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Zurich Herald, 1937-08-05, Page 4
1V14,w Lizzie CcOiili` Mrs, Mont- ague. and Mas,Frank 9iarv L were e tr ltod to a ebieken dinner by, Missfr IT' .,. cW * zi v+ui, l4� +ut}«'v ew+xi' Mrs. La�planitee 'who has been visit- t:kit,l�r a Mie, a.e�l Mrs" Bit'il Lbs*e Mud ;lankily 'visited relatives /at •'Ails 7ti7C'tk, Miss Anile ,Cochrane . of ClI tion, 'visited relatives in this vicinity. Afar. and M. John Dodds lit Lon- aion and Mrs., C, Robinson • tr:ted fri- 'Mods au Mitchell. Mr, salad Mrs. W. 'IleY;aiikluie of Cen- txalaa visited with her ,rtigher, Mrs.. ;stave. .fir. Jas. Cochrane of Toronto, ' ut the week -end '14 -Siting in this " ridinity, `Threshing las 'began in this dist- mow. The 31aintl;at is being donee :full swing. i STANLEY TOWNSHIP Meer 'Wm, iaf., Robinson, who alias baeen ;spending his vacation with fri- a tzds in Stanley, returned last week ' ;his work at Pilot Mound„ lieen. Mr. and .Mrs. Fred When of Tor mento called on friends on Goshen and Warr Line on Sunday. .Miss Edith Merner of Landon, is tsiting with her parents, Mr. and ...Sirs E. 'Werner. itiliss Isabel Robinson iisspending ;aa week with hei aunt, :thn. Lowden .eaf Hamilton. The Misses Esler of Minniappolis, eare visiting with their ' tyter, Mrs. McConnell of Varna.. DRYSD,'LE firs. Antonia Meese 'is on the sick Tat. :Itis 'and Mrs. Victor'.Denomme of 'Detroit, were visitors with his par- eauts, IVIr. and Mrs. Philip Denomme. Mrs. Edward Brissisu is visiting -eviih her sister, Mrs, `G'ib. Plante at ereoderieh. t any with her brother, Rev. Fr, March- and, has retial e.ed to Windsor, Mrs, IL +With, of Detroit,\vho has been welfare at the Mousse= hence, has rettnelf;d to her home, Mr, otic Mrs. Omar Denornee •of Detroit, 'who spent four weeks at the cottage at Bayfield, have relurned'to the eiley. Mrs, Adolph Bedard is nursing her lady, liter, Mrs. Charlie Rau, Zdr, Peter Bedard of Detroit, 'din - q40. on Drysdale friends. It Wa's 3J 'years since Mr, Bedard painted St. Peter's church, Drysdale, and he is enjoying himself with old fr;iettds. Farmers are busy cutting the crops which are proving not as re/Id as at first expected. The recent storms have caused hovae.with the heavy crops, and beans are estimated to be only half a crop as a restvlt, DASHWO.OD Mr. and Mrs. Charm Ye Yager of Detroit visited friends here last week Miss Onieda Restemeyer nurse -in - training in St. Joseph Hospital, Lon- don, spent the week -end with her par- ents. Miss Grace Guenther of Kitchener, spent a few days With her ,brother, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Guenther. Miss Lena Steinlaagen of Cleveland Ohio, who leas lust raeturned from -a trip to Regina, is visiting with her brother, 1Vir. and Mrs. Chas. Stein- hagen. Mr. and Mrs. Abel of St. Clair .Shore; Mich., and Mr. Roy Abel of Royal Oak, Mich., spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Reste'm- eyer. Miss 'Beta Hayter of London, 'is spending a month's vacation at her home leen. MASSEY-IIARRIS NEWS Specia! Sei Howard or Mac ��. e For lye . ys Only Have your ind:er inspect- ed by Him GAS OIL AND GREASE Tel. Shop 149 0. KLOPP & SONS Rea. '6.7 AUCTIONEERING? YES! ZURICH HERALD'S Clubbing List ZURICH HERALD and the following Paper for one Year: London Free Prem Toronto Globe and Mail Toronto Daily Star .:. Toronto Weekly Star , Toronto Telegram Stratford Beacon Herald ....., Border Cities' Star, Windsor Kitchener Daily Record McLean's Magazine, 1 yr. McLean's Magazine, 3 years - Canadian Magazine, 1 yr. Canadian Magazine, 3 yrs. Catelaine Magazine, 1 yr. Chatelaine Magazine, 3rs.• ,.�,..,,,,,;,,,, 00 y $3 Canadian Countryman ... ....,$2.25 And a great many more that we cannot enumerate here, *h have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine :le Canada and the United Stades, and can 'veva you mune, ou the most of them. Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our Office and save Trouble' and ;Money HERALD OFFICE Zurich .. ., � �ur>:ch $6.25 $6.00 $7.00 $6.00 $6.00 $5.10 $6.10 $5.10 $2.15 $3.15 $2.1.5 $3.00 $2.15 •ry • Mie and Mid 'r, Wildioes; nee sps. ending a feeir kys in Saruaa this we 9e A2. Sunday S itors with Mrs ere(' Mrs, Robt, Harker were; Mrs. J. Giline artin and son Bill and 1., 'aid-dau 'li, ter fhaet Welsh, of Hamilton, and Mr's. R. Bestard and daughter' Gert- ;rude eat Thorndale, Miss 'Grace Hayter of Windsor, wise has spept the post week in Ham- lit4.1., returned with them and will spend some time at her home here. Miss Victoria Bnrecken of Toronto, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs L. Bender. Mr. 'Harry Harris of Sarnia is -visit ing with relativge at present. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Mr. and Mrs. Verne 'Hyslop of Windsor, sp- ent the holiday with Mr. ;and Mrs, Robt. Hayter, ; ' Mr, and Mrs. Angus More, Helen and Phyllis, Mrs. D. S. Sutherland, and Miss Margaret Henderson of Seaforth, 'spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Felix Wilds. Dr. Eugene Tiernan of Halifax, is 'spending '.his vacation with- his par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and family of New Hamburg are spending their hol- idays with relatives. »' Mr. and Mrs. Leonerd Schreder of Windsor are visiting his mother, MYs" • Schroeder. Miss Anna Tiernan ,who has been, on an extended trip to California;, returned home on Saturday. Master Bud Stadelbauer of London is spending his holidays with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. P. .Kraft 'HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. John Shepherd and Mr. and Mss. Fred Manns spent sev- eral days recently at 'Grand Bend. Miss +lyrna Hudson of Lyndon, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs C. S. Hudson. Master Charles Fee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fee, 'entertained a number of frieds on Fr,? iy last, the occasion being his 6th birthday. John Craig, who has been in very poor health for several months was taken to London Hospital where he was operated on. His condition is improving. Mrs. A. D. McEwen, who was in Liondon Hospital for a few weeks, and who underwent an operation,was able to be brought home and is- im- proving nicely. Mrs. Lorne McNaughton of Hib- bert, and daughter of W. L:'McLar en, of Hensall, was taken to London Hospital for treatment and under- went an operation Monday last. She has been in poor health for some time and her friends hope :she will soon recover. Lee Hedden of London visited' ov- er the week -end in town. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Sparks of Lon- don were visiting his mother, Mrs. troit for an .'operation. His mother' Geo. Sparks. r'arid sister aeconipanied the lad an the Casey -Hudson and friend from Lis-' ambulance. Dies in 84th,.Year It ul itepped at the stop signn, on the 1VItfl 'cad ,and stnrtod +across the I'ro- viincial lughway, on the Hayfield rd„ when it was struck by the Toronto a;e t cCrving front Clinton direction. ;i4 Holman car was 'two-thirds of the way over on• the west half of the road 'asci it is stated that the Tor- onto roan .unaccountably failed to a- void a collision, Rev. Edward, Aldworth, MM. Ald- worth and s.on. Ian, of Canore, Seek., aro holida.Ying with the former.'s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Aldworth, 2nd concession, Hay. Jas. Marrow, ex•1VI,P., of Winnipeg is visiting r't'ith friends in Exeter, Hen salt: and Kippen. His daughter Miss Nan ]iIorrow accompanied him and of her brother ter a visit in Sarnia withb . will vieit in the former locality. A New Station 'Company men Have started work on the new O.N.B.-station at Milver- ton, which will be of modern con- struction:; The work of erecting the new station and= -making the necess- ary changes in the switches amid ines for the new location, which will be ori the town side, will take about 8 weeks. Engagement Announced Mr. • aid Mrs. W. J. Plumsteel, taf Clinton announce the engagement of their daughter, Jean. Hill, to Rev. Harold John Snell, son of the late Mr and Nies. H. ,Snell, of Londeeboro, the marriage to take place late in Aug- ust. Announcement • Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Archibald, of Seaforth. announce the engagement of their daughter, Isabel G. to Chas. Shs.rwood of _Toronto, son •of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. 