HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-06-03, Page 4"ir?
• and Nil's, Fred °tell front
+tendoan, Aft, and, Mrs. Calx'. Grell of
':etruoit vrsre Sunday visitors with
'TiIr. and :Mrs, Sol. Bechler.
I•L"tfii;, and 31frs. Emmerson Erb and
eilmAglater Spent Sunday with 1V1r, and
•I.1rs. Chris Erb.
Mr. and Mrs. Join Bosart and son
ri..,'w7:s from Seaforth were Sunday
visitors with Mr, and Mrs. 1Vlose Erb
Mr,. and Mrs. Jake Kipfer and
fan:dly were Sunday visitors with
Lx. and Mrs. Dave Oesch.
Mlle. and Mrs. Elmore Turner re.-
urned from a pleasant trip and wo-
Te given a recepti, n on Tuesday ev-
ening .at the Varna ,Hall.
mr. Jas. Cochrane of Toronto,
"'visited relatives in the vicinity dur-
.ug the week.
1r. and Mrs. Jas. Troyer of Toe -
',onto and Mr. and Mrs, G. Hudson,
stsf Hensall visited with friends in the
Rev. H. G. Bandey and Mr. Ben
Keys are attending the annual Con-
rence at Windsor this week.
Mr. W. Turner, reeve of Stanley,
Is attending County Council at God-
arich this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jahn and on
113oneld and Mrs. W. Cable of Flint,
Niche visited with the ladies' sister,
24I;s. Thos. Robinson and brothers,
"dill and George Reid of Parr Line.
.Mr. Cecil Wiley of Detroit, spent
Abe week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Will
Reid of Varna.
Mr. Duncan Shepherd of Hyde
,'ark has been visiting fritnds at
Make and -on the Bronson Line.
Mrs. Frank Hobson of St. Thomas
/who has spent the past three weekb
eavith her sisters, Mrs. T. M, .Snowden
and Mrs. A. E. Westlake, has return-
ed to her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scotchmtr and
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Greer motored to
iuckmnow recently.
Miss Irene Scotchmer of London,
°who ,spent a week with her parents,
hilt. and Mrs. Wm. Scotchmer, has re-
turned to London.
Clifford Scotchmer of Chicago s p-
t n't a few days with his parents, Mr.
end Mrs. John Scotchmer. Sr.
The following is the report of S.
M. No. 14 Hay, the pupils are to or-
iiier of merit.
Sr. IV—Margaret Bell 09, Blanche
Watsoon 62, .Allan Crerar 57,
Jr. 1V --Helen. Pybus 67,
Jr. III --Luanne Ropp 77, Blanche
Green 66, Donald Bell 6Q.5; Mona
:Redden 5?,
Sr. II ---Ronald Bell 65, Idebel
Watson 55, •
Jr. II—Jean Alexandr 63, Wallace
Watson 59, Harold. Bell40.2.
Sr, I—Alma Bell 68.
Jr. Watson 65.
Pr.—Donald Hedden 75,
Watson 72.
Number on roll 17, Average atter
dance 15,9,
M. L Workman, teacher,
Mrs. W. ,Schmoock and daughter
Lucile of Detroit spent the week -end
with relatives here,
Mr. Albert Ziininer of Portland,
Oregon spent a few days witth his
father, Mr. Wm. Zimmer.
Mr. and Mrs. , Felix Wilds, and
Ethel Manor attended the funeral of
the late James Moore, at Seaforth
last week.
Misses Mary, , • Bettie and Jackie
Mclsaae of Detroit, spent the week-
end with their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. P. Mclsaae.
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Pfile of De-
troit, spent the week -end with re-
latives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Davis of Lon-
don visited his parents here.
Mrs. Finkbeiner and Catherine,
who have been visiting in Sarnia,
have returned -home.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hoist atten-
ded the funeral of the former's
mother, the late Mrs. Fred Hoist at
Crediton on Sunday.
Miss Elda Preeter and friend Miss
Bertha Eidt of Dertooit, called on
friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Milford Koch, of
Uthica, Mich., . and Mrs. Attenbury
of Windsor spent a few days with
1VIr. and Mrs. Geo. Koch.
