HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-07-15, Page 5'1'1'lursdi YuJ r xi t , 14/3't RICH HER."' LIS BUSINESS CARDS. D 1PL1Y E. oLTl is'. 'BARRISTER, SOLIEt'TOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLLC, ETC. eilFFICE-..I•fainilton Street, Just off tha Square; GODERICH, Ontario. Special • Attention to Councell and Couaet Went. NU. Holn e.s may 'he consulted' at Goderich by ,Phone, and • Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON:,- At DEITZ BLOCK ZURIC1 `Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTL7IB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Eveey Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Dr. H H. CO W E N:. - t.,. D. S. _ Do D. S. DENTAL SURGEON' OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETERINARIAN Dr. W. B. COXON, B.I. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. Phone -96. Zurich A. R. -Campbell, V.S, B V.Sc, Graduate of Ontario Veterinary 'College, University of Toronto:, All eriiseases of domestic animals treated lay the most modern principles, 'Charges reasonable. Day or night :✓calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness Kennels. Office on Main Street, Opposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. LICENSED AUCTIONEER 'For Huron and Middlesex IAMINAPOSITION TO CON - Put Your Want For Sale Lost. Found, Etc; Ada, in this Column .FlR, QUICK. SALE A. limited number of one-year-oid 'White Leghorn, hens for quick sale. Oscar Grob, Zurich tf3 For Sale 1129 Ford coach in very good con- dition. Apply to Elgin Snider, Zur- ich. NOTICE Applications will be received by the undersigned up to Saturday, the 24th of uly 1937 at 10 a.m. for the posit- ion as Agent of The Hay Township Farmers' !Mutual Fire Insurance Co. For more particulars apply to: H. K. Eiliber, Sec'Y, Crediton, Ont. For Sale 'We have a number of steel hog troughs in stock which we are offer- ing for half price •while they ,Iasi_ L. A. Prang & Son. FOR QUICK SALE We have several good used wash- ing machines fox quick sale. Stade & Weide, Zurich FOR SALE 10 yr. old chestnut carriage horse, good single or double; a 4 -yr. old Holstein cow due now; A pr. of Bel- gian horses 7 -yrs, old weighing 1000 lbs. each, good smooth pr. John Hey, Zurich. FOR ,_SALE Yearling pure bred .Shorthorn buil4, roan in color. T.B. tested. Ross Love, phone, Hensel' 100-16. 2dnct any .Auction Sale, regardless :as to size or article to sell.. I solicit 'your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for 'Ser'v ces : Ren- .,. . "Taxpayer's; can make, their moues/ d'deare�s earn interest at the ,rate of 5% per ARTHUR WEBER—Dagew0od .:;num by paying a -deposit on their Phone 13=57. 1937 taxes. A discount at rate of 5% per annupi wall be allowed on prep .y- ' P R O: D U C;E 7nent on 1937 ta�ees made before October• 1st. 107 'TAKES ,TOY`JI"!".<: • OF HAY Fain' Pioduce W A.N 3._ :HIGHEST CASH PRICES —FOR— CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien 'Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular EAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, BoIogii as, Sausages; Ect., always on hand., Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration I-lighest Cash Prices tor Wool, Hides and Skins Yungblut & SOU tow INSURANCE Western Fanners' Mateal Weather. insurance Ce. OF WOODSTOCK' THE LARGESA a .'IRESER E BA.1 'OF ANY . 'CANADIAN 11ilIT tU L comPxy. pciiSiG. BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO",‘ Amount of lesier wire ' at B o14 i n' Dec 31st,. len, $20,479,730.00 otal Cash in Bank wed Bonds 54,627.52. `,,'ter --$4.50 per $1,090 for 3 Years E. F. Klapp --Zurich 464eat : &lsa beabel isisOttliini Moils Ask silk iihat ,iJ id'; Isiu'ante 1 A. F . HESS, Treasurers Hay Township. FOR SALE Broiler Chuckens for quick sale, at 25 cent each. Apply to Feed. Haberer, Zurich LIOCAL...NEWS Mosses. Calvlzi ,and Less Williams motored to Loudon on Priddy+ an tus- ,ines�. ,. Mr, Ching and -sister' of Frobisher Sask., called on Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Ronnie recently. Dr. McEwen of Terorito :Ryas at week -end visitor wiith his friend 'De. W. B. Coxox?. Miss Violet Kennedy of Toronto, visited over the week -end with her friend, Miss Anna Overholt. Rev. xl. Burn received word that Mae ChristStuckey, his brother -le -law died in Alberta ]oat Friday. Mx. and Mrs. Ed Siebert and fam ily of Detroit were week -end visitor with the former's parents. His Fath- er, ?Mr. W. L.Siebert accompanied then" back to Detroit, Mr. and Mrs, ,Carl carutheis, of Flesherton were week -end visitors with Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Bryce. Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Rau of. De- troit were visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rau. Rev. and Mrs. Turkheiin, -accomp- anied by Rev. C. C. Maas', of De- troit motored to Goderich on Mon- day. Sunday visitors at the home of Me and Mrs. Rudy ISwartzentruber were: Mr. and Mrs. Ben S. Roth, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bender and family and Miss Mary Lichti of New Ramberg, Robbery at Grand Bend A thief at Grand Bend on Friday last took an easy way of outfitting himself with equipment for a sum- mer's sport. A golf bag containing eight matched Hagen irons and wo- ods, the propextty .of G. B. Brown of Detroit, was stolen from Oakwood Golf Club; and Calvin Brown's cot- tage was raided, the thief making off with two steel fishing. rods and reels, a canvas shooting jacket and a..dun- nage bag. Provincial police are in- vestigating. Saves Man at Grand Bend Cyril Mantle, of Stratford, was credited with saving the life of, Wil- fred Clarke of Stratford, when he was caught in the undertow at Grand Bend on Sunday. The swimmer was approximately 60 feet from shore when he -appeared to be having dif .- culty. Trouble was noticed. by Man- tle who was on shore. By the • tine assistance arrived, young Clark haft, gone under twice and was unconsci ous. After getting the swimmer on shore, Mantle used artifice' respire ation and in about 10 minutes Clark was normal. AUTO ACCIDENT a Four persons escaped serious ' iu' jury in an auto accident on Huron St. west Sunday afternoon when aa auto turned'completely over' withehe wheels hi the air and every pane of glass in the car brolten. '3: he • owner of the car was Mr. Harold Swar,tzen- truber, of R. R. 8, Zurich, 'end with him in the car were Miss Jean Moul- ton, of Dashwood, together with heat sister and cousin. Miss Moulton was' at the wheel when she lost control. She was bruised about the body and sustained cuts in the arm and leg. She was brought to the office of Ds. Fletcher where a number of stitched were required to close the 'wouiids: The other occupants of the car es'eap- ed with minor cuts and bruises. Thr accident was investigated. by Traffic IOfficer W. Robinson and Constable Norry: Exeter Times -Advocate. Voluntary Hospitalization Plan FOR SOUTH HURON (By Dr. A. Moir) ARTICLE III ..This article contains the answers to questions by prospective subscribers, and follows naturally articles I and II which have been published: Question 1. Why has there been so` much interest recently all over Canada, in this plan of Hospiteli- ztion? - .Answer Ifo try to bring about a better distribution of Health services Economists are striving for a better distribution of wealth. Through the. f'b,uityedistribution of products we have the anomalous ,condition of full grain dlevators'on. the one hand, and empty -stomachs on the other. And so with this question of hospitalizat- ion. Tb,ousands. who are sick and in need of hospital care cannot afford to .have it, while hundreds of unem- ` loyrd nurses are trained ,uideready .to give it. And so this plan is, Bevis-. ec# to bring these two together, to the `igreat advantage of both advice • of the Provincial Minister of Health and his Deputy, with 'both of these we have recently consulted and they have approved our plan. Question 8.