HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-05-27, Page 5BUSINFSS CAI -DS LEGAL uoLE` C' E. floialus BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT ARY PPU•I3LId:, ETC.. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just off the .Square, GODERICI$*,Onterao.. I Special Attention to Couleeel and Court Work, Mr. Holmes may be consulted at' ederich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASI-IW OOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Dr. 11 11. COWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETERINAR IA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, N. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON (Mee in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. Zurich hone -96. A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary 'oliege,JniversiyTot. Al iiiseases of domestic animals tri d by the most modern p p - , Charges reasonable. Day or night .,T 11s promptlyattended to. Also Bre- ader of Scottish terriers. Inverness Street, '1�ennels. Office ora r posite Town Hall, Phone 116. HLNSALL. ;LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - +duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit -your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Thone 13-57. PRODUCE Farm Plod -ace WANTED F-3IGHEST CASH PRICES --FOR- CREAM, EGGS'' AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and. Sins Yunghlut •& Sou INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST . RESERVE BAL- „INCE' OF ANY CANADIAN MUT VAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS ,OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO • amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 19aS, $20;479',73O;0O Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $2'54,627.52. Rates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years F. I< Topp----Zurick. ,enc. Also. Dealer in Lidhiniad Rods rsit all. zIL%,r.6. i.a 1"�,aSaIVIVl;e 1 Put. Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found,Etc. Ads. in this Column. FOR QUICK SALE 2 York Sows due to litter about :lune 8th. --J. E. Pollock, Hayfield Road. FOR SALE Eight one -year-old Durham cattle for sale, Apply to Russell 'Sparks; R.R. 3, Bayfield. Phone 7814 Hensall CivWlianvnxmt•+Caao..,+ppryut ....+•-••'^..'. eataem heir• reeea Township of Hay COURT F REVISION NOTICE is hereby given that the first sitting of the Court of Revision to consider appeals in reference to the Assessment Roll of the Township of Hay for the year 1937, will be held in the Township Hall, Zurich, o' Monday, June 7th, 1937, commenc- ing at two o'clock in the afternoon. ANDREW F. HESS, Clerk, Township of Hay, Zurich, Ontario. Meeting of The Huron County Council The next meeting of Huron County Council will be held in the Council Charnbers, Court House, Goderich, Ontario, Commencing Tuesday, June 1st, at 2. p.m., 1937. A11 accounts, Notices of Deputati- ons, Applications and other Business requiring attention of Council should be in. the hands of the Clerk by 11Iay 30th. J. M. ROBERT.S, County Clerk. Miss Nora .Fremlin spent tile' end at her home in Clintoti IVIrs, A F. Ross is at 7.,oard.a her son Paul at the doslF; - Mr. Clayton Hoffman of ent the week -fend at his heinie Mr. Lawrence Howald et` •1.4011 visited his home here over Wid,' Mr. I ,enth Brakely of Bruce was a Sunday visitor here. Mrs. E. Bender and son BO! London, were guests at the ,borne, Mrs. Lydia Pile and other relh ive, Mr. Kenneth Routledge, who ha a position as bookkeeper. at Strattord spent the week -end at his home Ttrrres Mr. and Mrs. Percy 'Schoeh one family of Kitch.dner spent the holidal with the formers parents in town Mr. and Mrs. Peter, Kropf of Irl 1 ,chener were holiday visitors .wit friends here. Mr. Gordon, Draper, and Miss Nar Paul of Toronto, spent the holida with Mr. and Mrs. Erwin ;Sehlbe Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brien anci,';i Miss Olive were week -end visitore with friends in Crosswell, Mich, Mr. Bobbie Koehler of Baden was' .a holiday visitor with his cousin,: Mr. Ross Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. John 1Preeter and Miss Muriel were week -end' visitor, with friends in town FiShing Attracts Visitors 4i1111117); fz‘1.0171 outside points chie;tlr to .the nearby cities, are practically • noppli✓ing the fishing from the xcaltWaters at Goderich. A dozen a !atsider a :ragged the nicest perch atclhes an: the season, pulling in sev- •dozer: with rod and line at the 'ar,e4•lcwaters. TWQ Londoners had the . 0 arrest string, sevorel fish being about; nachee andweighingover two lbs. acia wrvm40 Miss Rose Margaret Hoffman of London, visited with her parents ov er the week -end. Mr. and •Mrs. W. F. Braun and family of Forest were Sunday. Visit - Ors at the home of Mr. Wilt rLainon t Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Auler iehi ` of Detroit spent the weekerida'at ..'the hoome of her parents, 1Ir. and Mfrs. • L. A. Prang. Mr. Musselman •of Kitchener,,,:was a week -end visitor at the homes' of Mr'. and Mrs. P. 