HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-06-17, Page 5'1" F1C.fet%4• yr. ,Talo' 1'Ttii', 1937 BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL TDLEY, E. HoLmEs BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBIJC, ETC. :OFFICE—Hamilton Street, ,lust oj! the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. 'Special Attention to Couaacei and Court Work. .:Mrs. Holmes may be consulted at Goderich by Phone, and .Phone charges reversed. DENTAL. Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, .Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. D. 11 H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - lsnYtario VETERINARIAN Dr. W.. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. :Phone -96. Zurich A. R. Campbell, V.S, E.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All ;diseases of domestic animals treated iby the most modern. principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night mils promptly attended to. Also Bre- der of Scottish terriers. Inverness aRnal -. Office Alain Street, ;apposite Town man Phone 116. HENSALL.. 3 LICENSED . AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex I A111 IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, "'regardless alis to sizeor article to sell: "'I solicit cone business, and if not satisfied, will araake+ no charges for Services .Ren- t Bred. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood 'hoxie 13-57, PRODUCE Fa'm Produce WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES —FOR -- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET 'Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur - :et] Meats,Bolognas, Sausages, -:'Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skims Yunghlut & Son INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL.- , TCE OF ANY CANADIAN M TT- uAL COM•Pal: Y DOING BUSINESS OF 'THIS KIND IN ONTARIO aanunint a Insurance at Risk on D. 32st, 1935, $20,479,730.00 Tota Cash in Bank and Bo ids $x254 62?.52- . •motes—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Yearn E. FW.. 1opp-- t ch Eon/. /ilsaa Dealer iaLit atAaizad Itatis taxa a31 lgiaxul. + a, lZ Etta Iaa AL1141 cit. , Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ade. in this Column, FOR QUICK SALE Yearling pure bred Shorthorn bu11-r roan in color. T,B. tested, Ross Love, phorxe, Hensel]. 100-1.6. FOR SALE .�"... A good 1928 Cleave Panes Delivery ery cheap. L Prang & Son. C6WitlAilar'JMet1Selo.1IR_... 1 111,11311y yy'iN°ELtl pY&1W° 1937 TAXES TOWNSHIP OF HAY Taxpayers. can make their money earn interest at the rate of 5% per annum by paying a deposit on their 1937 taxes. A. discount at rate of 5% per annum will be allowed on prepay- I inent on 1937 taxes made before. October 1st. A. F. HESS, Treasurer, Hay Township. ' FOR T SALE _e_ -�. A pumper windmill with 45 -foot derrick, in good condition. Apply to Moses Gerber, Zurich. • FOR . QUICK SALE 50 White Leghorn Pullets, 12 weeks old. Apply at Herald Office. STRAYED Unto lot 22, con. 9, Hay Twp., 1 red and white steer about 2" yrs. old, :also a red heifer 1% years old. Eech have a punch hole mark in left ear. Ed. Reichert, Zurich, Phofie 94r10. FOR SALE Broiler Chuckens for quick sale, at 25 cent each. Apply to Ford. Haberer, Zurich Automobile Insurance Tariff and non-Taerif Rates. Also 11Crt, l !f:l�11) PAO Rn Quarter of Mile somwrsarOOMPS r940ae0p0►a90w00s0w6•011460..m000111 x0010 tadi10+0 ZURICH ICH C ®AM Y Beery Voilaed. the Saltford man a a Sarnia .on Sunday, _moving true k the ;other day, was for- w IVirs. e , Surerus of l xi:tar waa a coed to run a quarter of <r mine, his week -end visitor here . hands on the rear edge of theplat- ei Mer, Earl Yungblut vieli.i;d IA,els roerm before he -was obliged to let 2 troit over the weekend.,,,,, through sheer erthaustion, it was a Mr: and Mrs. ,I3:enry liswald