HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-06-10, Page 4ILLS( REEN
The Love picnie;, is being held on
Wednesday aitereeme to Turnbailie
Mrs Wirt. Randall and friends of
Flatevalle .called on relatives in this
Quite a number attended the re-
tepton at Varna Hall on Tuesday
,evening in Honor of Mr. and Mrs. ll -
ore 'Turner, bridal couple.
M. and Mrs. Chris. Erb and fam-
M. and Mrs. John Erb, were
;Sunday visitors with Mr. and Ibbs.
Terry Steckle.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Weber and fang.
i3y spent Sunday with Mrs. and Mrs.
ksris. Swartzentruber.
Mr. Ruben Gingerieh of New Ham-
burg spent ,Sunday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gingerich.
,Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs
Sam Gingerich were: Mr. and Mrs,
Jacob Kipfer and son Elgin; Mr. Eld-
en axed Curtis Bender, Miss Erma
Roth, Mr, and Mrs. Amos Gingerich,
.Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingerich.
Mrs. W. Stadelbeuex• and faanily=
and Mrs. R. Thompson of London,
wereSunday visitors with relatives,
The Stitch and. Cbattee Club, of
Dashwood brought the tenth year of
their organization to a close with a
jolly picnic at ,Springbank. Enroute
the party called at St, Joseph's Hos
pital where they visited the Vice-
president, Mrs. Hairy Rader, wlio is
convalescing after a very painful op -
elution. After the picnic supper at
Spring'bank, the party enjoyed a
picture at the Capital Theatre, iVirs.
Addison Tiernan bas been president
for the past year and will automatic-
filly retire in the fall to be succeed-
ed by Mrs. Harry Rader.
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
A large staff of men are employed
rhy the Brener Paving Co„ in constr-
ucting the Blue Water Highway and :
the work is progressing rapidly under
its management, and by all indicati-
ons the summer tourists will have the
benefit of it this year.
Jr. James Masse who has under-
went an operation last Friday in St.
Joseph's Hospital, London is slowly1
improving and it will be some time 1
yet before he will be suifieiently :re- I
covered to return to his home and i
Ms. and Mrs. Lony Masse motored
to London on Sunday last.
At time of writing the weather is
ideal for growing and as the fam-
e= are well thru with their seeding,
mow, they will live in hopes that the
yield will be fair and prices also, so
that they may receive at least reward
for their labor.
Notes—Mr. and Mrs. F. Ducharme
:and family of the Blue Water High-
way south motored to London on
Sunday last to visit their daughter,
Sister M. St. Denis.•
Mrs. Denis Charrette is passing a
few days with her sister, Mrs. Telis-
fer Denomme of Drysdale.
Miss Marie Masse of the Blue
'Water south, who passed a few days
an London has returned home.
The 'annual Strawberry social of
he Evangelical chair kt will be.held
n Monday 31,11/s 28th.
Children's Day will be observed in
the Evangelical church on Sunday;.
,June13th. The service will be held
mon the church lawn at seven o'clock
The H•enrick Memorial Bana will be.
:'an attendance.
lilt. Sam Witzel of Toronto, spent
the week -end with his mother, Mrs.
Dr. and Mrs. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs
M. J. Tiernan and Mr. and Mrs. Ant -
old Kuntz motred to Detroit on Sun-
Mr. Harry Hoffman who has been
.eon an extended trip to England to
sing in the Coronation Choir, return-.
sled home on Sunday. Harry had a
-very enjoyable trip long to be rein-
Mrs.. Ezra Bender was called to
Toronto this week owing to the illness
of her daughter-in-law, Mrs, Archie
Misses Marie Kraft and Ila Mason
underwent an operation for tonsils in
Dr. Taylor's hospital on. Wednesday,
S.S. No. 8, Hay are holding their
drenic on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Reid and Miss
M. C. Reid of Bayfield were Sunday
visitors with . Mr. and . Mrs. 3'. C.
C. A. McDonnell is erecting a neat
garage on his dwelling property on
the west side of Nelson St.
IVIr. and Mrs. J. T, Troyer and
sons of Toronto, were guests with
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Hudson.
Mrs. Joe Hudson, accompanied by
Max and Laird, and Mass Agnes Fair-
bairn, visited in Toronto with Joe
who is at present a patient in a hos-
pital and recently 'had another oper-
ation performed,
Mr. and Mrs. M. Drysdale and
Jack were visitors fith friends at
Darrow Bay.