Miss Alberta Willert spent a few
weeks at her home here.
Mr. Gordon Gates, and sister Mrs.
Donely and .son John of Chicago,
spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs
R. Gates.
Mrs. Sophia Sutherland, Mrs. Rose
Cunningham of Chicago are visiting
relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hartleib, of
Deerboru, IVich., visited his parents
over the week -end.
Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Callfas and
family of Sarnia visited with Mr. and.
Mrs. Vernon Schatz on Tuesday.
is urgently needed in Ontario
Unemployed Men • Register with the
Employment Service of Canada.
AR M E R S , Tell your needs to the nearest
Employment Office, Relief
Administrator or Agricultural Representative.
Prime Minister and Minister of Labor,
Parliament Buildings, Toronto
Free Mountings and Plenty of Free Air for all Tires
purchased from Us; Quality Best; Prices Lowest;
Written Guerantees; Ask to See the Tire which
has over 125,000 miles of service. Brng your Cat-
alogues, we will meet all competition.
Seeding Implements should be in good working
shape shortly; Order M. -H.
parts early.
Cultivator points for many makes
Tel. So O.
Shop 149. O. KLOPP & SONS Res, 67
The following is the report
Jr, TV—Annie Oesch 86, Doreen
1VTcClinchey and Mae Smith 84; Matti
leen Oesch 79; Anson McKinley 76;
Ilughle McBride 74;
Jr.III--,iMyrtle McKinity 83, Mae
Oesch 79; R,ennoth Armstrong 741
Wesley McBride 67; Ilia Boyce 60.
Sr. II—Robbie MGT{inlet' 79; Ruth
McClinehev 75; Viola Boyce 62
Jr, IT—Phylis McBride 90; Leslie
Armstrong 78.
I :Harvey Boyce 59,
Passed into First 'Class -.Leona
Pi:inner—Jimmy Boyce.
No. on Roll 20.
Elsie Ritchie, teacher.
A meeting of the Directors of the
Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire
Insurance Co. was held in Falmer's
Hotel on Saturday.
Mr and Mrs. H. K. Eilber and M,'.
and Mrs. Ward Fritz and daughter
of Zurich spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Pentland, of
Miss Hazel Woodall has been en-
gaged to teach the second room of
our School commencing with the fall
term. -
J. Whittaker, slater of Loudon,
was in the village on Saturday re-
pairing some of the slate roofs which
were in need of slate.
Quite a number of our American
Cousins were with us over the week-
end. It being Decoration Day in the
The Bell Telephone Coinpainy's
linemen are working on the new line
of poles they are running to the vil-
lage from Devon Corner and then
north to the Town Line. We under-
stand the County Good Roads Com-
mittee is arranging to give the ,road
from the village to the 'P'avement a
coating of tar and gravel similar,* to
the streets in the village. This will
be a great improvement to the trav-
elling public and we will all appre-
ciate this very much when it is fin-
Busy at Exeter
Workmen are busy at Exeter with.
the large power grader belonging to
Huron County, removing the crowns
if';,to>n the back stereets. It was tho-
ught that slippery weather made the.
,nighly crowned streets unsafe for
. Order Pay Increase
Goderich Public Utilities Corn
mission put on record a motion auth-
orizing an increase in pay from 40c
to, 45c an hour for its linemen and
•two weeks holidays at full pay each.
year, Henetofore they received but
gine; week's holiday with pay.
Clinton's Coronation Baby
' In later years, .the infant daughter
•cf;''Mr. and Mrs,•Ilarvey''Cooper will
he°"able to refer with pride to the
date of her birth, Coronation Day.
May 12, 1937. Her name is Barbara.
Elizabeth, in honor of her Majesty,
Queen Elizabeth.
Deer In Tuckersmith.
While on the lawn at the farm of
.Ales:. Wallace, Tuckersmith, last
Sunday afternoon, guests were sur-
prised to see two deer run down the.
concession road to the Kippen road.
:After hesitating a moment the deer
leaped over a fence and bounded a-
way ttrough the fields.
