HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-06-10, Page 1NEATLY 'ENGRAVED, CASES THESE WATCHES SELL REGU- LARLY FOR $12.00 Hess, The Jeweller Phone 74 Zurich the low price, A sharp art- vance may be expected soon.. Tile and Brick. W. R. DA.VMSON We pay Cash for Eggs Phone 10 HENSAIEZ' ••••••••••••••••••••+++ 4 444 4•+4 014 • 4 • 4 • • • 4 • • Order Your • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS • • • i.diukz,660,,04.4.04-.0004ced,a4+54$04C,.`44.4,4o.nc,"t 4 ew To.1 ay NEW SAMPL s *140044.)-”09*90 AtEME25========= • ' MbIllS'WEEMEMP . 7 to 10 p.m. •+ MUSIC! REFRESHMENTS! PRIZES! • -+ • • XXXVII INci21Ft .40111011NOWNIMAINRIMM011111. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. "A Changeleis Christ for a Menge •• VrifAiY, 811—Luther League. Inursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICKS: CIO a. m.—German Service. 0.1.15 a.m.—Sunday SehooL 7.30 p.m.—English service. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. TUERKHEINI, Pastor. Do You Need Glasses? ,4Clo JUNE 101937. Ban Travelling Photographers I,legalty possiblethe town. of ,Goderieh, will put a stop to future visits of travelling photoghaphers,the: "Town Council being convinced that: ;the business has developed into a rae cket. The town solicitor has been instrueted to make investigation pre- paratory to having a prohibitive by law passed. The council was advised Alf where pictures. were solicited and the full price collected and never a delivery made. In other cases depos- its were made and the pictures, tak- en with a small camera in the cust- omers' home and enlarged in Toronto and were unsatisfactory. When one of the best looking blondes in the town received her photos she was. 'dismayed to learn, that she was a brunette. Her hair in the picture was quite dark. ,Stop and Think how important it ia that you wear correct glassea--cor- reedy prescribed for yeser vision. Correctly styled to your face. Your health may largely depend en keen ision. See C. E. ZURBRIGO, R. 0. At HESS JEWELERY STORE Every Tuesday at ZURICH t Dashwood, Saturday, at Pfile's Store. +--se HAY COUNCIL The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the Township of Hay was held in the Township Hall, Zur- ich, on Monday, June 7th, with all members present. The minutes of the May meeting were adopted as read. The Council became organized as a Co -art of Revision to consider ap- peals on the 1937 Assessment Rolls -4,4-1•4404.4.4-444-1-Tr44.44-4-1-1- NOTICE ing hair -dressing in Zurich for years is now established in her e home en the Lippliaidt Estate, tte party, and is fully equipped to you the latest in perrnanents,-fMer- waves, inarcels, shampoos and -ri • manicures and eyebrow archine t reasonable prices. -ALL PERMANENTS ":4 •• 7!.:11, One free finger wave i. manent. Phone 159 for, TEED. - ) — • %• "ts Mrs. Ed. Gascho who has beei Chester L. Smith, Publish.* 1.25 a year, U.S. $1,50 in Adven* $1.50 INABIZEARS,52 MA.T BE OBELIMILIA er•444..Seller•ln.7ont4ct - • ..1.11.1••••••11811•2010•11 HAIRDRESSINGS THIEL'S HAIRDikESSING:P Mrs. Fred Thiel wisheeet' the public that she is noWe business. Permanents and waving a specialty. All per, a` guaranteed. Parilor aoeated of shop. For appointment phone 102 Zurich, • Mrs. G. Koehler was a Sunday visitor at Bayfield. Mrs. Lydia Pfile spent the week- end with friends at Kitchener. Mr1 and MTS. E. W. Stoskopf of •Kitchener, spent the week -end at the home of We Thomas Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Williams, Mr. Calvin and Miss Ethel Williams mot- ored to London on Monday. Mr, Mrs. and J. E. E Hamilton and daughter Doris of London, were we- e end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Galster, Mrs. Chas Weber, Mr. and Mrs. STRONG, Hugh Thiel motored to London on 'Sunday where they visited 'with Mr. DUST-TITE •Chas. Weber in the hospital, Special ON Admir ale Pocket Watches WA NINE 