Miss Dorothy Thompson, of Toron-
to, is spending her summer vacation
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roht.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Welsh and Miss
Florence Welsh recently returned
from a pleasant trip to Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson, of
Detroit, were guests with Mrs. R.
:.Bonthron and Mrs. L. Simpson.
Miss Margaret MacLaren, B.A., is
visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren.
Mrs, Britton and son, Roy, of
Windsor, and Adam Stark, of Sum.
merville, B.C„ visited with Mrs. Wm
Sangster. •
Neil Sparks, of Detroit, was a re-
cent visitor with his father, Alex.
The first band concert of the seas-
on was held by the Citizens' Band,
Saturday night, June 5th at 8.15, in
the band stand.
Miss Nellie MsFwan who holds a
good position at Ottawa, spent the
past two weeks with her sisters, who
reside a short distance west of the
village on the Zurich Road.
Mrs. Fred Smallacombe, or Guelph,
visited with her sister, Miss Mattie
Ellis, the past week.
The council has oiled the side and
back streets which improves thein
Miss Doris Ada Tuck, R.N., and
John B. Stacey, whose engagement
has been announced, will be married
at 'Cronyn Melnarial Church, London
June 141:3. Missd .Tuck,.s._the elder
ughter oftfis and Mrs: E. W. Tuck
of London. Mr. Stacey is a son of.
Mrs. Stacey and the late Samuel
Stacey. of Hensall.
' Teachers Engaged
The trustees of Crediton Public
School have engaged Miss Addison
Gainer as principal. Miss Ella Mor -
lock has been engaged as teacher of
the primary room and Miss Hazel
Woodall as first assistant in the place
of Miss Gertiude Antos, who has re-
Anniversary Services
Zion Evangelical church had a
most successful observance last Sun -
,day of the 40th anniversary of the
dedication of its present .building and
the 80th anniversr ry of the organiz-
ation- of the congregation. Large
congregations gathered and great
enthusiasm was in evidence. Rev. H.
A. Kellerman of Waterloo was the
special preacher • for the day and
stirred the large audience with his
inspiring and forceful messages. His
intense earnestness coupled with a
Meld• wealth of practical 'application held
Free Mountings and Plenty of Free Air for all Tires
purchased from Us; Quality Best; Prices Lowest;
Written Guerantees; Ask to See the Tire 'which
has over 125,000 r,uiles of service. Brng your Cat-
alogues, we will meet all competition.
Seeding Implements should be in good working
shape shortly; Order M. -H. parts early.
Cultivator points for many makes
Tel, Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS
Rei, 67
Thursday, Julie 1,O133, 1937
in 14 cities proved
*Tests conducted by.
Ross Federal Research Corp.
95% of the motorists h o
tested ue Sunoco a ainst 54
other well known gas.. nes in U.S.,
stated that Dlue Sunoco improved.
the performance of their cars.
SOLD BY: General Repairing and Used Car Sales Leather Goods and. Harness
General Store
the eager interest of the congregation of this community. She is also sur- la Lian_'s President
throughout. The music of the day, vived by three brothers, Bernard A slate of offices= of the Lions
under the direction of Lawrence Bream of Crediton; John and George Club at Goderich for the ensuing yr.
Wein was of a high order and was 'Brown of Pigeon, Mich; also 20 presented by Lion J. A. Graham,
admirably rendered by a full choir. ;grandchildren. 'Mrs. Heist has been a chairman of the nominating conunit-
At the morning service a men's qu- faithful, aonscienteoous and active tee, at a meeting and banquet at Ho-
artette consisting of Law, Wein, L. member of the Evangelical churchfor tel Bedford, was unanimously ac-
Wein, Eldon Smith and Earl Heist many years. She was of a very geni- cepted by those present. The officers,
sang, "May the Lord Depend o n al disposition and will be greatly rwith Frank Donnelly at their head
You". The special music of the ev- missed in .the community_ She died as president; wadi' 'lie• .installed. at the
ening service was a solo by Charles t on Fridya, May -28the in her 75th. next meeting;
Hoffman entitled, "God Loveth His year. Largely attended funeral sere -
Dwelling Places." Misses Norma and ices were held Sunday afternoon,
Ruby Finkbeiner sang "The Strang- conducted by her pastor, Rev. A. E.
er of Galilee." The evening service Pletch. ' The choir and other synip-
of the United Church was withdrawn athieing friends rendered solemn tri -
and a goodly number attended the bute to the deprated. Burial took
anniversary. The finance ,conunitte place in the Crediton cemetery.
had asked for a special anniversary
offering, setting an objective which +
was generously surpassed. A fine
spirit of fellowship was evident thr- COUNTY NEWS
oughout all services of the day and
this anniversary will long be reinem- The Seeforth Highlanders Band, Hotel Changes Hands
hexed. under the leadership of E. H. Close, 3'. J. Cox of the Central Hotel, Ex -
The Late Mrs. Fred Heist "'i rpresented their first program or. the •eter,, has sold out. to M•rs. Ann fir.
