HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-06-10, Page 8THE STORE WITH THE STOCK' 1 st4.. r Coverings We carry a well assorted stock of 4 -Yard Linoleums 2.yard wide Inlaid. Feltol in all widths, and can procure any size in Linoleums, Congoleum or Feltol Rugs at short notice. We meet mail order house prices New Irapery Materials See us about those new lace or scrimm Curtains, and Side Draperies. Also tapestries for couch or Chair Covering. SPECIALS FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Hemstitched Sheets 76x100 at 1.29 Madiera Pillow Cases, at pair 98c •Tea Towels, at each 15c Odd Lots of Ready Made Curtains at less than Half Price SEEDS! SEEDS! Everything in Mangel and Turnip Seeds. Seed Corn, Sorghum, at right prices J. G CHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 The Canada Trust Co. TH HURON & ERIE Mortgage Corporation INTEREST RATES NOW EFFECTIV 3 Per Cent. for 1 and 2 Years 31r., Per Cent... for 3 and 4 Years Per Cent. for 5 to 10 Years. SAFE AND CONVENIENT Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY ZU 1119,11 111111111111 III 1111 11111111111 1111 III 111111111 11 1111111111111 11 17111111111111411e1111111111111111111 11 1 1111§11 1111 111111 11111111111+' 1 • rocery tore Cookies, (fig bar) per lb . 15c Magic Baking Powder with 1161f -lb- scida 29c Red Rose Coffee, per Ib 39c Glendale Tea (Orange Pekoe half -Ib. Soap, many Flowers, 3 cakes .... ....11c Peaches, canned, per can . ... ..15c Raspberries, canned, per can ....19c Chicken Haddie, 2 cans 25c Menno Desch EGGS WANTED. Zurich Phone 165 4111J11111_ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111 1111111111E11 HIM 1 101111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111a il'EMS OF LOCALINTEREST! LOCALMARKETS on A c-mae nof sow entertainers (VOrrepted every Wednesday) are in town this Week and ro4girl.% ig But , creainery 28 prevents every meat es tae ...,:z.. E4'$, dozen ...........1- 15, 13,12 Mr. Laurie Fowlie of London, Chi us, dressed ... ....... 15-10 called on his sister here, Mrs. Gid. Chick *- s, live ...... :........ .10 Koehler. Wh per bushel ..... .. . .... 1 30 Mr. and Mrs. Omer Denomme and Oats,, bush ,. hiusuhs.. 55 family of Detroit were week -end vis- B 1 00 itors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hart- Bu eat, bush. . . 75 man of the Bronson, Stanley. Fleur; Cwt $3, $4 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Smith who Shorts per ton 86.00 have been visiting for a week with Bran per ton 34.00 friends here, left on Saturday for Rags, cwt . 8.50 tPotataes per bag ............... 1.10 their home in Detroit. Mr. Harry Talbot of Bayfield gave us a friendly call on Tuesday. Mr. Talbot does not so frequently get to FOR SALE see his Zurich friends as in former ' years, but is very interesting to con- A pumper windmill with 45 -foot -verse with. derrick, in good condition. Apply to Mr. and Mrs. Urban Denomme and Moses Gerber, Zurich. daaahter Joanne from Detroit were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Airs Edwin Hartman. • :1 OUR MAILING LIST Soma of our back streets axe re- - a . ceiving a coat of much needed gray- , Our mailing list has been correct - el. It is expected that the dixst pre-! ad lila till Tuesday af this week, and ventive will soon be here and When wa:twilejoulr diabaseikaarinci ssubeesitcriiterr_seat od s look this is applied it will make a big difference as the dust nusiance. livl'elleki14.t.....0-Vaidaateupo,f6nsubd, tsocapiprtoipoen, atdo_ Owing to the absence ofthe pes- o. daegg'`'Wcl-11. any- miStake ass been tor, Rev. E. Turkheim, there w be made kindly Iet us know and we will. no services in St. Peter's Lutheran make the necessary corrections. To church next Sunday. those receiving their er Rose Mary spent last Tuesday mail 1 b 0 ,x.c 1 1 int Y ue mbaeUr :fill 01 iwmostalicitehfetrh(Inatinanitheae. Mrs. Edwin Hartman and gaught- Zurich with the Misses Josephine and Emily and the date, of your subscription is Denomme. •immediately under the name, this air. and Mrs. Moses Erb have oc- has become necessary to complywith copied their home in town which they thecanven. postal reienc g 3 ulations and is a great e to mail recently purchased from Mr. Jacob carrier. s Brown, on John street. The inter- ioor of the dwelling has been newly : decorated as well as other iraprove- ments made. Zurich citizens wel- Huron County Council come Mr. and Mrs. Erb in their • midst, as we know they will make of Commencing on Tuesday noon of last weelt Huron County Council the very best of citizeas. met at Goderich for the June session Mr. Alfred Reichert has leased the and on Wednesday set the county 100 -acre farm owned by Mrs. Gordon rate at 4 mills, a reductio f 1, mills ifroin. 