HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-08-05, Page 111E. ZURICH, THURSDAY IVIORNI‘NG, AUGUST 51937. 'Let the llerald Publish yoixr &unmer Visits an .1.1••••••••••••..01•1•1•M • ST. PETER'S )Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH - ONT. "A Changeless Christ far a Maar- ing Worbi." 'Friday, 8h -Luther League. Vishursday-Choir Practice. iSUNDAY SERVICES: 010 a. nn. -German Service.. 21.15 9...Ill.-Sunday Selma. 7.30 p.m. -English service. Everybody Welcome to Servic E. TUERKHEEK raster. -#9,You Need Glasses? Stop and Think how important it is that you wear correct gresses--cor- needy prescribed for your vision. Correctly styled to your face. Tour 'health may largely depend on keen wision See C. E. ZURBRIGG, R. 0. At HESS JEWEI,ERY mom zuRicu, TWT Eang. Leaviff's •Theatre EXETER - ONT. Thursday, Friday, Saturday "ONE IN A MILLION": .A. 211th Century Fox SPECIAL Pro- duction, with SONJA HENIE Champion Skater of the World Supported by an all Star Cast includ- ing THE RITZ BROTHERS Jean Hersholt, Don Ameche and others COMING “,SEVENTH HEAVEN" Slave Ship 11.••••••••••••••••••=0•IC SNOW FALLS 1N JNLY Brantford -Snow in July -that's news! James Chapman, turnkey at the Brant county jail, and two pris- in the jail yard early on July 28th. showed 119,700th oilers affirmed that snow flakes fell persons viewed .. the home of Mr. aand Mrs. Gordon iee sons were Sunday visitors at ,poubting Thomases may doubt, but quints in July. Cars stopped A11 • ,3issett, near Goderich. HAIRDRESSING, THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING PA1RLOR 1VIrs. Fred Thiel wishes to adVise the public that she is now open f,c;i' business. Permanents and Finger - waving a specialty,. All perrnanente guaranteed. Parlor located in rear of shop. For appointnients call or phone 102 Zurich. IN MEMORIAM In Loving memory of our beloved !daughter, Dorothy Nan, who depart- ed one year ago, August 6th, 1936. Dearer to us, than words can tell, Are the thoughts of her we love so well. Tis only those, who have loved emit lost, .1 Who can realize the bitter cost. Sadly missed by parents, 1VIr. Mrs. Erwin Schilbe. . • ATTRACT MANY PEOPLE • ;t.1 rtig0 i4itto Chester L. Smith, Pulenerteelle V/.,26 a year, U.S. $1.60 in Actium** 01.50 INARREARS, 42 MAY BX WEICALIMM4 Visit° s WA NIN • Mr. Abram Eckel left for his home in Plattsville for a few days. Mrs. E. Ball of London., spent the week -end with Mrs. Ed. •Gascho. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Parent of Detroit were week -end visitors at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. j. W. Hor- ner. . Mr.. arid Mrs. M. Ohler of Goder- ich; Mr. and Mrs.. W. Bracewell of Toronto, were visitors with Mrs. C. England. .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schenk and -ftwilily of Mt. Clemens, Mich., were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hy. .Steinbach. Mrs. E. Turkheirn and son Herbie, Mr. John Turkheim and Miss Lenora The Dionne quints restill a Haberer spent the week -end -with , . star tourist attraction judging by figures released by their physician Dr A. R. Defoe, who said the turnstiles], uends Desboro. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Hess and it was no optical illusion," said Chap- nursery last mo totaled 29,926; Mrs. (Dr.) H. H. Cowen and chil- man. "Two prisoners were doing while there are 310 trailers and 64 Oren, of Exeter, and Miss Cowen of work in the yard at the time and we busses. The doctor said an accurate all three witrxessed the flurry of snow comparison could not be made .wt Hakes." the corresponding month last yearij; because the turnstiles at the playgrne 44+++04+++++++,*+++++++++*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - + -4. • -+ TRY ECKEL'S 6 Fergus, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz. . 