Invited to Crediton•
Donald Gladxnan, B.A., son of Mr.
and Mrs. F. W. Gladman, a recent
graduate of Emmanuel College, Tor-
.who will be ordained into the
ministry of the united Church at the
London 'Conference which meets in,
Waikerville this week, bas been in-
vited to become the pastor of the
Crediton charge, succeeding Rev. Mr.
Johnston who has received an invitat-
ion- to Fordwich.
• % Old Hotel Is Sold
George Edighoifer, of Mitchell,ha;
puf'chased the old Larkwc.rtny hotel!
pkbnerty on the corner of Ontario
ang. Blancherd streets in Mitchell,
w.i 'Leh he intends to use as a store-
li4se. Some eighty gears or more
ag+ this two-storey brick building
yii9p '_erected by the late William Lark
i t thy in which he carried on a hotel
b .mess for quite a number of years.
Has. Operation
ccompanying his sister No..
f , n Toronto on what was to be
oa ;-night visit to their home, Ter
ello, son of Judge T. M. Costel
a, Mrs. Costello of Goderich, w
i ken. by appendicitis last Sund
n t.. and underwent an operation o
lVi day ay afternoon. The two-.chil
tele of Jndge and Mrs. Costello ha
attending school at Toront
is .recovering nicely.
Don't forget the Band Concert by
the Hensall Citizens Band every Sat-
urday night commencing Saturday,
June 5th at 8.15 in the Band Stand
on King St.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson of
Chesley were visitors with relatives`
here. •
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Fisher and son ti
Jack and Mrs. Roy Palmer and little
daughter of Windsor were recent'
visitors with relatives in town..
James O'Brien, a former well lino7
wn resident of tlie,.2nd Con; Hay,
is quite ill at his home •in.Irucefleld.• <f,,,
Mr. and Mrs. 'Leslie Adams and sop. hi
Donald, Miss Blanche Morenz and in
Mrs. Win. Corry of London vera; vri.
visitors with Mr. and. `Mrs. John El
Dies At Goderich
at the time he resigned his post
as• division court clerk 'a few
ago, Charles Sheppard, native
derich and . former merchant,.
Friday in Alexandra Iiospit l
58 : He vvas t.forniany years
worker and local organizer
Liberal party. He received
s ` .`ucation in Goderich and early
i 'e entered the hardware business.
tC Lee. He married Miss
i4ibeth Johnston, of Goderich; and
mo't'+i;d to Paris, Ont., where he was
engaged in the.stat%onery business
for •come yearseand where Mrs. Shep-
pard/died and was buried in 1921.
The are two daughters.
Old Resident Passes
Oldest native of Goderich, Albert:,
Kae,eshay, continuous resident for 88.
years, died last week after a short
illness. His father, Thos. one of the
toy. is first settlers was a director of
Mrs. McKenzie of Brucefneld, Mrs..
Phennie of Detroit, and Jno. McKee
zie of Windsor, were visitors' w•th.
Mr. and Miss McAsh. • •
Mr. and Mrs.- William Douglas., of
Brucefield were visitors with relit.:
ves in town.
Robt. Higgins has returned home
after spending a few weeks with his
daughter, Mrs. 0. Beavers of Thank-
er Road. Mr. Higgins suffers severe.-
ly from arthritis, and at times .is in the
a serious condition. ed
Mrs. Orville Twitchell was rn eral- a
ed on in London Hospital Thursday or
last for appendicitis, and is now do- an
ing as well as, can be expected. Mr, St.
Twitchell and three daughters visited tits
her at the hospital Sunday last.
Mrs. Eva Stapleton and family. of his
small children have moved here from F
Northern Ontario and are now set- ing
tled in the Thos. Simpson home on ye
Queen St., that they recently rented • Be
from C. Volland. Mrs. Stapleton was Su
formerly Miss Eva Stone of Hensall, d
her husband died in New Ontario a
few weeks ago.
ICanada. Company. It is. retard
iin history that the elder Kneeshaw
contractor built St. George's rece-
y,, the 85 -Year-old Central School,
d "The Castle," „show residence on
George's . 1Crescentt. All among
`town's mose historic 'buildings.