1936. The ratenil.1;ewaskis:t Love, known as the Ferdinand Stelck farm for a term of three years. This arr.e- r County Trees A. rs ae, !land adjoins the farm owned by Mr. tad the counc.„ • a that through revis- !Reichert on the 5th concession of. ion 4n: the estimates some *9,000 of oinikaulotni034;011MOGGSVIMINalliNgAtb001101aGeSt0541006.414400461.64:451 Hay Township. Ilii Age Pensions and Mother's Al- a The fine little showers and the 10,,,v ces, not provided for, had been nice bahny weather is effecting a abs bed. The County will spend most wonderful growth. All the faa- $14,260.99 on roads this year, ace O niers' crops are just corning alongas aa cling to the report of the County th rapidly as could be expected, and e a,caarmission tabled in County • gardens also are doing fine. Truly •Co 'cll. ThiS is an increase of about a 111,1.... ‘‘. a ., a ir loors 111-v vesr of plenty with 31'j 000 over last year. Of the tot - A the barns full again. al Onount more than $100,000 will ta he spent on maintenance, chiefly due 4 We are pleased to report that Mr. to liovac wrought to roadbeds by last Sol. Zimmerman who has taken tre- ' wa4efe unusual weather and the rale to return home, feeling much 4 bi'-'1' lact that county highways were some atments at London Hospital, has The item in last week's issue wth t neglected during depreesion better. years. The Masse family, of near HARDWARE Wire F If you doing any - SEEDS and FURNITURE cng are thinking of Fencing this be sure and consult year, Us. And be sure it is the famous Frost Fence! FROST FENCE .... for long life. Come in and see our stock of Frost Farm Fence .. the finest we've ever had. Heavily galvanized by special Frost process. Wears for a lifetime. We can quote you attractive prices. TIGHT `441' !OM ZINC BONDED an exclusive FROST hewn thai SAVES YOU MONEYI PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a and Proved Also Quick G(..odyear Furniture, full line of the Well Known and Tried Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Drying*Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses es 0 ED a a e stating that Mr. Zimmerman had been St.' joseph, 21 chi.ldren, 10 boys and ta 0.1 was not found necessary. 11 girls, and not a deformed limbor . onatattal en was no' cowact as this el 8 1Zurich Hydro system in a letter from crooked eye in the lot, were recently "shot" by a news reel camera man Cheaper Hydro? and would be on the screen within Good news has againreached the a Week, Frank Delbridge, pubicity- 1 ' 9. ision which was read at the recent mom as reasons why Huron County : the Ontario Hydro Electric •Commis- '1/10told council. He also said much , g ,Police Trustee Meeting, advising that should make a contribution to the La . the cost of power will be reduced $2. campaign fund aimed to raise money O uy Huron County's largest fam- • leer horsepower effective August ist It The Board passed a resolution -re- Vaa fai•en a their own. Enlarged pas -4 Ph'400 had been forwarded to the 5 commending that the saving be cg and Queen, Queen Mary, the sed on to the domestic and commer- pepe and other dignitaries and, the tial customers. It would indeed be would be ,bestowed ; rate wnoetwlds td°rOpd e downrnesti et to s tehr . s e 11theirk. "073P e'thesblessingf anIilYby a papal delegate at Te , a4unctiOn. to be held within the next rate, while the aaamtrejai rata weeks, Mr. Delbridge said. The which is still 4%c. could undergo a. Ow reduction. -v'aiit of Huron County Council on • Gala Open House 4ine 9th to the Norfolk County ro- ,'prostation faun at St. Williams is A Gala Open House will be aeLl in ,:••t a pleasure jaunt but rather an day night, June 12th, to which the a'ain-ational trip, Warden Eckert ex- Eckers Bakery of Zurich on Saturl public. aro cordially invited There.. given a wrong impression of this f,a ,11, •. . iaed. Press dispatches, he felt, g flji and all felt certain that the press e•-•• •,,, 'kt rikirsdaj, . sav• 4, . . triF-4.