Mrs. Fred Hoist was born January season
in Victoria ,Park on Sunday Harper, of London. Mrs, Harper
18th, 1863, daughter of the late everting ;June 6th. gets. possession June 15th. She comes
John Brown, of popular mexrtory .in Eng xgement Announced to Exeter well recommended. During
Crediton. Her maiden name was Mag Mr. and Mrs.. Sane].Jory of Exeter:
the fall of 1934 Cox leased the hoteldelena Brown and she married Fred announce the engagement or their from the estate of the late W T.
Heist of Stephen Twp, Until a num- daughter; Ruby Maud, to Flariy Elks' Acheson, The hotel was renovated
ler of years ago they lived at' the ar Seaver son of 1VIrs. John Ca1th ell: throughout -acid new and attractive
brick and tile yards on the 4th con. and 'the late 141m11 Beaver, the niarri- I furniture was added to make it more
and then moved to la comfortable age to take place abort the middle of eomdortable.
in Crediton. The following are the June, ' Dies. At Go lerieh
sons and daughters: (Laura) Mrs.. Engagement Annotnate-1. John Henderson Edward, one of
Ernest Geiser, of :the Blue Water Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Watson, the 'oldest citizens of G'oderieh died
Highway;ga- "it his 89th year at his resarence. He
Amy; EerettofrDashwood; Welling of
oi+thc their daughter, "vas born in. Goderc 'To
ton on the homestead; He e g f
� �slu� on
-rbert, of Venda Hezel, to. john : B, Sinclait;only June 29, 1845, and ironed to Godrr-
Los Angeles; (Loretta) Mrs, Emery sou of lVfi'. and Mrs. Wm. Sheeler, o ' is'a at arx early age, He attended the
I+ "irner: (Cries, l 117.rs. Ron Matz,. and Xi„psen; the ).ri irrioze to take'' pia^ "arxs^1:; Scl:orrl conducted r,.iy Jolt
;Alma) lbixs.' Gtii ole Motlock, all the riiiddae of 'Julie. "roldale.s lit the old terenetance hall,
Section Man Injured
A.. serious accidlenthappened i» the
McNaught railway section when An-
drew Kirkconnell of Auburn was
badly, injured: The axle of the jig-
igger broke, throwing him off. He was
taken to Stratford hospital, Where it
was found lie had a skull fracture
and was badly bruised and cut. Jas.
McGill, Tiding in the same jigger,
was alightly injured.
on North street. For many years he
conducted a grocery business and vt.
also one of the most widely known.
1apple shippere in Western Ontario...
Two Girls Lost In Swamp
Kathleen Brill, aged, and her dis-
ter Violet, aged 6, daughters of Rog
Brill, W. W:awanosh farmers, were
lost for more than six hours in Call-
ahan's swamp. The little girls were
hunting flowers and birds'. nests on:
the edge of the swamp and kept get --
ting deeper and deeper into the bush,
until they could not find their way; -
out. During the faternoon their mo-,
titer called them and on receiving no
response sumoned the neighbors,who
continued a search for them until
the little girls wandered onto the
concession and were welcomed by a.
party of the searchers.
Death Sof W. L. Watson
The death occurred in Toronto'
Hospital on May 28th of William L.
Watson, only son of the late Jamea,.
Watson and Mrs. Watson of Seaforth
Mr. Watson was born and educate&
ant Seaforth and after graduating'
from the Collegiate Institute, entered:.
'the Can. Bank of Commerce. Mlb l;
in the service of the bank at •Vanco--
uver, he enlisted for overseas service
attaining the rank of .Sergeant, On
returning to 'Canada after the ware•
he tesumed banking, attaining a re-
sponsible position in the head office
of the Bank of Commerce in Tor-
onto which he . held until his death.
His father predeceased hintjust twos•
months ago, but he is survived by t
sisters;. The remains were brought
to Seaforth where a naivete fulsome
was held from the home of his mote c.
the Misses Watson.