11,1r. and Mrs. Louis Schilbe, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Schilbe and Mrs. und were not installed until July 141Heib. Krueger and son Campbell, HAY COUNCIL - --..-t .110 'a very enjoyable week -end with The regular monthly meeting ol, •rel.,atives at Windsor and Detroit, the .Council of the Township of Ha • bliving to the illness Of her mothei was held in the Township Hall, Zuf 1, 4. oles. Wm. Miller, Miss Ann Overholt ich, on Tuesday, August .3rd, 19.3, ieeSpending a few days in Goderich: with all the members present. Aft - . ',-..Gertrude Thiel is relieving Miss + . reading and adopting the minutea; r 'Itholt at the local telephone cen- 4". ith July meetieig the varloar4o . . + mbnications.were disposed of. .0,' •• `„.'t. :The following resolutions were pas- MTS. Peter Koehler of town recei- . * CHOICE VARIETY OF "CAICE,, PIES, ,ved word of a serious auta accident + AND t .sed: .1. . That Ify-law No. 8-1937 providing ix' which her sister and husband, Mr. .4. 4- SVVEET GOODS. '1'' for rates 'struck, levied and collected and Mrs. Richard Moore of New Ha- + - - for 19317 be read three times and fin-lven, Conn., also Mrs. Flyn of Troy, edients Used -axe of the Highest Quality t. ally passed. 1N.Y., rw ere quite seriously injured. -+ -+ + That By-law No. 9-1937 appointing The accident occurred last week. Mr. + ALL CONFECTIONS - ICE CREAM 3: G. A. McCubbin, 0.L.S., of Chatham and Mrs. Moore were recent visitors .+.4. Our Storemill be closed each Wednesday Evening .1. • .,+ as engineer in charge of the drain- with Mrs. Koehler at Zurich. * T. age work petitioned by C. Aldworth + + EckePa Bakery - Zurich ..:-. + + 4. Telephone IN :++++++++++++++14-1+++44+ ...0111•Iphi 1 I pi ea e g MIS RIM RI TIMM,. WIL SELL THE BEST FOR LESS 'Specials for Thursday, y and Saturday vAyluxer Soups' iffra-oz. 2 Ens ____-. 5c Sunlight Soap„, sperla, 5 cakes -.-27c Polly Prim Peas 31 -oz En, 2 Ens ..... _19c Pork and Bean4 234oz. Ens, 2 Ens Kellogg's Bran Flakes, 2 plrgi. Salmon, fancy pink, 3 tins -Lux flakes small Ilic„ large 'Fancy assorted Fancy 'Coolies peril". ---18c Miracle whip salad AresliingIVALoz. each - _21(c Tomato, juke 25% -oz. per En _10c Aeroxon Catc 4 tor Blue Rilkhon 3'.4111, in glass Jar JI Highest Pike* fur and other be read three times. and TO REPRESENT SYNOD finally passed. niaRnevo..x ivEnhTeiriteoith, eRimev,. C. Rev. o- 1 That the cost of the 1986 audit be and 11-Girs ; apportioned as follows: Township of Hay $62.00; Hay Telephone System goneCronentoilleid,moonftoWn,illiaAmitsob„ui;go, attend $45.00; Zurich Pollee Village '$5.00; Zurich Hydro -Electric System 5.00; the IIbineintnedialLute.ffiraann ChCuTerh°roefneCaanoldf- Dashwood Hydro -Electric System ada, which is being held for the first 00., and that the Clerk bill each Cor- time in history iu Western Canada. poration accordingly. 1They will represent the Canada Syn - That accounts covering payments] od While there and visit different on Township Roads, Hay Telephone: points and conduct services in order System, Charity and Relief and gen-toobtain first-hand information re_ oral accounts be passed as per vou- garding conditions in the drought e:hers: stricken areas. Delegates will be pre - Township Roads-Bonthron & Dr-; sent from all parts of the United St- ysdale belt, laces, etc., 2.40; S. Ropp ates and Canada. On their return the rd. 2, 6.90; G. J. Thiel, Zurich vill- ago 7.95; M. Corriveau road 17, 6.40 -E.