—Can an efficient sere ice be maintained on such a low mentioned rate to subscribers? Answer—We think it can. In any event, a high grade of service will be maintained even if there should be a financial loss for the first year. Question 4—Who are eligible to become subscibers? Answer--iPractiealily every oone of any age with a few exceptions. Of course for the protection of all we cannot accept those who are mentally ieranged or those with disease in any infectious state. Question 5: --Are those accepted, classified? Answer :Yes, those in Class A will include the greet majority, viz those from ages 2 to 70, who are in .ordin- ary good health, have no chronica- merit, and solar as they know, have no immediate need for operation or hospitalization. These will be enlisted at $5 and $2 •as mentioned in previ- else articles. Class 13 will include those under 2 over 70 years, as well ae,those between those ages who have .certain chronic. ailments. Class B Queeeion 2.—It the plan meeting, seubscribers may enlist at the sane With approval.? • ararte' as these in class A but in Gare ,Answere have fret to hear of of hospitaltizabion they -9011 be eller- any aerial's criticism. Because it is ged one=half of our regular rate to primarily for elle pian of small or non -subscribers. Our rate to non - moderate mearis, and gives financial subscriber's is $2.50 per day. Class security to those, it is, ;its several C. are those who on account of age have said ".rust what we've been hops or physical condition are ahnost sun ng fee., We have heard comments to require hospital care. Prospective'leavestio.,.aves and ex -reeves, from dor- maternity cases are also in this class tors, lawyers and bankers, farmers Those too will be accepted, but at a and mereltents, are! none have ex-' special gate over boat quote for the il PAGE PrvE FOR $ALE A pumper windmill with •40-1ool' derrick, in good condition Apply to Moses Gerber, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE 1 Bell Threshing machine, sine 29x39 in A,1, condition. 1 tractor, Waterloo, size 12x25, fair. condition. Apply to ;Chris Zirk Phone 82 r 24, Zurich central.: HONEY FOR SALE We are in . a position to supply our Customers with Honey in yoer Containers at the following prices: No..1 Clover Honey at Glc. a m. No, 1 Clover honey, 50 lbs. or .over. at Se lb. Amber honey at 7c a lb. Amber honey 50 lbs. or over, 6c Ib. Peaces su'biect to change, tf-•3 J. HABERER & SONS, Zur'ch Phone 122, Zurich. 2 blocks south of Hotel. Terser._ easeeeeseesseessessaeassee......... Much Hay in Huron A writer from Goderich says, that Hay of all kinds is so .rientiful in! Huron county that it is worthless, except far feeding purposes. There is no market fee it, you coeldn't give it away, not in 50 years has there been such a cr-p. The harvest will be well completed by the end of this week, A New Record Ontario will establish new recon.'; as far as tourist traffic is concerned this summer, according to D. J. Tay- lor, deputy minister of game a^ I fisheries. The greatest sale of "Joe - resident fishing licenses in the history of the province has taken prace so far this summer. With the increased number of fishermen visiting the pro- vince the Government has stepped up considerably its distribution of game fish fry throughout the various stre- ams and lakes of the province. HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE RESULTS BAYFIELD CENTRE First Class Honours—Roy Elliott, Floyai eicAs.i, June 'lvicDougall, Em- ma Martin, levels eliddieton, Vera sqn, %-111,z1 'arid. Douglas Stirling, Helen Thimpson,Mary Turner. end (;lass ,dons.—Jas. Dewar, tied ,iiaWetoii, Harold Warner, Ethel Watson, Mildred Westlake. Pass—Albert Craig, Deloris Du- chainne, Earl, Etue, Lloyd Beard, E1- sie:Leitch. EXETER CENTRE lst Class Hons—Rutin England, Shirley Fahrner,, Eugene setnkbeiner, Mare. Fitzgerald, Noemau .Hannigan CIWorir Jory, Neil Jones, Dorothy lsydd, Helen McQueen, Ellis Pearce, elhirleye Penhale, Wm. Reynolds, Al- ma. Richard, Britain Sanders, Mar- ion Smith, Murray Stanlake, Laura Woodall. 