HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-06-24, Page 1Vol. XX' E • LeUtt l CHa ~d H U dvertisi ST. PETE Evangelical Litheraa Churclkt ZURICH --• ONT. "A Changeless Christ ferof Chang- ing : >l - izg World," Friday, 8h—Luther teag e. Thursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: 1.0 a. m.—Gerais: Seri c 01.1.15 a.m.--Sunday Selma. 7.30 p.m English eamiee. Everybody Illiieleorae te, dB Services. E. TUERKILIE1 E'attor.. Do You Need Glasses? Stop and Think ho~ v important ft is that you wear correct eas s—eor- rectly prescribed. for Tomo 'ion. Correctly styled to your face. Your health may largely depnc>l ou keen vision. See C. E. ZURBRI R. 0. At HESS JE.WELK1::'• STORE Every Tuesday at ZURICH At Dashwood, Saturday, at. Pi'tie's Store_ • g brin Out Of Balance Peel Gazette ---During the last ten' .years, MaeLean'e Magazine says the. population of Canada jncreased by 7.8 per cent, but the ecot> ;,, 0ternment increased by 45 •per cent. in.' the same time. This is not the only corn parison that could be made.. The salaries ,of Ontario and Federal offi- cials are back to the 1930 level, but agricultural income inCanada is ov- er $173,500,000 below the level. The sooner the balance ,between national income and government ex'p'enditure is xnore nearly balanced the better it will be for all Canada. , Death Takes It's Toll Again over the week -end the awful reaper of death by accident took its toll by accidents. Topper ` by two triple fatalities accident toll has rea- ched to 20. Near Si Thomas three persons were killed in a head-on crash of two autos. Near Ottawa 3 others were killed when their car was struck on a level crashing by a train. Peterboro reported a double tragedy, two men killed when auto went in. ditch. On Monday afternoon out of the cloudy sky near St. Marys an airplane came down out of the clouds, having lost one of its wings as well as other equipment, and took .to a wheat field, and the three men, sole occupants of the plane were ter- ribly mangled :and dead when found. And so it goes on from week to week, and the more speed the more danger of Losing life. 4 +R••a d• :-4.4.4.E 4r+ 1-14 ,»r,. .,.s.4- 1. •.; .4.4. :-°r :41.4.4. cot•; ,g"ar,;..,o -.2. �, 4-1.4.4-1.4.444. • TRY CEL' Y t Chester i,,.Smith,. ;1,2v a year, U.S, x$1..50 in .A.dt've 011.50 ZITARSIE.A,ES, s2 MAI' BR e1IDr6,Ikt10l �it NdTI,. Mrs.. Ed.. Gascho who 11as ing hair -dressing an Zurich years is noi„r`,establishcd in l'r; home on ;she Lip;�llardt Esta perty, and is fully equipped.. to you the latest in permanents, wavee, marcels,':shampoos ancf.i, manicures and eyebrow arch reasonable prices. ALL PERIVIANENT['S G'. TEED a One free finger wave with -ea manent. Phone 159 for appoa r N �j kw W ✓ tot+=aFFd'to tl,s4.4 was -1 100S - a: 0$ "1;13 .iingineex 1 r: Feller of