HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-07-22, Page 5Theirs ay J:nfer 22n k BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL ., 'uLEY E.HHoi iviE 'BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. NOT- ARY PPUIIL1C,, ETC. + 1FFICE—Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODS CH, Untaarrio. Special Attention to Councel and Court Week. -111r,' Holmes may be consulted at 'Goderieh by Phonee and Phone charges reversed. DENTAI. Dr. W. ;RYCE L. D. S. D, D. S.' DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK --.ZURICH • every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLO, DASHW OOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. h. H H. COWE 1 L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter Ontario VETERINARIAN `Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. ' VETERINARY SURGEON ' 'Office in the Home of the late ion as Agent of The Hay Township jured. The dear jumped from a flitch Dr. J. Routledge. Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. on top of the car damaging the `left `'i'3zone-96. Zurich ,For more particulars apply to:front fender, headlight, and faglight. H. K. Eilber, Secy. Put 'four Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc, Ada, in this Column! FOR QUICK SALE 1 Bell T1rreshing machine, size 20x30 in A.1. condition. 1 tt'aetor, Waterloo, size 12x25, In fair condition, Apply to !Chris Zirk Phone :82 z' 24, Zurieir. central. FOR SALE 1 used 6 foot Deering Binder. 1 used (i foot Massey binder. -- 1 Wilkinson hand plow. .m_ John Hey, Jr.„ Zurich NOTICE The Hayfield Golf 'Club will spon- sor a dance at Jowett's Paeilion, Hayfield, Friday evening, July 30th. Admission 35c. Red Ruhl's Orchestra. FOR QUICK SALE A lirnited number of one -year - White Leghorn hens for quick sal Oscar Grebe Zurich NEWS: Mai. Clayton Hofrnan wbo spen the past week at Galt has returned to his home here., 1+'armers• are busy cutting the big 1937 crop of wheat, and 'by all apr pearance it will be a bumper crop, Mrs. John Eley left last wee'k.: on an excursion trip to Dauphin, Mane and other parts in the West, Dr. and. Mrs.. H. H. Cowen. and family of Exeter, were ,Sunday vis- itors at the :tome of J,Vir, and ''Mrs. C. Fxit4. A goodly nrimber from town at- teUded the 'Cemetery decoration. at the Goshen line .cemetery on Sunday afternoon. -• Dr. and Mrs. P. J. O'D,wyerand family who spent two weeks' .holidays in Halibua'ton county have reieneeed from a fine vacation and the Doctor has resumed his practice in Zurich of giving his -•px'ofessional services to the 111, old ON LONG MOTOR TRIP e. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Howard and tf3 Miss Evelyn of Exeter, who returned — �`- recently from Blind River where she '='" . " has been teaching, left Thursday last For Sale on an extended motor trip to the West. They will visit with Mrs. Howard's sister in Biggar, Sask.,' and with Mr. Howaad's sister in Calgary, Alberta, as well as other friends en - route. 1929 Ford, coach in very good con- dition. Apply to Elgin Snider, Zur- ich. NOTICE Applications will be received by the undersigned up to Saturday, the 24th of my 1937 at 10 a.m. for the posit - Deer Jumps From Ditch While returning on Sunday after- noon from Clinton, where they were visiting. a eee driven by Albert Will- ard, of. Petrone struck and killed a four-year-old buck deer about 'fi.ve miles south of Grand Bend on the Pinery road. In the car were' five Petrolia people and no one was in - Damages were estimated at $100.00 Campbell, V.S, B.V•S+c,' rx Constable L. L. Shipley of 7�etrolia :leraduate of Ontario Veterinary College University of Toronto. All was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, :nails promptly attended to. AIso Tire- We have several good used wash- on Wednesday evening, July 7th ,11;,, seder of Scottish terriers. Inverness ing machines for quick sale. meeting was opened by the President es oJunior Institute and Junior Farmer, f domestic animals treated • Crediton, Ont. invesigated Zurich Organizations Meet aiiseas The monthly joint meeting of the say the most modern -principles, FOR QUICK SAT Charges reasonable. Day or night Riennels. , Office on Main Street, ,opposite Town Hall Phone 116. HENSALL. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON- ednut any Auction Sale, regardless ms to size or article to sell. I solicit wour business, and if .not satisfied will A disco rate: of 5% per =eke no charges for Services Ilene annum will be allowed on prepay-, ule? ed, went on 1937 taxes made before ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood October 1st. !'hone 13-57. A. F. HESS, Stade & Weide, Zurich 1937 TAXES TOWNSHIP OF HAY Taxpayers can make their money earn interest at the rate of 6% per annum by paying a deposit on their 1937 taxes. PRODUCE ee„ a pleasing guitar solo which eve[ "—' - heartily applauded. Eldon :Gable and C FOR GOOD CLEANING Ray Ortwein sang a duet which was Fann also good. Wilfred Mousseau then Have your Dry Cleaning and thanked Mr. Andersen foe the Milli Wilfred Mousseau who called on our Reeve, Mr. George Armstronge to give the opening addresswhich he did in his usual- pleasing manner. Next Mr. M. Andersen introdrzeed Mr. Hern, Tnspector of Dairies , who Voters' LiAs, 1937 w+rerwrwr►r,apM►l'►V��i�!awNrI�R1I1�Mlr�rw�lYw�lr�*IMi�11MIt1MwA��!!�4hwp MUNICIPALITY OF STANLEY es COUNTY OF :I URON ` We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound B. Notice is hereby given that T have .�i . Fat for Churning Cream omplieci with section 7 of the Vot;•; .a � delivered at.our plaint. x°s qhs •s Act, and that have - it ed up at my Office at Varna on the g 19th day of July, 1937, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the e said Municipality at municipal elect. LP ions and that such list =nuns then) for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voter:; have any errors roreom ssionsicorre t I • Poultry at Highest Market Prices;„ according to ZURICHCREAMERY e' f' 4' A t, 0 Prompt i; ti vc, pa51, P Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed our Cream Graded, Tested and Paid . � d for the same Day.` YOUR EGGS ANIS .POULTRY We also buy and pay Cash for your Eggs to takpnese el and ed according to law, the last day for w grade. ----Your Patronage Appreciated! l Aug ust 1937, • THE ZURICH - CREAMERY. Dated this 19th day of Jury I-- .. ® toesessooseetteeesseotegem neee••ab••ar�m . oeee seeissoc av Chas. C. Pilgrim, Clerk.. 1 1 appealing being eIn , g the 9th day of g i 0 • • 0 aleaeateeitten T IONEY FOR SALE 1.4,+'• •� �++++44++4-4.0,--:-'• ++44,0^1-++++++++++++++++.H+14311. �� �� err �•+>� + •l .t..r , We are in a potion to Supply our Customers with Honey in your 4. containers at the following prices:; No. 1 Clover Honey at 10e. a lb. No. 1 Clover honey, ,r) lbs. or. over at 9c Ib Amber honey Pt Pe r "r. These prices effective ::ori Jt.?y 1 Owing to the short crop, prices hay been advanced J. HABERER 4 SONS, Zurich Phone 122, Zurich. 2 blocks south .. of }Tote' UII. ,C3 MATERIALS- • * we will be pleased to supply you with the finest of Building Materials. Let us quote you. t I If you intend doing any Building or Repairing this Yr"ar SUMMER SCREENS Combination Doors --screens for the summer and ' iss i:.,terchangeable for winter. Will make screens to p ep- • * erly fit your windows, Etc. Etc. Let us' have your order Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materia _ s jgsc ZURICH I... Miss Vera Decker spent the pati,t week -end with her g...