1;•.:1;r: A POPULAR SIZE 15 JEWEL, Put Your COAL in now al: FOR $9.50 Holy Communion services will be which were disposed off as tee. ; held in the Evaegelical church in Z1.147 Appeals dismissed -Louis BrfsSoneand, ich next Sunday morning. Prepar- J. E. Druar to have certeen14e4S. atory service on Friday evening. assessed to Separate S.S. Ni . stead of Public S.S. No.11 APe'ea3:s Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Torrence, Bar - ;not allowed as Mr. Brissoe!s:' niitice .bara and Jack of Toronto and Miss was .received too late and M.:te,'Dttlia,‘ 'Maud Torrence of Clinton, visited was adyised that a ratepaY4'eanme; witn isle and Mrs. Menno Oesch on be •a pubic and a separate seheealsee-, Saturday •afternoon. porter in the same township. , Rev. E. Turkheim, as pastor and peals •allowed—T. Lifft, an Stru 1 s, .-. " Me. F. C. Kalbfleisch as lay delegate off; M. Love to have Lot 2e,, chili D . ,4,...., ,': lel en Tuesday fox Hanover to at - assessed to A. Reichert as telYeret;,:h. lind the annual Synod of the Ev. Heist and S. Heist, struck e ',44:-")-1-Y: LUtli.8ran church. They will be away have• moved to !Stephen tow- '• ° 14C: .t all week and over Sunday, and as a 3: 'Wein and F. Wein were •as 4.$' ,C' onsequence there will be no services . • a a, Open Ouse i a:essr:d°±10th,tbe:,i„,, , St. Peter's Lutheran +church the • s'... fee tete ' 41, se es. ee:, ..,- . Anderson was ase g ; .i.:- if Lot 133, Vol S., Zurich, ins , o ' The next game of baseball on the You. axe cordially invited to attend 4- Axt. C. Beierling asseSs 1 edns :.Zueicleadiamond will be held this + + ed $100; W. Watston is4Weitent •r0.WIiursd,ay evening, when the fast 4-+ 4- Our Open House Party 4. duced $100; 3. E. Druadeigeesimert ;Clinton Colts will be down and play + 4” reduced. A resolution 'W.174.'s passe4f the locals. Clinton last year won 4. + . . + + confirming the changes•anU that the 1 the League title and a good game + Saturday June . 1:2th * Coart of Revision be closed and the ,can .be looked for, a.s the Zurich team 4* Assessment Roll be adopted as the has been going great this season so .i. Eckel's. Bakery .1. 4. 4. 4- +444+++.1.40+44444.44„.÷+To+++4!4.44+.4.4.+++.1.4.4-1,+,44 be made to W. Hay an . . . $20.00 and that the Township in aq m Y Hof Kitchener spent the weex,end at the home of Mrs. Ed. Dataes, Sr. bc" The aged Mrs. Dedels during the past deuitpiioend pbayy ttee fia-einntiwo.f the home few weeks waited on her' grandchild ...e....—.........0 That accounts covering payment who had an operation for appendic- itis. + official Roll for 1937. . •'.' " far. 4' After •diseosing of the comma/lie- - • + Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Dedels and dau- :.-.pataisosnesd.the following resoIutioes were ,g.,,.h 4. . ted, .accompanied by his sister, IVEss . enseree_ ' Vera Dedels and' their grandmother, t culvert be c Mrs. Fred Dedels, who was ninety- Zurich"'h t ÷ ted opposite Lot 20, con. 14-15. and , two years old, and who is enjoying TELEPHONE Wo ..3.4' that the work be done by day labor. her outing very much, and is as .1.4 That a cash allowance per Month , bright as many a person at 65, all 4 .11111111•1611111111100115 dor Township Roads, Hay Telephone, Charity and Relief and general;a•ccii- unts be, passed as per voucberse HYMENEAL P. Neuschwanger, rd 7 $9;3-1. PM -ft Westlake—Carnie rd 5, 57.50; R.1VIiller rd 9, ",.01' W, R. Bell rd 1, 10.65; eae H. ilease On the morning of May 29th the - • home of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Car - Road Supt. 28.41; IJ. A. il'flis al Irrt: nie, Stanle.y, was the•scene of a lose 2.60; C. Aldworth rd 3 3.75; ely Welsh gravel 24.40; 0. K0011101 rd 3 spring wedding when their elder 1.60; G. 3. Thiel, Z.P.V. $45.P9; T. daughter, Mary Belle was united in Steinbach rd 8 2.25; W. reei rd i..marriageeonlytosollinIeoGitdrs.vianoEclitwhisn. 17Ei.esAt-. . 