fare revealed. All the time he was shout-• week end visitors with relatives e1. ing to the truck driver in the cab to London: slow up, but'the driver, unaware of 0a ed his'. presence, did not hear him and, +'� )VLrs. Iiy, Schilbe were at ,z;yron on wag at the: time picking up speed to climb a hill, It was a terrifyingex ej perience for Mr. Vollaud, who is in his late 50's doctors said. He wa•, thrown with great force on his •'rr cc, t,, and severely shaken up. He was tak•., r en' to Hospital, but has returned t ., Mr- Menne Oesch, .04tore+1'`"Lo hurt while trying to alight from Mr.' and Mrs. Harry Rose Sunday. A goodly number of villagers are spending these nice week. -ends at their summer •cottages. Mr. Abram Eckel, 1VIr. and Walter Eckel motored to Kiteh on Sunday. Judge 'i. M. Costello of Goderih, held a short session of the 'Tenth Div- ision Court here on 1Vionday shorn. Mr. and Mrs. John Oesch vis%tcd with their so; Mr. and Mrs. Jr}iir Oesch of Pigeon, Mich. r Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Haugh arid '.t1ir, his home Canada Loses Statesman Canada has lost a statesman in th We Pay a.Premium of Two Cents per Pound $. Fat for Churning Cream delivered at our plant, Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the saline Day. YOUR EGGS AND POULTRY We also buy and pay Cash for your Eggs and Poultry at Highest Market Prices, according to grade. ----Your Patronage Appreciated! Efi abCAM:406 e ' i death of Sir Robert Borden who did at .his horde, Ottawa, on June 11, a the age of 82 years, enol whose nam will live in the history of the Darr-: and Mrs. Urban Pfile of the 14th con. inion. He was prime mirleter spent the week -end at Kitchener: through the war, leading both th The Babylon S. Z. enjoyed a very Corservative and Univ: (seven -en pleasant day at Grand Bend on 'Tv erns; he represented Canada at t:l,.c osis it been a Peace Conference and saw work o Yg grand plenie. Alis ;ahs;h,ht,ati -n z=-e?l un ?er way when Statum is the teacher, lie retired in 1920. He is once ni' t'a, last of the war premiers of any o'' the Allied nations. Sir Robert will be remembered chiefly for his patri- otic leadership throughout the war, for his determined stand at the Ver- sailles Corference that Canada c'• uld be given the status of a natio: and for his wholehearted support both at Versailles and later in lee THE ZURICH CREAMERY 0 0 0 t I t••1!^,,").a&••4•+++•b •+t4++>r+•a+--- Mr. Arnold Merner was rushed to London Hospital on Friday and oper- ated on for mastoid, and was able to return home again on Tuesday. Pleased to report that Mr, Chas. Weber who is in London Hospital, and who underwent two operations, is now progressing nicely. - The Ladies of the Evang. char :h, ala of the League of Nations, a e i i Zurich, are expecting you to be pee -1 sent at their annual strawberry soc- ial on.June 29, 'Please do not dis- appoint them. organization necessary to prevent an- a other' world catastrophe- PHONE A Patriarch Passes � �a�: esZURICH BL.�9 DING ATE FHALs, f s,. If you intend doing any Building or Repairing this Y,- ar we will be pleased to supply you with the finest of Building Materials. Let us quote you. SUMMER SCREENS Combination Doors --screens for the summer and :•' :,s i s terchan geable for winter. Will make sere -ms to oily , h- crly fit your windows, Etc. Etc. Let us have you el .7,or Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building, Matcrihr Pleased to see Messrs. Wm. Re R A pioneer resident of Huron Coun- and Sol Zimmerman able to ceeMe ty, in the person of 'Ceplian Jeffrey, down town again, after returning ,passed away at his home in Statile? from London Hospital where each township, north of Drysdale, on Sat - had been taking treatments. urday June 5th in his ninety-second Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Erb, Miss year. Laying