-a. Desch, rd. 8, 1200;. F. E. Deno - mine rd. 10 5.95; A. Meidinger rd. 10 2.85; T. Steinbach rd 8 $12; H. Stelnbach, road supt. 1960;. P. Neu- schwanger rd 7, $7; A. Olausius cut- ting -weeds rd. 6, 1.00; P. •Schade rd 13 2.40; 0. Greb rd 6 10.80; G. E. Bi -eek repairs 6.70; R. Adams rd 10, $4.; W. Farrell rd 18 18.40; H. Mc- TMiitije rd 1, 10.05; G. Surerus rd 9 11.20; C. Aldworth rd 2 12.10. Hay Municipal Telephone -- Can, Tel°. and Supplies material 7.48 Mart:horn Elec. Co. material 228.02; B. Hess, 1 month salary 165.00; Dell Telo. Co. tolls May to June 203.14; National Revenue tax tolls 33.85. Orarity and Relief -E. Hendrick vent 3.50; Dept.- Health, isuu1n.acce 4.6;W. Hay allowance $20. General Account -41: C. .Kalbflei-: sib., stakes for drein $3. • • • Motion, that the Council meet a-. -gain on Tuesday, Sept. 7th, at 1.30 -clheltele in the aftbfbaen. • - A. re. Hess, Clerk., delegates will stop off at Edenwald, Sask., where a Cairn will be unveiled to the memo. -17 of the late Henry Schmeider; one of the pioneer Luth- eran pastors of Western Canada, and father of Rev. John Schmeider, of Kitchener.. ' • HOUSE BURNS Awakened feem the first sleep of the evening when lightning struck their home about 10 o'cleck hist Wed- nesday night the family of 'Mr. Peter Deichert Jr., of the Bli7e1 Line, near Zurich, had a ';;Irrow escape as the large,. residence went up in flames. Mr. Deichert heard a noise that soun- ded like an explosion in the attic but paid .no attention. A few moments later the upper floor was a mass of flames and the ttrnily of seven chil- dren escaped with only the clothes on their backs, '•11'he Zurich fire brigade was called A° the place but the fire hed readied such proportions- that the firemen were -unable to save the buil- ding,t a's .there was no water available Some of the „eonAnts were removed by neighbor's 'who assisted the fire- ..menewormike• men, who played a heroic part, and had they had sufficient water they would -undoubtedly have aoon had it Farmers! Attention! under: coAtrol. The loss will be a , I heavy.on:e to, Mr, eiD 'let fam •c We have been - 'appointed sefling ily as'it is only partly covered bv &gents for the celebrated 'Viking. inmenee, The wane of the mein Diabolo Crean.' Separator, the sopar- Imo are still standing, as well as dor with a ten year guarantee. Let th,e kitchen in which the family are is demonstrate this machine to you now residing. It is only a few years old compare it with all others. And ago when, the learn was struck by don't forget, thebest feature is the lightning and burned to the ground. unusual .easy terms. Liberal a1lowanc0 It is a hard blow to the family and or trade-ins. . Many friends aro rendering assist - G.. SORRA° & SON. _se tf44. mice finaucially, Eyes Examine Glasses Filled Mr. C. E. Zurbrigg REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Will be at the Store THURSDAY EVENING Good Glassei if you need them. .Good Advice if you Don't. HESS JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN Phone 74 Zurich *blue co Put Your COAL in now at. the low price. A sharp vance may be expected son= Tile and Brick W. R. DAVIDSON We pay Cash for Eggs • Phone 10 HENSALL • • 4.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*••••••• -o. .4,6040 41.47 4- 4 • • • •• • • • ok. • le• • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 0 t• • 4 .i4.60•41e4F144:448.64e.se800,ze,tit0000 44efe „. rder Y.ur New T Day NEW SAMPLES EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS ASMENVIP': i3 ••-•-reeeree-ereirere-reeeeereere.'"--ere'rre".."""-reee , ti+.3414.10, at -1W , sum,, er See Our New Prints, Broad- cloths ,Drapery, Chintz, Cur - tams and Curtain Goods, Etcc 1937 Garden Seeds, Root Seeds, Paints, Varnishes, Floor Wax, and Polishes, Varna - Lac, Etc... Etc. HARNESS • REPAIRS, ETC. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON H R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL AMROHANT PHONE 11 - 97 BLA