�ri ..., Laurinc Martin of kippen. Miss Monica Hartman spent a few days with hex cousin Eileen Denomy at Hayfield. - Mrs. John Albrecht of town spent last week visiting witn lair. and Mrs. Geo. Reavely at 'l names ord. Mr. and 1Virs. Geo. 1Raevely and daughter Doris of Thamesttord, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Albrecht. J\lrs. H. Nitsche, 1V1,x5. A L. Luria. and Lois Burn of New York city, have arrived to visit Rev and Mrs. l;. Burn. Mrs. Edwin Hartman of near Blake, spent a few days with MTs. Omer Denorny at their cottage in Hayfield. Mr. and Mr'S. Fred don, are spending this C. 0. enuties cot:aae south of St. Jo,eph. Greif of Lee - week in Mr. at t:ie Lake, Mr. and Mrs. John I1aleman from: Seaforth also Miss Agnes Hartrnn gave a very interesting and ilinsteted from Wallaceburg, Spent Sunday address on rni.lk and cream. Andersen had much credited., to 'him for the way he has:tun the Zurich Creamery. The social pert .° of the program iwas opened by.h, .tap C14/1C' by little Miss,Aileen Mu,hrn whichde- lighted •- re11 Following__ this ts- Joan Gelinas gave a splendid mono- logue and then Mary (Woman ?dad the .Girl's Club Paper e :sees lee lin+ self and Joan Gelinas.' Next, Mr. Treasurer, Hay Township. ;Claude Gr1inns and Inc Orsch gavo lilt ANTE LAuUnNDRLTby.,LTOENTEDOPNA. RIMSVtIeANns heervgeadvebyusthfeor gthrles. delAists;htthFuel lusichr- clow of HIGHEST CASH PRICES of Laundry clone at reasonable prices. the parents and friend's present for' --FOR-- tf-4 coming and making the 0,rnrng s CREAM, EGGS AND success The meeting. then closed • POULTRY Wm. O'Brien' Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich Suits and Topcoats SOc. All kinds the lunch Mr. Andersen then thanked. BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, £ct., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric. Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices tor Wool, Hid - and Skins 11. Yungblut & Sou INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. of WOODSTOCK MBE LAP. EST . ERREEVE• BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN • MU' 't[3/11, COMPANY DOTNO`StJSTN•E'S,S OF THIS KIND IN. ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk . on Dec.:. 3Est, 1935, $20,479;730.00 'Taal Cash in Bank and Bon J $254,627.52, 3 ates—$4.50 per $1,000 AN! 3 Years E. F. Klopp--Zurk b Thief's Transport, Zurich with the National Anthem. Voluntary Hospitalization still be admitted to the hospital? Answer—Yes, at the previous rate of $2.50 per day. Question 12—What is the present status of Huron Springs Hospital? Answer—It is duly licensed and fully approved to conduct a 15 bed service fox surgical, medical, and maternity cases. As we stated ibeford, we have ac- comodation far •only one out of 8 cases, from South Huron who will require to go to a hospital during the coming year, and to give you preced- ence in this as well as to help us in the furtherence of our plans, we are adding a form, which we as you, if Plan FOR SOUTH HURON (By Dr. A. Moir) ARTICLE III (Continued from last week Question 6.—Should sickness ex- ceed the 3 weeks limit of free serv- ice, is any provision' ;made? Answer—Yes. Any over tune will be charged for at one-half the rate to non -subscribers. Question 7.—Should some extra- interested, to 'cut out andmail, or ordinary condition necessitate a pati_ give us shortly. The form explains ent going to some distant hospital, is itself: he free to do so? Answer—Yes, and his subscription will be refunded. Question 8—Will the family" phy- sician have personal charge of his patient in the hospital? Answer—Yes, and he will have a graduate nurse to keep him in close touch -with the progress of his pati- ent. Question 9—How would you guard ngai'nst subscribers' coming to the hospital foe minor ailments? Answer—We can trust to the doc- tors for this, Only thoose ivho are bed ridden or nearly so, and ordin- ary subjects of hospitalization will be :received` ;'•, • Question i 10—May subscribers have the Benefit of "Specialists" ;care at Huron Springs Hospital. Answer Yes. Anyone whom the patient or ,his. physicican so desires. Specialasts'°in .surgery, neurology, eye ear; nose and throat, heart disease, -a ' . Ism Dealer l Lighin n Ods x alrraayzfi(portr.hle)„�irhd Radium have. y done satisfactory work there, m erese€lIs ► El FiLCt ete 'eeera ' ani t inod'er •ate rotes. or ( atesi.ieu, L7.