iln 'official visit in libel. is this week the ie4 bolxxe ` r1 Mr. and Mrs. HAI DRE SIN T}TIEL'S HAIRDRESSING PA Mrs. Fred Thiol wi sixes €q., the public that she % fid 0' business. Pernianelitfi end: waving a specialty.' -,Ali ';Per.,„ guarantet.:d.: ,'ardor locate,; i;. of . shop. For appointments; phone 102 'Zurich. • Judging Competition The 11th annual Huron Live Stock Judging • CoMpetitio' held in the 13ayiield district on rsd,ay, June 17th, under the :s ion of the Huron County .Bar' the Ontario Department oE`' s.1' ure. 3) boys took part in the petition which was open to' ,all in the County 26 yearsOfage: under•, Two classes' each. of: horses, beef •cattlle, dairy i': sheep and. swine were judged ti's fallowing farms Colin ,'an Bayfield; Wm. Sparks, llayl,el'c1 mer Keys, Varna; ,?x „`VT., f'e'els,; 0. ;is ther', of ;:the "i3° and ''vers- Le%tinaa O'Erie>i . and ni.' oi' 3 xt er, 'vii.ere Sunday ri rs"tiF�ith liis parents, NII.•. incl Mrs. 'T and 24lrs George Fee, little `' Li Ihardt or. ,...y pl !,Sunday 'visiting '.m Lamont. oSe-• Schantz of a1' ew Dund o, were. Sun-' �tvrth ': - s here. Welker o `f Y., Mrs. V. nsing, iVlTtcli; it T1s. Pearl et10i ; ancl:.;Mrs. A.Graeb ere v>sGrs at Rev E. and ai Tues day this ' ich; Colin Lo.w owl Laayfaeld a I i E 1, •x• Warner, Sayii ld k i ' F abo�Fe .fal i* iso:.' ±�!.. _, ,. .. ._ . ,.L.c.aS r�rII�Y'» � L• 1„ animalsto 'ft CHOICE -- - - _ _E VARIETY - _ - e... m. OF . ra s srE PIES, MID A .x hbr e«.I1 o i ?i • prize-winaaeT.5 ir:ea, vs. %?th' con; Mrs. act, Itilx', Oscar and Mr, Simon 'cls d the funeral �..e,�,.,�•odnes- F: r Seniors Sillies Txo}rh, X All frtg .edient.s Used are of the ighest Quality * Tavior', Luciano ar; t� SWEET .ET GOODS. • prize list A1. <. CONFECTIONS -- ICE CREAM 'i: Our Store �w ll be ,closed each. Wednesday Evenin c e s Bakery ----- Zurich Telephone 100 .++++ x +44•ir 7 r v-.'- z' 4+ y :•• +.t ;*x 4 n' f -o 4.-++ i +++++++ Auburn; Iden., Campbell, Aubdrnl r -message to the'y�oung:1Jeopie at 1'0 Stc:v alt; iticCall, myth. an,. .11'0 (;1,x�tes 13ossenberry n'8z; 11Ir,,,` iF_ari I3essenberry 10 XMr anti lT-' Alex. Smith slid ri luglitor,'Pauline and Airs. D. J. ..\1'be'rt'1`v?l "lin -lay o>11Loiitlen were Sunday pa "e $5, lsi'tol s a4 the home of the latter's Stewart Mawen GU - '• - "Alt brother M reda er„on, x • , ileC,. P t. Laic now 3 Tllel , i., ..and Mrs . Wm. C. Wag- ' I Moylan, Seaforth; $2, Donald I hom 0, .; pson, Au}lurn.; $1, 5tetvart Irt ;nc; i Clliltlren's }day 0 Blyth: • 'I lie anntt'11 Children's' Day will be �A ,, 1 Juniors Edison Forrest, 1, ippon ; ' observed in the Evangelical church 4i 1-7 i Clifford Henderson;: Clinton, .Toe. itr Zl,xuch nr'xt Sunday.,., June 27th. t r' l -i ` Bunking, Auburn; ' Lorne' ,'-: The pastor, Rov. E. .Until will give 0 4, 9 hit A POPUL: SIZE 15 FOR $9.50 JEWEL, Put Your COAL in new at the low price. A sharp, d vance may be expected seem STRONG, NEATLY ENGRAVED, DUST-TITE CASES THESE WATCHES LARLY FOR ss, The, Phone 74 SELL REGU- $12.00 Jr my r Zurich Ile End Brick W. !:'; . DAVIDSON We pay Cash for Eggs none �e 10 4 Q44.4e*4a4*a4*�a4ae .404444 4' 4, 4, 6 c, 4 1 ENS :LL, i WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Saw Special fcirP T .rsd ,y, Friday and Sc^ w Peas, 2 tins fear .............................. .21c Tomatoes,. No. 2 ?in, 2 tins _..... . "s>c' Pork and Pim r2 oz, tins .............. ......19c Kellogg's Iran Flakes, 2 plugs......,.. Kellogg's Com Flakes„ 3 pkgs . . ::25c Mannings Coconut Fingers Bets, per lb. .,..._...17c . Princess Seep• Flakes, 2 pegs_ Quaker .Puffed -Wheat, Shirley Temple cei°eat` -10c Blue Ribbon Coffee, 'Extra Special per lb.._...,:..39c Matches,atches, Red Bird, 3 pkgs. ...25c � Miracle whip salad Dressing, per bottle; ---21c ,_..v„2l c Cheese, half -lb. -pgs., earl Shredded Wheat, 2 Ags. . _.25c k Mustard, prepared 32.oz. Sax, each Helmet coed ee, 2 tsar . Voile 35, 50c, per yard ..,........ ..w.......: Elastic Top Aaale Botts .. ... 1•, l a era, 1 good program t ill be rend- 141ed'-by the Juniors at 7.30 p.m. All 1 ale tvelcolr o'!' Ir Magirtiai s Court. +lECw3I�ATT4N DAY E ftel they 7><acl 1 lead c' ;u 1� to, 17,l'ext ,. tui,1dv, Jiinc 27th th will be ob- r01'' iex'y it,li ' 1,7 l ..: e{. ),l;f l 1 i�.r,. <.1°rud 1'' ?I't1Ct'D+ ,ti)R l.�r ? .tt: rt.'.r,'�'i;- ,_ { E,1' itiii' 1•an Cryel11et01s, at 3.00 pan, eget..: a Pl' ill b,a n _lot', at +..s 1 i�1 , t i 1 ,r , .l1 r Ill tl' ]'crnon 1? 1I I' (,)ohn e1' c iC'- r"laAa.L e r _ ,, i ad -co i (40,1,;.,,,...i "1t' k• I.', of i ' 1 e 0 v. )tl t e the a t;;i. t it i:1:- 1.'.n Salmi9 , rel or `R'0,0. I0 101( 1I4. 01 fee' <}1< e1.( gj0rl. ,' 1 1 t x+l.Y :`+ _ ••.Y,...1,',;,..7''',;y; t I - :. s tl a 41 1.5' ,ast + nitrlcic.t3 ()tIC week tli�@�l 7z9tli:,i B•:i•••• 4' t t: r e r ql 1 rl til 91.1at' °� tib^ ei.` a I., i t to • } 1,ll. , 111 (, t, lF.rl< t ,.' Itt U3__ �,1. t lash 7'1a1T. -tial- `T 1 --- -- nt' Ili+ X011.1Ray 4u 4y?ilal lit 1ie:ti• i) of fife i;,iis0{l .'Atl I air tit :t 1.t ry51 is gi e0 go -,la, to :.r }ifl 4 "° Cecil (3arnise . A i't,'r, t111S i1111JU1 ."<1lt •p' og].re of.:vien.,11ii). " lrraelltei, �_ Dacia Alt hey olc)l1114' 1:1 '' , k:' m r OBITUARY ter a 1enl;l.ily 1 ` ,1u1, t .•' .,„„;?Late ti ecoi Gmm Robert Snazel, adver'ti -i'i� .", t ir' The CO2710U1I11tV Si' ,., Sl.;t^let?i1 Orl ttti?S Om r.zt,t[?.I r 1 ,1 1 "1 Mola.lay no(Iii t0` i 1';, 0 t1i" rather oral sessions next D c:v n'3 xl. l: Il vt,as • sudden passing. , of one of, is fine renewed, "Leo hollered at >,1. a told outstanding O13 ielril ;fill 11 i]) the went bock I let hire 117t n1 "l'st, , , pi.lson of Arr. Taefii?ll,v, ) ,'i91: 'Alen T t- sal ;otr my i'0:1 '•' 'IN north 0f town dei th't= f;—vin 171 11 las up on llam,y',,sai 1 ,C1a1'e Il it Ili, t ii -r,r,g- i bee ),the prick), of llis.