultry at Highest Market Prices, according to grade. ----Your Patronage Appreciated! THE ZURICH CREAMERY a loaeae49ffi+s3'%ocas fC+0Mi3[J7CrQM1c'.• '.'ed009^J• 0 00 ar.:^;:,;r,;.3:+4•*.Me'o'^ t5 00bi +++++++++4.4,+++++++++++++ U LD � S`SAT IAL f C If you intend doing any Building or Repairing this Y' ar we will be pleased to supply you with, the finest of Building. Materials. Let us quote you. SUMMER SCRIE.E.';S Combination Doors --screens for the summer and ,,c,;, -,ss i. terchangeable for sinter. Will r-iaku screen:, to F : �.p- erly fit your windows, Etc. Etc. Let us have your order Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materk s • PHONE 69 44. ALsr' _' )1 6,9 se ZURICH r1 i +++++++++++++++++++++4++++ ..r. ,o .'^� .r i i a 3 r i •r A; 'r +r i 3 :^ •II $ • 0 et a a !r' • • . a • et 4"; *a0*ea,e*i ****** o;,:**so*** .. ****0********Abot,se plea owers Overhduled Heavy hay crop! Let us overhaul's' your mower with genuine parts at I very r era s on able prices Master and Pioneer .Poultry Feeds Plow points to fit all makes -of plows SEEDS! SEEDS! We are in the Market for Red, Alsike, weet Clovers an Timothy Seeds. L.Schi1be. & Son . !as����e.el.Miw�..E►M1zo�¢� n �w Dooms IPS0ooaa•oe61106a.o• • • rwwwwww w ww}Aim Zurich Drug Store � INSECTICIDES We have a complete stock of poisoi s and sprays for the de- struction of all kinds of insects and vermin We Stock Paris Green, Arsenate of Lead, Bordeaux Mixture, Black Leaf No. 40, Fly Spray, Cyano Gas, Sodium Fluride, Common Sense Rat Poison, nal Nip, M--:locide, Ant Traps, Insect Powder and Cm...Live Sublimate. See Our Supply of Toilet a Preparations OAF 1111 Dr� A. J. MacKinnon, Zuriold