'Sherwood of Seaforth The marriage to take place in Sea - forth the latter part of August. Married at London Miss Vivian Mae Dennis, of Lon- don, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Her- bert J. Dennis, of West Lorne, be- came the bride of Everett Graham Stereins, of London, son of,Mr, and Mrs. Reuben. Stebbins, of `-Grand Bend, at:',a wedding solemnized i t- naz d qu e 1y_•by Rev. P. P, W. Ziemann, pastor 1` Tal'bat Street Baptist church, Lon- bn at his residence Albert st, Lear - on on Saturday afternoon , Harvest Genera/ Harm*esting is general in the Thed- ford district and threshing outfits are kept busy. At the Haig farms near Thedford three combines are at work harvesting their 500 acre crop. of wheat which is excellent quality and yielding 40 bushels to the acre. Many farmers are unable to secure help. The oats and barley crops are somewhat ahead of former years and show promise of an excellent yield. Goderich to Detroit • Suffering from a serious rupture,. sustained when he slipped and fell a- board his father's yacht, 16 -year-old' Son of Mr. and Mrs. Hateh of : Birm- ingham, -Mich., was placed in an am- bulance when the cabin cruiser put Into Goderich port and rushed to De- towel visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs Geo. Hudson. Mrs, Roy Palmer and daughte Caroline of Windsor are visiting wit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fis her. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smallacomb Tr and children of Guelph, visited wit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Smalla comb. Harold. Foster was' a visitor in Toronto recently. Miss Nellie Fee of Milverton, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and :Mrs. Geo. Fee. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Higgins of Hen sail, wish to announce the engagem- ent of their youngest daughter, Aliee Matilda to Albert Bowen, sup of M.' Bowen and the late Henry 'Bowen] Blyth, the marriage to take place early in August. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wood and daughter of Winnipeg, motored to .Hensall, and were visitors with John and Watson Wood. They had amort' pleasant trip. .;1:. ;V?kf,ilson Berry, General Manager Pi the Guaranty Trust Co. of Toron- to, visited with his mother, Mrs. Anna. Berry, returning with his cousin, Cadet James Hummel. Mr. Hummel)intends .doing some sight seeing while in Ontario, namely, Niagara Falls, Callender, 111uskoka, after which he' will vomit eossins in Kitchener before returning hone to resume his college. training in Philadelphia. Jim is 15 years old and stands 5 ft. 11 % inch- es in height and with his military. training promisee to be a stately young man when ;matured. 1' h• h COUNTY NEWS . Cars Collide at Brucefield Rita Holman 16, Marie Holman 1 daughters of Mr. and Mrs. i' Holman, Winthrop and Scott Kerr, 18, of McKillop w•ez,e inj, e l woe their tar was struck while crosin» Prov. Highway No. 4 at Brucefielrl last Wednesday after,'on enroute to a Sunday School picnic at ua,yfieltl: The other car which figured in the occident ;was driven by It. Wrfgltt'o•• Toronto, who was •accompanied' 1 Myx'tle Vollick, of Toronto. le is , deestoed the 'Toronto' car was drift PVeiee fan-, 1Weeag..' Beach to flet -5 t, ion ati holiday tt • The Wlthrap, cit . John Connell, 15 years a, resident of, Clinton and 50 years in Huron Co- unty, died last Thursday at his horse in his 84th year. He was born . in York County, In 1860 the family Moved to Grey Co., and settled• near. the village of Walter Falls, afterward Coming to Huron County. 15 years ago he retired from farming and has since made his home there. He was Methodist and United church in re- ligion and- Conservative in politics. Picnic at Bayfield 'Wed. July 12, proved to be an id- eal deal day for the Crich reunion picnic, held in Jowett's Grove, Bayfield. E'v ery branch of the family of John Crich, who settled in the west end of Tuckersrnith as a pioneer in 1838,wa: well represented. 