18 12.95; R. Adams rd 10, 2.80; G. Dick ed 2 3.15; S. reland cruehing wWaeystlakTeo, theoftshberaiBnIsueofWirotheci:ngHrlignh; High trucking 296.32. Hay Telephone—E. R. Guentlir Bridal Chorus, played by Mrs. George cartage 1.35; Twp. clerk. r.t salair eon Hess, of Hensall, the charming bride 175.00; Bell Telo. Co, tolls Mar. to ' the arm of her Sather, who gave April 114.44; Northern Elec. Co, nup her in marriage, entered the drawing room which presented a profusion of apple blossoms, tulips ana spring 25.27; H. G. Hess, salary, etc. 214,48 .. plies 97.05; Nat. Revenue tax on tls. 'flowers. The bride was lovely in her rent 3.50; Williams & Co. flour 3.80 ' „ Charity and Relief—E. Hen&ick exquisite floor -length gown or ivory W. Hay allowance $20; A. Melick lace and satin enriched by bodice milk 4,34; J. W. Merrier groieries trimming and jacket of old rose pt. lace. She carried a shower bouquet 14.01. • General of Talisman eases and lily of the ld supplies 6.80; Amusement Branch, Accounts--Municipak Wor ' . gyT -e sester, J in a valley. She was attended by her H. rdioner, 1VIiss hall license $3; 'W. filmy blue flean Carnie, attiredoor-length gown of mar - salary and postage 104.00; , W .:, .e Cie* nisette over matchintaffeta. Her and Treas. part salary 10100; ' ;bouquet was composed of pink laddie Huron Expositor, general registr carnations and baby's breath. Mr. Laurence Talbot, of London, cousin The Connell adjourned to 1* et 'a- . of the groom was best man and Rev R. M. Gale of Bayfield, solemnized the marriage service. During the signing of the register Mrs. George • . . Hess sang "I Love You Truly". Mrs. ,Caenie, mother of the beide, who Farmers! Attention! •was modishly dressed in a floral grey • chiffon, Wore a corsage of roses, The We have been appointed Brig bridegroom's mother, Mrs. Westlake, gents for the celebratedV, Ilg chose a navy sheer with corsage of Diabo'Cream Separator, t re -rarnetions. A reception dinner held lo 1 I ' - otos with a ten year guarad,, ,;.4 .i‘ ,in the flower -decked dining voone Lis demonstrate this machine,. , ', 1?:&d, , — woe ed hv the Misses Vaizaheth 'end compare it with all otheteieigl Snowden and Ilene Talbot, Prior to lon't forget the best fesittVe:a; ,.'4, ,startbig on 0, motor trip along the :meant) easy terms, Liberal 'ailoraftetiY. St. Lawredee River, the bride donned for treeleains. •,e ,, .'ri a grey imported English coat with! , a IttIHRAG & soN, !,-.i.,,:1,04 ,)ovy dress and matehing accessoriee, i . , 45.rati kezinizedltieee WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Corned Beef, 2 may, for Kellogg's Rice Krispies, 2 pkgs. -- . .------ _21c Tomato Juice„ 20 -oz, 3 tins .- ... Peaches, Master Pack, No. 2 sqt., 2 tins ..29c Orange Marmalade, 32 -oz, each --------.25c Hillcrest Shortening, 2 lbs . . .. .,—..27c Maininc:Snawbal3 biscuits, per lb. ..... .18c Fancy Cascade Salmon, 2 tins .. .. ..25c Spaghetti. Clarks or Campbells. '2 This Calay Soap, 4 cakes .-.-. . . . . Old English Fir Wax, per tin . .. .. 59c Brunswick Sardines, 5 tins . .. ...... ... . .. ._........25c Mirkal Whip„ 8 -oz. jar, each Certo, jellies all fruit27c DixiegDawty grape fruit juice 18 -oz. 2 tins . ... . .27c Kellogg's con inakes, 3 pkgs. . . ..----__.25c See our winatrw for 'Extra Specials on Ladies"House Dresses, Silk Underwear, .Silk Hosiery, Voil% and Broadclo*„ Cautdin Material.. J. • M Highed Prim kw Egg& Timm 140 gain on Monday, July 511 tt5O 1) A. F. Hess, TO. eame.seaseeeasaaaeeeese,easese:4 ' t141.1 ,.,,..,.,,.,,,e u J...rr ' .1::,..,.. .., ,,iii'.i.. Go See Our New Prints, Broad cloths ,Drapery, Chintz, Cur -- tams and Curtain Goods, Ete„ 1937 Garden. Seeds, Root Seeds, Paints, Varnishes, Floor Wax, and Polishes, Varno- Lac, Etc... Etc. HARNESS REPAIRS, ETC FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAM) OUGLAS GENERAL AIERON ANT PHONE 11 us 97 minismsmsamsionammissigarmounamaisumar E3 K • .Xafigmor,