'Gingerich and .:Mr.' Menno Steckle of the Bronson line • Mr. Paul Hess underwent can . op eration at London Hospital .on f;aat urd• e•ay, from which he is recovet nicely. . f' Mr. and Mrs. Arlie De ijtruh ' of Kitchener were week -end " visitorsat the home of her parents,. Mr a,•ud fl 3 Naive Mrs. Win. S. Ruby. The recent fine and warm rains are bringing on a fine grown in t!1er gardens and fields as well. Grass'• -is making a most splendid growth. e (Rocks and Leg. 8c after May Sth. Leg. 8c, Rocks 9c, after April 20th. Leg. 9c, Rocks 10c after April 12th.- Leg. 2th.Leg. 10c, Rocks 11c, after April 4th. All Breeding Stock Govt. Approved • and Bloodtested. Started Chic1 -' i Pullets for Sale. see them. J. E '. McKINL;EY Phone 97 r 11, Hensallr = R. R. 1, Zurich Automobile Insurance Tariff and non-Tarrif Rates. Also all classes of accident and sick In- surance. For Particulars Apply to: J. W. HABERER, ZURICH NOTICE Mrs. John Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Williams, Miss Vera Ralph-le andair. Mervin Keliaby all of Tor- onto, were visitors at the home .:of Mrs. Sol Jacobe and Ivir. and . Mlis Hilton Truemner, over the week -end „ As the 24th of May fell on'a Mon day this year;, there were a great deal of visitors in.; and out of town. that we did not find possible to keep .triick HOLIDAY DEA'T'H TOLLS Death took no,' i+oliday in Ontario in the long,: Victoria Day` -week -end claiming 15 lives;in',a serreee of tiro wnings, autos and other aecidents. 7 persons were drowned, 6 aied• after car crashes, one mall was killed when thrown into a river. All fatal auto accidents occurred on Saturday and Sunday when,.the lower speed limit •was still in force. On the holiday when speed liinits were- increased le- gally to 50 miles in the province, ne fatalities were reported. Highways, under the new law; were not comple- tely accident -free, however, several non-fatal smashes being reported. FOR GOOD CLEANING 1 - HYMENEAL ' • Spring and Easter Have your Dry Cleaning and Laun- dry done by THE iPARISIAN LAUN- DRY LTD., LONDON. Mens' Suits and Topcoats 70c. All kinds of Laura dry done at .reasonable prices. THIEL'S TRANSPORT, ZURICH Mrs. Berry and Mrs. Paterson of Hensall and Mr. B. McKenzie of Sea - forth were visitors at the home of Mrs. C. Eilber. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cook and Mr. Ed. Brenner of Kitchener and Mr. Clarence Brenner of Hensall were week -end guests at the home of t'ieir parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner Mr. and Mrs. Edgar E. Wuerth of Kitchner have moved their household effects from Kitchener to their home at the east end of town for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bossenberry, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bossenberry, and family of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner of Guelph, were holi- day guests at the home. of Mr. and "O Promise Me" during the signing Mrs. Wm. C. Wagner. ' .., of the register„ Spring flowers massed Promoter is Jailedons for the Ma add effective y. White in the church ytnde ceremony, White ribbons marked the pews reserved for the guests:, Given hi marriage by her ''brother, 'Wm.- R. Cooper, the bride wore a lovely gown of white taffete on princess lines, with short tailored jacket and small flared train of the taffeta. Rows of cable cord- ing adorned the skirt. The bride's flowers were a sheaf of exquisite calla lilies. Miss Margaret Cooper. of Toronto, sister or the 'bride, was r• her only attendant. Zapfe—Swan A pretty wedding took place Tuos- • Parens.• day evening, May lith at the Bruce- Rev and Mrs. Iinechtel of Kitchen - field Manse, when Audrey, only dau- er and Mrs. Southcott of Venice Cal.7 ghter• of Mr. A. J. Swan and the late Were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Mrs. A. J. Swan, 'became the bridn of R• Guenther on .Monday. Mr. Austin Zapfe, son of Mr. and Mrs: Harry. Rader was rushed to Mrs. Harry Zapfe of l r•uceileld. ltev. London Hospital on Wednesday sufF- W. A. Bremner performed the core- ering from mastoids. We hope for mony. The bride was attiended by Miss Evelyn Grainger and the grooms ratan was .Bruce Armstrong, of Tuck- ersinitth. The bride was becomingly attired in brown flowered crepe with brown accessories. The young couple will reside in l3rucefield and have the best wishes of the community to go with them. Huron -Perth Juveniles PA GM prrs aP9�ib 69ip �r M16#OBI 4M4�AIdf+4 Ort► Ali Ai�pYlMg woe: ZURICH Ry. We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound B. Fat for Churning Cream delivered at ow