A ;cooper by trade, he spent. most f
spree time reading and gardening
a time he'tried ,telegraph aperat-
, abut didn't like it. Sixty-three
ars ago he married. "Sarah Jones,of
wnianville, who died in 1915.
rviving are four sons ane one
Dies in 97th Year
Fullerton Twp. Iost one of its pi-
er residents ,in the passing of Mrs
• Jacobs in her 97th year. The
parted lady, who was in her usual
d health, going around the house
assisting. her daughters with the
.• tasks, fell and fractured` her
two weeks gat. She was taken to
afford Hospital where she passed
y. She was born at St. Agatha in
terloo County on Aug: 15, 1840.
years ago she married John Jac -
who predeceased her 26 years a-
Following their marriage they
t up fanning in Fullerton Twp.
re she had resided ever since, She
among the pioneers of that dis-
t and four years after their mar-
e she and her husband mane
y trips to Kitchener, known then
Berlin, approximately 34 miles, by
on to visit friends, there be•ir ;' n�
gies at that time, and she also
c•� regular traps to Mitchell with
Cr and eggs, walking- both ways,
t'eturn trip being 8 miles.
Announces Retirement
Wirth the decision of Saxon Fitton
.etei , to retire and the sale of
his optical business, the name Fitton
will ;ot,be seen in the liat if Exeter
:busk essmen for the first time Firer
Death of Miss Daymari
The death occurred at the home of • Joe
her brother, Tuckersmith, of Miss de
,Sarah Dayman, in her 78th year,
following an illness of some duration and
from a heart ailment. She`'is surviv- dal
ed by three sisters, and four brothers hip
The .funeral was held from the resi- Str
dence on Monday at 2 o'clock, Gond-
ucted by Rev. Chandler, of St. And- Wa
rew's United church, Kippen. In- 65
termennt being made in Ross Cen{ete-
ery at Brucefielcl. obs
Death of Mrs. Jennie Caldwell go.
Mrs,tJennie Caldwell, a former whc
Hensall resident,' passed away on
May 27 at Woodstock hospital, after was
an illness of .several years. She was tie
a daughter of. the late.1VIr. and Mrs. man
Win. McDougall, and a native o'' as
Tuckersmith Twp. where she was
born 55 years ago, After her mar- wag
riage to Caldwell they resided 'for a bug
Plumber of years on a farm near Kip- mad
ps n.' After hi de 1th she carne t,, butt
Hensall to reside but was in very' the
poor health, She later was taken to
a Woodstock hospital for treatment,
and remained there till her death. of E
Slie is survived by two sons and a
1a-zghter, The remains were Bron-.
't'ht to the home of lie' son Ila: rt'
r r,irh° 501. frn''
ro" pia'. interment taking place in
C ..;ter'y
Modernize Yo�eln.l� Mote
Wit = a ii E -leo Bathroom
It is hard to believe that many homes are today
without bathroom conveniences, but such is the
case. If your home is lacking hi this respect, don't'
make your family do without any longer.
Emco Bathroom Fixtures and Fittings are
widely known for their quality, long service and
moderate cost.
The three pieces illustrated—Bath-tub, Basin and
Toilet -- with all fittings, ready .for insta.liation, cost
only ,.
.....». ...» .»... -.-$83.15',
Duro Water Supply Systems
Maybe you have been without bathroom facilities be-
cause your horde lacked running water. If so,.a Duro.
Pumping System will solve this situation and also serve
the kitchen, barn, laundry, etc.
The Duro-Special has a capacity of 250 gals. an hour,
is supplied with a 30 gal. Galvanized Tank and 25 or 60
cycle, 110 volt motor, all for_ .............,.....,..........,., .... $89.o0=
Three Years to Pay
Emco Batbroornequipment and
Duro Pumping Systems can be
purchased under the Home Im••
prevenient Loan Act. The cost
army be spread over a period not
exceeding three years. We will be
glad to give you full information.
