Zurich Herald, 1937-06-10, Page 6• Spc*rks ir * • • • ! • • 1 t 1 the • 1 Tress • r • Canada At Its ?fest These are no longer the horse and buggy days. The average motorist can -knock off work around .three o'clock or later in the afternoon and make a s reey of the countryside well before supper time. It is well worth doing in the Niagara Penin- sula right now. One of the oldest residents informed this writer this week that he had never seen the dis- trict look better. There are favor- ite drives for everyone. Some of us like to get off the beaten track. The beautification job at Queen Victoria Park, Niagara Falls, will prove one of the finest assets of this province when completed. And from the Falls to Queenston Heights, to Niagara - on -the -Lake, to Port Weller, with its beautiful horticultural garden is a dream now and for months to come. Is there anything better on the continent of America? ---St, Cathar- ines Standard. More Discipline A new cell block at Guelph Re- formatory is to contain 312 single cells which will replace the dormitory system. This change follows the rec- ommendation made by Judge Mad- den, who investigated the recent riot in the institution. There is to be greater discipline in the future, and discipline is the first essential in any prison.—Ottawa Journal. Army Life The British Army is going to start serving four meals a day instead of •phree; barracks are to be modern- ized and- equipped with bathrooms and reading rooms. Butter will re- place margarine in the army kitch- ns. Fresh milk will be served daily. Domestic help will be hired to scrub out canteens, thereby relieving Tom- my of one of the most disliked jobs. —Vancouver Sun. Convalescent Hospitals Formally opening the new St. John's Convalescent Hospital at New- tonbrook, just north of Toronto, Lord Tweedsmuir took time off to utter words of commendation for the high standard of Canadian hos- pitals. He mentioned their equip - tient, research facilities and work, and general effectiveness. He brought hone what too many per- sons are 'prone to forget,the high state of development in this country • or the treatment ,of.. those who are At the same time, His Excellency commended the inauguration of the convalescent type of institution. "A 'Patient at this point needs a change, a change of atmosphere," he told the gathering. In his statement, • the Governor General is undoubtedly right. When a patient has reached a convalescent stage, keeping him in an institution where people are seriously ill, many even dying, must he a retarding fac- tor in his recovery. By placing him in a building where all are getting wea', and anticipating being able to resume normal health at an early date, a patient is given a psycholog- ical benefit.—Windsor Star. New Canadian, Formation of a practical policy • with regard to immigration is a task that will devolve on the government one of .these fine days. Adequate development of the widespread resources or this great Dominion calls for a much larger population than we have today. The time is not far distant when settle- ment of our vacant lands will become imperative if Canada is to progress and become a greater nation. And when that time arrives with an influx of newcomers to settle in this coun- try r. e ' will have to clo something about it. . It is interesting to know what Can- adians do with their new citizens and how they cultivate the raw material into something better than mere la- bor to till the soil and garner the harvests into the barns.—Chatham News. Another point of interest is that while Quebee has always claimed Arst place in tourist totals, Domin- ion statistics set aside the boast in, favor of Ontario, by indicating that tourists spend about three times as much money in this province as in French Canada.—Brantford Exposi- tor. New Highways Aid to Mines Toronto. -Expenditure of $474,- 745 on 'road construction and im- • provement, to serve the mining areas of Northern Ontario, is announced by Hon. Paul Leduc in the release re- .cently of his Mining Transportation Program, 1937-38, to be carried out jointly by the Federal and Provincial Governments. Reduction of the Dominion Gov- ernment's appropriation for the work, Mr. Leduc's statement an- nounced, had made it "necessary to curtail the anticipated program of road workto some extent." But this, it was added, would have a bearing on the standard of roads to be con-• structed rather than on the number of projects to be undertaken. The Tourist Business Time was