•-04-*••04' 41'4 ••1,s•v-to 4.4 -4.4). -x, -to aataa t +4.0..+.1.410t*.+.4.41110E4 .it ar 4 iorniture THIS -SEASON CALLS F1112 GOOD NEW I FENCES ON THE FARM. LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH THE BEST OF WOVEN WIRE, 4' ALSO 1-IAVE BARB WIRE. SEE US ABOUT NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING, AND EVE - TROUGHING st SPECIALS! SPECIALS! : Special Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon 4, gi We also have some very Attractive Prices in o e, I Furniture. See Our New Beds, Springs and tt .4. Mattresses. 4.. USED FURNITURE ir ,t. Two Godd Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand; t Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale. + • One Dozen Used Rockers ranging from $2.00 Up. .6, 4. 13E SURE AND SEE THEM! _ . 3.. Johnston & Kalbileisch • • 4. .E.. Hardware it Furniture. Phon,e 63 . • . • ..4.4.*********44+4.4.*.imi. r 4 4 4 Mens and Boys Work Shoes We have put in a Stock of Good Choice Quility Me'a nd Boys' Work Shoes, and Regular $10 Heavy Service at ...6.36 Reg. 10.75 Heavy Service Tires. 6.9(lt Best of Gasoline at. per .gallon. 23a Lubricating Oils and Greases at Cor- a responding Low Prices Zurich. Garage EXTRA 11:XTRA LARGE SHIPMENT OF TIRES JUST ARRIVED invite the public to come in and we can fit you up. PUT IN A SUPPLY OF MEN'S AND WOMEN'S RUBBERS, MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS, ETC. GARFILED BROWN Victoria Street. Zurich, Ont. WE GIVE EXPERT WORKMAN- SHIP IN REPAIRING Your Patronage Solicited Get Your Requirements Here, wherte roar Dollars Go the Farthest! Expert Workmanship on all Makes of Cars, with Charges Very Reasonabi* 11. MOUSSEAU Phone 103. Zurcb Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith - 1 ing our Specialty. Full line .)f heavy and shelf Hard- : : ware always in stock. s ZURICH ekr WEIDO • ONT. 0 ak Q : it a most interesting time. In.; giv.i14 s 11 ue music, prizes, refrc.'" ruents, 2 the 7,iihi 1 P.n. l)r,DOrtUrlitV to P 6 and '• r1v:11a. IviVtfle'ar;::trIbleli71 ;3:31a411: UALITY PRICE - SERVICE 5 see where the baking is madet t would be required to pay pers- by this NaQ2-11(1 eve-vthing that goes ' , Make enterUrir • ''‘I.,A... .p.,., .--,,,. ..- 1 • ,, 1.al cnpenses out of that sun. Me- '' - Oahl alai would coarect that ire - E mie......a.......•••••••••••••••••••••••••004000.4tie !iccorhoditte a large vrowd, and a very 1,1be!s whose careawere dused awould iateresting evening is assured. ie.:aive usual milge AditionL r • 11111110111111E111041#131ERIM111111111111111111111111111111111111111R11111111111111111111111111119111111111111111111111111M21511111311111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111M11111111111111111r THESE PRICES subject t Painting Wagon Painting Buggy Recovering Buggy Top Rerimming Buggy Wheels Set Buggy Shaft Cross Bar Buggy Reach e without Kohut $7.00 and 10.00 6.00 and 10.00 16.00 and 18.00 12o00 Buggy Spokes each ....... 25c HESS, the :.,epair an ilums011111111110111111llimilliollimommoilloosninnommuniummoimpanionamiallim.melmorautia7 • 1111111M 11 411111111mmiii 0111111111111111N111 1 1 111111111111110 ili 1 4'10,1 1'111 mmoffsamr 11111111141't HERM! OP Do You Know? Mr... MERCHANT! You know thoroughly well that you have power in your store, to influence the decision of your cus- tomers in regard to what they buy from you. Your customers rely on you to give them products which in use or consumption, will give them complete satisfaction. If it is right to use big city dailies and nationaly. circulated magazines then, by the same token, it is right to use local weekly newspapers! I am the Master Salesman of this Community., and my name is ADVERTISE .4•••••'',S11111111111;a111.1.11.fir:c41111111-Vi.: 0114111....1.1t.111141;'1,1•111.•0,e.:4111,....i11.1-.51 18011.1.1,:' •