claim to the largest Elsie Drover' and Harold Koehler, family of the" district, Mr. Jeffrey spent the week -end at Toronto- Miss was the head of a family of nearly Shirley Koehler who has :fineshed hes two hundred, there being ten child - year at Normal School at Toronto, ren, seventy-one grandchildren, 115 returning with them. great-grandchildren and three great- gr.eat-grandchildren. Mr. Jeffrey Mr. and Mrs. Belton Snyder ;cif was born at the village of St. Eliza- Wateiloo, Mr. and Mrs. Chivy Susi. beth, Quebec, and came wese to the; der of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob shoroe of Lake Huron with hispar- Gingcrich and family were Sunday ents, Bozelle Jeffery and Marron e visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs- Varlet, more than eighty years ago d sic 0 a a r a a11_ classes of aoeideiit and sick I.n- David Gingerich, They built a log cabin which still: Bs surence. 1 or Particulars Apply to: stands on the Jeffreyr' J. W. HABERER, ZURICH Quimby and 141iFred were to London on s ^ASF_ Hess and• sons the Blue Water Highway. When einesi teen years of age he married O der ie NOTICE Sunday. They were accompanidtl back home Maple, a member of the French set- ). Mi Pa 1 t- - tl u , eno 1i;r element which was formed in that son, who had undergone an operation, peat of Stanley township by imrni- recently, and who is progressing, grants from Quebec. They celebrat- nicely:. fibame 'ea the e ctieth~airniversary of their FOR t;OOD CLEANING Mr. and Mrs. '.Jacob Habexer and wedding in 1925, and Mrs. Jeffrey son Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Yung- ,died the next year. Until recently Spring and Easter brut and son Billie; Mr. and Mrs. Mr• Jeffrey was quite active and, Have your Drys Cleaning and Laun- Herbert Krueger and family and Mr. in fact, was fiddler last year when e.,-.7 done by THE PARISIAN LAUN- Jack Turkheim were week -end guests' his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and DRY LTD., LONDON. 'liens' Suits with Mr, and Mrs. Ed. liaberer and / Mrs. Joseph Ducharme, Hay Tawn- and Topcoats 70c. All kilt's of Laun daughter Lenora, at Ferndale cottage 'ship, celebrated the fiftieth anniver- dry done at .reasonable prices. Grand Bend, sary of their wedding. The late THIEL'S TRANSPORT, ZURICH Mr. Gordon Schrag, eldest son of Rev. and Mrs. C. Schray just north of town, was united in marriage .with Miss Laura Ssirk of Mannheim, AUCTION SALE Ont., on Wednesday, June 16th. The 'Herald joins their many Zurich fai- OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND ends in extending best wishes. OTHER ARTICLES Quarter Mile South of Zurich Some Government money is being On SATURDAY, JUNE 19th spent at Bayfield this summer, as At. 1 o'clock, p.m. construction work on the north Pier Cream separator, evener, Root pili- is under way. A 90 -foot extension per, 2 onion snufflers, onion seeder,' is being built. Huge rocks are being wagon box, pig rack, grain bags, hauled from near Holmesville and pails, shovels, forks, fanning mill, wok will not be completed for some rake hoes, dinner set complete, china time as yet - set, big tables, small tables, bed mat-. ENGAGE TEACHER tress and springs, glass cupboard,chaiesMr. Ray Creech, who duringthe Linn - sheets, pas and dishes, ketties,coueh past year has taught school at quilts, carpet strips, dining ley, has beeir engaged to teach at S, r000in suit, 3 rugs, a quantity wood 16 -in, crocks, lamps, 2 stoves, oj' S. No. 5, 3rd eon. of Usborne, at an increase in salary. Miss Grace Rob cedar chest, knives and forks, flour inson, the former teacher, has been chest, wash machine, ringer, 2 tubs, engaged to teach near her home at; wash boards, onion orates, 2 barrels Zurich,—,Exeter Times -Advocate. vinegar; barrel, oat boxes, quantity of hay, blinds, churn, butter bowel, Mrs. William Thiel