when the average citi- zen regarded tourists as objects of typical Canadian hospitality who, in- Cidentally spent some money in the country. But the casual regard has been replaced by the realization that •the tourist trade is one of the lead- ing industries of the province. Thus, 't'+ithout forgetting friendliness and Z^,ospitality the people of Ontario are rapidly learning to appreciate the annual throng of visitors as definite - lie meaning dollars and cents. Last year, for instance, about I101,678,000 was spent by motor otirists in this province, and this was *'upplemented by the amounts spent the thousands who came in by rain and boat. Basing their estimate on the num- her of inquiries received, particular- ly from the United States, trans- portation experts predict that the present season will at an all-time record, so the "industry" is not only large but growing. Freight By Air Government figures show that Can- adian airplanes are carrying six and a half times as much freight as all scheduled United States lines, domes- tic and foreign combined. The Last completed figures are those of 1935. and in that year 13,000 tons of freight and express were moved. Last year's figures will total h'gher, as indicated by the fact that one company carried 1,543,000 pounds in the first six months, equalling nine months of the previous year, while another carried seven million pounds. in the first ten months, as compared to five million in the twelve months of 1935, There are some thirty com- pan'es engaged in this transportation business in Canada's northland. — Moncton Transcript. The Empire London's Eggs During the hearing of the case an expert said that he supervised the grading of 3,000,000 eggs annually, stated: "I consider an egg new -laid up to seven days. After that it be - 'comes a fresh egg. It may be in a new -laid condition some time after. It depends on the condition of the egg when it is laid." One egg dealer described a new- -rare" erg---em-one "whiclr•ia frL.''for-boil— ing, poaching or frying," and added: "I've known eggs` to remain fresh for five or six weeks in cool weather. A fresh egg is fresh until it goes west."—London Times. Gaudy "I do not believe that Englishmen like to be conspicuously dressed," said the War Secretary, explaining why he refuses to restore the Army's scarlet tunic. That is strange talk in this land of pearly kings, Beef- eaters, bewigged Judges, ermined Mayors, Brass Hats, Bdack Rods and strawberry -leaved Dukes. Apart even from such dazzling personages we are a picturesque lot. See how eagerly the average man gets out of his drab office uniform and into plus -fours, hiker's kit, or a gay blazer as soon as he has a few hours off. And no- body ever heard of a British redcoat or his girl complaining that he was too gaudy.—Sunday Chronicle, Lon- don. Problems In Pickle Professor Madigan, U. S. A., was so disgusted with his students' ex- amination- papers that he placed them in a jar impregnated with the rotten -egg odour of hydrogen sulph- ide. Students had to retrieve them from the jar. The average man's beard contains 25,000 hairs, and covers an area of forty-eight square inches. Joe Chamberlain's Son IsAppointed Prime Minister Ws Was FirstSags; ttxre Attached. To Etr etre Thad+ Pactd Icon Ilio Imperial, Economic Con - W feronce met in Ottawa in 1932, the. first signature attached to the Em- pire Trade pacts was that of Neville Chamberlain. Chancellor of the Ex- chequer of Great Britain and son of •Joseph Chamberlain who, over a gen- ain oration before had fought in Brit. for tariffs and for an Imperial pre- ference, a policy which sounds frui- tion in these agreements. Now Neville Chamberlain, 68 years of age, succeeds Stanley Baldwin as Prime M'nister, a post his father never reached, Prime Minister Chamberlain was late coming into political life. His early years were devoted to business Then he became Mayor of Err ming ham. Daring the war his services r n an administrative capacity were quisitioned by the government. He became a cabinet minister under Bon- ar first Law and served in several posts. winners, and Trafalgar Greatheart .Snow- took first limit class. Both the.se bull With the retirement of Philip den in 1932, he became Chancellor of terriers belong to Captain H. R. the Exchequer, in which post he has Wilks, Brenta, Ont. made a name for himself. He brings an imperial outlook to his new job. At the same time three men have played a noteworthy part in British public life step out—Stanley