Can also be furnished for
Gasoline Engine operation. London Hamilton, 'i'oronfo. Winnipeg, Vancouver
ago .he. was joined In 3iustraes.s by Idis. rse but there are many things in
son Saxon.) About 12 years. ago the � which many of 'ns are more interest
latter sold the jewelry business but `ed than in the north pole at present..,
continued as optician. Mr. Fitton has
the distinction of 'being the first to•'I
lie .barn in the incorporated village of . Warns . Against Sunday Use,.
Notice has been issued to owners=
CENERAL NE!S of commercial, vehiclest stating than
the increase lit the unnecessary use:
of commercial motor vehicles on Sun-
day makes it necessary to warn own-
1938 License Plates ers of such vehicles that their open-•.
Ontario's 1938 license plates will ati°ns for <cammercial purposes Far
reach a new high in l rillianceit was Sunday is contrary to Taws;
learned when Homs Harry 'Nixon, respecting Sunday observance. It is
provincial secretary, received a sam- . also stated that the practice increases
ple of the markers. The background the accident hazard by congesting
color is royal blue with scarlet; lett-
the Iii s>aags on the one day of the
ers. A royal crown in scarlet divici- week why many operators of pass-
es the figure 1938, set above the Sic- 'ginger 'cans can.use thele. Commer--
ense number.
A Mammoth Machine
cial vehicle owners are advised, ac-
that "consideration will be -
given to the suspension of revocation;.
Last week a...16 -ton piece of mach -
whose motor v�ucles permits of those,
inert', manufactured at the plant ,. whose vehicles are hereafter operated{
the Dominion Road Machinery Co. at I urn ce'ssarily :on the public highways
Goderich, was shipped by rail to Qu -!
'on Sunday_'b
ebec. The machine a drier unit for
work on bitunninous roads, was built,.
at a cost of $11,000 for the Previte -•i
cial Construction Company. Not only
is the machine the largest'single piece
ever put out by the firm, it is the
largest of its kind in Canada. TIk i tr 1
a forty -foot chassis, the machine in
composed of a huge. cylinder 24 ft
in length and six feet in diameter.
It wilI turn out 100 tons of evenly
dried and heated' gravel in one hou`r-
It was just one month in the maki'irg-
No Speed Traps
Established 1900
NOON ` it. Q.* THE -
Herald Printing • Office:
yam`,, strictly in !advance; $1.60 W..
arrears or 28.00 may be charged. 1.L.
Hort. T. 13: 1VScQ'uesien, Ont. minx S. $1.50 in advance. No paper discom -
tinued until all arrears are paid ma-
ister of highways, said no speedtrape less at option of publisher. The dao,.
are to be set by provincial police to of which every Subscription is pal&
enforce the new 50 -mile -an -hour Is denoted on the Label.
speed Iimit, effective Since May 24th i ADVERTISING RATES
No additional highway police will be Professional Cards not exceeding,
placed on duty. Provincial authorit- fnclses, per year $5.00.
ie^ have no jurisdiction to interfere; In Memoriam, one verse 50e. 25*
with the speed Taw ,enforcement in' for each additional verse; Card am,
municipatities or to prevent setting 'Thanks, 50e.
of speed -traps in' cities, towns and .
villages, the minister said: As far may advertising made know*
as regular highway officers can per- on application.
form Their dities, no leeway is to be Miscellaneous ,articles of not more.
allowed and' the law "enforced to the than four lines, For Sale, To Rent*,
letter."' Waisted, Lost. Found, etc., One blear -
tion 25c, t3 ins. 40e., .5
for sale ;t.tlfro
At North Pole
A party of Russians have .arrived for first month, 21.00 for each Ad -
by airplane ,at the North Pole, ac- lowing month.
cording ota despatch from Moscow.'
and intends to remainthere for some :Auetlen Sales $2•02 Per single
time, although the ire on which they ioream if not over four inches itis:,
',ave located ie shifting e . frt•>: Sangtk
1.867 ,,In the ederaf,'o', but they seem to lie sitting..1r
quite Address ell •cnttimunieationid tat'.Y sew tclnlnalcer and jeweler. l,� pretty -oil top of the, world; rt is <s ;
rear n nn •
41 yea.: ,•j :oat, zeiantide.. a: hievein-nnt, of cou. `I' Z HERALD