of town the 2 coal oil cans, - scythe, inqubator-, other day ran across an old book Ceplian Jeffrey is a descendant of Etienne Jeffrey, born in 1713, in the diocese of La Rochelle, Aunis, Franc,, and who married Marie Charlotte Le- compte in Quebec in 1743. The remains were laid to rest in St. Pet- er's cemetery French Settlement. The Synod The Canada Synod of the Luth- eran church convened at _Hanover the past week with the President, Rev. Dr. J. H. Reble, of Hamilton, as chairman; there were in attend- ance 62 pastors and 45 laymen, 3 candidates and two visitors, who we- re Dr. E. A. Tappert, New York, and Rev. T. H. Hartig, president of .and Manitoba Synod. Rev. Dr. Roble.° .the re -elected as president for the 13th term, and other officers are: Vice-president, Rev. C. R. Cronmiller Williamsburg; German secy., Rev. B. R. Mosig, New Hamburg! Eng'i.h secy., Prof. C. H, Little, D.D., Wat- erloo; Treas., Rev. E. rioim (for 26th term); Statician secy, Rev. O.T.I C. Stockmann, Tavistock, a r a 0000 slinDetotliet2$4100 kb OS CC 000 r..l e {.Ara 41M0200(1, VIIMOZCZOT000011106 1 Let us dean y ;;, r See. Grain for better crops and ssurance against 1 t do weed seeds Master and Pioneer Poultry Feeds Plow points to fit all rnal:es of S SEEDS! SEEDS! We are in the Market for Red, Alsike, weet Clovers Timothy Seeds. A and ¥ CHICKS on hand or ordered 0 c 1 vs,...„..P l C WWWVINdiViiliMMAYMWVIMAMAINV4-Mi5Wit ettle and stand, 2 bags salt, sealers, that has seen the march of time go Recommendation . of the executive jug, fernery stand; 1 sow in pig, if by. It as an old Catechectical instr 'committee of a $30,000 budget for, not previously sold; 85 Leghorn uction book, in the German langu- the year was accepted. The synod re - hens I' solved to dispense with the budget system of raising money during 1938 and revertem to the apportionment acs system. The statistical report for -010 1936 showed 31,568 baptised memb- ers, 16,162 communing members, 7,293 Sunday school scholars and 1,047 teachers. (Delegates urged a revival of ca.te- cheetical instruction and more train - ng in leadership. The church should not expect to pick its leaders at ran- dom, while 'business demands highly trained men. Other appointments .yvere :- Rev. W. H. B mutter Preston, was appointed correspondent of the Can. Synod for The Philadelphia Lutheran, and Rev, P. J. Hamester, `Wellesley for The Lutherische Her- ald, Philadelphia; Rev. W. Schultz, , ,Linwood, was elected archivist and Rev, E. Turkheim, Zurich, neerolog- 1st. Rev. 'Sarrinin, missionary of Toronto, reported there are 3,000 ,uthcran 'Pities in the Sudbury lis year rugs, a number of roosters. age, and was printed in Hamburg, And numerous other articles. Germany, December lath, 1713, TERMS—CASH which being it about 224 years of Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. age. It was brought over by the Wes. Merrier. Clerk. Weseloli family and has been passed Mrs. Herb. Bender; lPropiietoress. down from four or five generations. C LI'M FLAT SURFACE SATISFACTION JOHNSTON & le.ALBieLlatel.` Zurich ---. Ont. :'kr'ah,a, Zurich Drug JNSEOPIOITES We have a complete stock of poisons and sprays forthe de- . structiori of all kinds of it seats and vermin We Stock Paris Green, Arsenate of Lead, Bordeaux Mixture, Black Leaf No. 40, Fl y Spray, Cyano Gas, Sodium Fluride, Common roe Sense Rat Poison, as �< � Pi k thocide, Ant F Traps, Insect Powder and Sublimate. See Our Supply of Toilet QAC Illt INC elt Me NE lerallr riot without a church. Debt on .Wat, Preparations sBC exam Seminary has boon reduced I.itIt $71,000 three years ago, to ! �,4f,000, it wis learned. The budget, rs , ,a JsMacKinnon, Zuric 1 tivc calls ,:Cor $30,000, of which ' i $i 8,600 is for the seminary I sk ,ill .�i i G WAV f y y 1� ��P� �v ii �F IVi i'tP1' tt. ,o�r 10,37 recommended onnn ended by the execu-