Bald- win, Ramsay MacDonald and Walter, Runciman. Pi l' ce, 84 -year-old Philias. Brunette d, 'lipped dead here irec,ently—ori a l�,eaicli in a crowded bank. Overcome by a heart attack ini- ni,diately after Washing an old -age pension ebeque, he suddenly collaps- ed; July 26, 1852, in St, Mar thine, Quebec, he enlisted with the 1'lltlgiited Police in 1874, original year of4,the storied foree. He was a bugler ate ]{ort Saskatchewan, near Edmon- toil,' the same year. Few living men could 'loot, back on so early a c+on- neetion with the "Mounties/' Little is. known of him. He was a ,life member of, the Northern Al- berta Pioneers' and Old -Timers' As - sedation. His wife died many years ago. lie had one daughter, but ord age pension officials said he did not know himse'lf where she was living. Ontario Dogs Win Awards At New Jersey Show Toronto. -At the recent Morris end Essex Dog Show at New Jersey, Waterloo Happy Warrior, a bull ter - riper owned by W. B. Milner of To- ronto took first prize in the open class under thirty-five pounds, Tra- fplgar Queen Bess took first limit c ass, open class andreserve News In Brief ram Huge Tobacco Crop Toronto.—Ambitious plans for to bocce growing in Ontario have been formulated by the Provincial De-': partment of Agriculture which an -'.1.. ,Eight hundred factories will be af- pounces that 50,000acres of flue fected. cured tobacco would be °grown this' year, an increase of 15,000 acres over last year. The increase in tobaceo acreage means that from 1,400 to 1,.600 ex- pert tobacco curers from the south- ern United States will be needed, as compared with 83.3 Last year. There are 500 new growers in the tobacco area this year. A normal crop is expected to pro- yid lo nt for 18 000 men in License Cheese Men Toronto—Every cheese buyer in the Province is to be licensed under a plan which was approved by a .Cab- iiiet Council this week at Queen's Park. Under the scheme, all cheese will be sold through the medium of or- ganized cheese ,.hoards. A direct charge of five cents per 100 pounds tvill be levied;. by the ° Ontario Cheese Producers' Marketing Board, and will be remitted to the board by the cheese buyer, . who will deduct it i`roni factory remittances. e empy me the counties of Norfolk, Brant, O:_ - ford, Elgin, Dent and Essex. Drill for Oil Calgary.—Several oil companies have announced plans to drill in search of oil near the ranch owned by the Duke of Windsor in the foot.; Ilene of High._Biuer, 40 miles south o here. Drilling is already underway ' at one well, four miles -northwest of the ranch property, andthe rotary drill is down 2,000 feet. The new tests will be made north, east, south and west of the Duke's property, known as the E.P. ranch. No one may seek oil on the Royal ranch. The Duke holds a 99 -year lease on the oil and gas rights and only with his permission could dril- ling be started. A strike at the boundary wells, oil men said, !night mean permission would be sought from his Royal Highness to drill on the ranch pro- perty. . ro-perty.. One of the companies which will drill on the ranch boundary is controlled by Chinese. It was • or- ganized by the Chinese communities of Calgary and Vancouver. Charges Patronage Exists In Canadian Postal Service Quebec.—S. J. Thomas of Mont- real, editor of the Postmasters' As- sociation of Qunebec Province year book, told the opening meeting of the annual convention that "although the presence of patronage in Canada's postal service is denied, it is actu ally present." More than 200 dele- gates were in session for three days. Meanest Thief The Pas, Man.—This Northern Manitoba mining centre, 250 miles northwest of Winnipeg, has found a new type of "meanest thief." One of the collection boxes, dsitributed to collect funds to aid in the battle against cancer, was missing from the postoffice -lobby. Lot of Honey When K%e • think of Canada's• ex- ports wE ire liable to 'think mainly Of wheat°:and newsprint and miner- als; Weil;" last year Canada sold Britain','2,295,000 pounds of honey. Ottawra Journal. Dies 'While Cashing Pension Cheque Edmonton. -More than six dec- ades after arriving at Fort Saskat- chewan as a bold young bugler With the old, original Northwest Mounted ilerrifis - This New Siang Gene -Morgan • in the New York World -Telegram writes: "Say, jelly bean, your flapper is the bee's knees. Let's step her and my jazz baby out tonight and make whop- eo. We'll knock dull care for a row of fur -lined bath -tubs!" This foregoing paragraph has an archaic, medieval sound, like words uttered in 'a cracked voice by an in- mate of the jazz -age section of the old people's home. Truly, it is an example of dated slanguage, such as was to be heard on every college campus. 