•1'Je, havino. lav`:' e.1 1 ;Eli: at+sauilt ulh' 1Zov Si. l':, 1 i ]tn ' est er•e pr.ttctrcally. ' all his '!-V a•. ?t 4 '''''',1":::`, -rte •cello~ I -7, -in 111 1,.0 '." lie eanio with hi parent_ to Pay from the 11'i^'.a1'or1100'l. AWCWu'11 llet' a 1 Waterloo cour tz,r whe't. orl1- o111' year 12 -year-old boy were nul'li'beie.d• a- old, stetliug ' on the same taut., that niong his victims, police told the he cherished and passed this life ' on court. Not having the nocessaril:$ . Ylonday, after a very brier illness of and costs. Irwin twill yll'ilii:thttt 't only. 11 Sbort duration 'Air. Galiman: 20 d,�vs in pail. Court' �* k n an ltU wa roard for." n i -n to at a tt ire Diet 1, c . Dial antics of WIttl'or, r" 1 1 t' 1s' vii hood battle • t%nd ti's � � ?"h?': i :i. n n t~ 'arc . t halted procerctin, , a11t1 � i. commit the i't'em bOSlte,rnllS foss toraptt. X1.11 told, there ,wol,o Y,l tested on the dockret, 1u tit_ rAateopoutaisaileamitzkItTx, 0 4, t, 4, 8. kx ' F°arrnerrs 1 Attentionl h. lave been appointed sdl .gent.for the celebrated 1)lubnl,o' Cro'iticri �acprator, fhe '7 toe • Vritb n ti ten year ' deniorsItn.lto this 010011 nc t•o ttCl 0it11Y 'r it vrafh all Due ts. ti9 1etitctt• .lhc best feature is .ini eo y terms, Liberal allet Or' l;i'ed1_insi ,• Highest rice fie- twoinnransrifolatoggemito CV a, ver•y pleasant' and interesti'ie i Gincet,' always looking. an the u of1110, a �r'UOfi ilc.3:,illlJl, "alttays:r "allfg a helping hand whero- cvc 1 .iie'could He Ndill indeed be 1 t s el:-•i'n •tlie-lionle where he enjoyed himself most of the time. The fun - r i a1 1.t+i11 be held from the house on Thursdaya:lterlloon at Tv.o,• o'clock, pr•iVately, then to St. Pet a.'Y ',Luther 'ail church where a public Service t,•; be held, interment following in the l0 Litt]) cemetery. - The ;:late : -1''-i Millman is survived beside his sor- 1 oWalasYl widow, by LWo sons'. and two (IA tl;''.ter"s: 'iii. Henn and =117x. Sohn (lanai -an of ' Zurich;, ,Lyeavei• of town waltd'Sstisi l'eali Uait- 11100 at Mettle, Also I1E5 hrothe , Ps-. 7ol 11 Galinlarr of, Piten isl ch, who have ,ills' Sy,nipatbv +ot•.a 1:1,;•e circil.s of friends who,<wil} Mount biS loss, til'- iJGt 13/1 tbe. 100 er Ycr ` ,ay 17 5i',F 4.' f 1.)1 El`IBALME:RZ 1 1i PAL DERE c,TORE, far oas See Our New Prints, Broad cloths ,Drapery, Chintz, Cur `,:ops: find Curtain Goods, Et .. 1937 Garden Seeds, Root Seeds, Pairs, Varnishes, Floor Wax, and Polishes, Varna. Lac, Etc... Eta~. HARNESS REPAIRS, ETC. FRESH: GROCERIES ALWAYS ON I SCIO' PHQNE tgialitMi011Mencsszeaumetzets=mazr GENERA E. aI 11 7 GLA c 'Oil ANT lti KJ yT -.,m,w 4.Y.0iiJds3;lUi ..., cat 40. N 4- 44' f, !t.