- , li:ll nen sulieeribets o FORM Date. . I am considering the Hospitalizati- on Plan at Huron Springs for myself, my wife, and tee pendent children. Should I decide before Aug. 31 to subscribe,/ would like any application to be as from date mentioned above. Should I fully decide to suibscribe 1 will notify . you o few days ahead, as to what date we will come to the Hospital to .be Aged in proper grade and to receive contract. Sigriaturo . We thank our publisher for this great courtesy, and liberal space which he has given us to give his y caddis, this logical proser an r atati� h of a :matter which has become one f intelligent intri eet to all. witn iii surd errs. Edwin Hartman. Rev. E. Burn was to Tavistock on Saturday p.m. to give an address at the inemerial service of Mrs. John Zimmerman, nee Fleischauer. e,Renstieeeeeehn..c.,tU d. sitihe damns• of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Rowe, and Mrs Lydia Geiger this week are: Rev. and 11r•'. S. R. Knechtel, Miss Elizabeth Rennie of Kitchener; Mrs. Helen Sci'kethcoet of California; Mr. and Mrs 'Frank McCutcheon and daughters Marian and Gloria, of London, who were all camping at the "Treeo” cot- tage, Grand Bend. Taxes a Little Lower Good news come, to the tax pay- ers of Hay Township, as according to the statement of the last Council meeting when the 1937 rates were sten if will show that Hay Twp., tax- es will Poe e'.- out 114 mills lower than in 1936, not taking into con- sideration the levies for special scho- ol rates, which in most cases will be the same as last year. However, the levy of the Zurich section will be somewhat lower, as the closing of one room will be some saving. Jail Drunk Driver Continuing his practice of a mixi- mum sentence for drunken driging, Mag. Walker at Walkerton in weekly police court again waned motorists to beware of driving while intoxicated as he would show no favors to any one. "I don't care who he is, I will give the maximum of 30 days in jail" warned the cadi. R. Powers, was another victim who was caught zigzagging down the highway. Popular in England P. Woodhams, London, Eng,, wholesale grocer visiting Montreal, said Canadian cheddar cheese is the most popular in England in its sea- son. ,Cheeseeloving English people like .a full cream cheese and Canadi- an cheddar with 80 per cent. cream contents is preferred over other var- ieties. New Zealand cheddar ranks next in popularity in England, but it and Canadian don't compete since their seasons supplement each other, the grocer,added. ,Accidents up 25 p.c. During April this province saw an increase of 25.5 per cent in motor accident's over the same month of last year, according to figures recei- ved by the Chamber of Comerce at London. Total mishaps were 871, in which there were 53 ` deaths and 737 injured. For the first four months of the year the increase in auto accid- ents -was 37.2 per cent. At the same time there was a jump of 11.7 in motor car registrations anf 13.7 per cent gain in. gasoline consumpt- ion. PHONE 69 444 i! F ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ... ,cs._•_.++4,-;, +q., ..i.ycaa,•4• ••§••'r+•x••4••3 + 4 Overhai,jedwersa 0 Heavy hay3 crop! us overhaul your mower with genuine parts at 2 • very eusonable prices 3 Master and Pioneer Poultry Feeds Plow points to fit all nares of plows 6060000 60000 696600 a0000060000 0660006600000000 Anit v, 0 2 0 • 0 • --SEES:,-.1--•-^^-... EED-•,;^...., ....w_,_ 7 • We are in the Market for Red, Alsike, weet Clovers and Timothy Seeds. a • • on 48er0araasaaacsen00041:o*®6as1 rwwwivmmoAmmmhbRAMVAMIMMIMV/41' 1 1 1 Zurich Drug t 1 INSECTICIDES We have a complete stock of poisons and sprays for the de- struction e .struction of all kinds of insects and vermin We Stock Paris Green, Arsenate of Lead, Bordeaux Mixture, $Zack Leaf No. 40, Fly Spray, Cyano Gas, Sodium Fluride, Con neon or Sense Rat Poiscn, R,at lap, M^"'_aocide, Ant our Traps, Insect Powder and Cod.i:ive Sublimate. sr See Our Supply of Toilet or Preparations wi° ��• Dr.MacKinnon,u Bch '( .i 'lm''M'w, ► t.M wfv t ik Mp1 w/kApo..