180.sat down to lunch. Recognition of the oldest per- son t resent went to Mrs. Whitefish Crich. In Police Court • A. practical joke perpetrated. by Leonard Rooney, Brussels farmhand on his friend, John Orvington, on July 19,' -when he playfully let the air out of the tires of his friend's auto tires, backfired in Mag. Makin's court at Goderich on Thursday, the joke costing Rooney a cool $13. The crown attorney explained that when ©rvington came upon his auto on a Brussels street with two "fiats," it. was too late to get into a garage.so he drove home to hisfarm on the rims. He estimated damage to cas- ings and inner tubes at $4, plus .$1 for taxi fere into town next day to buy the tubes. Court and constable Costs amounted to another $8.—lit only took 30 seconds to fix up Leslie., Knox, Ciintonian charged with: driv- ing while intoxicated, in potice court. He said -"guilty" and Magistrate Ma- kin'ssaid'-"14 days" in jail. It, was ;lifferent with Robt. 'Snazel, who fdc- •el a similar charge, 'being a Goderich Old boy,' Rgbt. ,had his case hoisted for two weeks, over OId Home We- ak, and so a near-dalamity was nar- rawly averted. Keith Feagan pleaded guilty to 'leaviiuf the scene of an ac= cident,• a head-on collision in which 'a lady was injured'. Hee .was assessed $10 and costs. Miss Helen Beatt; ; former Wingham and Exeter hgizdre- sser Mailed, to answer„ hep name. to face a charge shoplifting. Crowe, Atttifney''„Ho'mes •ordered, Oat.. r: ERAL _. HQRON-BRUCE CAN.P D4"TIt Announcement has been. Paula by W. C, Knox, -Toronto business man, of his intentigri to allow his name to stand for nomination as Conservative candidate for 'Huron -Bruce ,ridirri; an. the forthcoming provincial election. Mr. Knox, who was brought up in the town of Wingham and received his public and high school education there, is well known to residents of the riding where his father first taught echool and later for many years successfully carried on jewelry stores in Teeswater, Lucknow, Ger- rie and Wingham. +---+ TO SELL BEACH 0' PINES. Sarnia, July 29—D'art of a lake shore subdivision near Grasse Bend is to corne under the sheoi.irs hammer following a court order, it was lear- ned today; The property is known as Beach 0' Pines Estate, Limited, an ceiginal development of approximat- ely 5,000 acres on which Detroit in- terests erected a clubhouse and a number of summer cottages. It is right in the heart of the wekk known Pinery. Judgment against the prop-' erty was optained by A. E. Farncoirits of London, a land surveyor, who worked on the original layout. The sale has been set for . October 2nd. SAME AS LAST JULY As the month of August opened, we looked back on. July as a month of moderate weather and plentiful moisture compared with the blister- ing heat of July a year ago when for six days the mercury was at the cen- tury mark. Despite the comparative coolness of the past month weather bureau figures show that the average temperature was only a half degree lower in the past month than in the record-breaking hot wave of a year agoo. Weather bureau :officials a x- plainecl.that exceptionally- warm nights during the past July brought the temperature average for the two months nearly equal. H a1,117iCSWING DAY' 'Thanks •ipirig' Day this dear be i![ayn Oi to3>er A pro- clamat'ion published in The Canada. Gazette sets that slate ."as a day of general thanksgiving to Almighty, God .fer, the bountiful 1 le tt Lir ,crop and other ,. blossin ys. witlh which Canada had. ;been :Eavo.ured this ' year, Last year Thanksgiving Day was observed on Octdbex :12th,. (G0'itiDi7ROY' RQAD More than 20 previouel'y nneinploy ed znen and a umber of trucks from, Crediton and district are working on the (county :road east of Crediton. In. the work ignite a number of -logs and stumps buried since the days of cor- duroy road have been.unearthed arocl erremoved.. • mile and a quarter has already been cdrained and the road:.. widened. Two bucks 'have been kept busy drawing crushed stone for re- surfacing. esurfacing. This has been brought from Cadrrnore's pit. Patrolman Net- son Baker is in charge of -hiring of the :men and finds ample help avail- able. Phe road meets highway No. 4 23e ;miles south of Exeter, and