'way back in the dear, dim 1930's — alniost before some of you were born, Playful Ways The Advance correspondent at Co- balt calls attention to the improper use of firecrackers in that town. Ladies had their silk stockings de- stroyed by vicious fools who threw firecrackers at their legs in. a dis- torted and demetecl spirit of frolic. There have been a few recent inci- dents of the same kind in Timmins in the past week or two. It is difficult to speak calmly of the vicious form of idiocy that prompts this form. of prank.—Tim- mins Advance. D-4 Commentary on tiut HIGH LIGHTS OF THE WEEKS NEWS Ey .Peter Randal. Events in the, international arena are moving with all the swiftness of a. championship, prize fight. At a meet- ing of the League of Nations: Assem- bly at Geneva last week,. fifty nations recognized the• Valencia go.veinnient of the Spanish Loyalists while tom- pietely ignoring General Francisco Franco at the military opposition. It looked an though the Loyalists might eventually win on points. The League was for them. Mussolini' and Hitler wore both reported to be very tired and the Loyalist forces in the field were holding on very well in spite qi determined rebel. attacks. The Sins of the Fathers • But the loyalists made. a tactical error when a squadron of their' fight- ing planes. attacked the German battle cruiser' Deutschland.. One of the devil= ish eggs landed on her decks and she limped into Gibraltar with twenty- four dead oidi'cers and men. It did not matter that the Deutschland was' in forbidden waters when the, bombing occurred. Twenty. four Germans were, dead and Nazi authority challenged.: Germany and Italy withdrew from the non-intervention committees and a dere man fleet destroyed the Spanish har- bor of Almeria. Three hundred have been reported dead as the sins of the Spanish fathers• are visited upon their defenseless children. Imperial Politics. Italy and Germany aro in: danger- ous, mood and there are many worried heads do England at the present time. Collective security as represented by the 'League of Nations failed to pro- tect China.. Collective security failed to help Ethiopia and now, collective security appears to have failed in a situation that may well threaten the whole peace of the world. One of the chief pillars of the League• has been Great Britain, but after the failure of sanctions and the possible effect if they should again: be invoked by an offended nation,. it is said that Great Britain .is: wavering in, its attitude to- ward the League as a body to punish aggressor nations. As the most pow- , erful of the Dominions, Canada is said to have the deciding voice in Britain's decision. Shall Prime Min- ister Mackenzie King attempt to use his, influence' for the abandonment of sanctions? Few think he will but the possibility has interesting aspects when Canada's; well known reluctance to being drawn into, European affairs is known. "Chamberlain Is What He Was" The late Lord Birkenhead once de- scribed Neville Chamberlain, the new prime minister, in his characteristic sneer as "a man who is what he was —a very good Lord Mayor of Birming- ham—in a Iean year. "For honesty, he is said to be Baldwin's counter- part. In matters of policy, it's thought that he will follow. in the steps of his former leader. Where new innova- tions are to be sought, some think he will look for a hint from President Roosevelt. Should some daring ex- perimenter arrive at some feasible plan for world economic and political stabilization Neville Chamberlain is expected to give his whole hearted support. That such a scheme is al- ready on foot cannot be gainsaid in view of the attempts of American statesmen to gain influence in the Imperial conference discussions through the voices of certain of the Dominions. Last of the "Old Gang" An Angry Paper Hanger. Chicago has always had .a i oputa tion for very free "free speech". A.i few years. ago, Wird Bilr Thompsonl1. used the municipal rostrum to Mali, imprecation at the head of George Today he visits the Dominion of the late king as only one of thousands ot'1 enthusiastic American fishermen..; Back in Chicago, an oratorical sue-- cessor has arisen in the past few weeks, in the person o?' an ecclesiastfr cal prince,. Cardinal Mundelein who, has had the misfortune to calm