2nd class 'hops—Anita Brintnell, Don: Buchanan, Harry Dougall, Jack engiand, Myrtle Ford, Bernice letist Doris Hay, Jean McDougall, Glenn 'McTavish, Annie Mason, Marjorie May, James Moffatt, 'Calvin Preszc- ator, Ila Willis, Norma Wilson. Pass—Stewart Cann, Doris Cutting Wm. Essery, Iva Fisher, Anne Gord- on, Marg. Glenn, Shirley Gregus, Own. Horne, Labelle Lutman, Jean- ne Parker, Billie Parsons, 13ert- am Pilon, Co.. ,Simmons, Thos. Walter, Jack Westlake, Iva Willis. HENSALL CENTRAL 1st class ✓lions—Robt. Buchanan, Eileen Hayter, Wonette Henderson, Margaret Kercher, Harold Koehler, Maxine Stanbury, Lenore Welsh. 2nd class lions—Alice Glyn, Merv- in Hayter, Arnold Keys, Howard Love, "Norris MacEwan, Ruth McAll- ister, Lois Rathwell. Pass—Elizabeth Aikenhhead, Mar- garet Bell, Gwn. Cooper, Doris Dutot Mary Goodwin, Ronald Parket•, Geo. Sangster, Blanche Thompson, Blan- che Watson. DASHWOOD CENTRE lst class hons—Ada Keeler, Willis Mcisaac. 2nd class --Mary Davey, Jack Gei- ser, Ross Guenther, Shirley Manore, Anthony Martene, Milford Mason, Martha Miller, Walter Ness, Marie Wein. Pass --Hilda Becker, Wallace Beck- er, Emerson Desjardine, Howard Fin- kbeiner, Betty Fisher, Melv. ,Gaiser. Burton Greene, Joseph McCann,iGra hitt Mason, Allen Pfaff, Leo Regier, Russell ,Sturgeon.: Alice Volk, Jacob Weber, Keith Weber. !Passed under the provisions regu- lation Gertrude Ratz. ZURICH CENTRE • 1st Class Hons.—Ella Bohn, Hetet) Dietz, Margaret Hey, Alpha Meyers, Florence Schwalm, Edith Swartzen- truber, Irene Turkheim. 2nd class hops—Karl Decker, Elroy Desjardine, Theresa Miller, Jeanne' Pybus, Martha. Thiel. Pass—Anna Foster, Viola Ginger• aeh, Ruth Johnston, Margaret .Reich- ert, Wilmer Snider. Ray Twp. Memorial Scholarship— First was won by Florence Schwann of the Zurich Public School. The winners of second and third place, cannot be announced until it is 4 det- -eteei rrs ' •tdeer-Oe eri'ieisan, We are or- other classes ermined whether ,certain pupils are residents of Hay township. it ganm. nl,„ under 64 suliervisaoam tial J1 •„ (Concludeli next week) ZURIOH CREAMERY • • We Pay a Prerni11111 of Two Cents Per Pound B. g Fat for Churning' Cream delivered at our plant. e Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed t Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the sarne Day, . e a • We also buy and pay Cash for your _Eggs and • Poultry at Highest Market Prices, according to o grade, ----Your Patronage Appreciated! YOUR EGGS AND POULTRY e THE ZURICH CREAMERY 0411.00.60114116000‘0130(002)0.0 taeg+0 afn: rV47,01-4:+0,C,K1p4 M �F�•�•�F•�i••�•F•�•&•.'r•�i••Ir•� i.•i.,i••E.3.•:..i•�g..'r.s•k�i•�F BUiLD1NG MATERIALS l► you intend doing any Building or Repairing this Y' ar we will be pleased to supply you with the finest of Building Materials. Let us quote you. + •i• 1 SUMMER SCREENS 'Combination Doors—screens for the summer and .;ass interchangeable for winter. Will make screens to p:.;gyp- erly fit your windows, Etc. Etc. Let us have your order Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials C. PHONE 6 LII 7 111 . Z U sIR” LL ICH 44+++++++++++++++++.++++++ 4.++++++++++++++++++++++++ 41 ti'ma041e9.40 00rfilit110111ip0000E1•Q411,00 Sillit,e4414000606 000010. 1111 owers Overhauled I is a 9 • Heavy hay crop! Let us overhaul 1 your mower with gent, ine p arts at 0 very ieasonable prices • Mitster and Pioneer Poultry Fee1 e d s I r Plow points to fit all mares of I plow s 2 0 0 3 We are in the Market for Red, Alsike, weet Clovers and 1 SEEDS! SEEDS! Timothy Seeds. L;Schillie & Son %000C 091308490 3."M4f3'009,07i0 S3wrrx memegme!@9momodisuopmpg®®es ryiwwwuhemwmaiwkvAimithmw,movi Zurich Drug Store 1 INSECTICIDES 1 We have a complete stock of poisons and sprays for the de- struction of all kinds of iL sects and vermin a a We Stock Paris Green, Arsenate of Lead, Bordeaux Mixture, Black Leaf No. 40, Fly Spray, Cyano Gas, Sodium Fluride, Common Sense Rat Traps, Poison, M'-Wocide, Ant 1C Insect Powder and . Co: _ive sic or Sublimate: See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations Dr. A. Zurioh J. MacKinnon, w !, toork'lmiR R kit b"�R� p �, ;� MM Rp, iR *!l!