the work has been done about two miles to the west. This road meets the Blue Wafer highway about two miles so- uth of Grand ,Bend. ELECTION TI•IIS FALL Toronto--1Preniier Hepburn and Ixnse inneut will appeal to the electors :of 'Ontario before the end of November, it was learned last Thurs- day from informed sources close to the premier. The week ending Oct- ober'9 is regarded as the time likely to be •chosen by Mr. Hepburn, it was reported. The election may be post- poned, how -ever, until early in Nov- ember. The premier definitely deci- ded flit the appeal to the electorate, it was said, and rumor has it that the Cabinet council gave formal approv- al to his plans. It is said there wilt be ua riistribution of the 90 seatse despite forecast that the ridings wo- uld be rearranged before • another• provincial vote. A. special session be-. fore the :election is regarded as un- likely_ eSNAP 1UIE .. SPECIAL PICTURE HOBBIES (VIE of the attractions of the hobby of amateur photography lie that it provides an almost un- lf#nited• number of hobbies within the hobby-,: as many, in fact, as there are kinds of things that the eye can see. Ships, flowers, trees, clouds, locomotives, colonial' architecture, historical monuments, gargoyles, machinery, babies; horses, dogs, cats* birds, insects are ,only a few subjects which• have their deyotees we special picture hobbies. Entlrusi- asnt• for photography combines. with the collector's instinct, 'resulting in albums of photographs of: tliechose-a sabjeot that are a source• of pride, pleasure and! instnuctivn. In addition to the enjoyment, making the p photographs, the value et. a special picture hobbyis. that A usually leach to air accumulation af. knowledge about the subject• that is educational) and broadening. If they photographer starts malting pic- tures of flowers, he soon discovers that there are many thing& abent flowers that he never knew bet,re. life is likely to becoine quite .is bet - wrist So with sh,ips. He is likely soon to, be studying up, on: marine architecture and enjoying Lt: • Above is an amateur photograph, from, the album of an insect special- ist. This is a hobby which affords hint the extra enjoyment of wants into the woods and fields in his hunts for specimens. • He photo- graphs- them on the shot and cap- . tures them to take home for indoor shots. He leas become an amateur ....•.entomologist, Now he really .knows Kiril ;�e , rstx atoll t' n l , t1:, lib ttc1i war ^ bout "bees' knees,'" "butterflies' +• , hasa ^'a tttterflies' ir;•a :..1 C•34,6. ,. •.a w, , f ,K ,• . *.•)'''.04�..,,•:...P4., 1 } 1.. . . eyebrows' ,and how many legs a. caterpillar has. He finds that photo-.: graphing insects in the open fields,. garden or woods, is really a sport.. Some binds you can stalk success-. fully but he tells you that, more: often than you would suppose, you have success by lying in wait for an insect to conte within tens range. and pose itself on flower, leaf or• twig on witich you have focused. Ir: you locate yourself in a place where. there are plenty of them, it won't.. be long before one of the multitude - hops or flies Into position in front: of your waiting lens. Of course, if: ,you do not have a close -focusing bel-- Ilows camera, you should use a por-- !trait attachment in order to get a. large image, and in either case you will usually need to have an enlarge -- merit made from the important part. of the negative. The exposure should usually be. 'twice that given regular outdoor - scenes with the ,siime light condi- tions. Being close to the subject 'there is less light reflected, and, aa. detail 3s essential, it is better too rouble .trio: exposure time, and also,, , 'to use a snail stop. Your camera, ,shonid he stationary on a support.; Tbix must expect 'some failures be ' cause of the refusal of an insect al -- ways to .stay in position:loi g • enough for the required exposure, but that adds to the value of the successful- Dictures. Grasshoppers, bees, spiders.• and: their webs; the praying mantis and: the butterfly offer good opportuni— ties.; so aces t to wasp's nest,if you- , care tet' ' — .o 147 a�7tcarc , r•