Chan- cellor hancellor =Hitler an: "Austrian paper '• i hanger'. Now Chancellor linter was; a paper hanger not such a very long time ago but he and the German pees ple like to forget about it. Whether as a direct result of Chicago's Cardin ars remarks or as a part of a cone certed campaign against the Chnrch,.j the Nazi Government last week. ban 1 nod' publication of 200+ Catholic news-; papers and pushed forward the trials of German clergy held on wholesale r • immorality charges.. And the Church d prepared to fight back as. clergy used', their pulpitsto denounce the Chan, cellor and ail his works. Aviation Merry -GO -Round When we started out, -this. week's; news looked like a prize .fight gone mad with the fighters not caring• par-. ticularly whether they hit the other man,. the referee or someone in the; audience. After going the circle from: Germany to Germany,it begins to take some of the aspects of a merry go-round..That is just what aviation is about to do with the world, as• the, last remaining link in globe• circling is finally prepared on both both sides of the. Atlantic ocean. Experimental flights are already being put on- sched- ule basis between New York and Bermuda while- in the wilds of New- foundland, not far from the take. off' point of the first Transatlantic flight, in 1919„ 400 men are hacking out the runways which the first one hop. Dimes, will use= in June. The great air- ports will take at least two years to, complete. And up at the North Pole,arrange- ments for the top of the world wea- ther observation post are almostcom- pleted. as base planes landed on the drifting ice floes with cargoes of supplies. And so another week's ad- ventures dventures march into history. The past few months have witness- ed many changes in. high places. This week, the last of England's "Old Gang" statesmen takes over the di- rection of affairs on the - retirement of two contemporaries. Stanley Bald- win has. become an earl and retired to the comparative peace of the House of Lords; Ramsay Macdonald, true to his idealistic streak, has de- clined a similar honour as a gesture toward the political career of his son who retains cabinet rank in the new government as Minister for the Do- minions. Marie Now Sets Pace for Quints, CALLANDER, Ont.. -- Marie, tini- est of the Dionne quintuplets, is; setting the pace for her sisters these, days. Statistics released by Dr- Allan, Roy Dafoe show she has more teeth and has gained more weight during the Last month than the ethers. Weakest of the children since birth and afflicted with a thigh tumor. which was removed, Marie is now challenging her sisters for rugged- ness. She has 18 teeth, one more than Cecile and two more than Yvonne. Emilie and Annette. She gained one pound in the last month to reach 28 pounds. Five oak trees sent from a royal.. forest in England have been planted near the quints' hospital home, two and one-half miles from this North- ern Ontario town. Dr. Dafoe, medi- cal guardian to the children • since birth, planted one tree for eachof the little girls. Each of the quints, who speak con- siderable French but little English, gained in height during the last month. Emilie showed a 1-2 inch gain, her sisters each adding 1=4 inch. Anette, although her weight was unchanged, continued as heavy- weight at 31 1-2 pounds, - while she remained tied with Yvonne at 3-4 inches for height honors. Some boys will whistle while they work. Others only whistle.—Bran- don Sun. As I rose to my feet, free, the girl set Smith at liberty: "Your knife,' shewhispered to me. "Leave it on the floor. Fu Manchu will think you forced the locks.". '' Smith now, stood beside me. Could she save us? FU MANCHU :4 .1 M "Tie your handkerchiefs over your eyes and do exacily as I tell you," +lie slave girl ordered, when we found our- selves in a low arched passage at the bottom of the stair's. Behind us was the cell where Fu Manchu had said:, "Yov shall diel" Before us lay—what? We obeyed. NV Q1.031 ny $nX nohmnr and 'rax ©alt SynplcaCe, "My' prayers are answered," Wayland Smith 'whispered in my oar es Fe Man hu's slave girl bunt over me. k"gie ;M has carne lo save you, Petrie," A key jarred in The i.:cl: d the steel collar, upon which I had hrol.en my tnifc. `S f' v1!crA �tl %Ih :gf The girl pointed to the open trap. "Down! Quickly!" she breathed. Na land Smith, stepping gingerly, d e £ceeded the stone stairs. I rapidly followed, Last of all cams our mysterious friend, a gold band on one of her ankles gleaming. t..