plant, Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed �ed Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same Day. YOUR EGGS AND POULTRY - We also buy and pay Cash for your Eggs and 1.1, was de ided to organize a juv- le baseball team at Hensall t. 0 Poultry at Highest Market Pr ces, according to ay ,in.the Huron and Perth RJ grade 'our Patronage A.e:vas aptonted eh far; the, evening; and the fr,l1n, ,• •ppreciated!irnan #Mg ofifi;ials here' ap .o ritn•l:f on. THE ZURICH CREAMERY AIWB.ER Ortwein; Pres., T, E. ®eampaaae a eoem 3ems.ea so ur:"r,' o Ev.), : ,*� a ,, ra„ A,t•ar l seer ka e;Ap ace rinrimoncl; Vi e pree, L. PZ n4•le;� was, •declded to play juvenile ball td sponsor bantams 'belt to enter om arena With Sea'forth. Clrntmi d Zurich, and a meeting will h 444.444-1-1.4"/""4""+4"""'''''' 4.4.ta •*+ Aar +.,.+s ..e.+.4.e-e.e .,fel-ew:{+4) Id in the town ball, rl TelaiT nn ay 27 to arrange for a schedule. BUILDING MAE L a 1 2 3. A Bad Accident In you intend doing any Building or Repairing this Y :ar •r o aged �,. rr;P ' 4 we will he pleased to supply you with the fres of Tines More. g, d on Mon -!t ay afternoon in the Rr o rrtal a4 , .. Building Materials. Let us quote you. of th a r silt of ;ai�n, -a5 s„ fi'n vii ,,'`' en run o3 cr by a land roller, at ? SUMMER. SCREENS is father's farm, three miles north :1; ., f $eafnrth,on Monday. No one ..wit- 4. Lombination Doors --screens for the siiansner and c; '+.�s iiiessed the accident but he was in + ir-'erchangeable for winter. Wif? make screens to p-:.;e- ame wa-r thrown from the roller -i 'i e horses took frigh and the roll- ' 4. erly fit.your windows, Etc. Etc. Let us have your cr'cier sling over his body with the eer' ° Headquarters �_ s effects that he died a few hour' -„_f®r Johns-Man"anlle ETrildwr?g I adex'ial'� ter his unconscious body had hnnn found. 4.P 11937 BEEKEEPERS' 'MEETING ;The following places in this distr- et: meetings of the Ontario Beekeep- s' Association will be held ti -es s "ring: June 1, home of Clarence Mzell, Rattenberry St., Clinton; ;sine 2, Ervin Hogarth's Honey ?use, Tara, Ont. And on June 25, ^Otario Agricultural College Guelph. The meetings will commence at le. but the addresses will not begin Until after lunch. The mornings will be devoted to County business meet- 4-ing"s, or visiting. Bring a basket of lurch and plan to give the wife and children a pleasan t and profitable ho4islay, DASHWOOD, Mr. George Kellerman is visiting wri his son Rev, H. A. Kellerman in tc Waterloo. „gr. Harold Kellerman spent the RQlldayr,vithr friends in Fergus. :1r.'a td'grs.• J. Preeter and Mur- rel,and Miss Fanny Preeter of Kit - .i, called. on : friends here on Tis Vernon' Schatza nd 11 artinson spentthe week- 1tli friends in Detroit. • Mr and Mrs. Ira Tiernan of Hain- iltofi w r,;:e 1 his parents, Mr. and 11lrs : F, 3' gran over the week -end. Iti f ^s S,tadelbauer and family,, of London were Sunday -visitors with Mr and 11lrs 3'. Kraft. 1VIr, and,;Mrs. E. Flynn of London were, week end visitors with relatives herq,. Mr. Milford Merner and Kathleen, spent they Holidays in Detroit. • Mr. arid' lifrs. Wm. Smith of Wind- 4sor vvet e • holiday visitors with rel a ti- I et ves ]fere Miss Beta Hayter and friend of London, visited her parents on Sun- day. Mi;, and, Mrs. Elmer Zimmer of Tor onto ,spent the week -end with his I. PHONE 6 9 T T1471 itto .4EIS ZURICH 2•+dN+A•ir•p••A+++++A• +•3•+=r++++.4 ao kr o r .•-4- ®acee esesaaaai11 M„ asosera®ass®asft4004''00000 Se Grain +++.4,++ ;-3-7e+++++++.1 Let us clean your Seed Grain for 0 better crops and assurance against t3 weed seeds �+ ei Master and Pioneer Poultry Feeds r Plow point: to fit all makes :loa'd's a SEEDS! SEEDS! f We are in the Market for Red, Alsike, weet Clovers 6 1 1 46i a Timothy Seeds. a 3 1 and 1 1 BABY CHICKS n hand or ordered L.Scilbe• ►d.....7C........fr4."aD.G!8.rt,„ a speedy recovery. lliiss Roose Guenther who spent the, winter at hex' home her returned to' Winduor last week, Miss. Zeta Nadiger R.N., who is nursing in' Victo.ia Hospital, Londo spent ;Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther o Windsor were Sunday visitors wit Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guenther. Mr. Lorne Taylor and sister Myz to of London spent the holidays wit' Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Taylor. Mr. Harry Hartleib of London an Mr. and Mrs. Hartwick of Kincardin were. Sunday visitors with Mr. Jona Hartleib and Lavada. Mrs. George Metcalf of London spent the week -end with friends here Miss A. Robertson of Wingham i spen:dilig a few days with Mr. an Mrs. Art, Weber. Rev. H. Roppel, Mrs. A. E. Ors treicher, and Miss Anna Tiernan are attending the W.M.S. Convention in Hanover this week. Misses Ruth Tiernan, Eleanor Gal- lie of ''Forest who are attending bus- iness college in London, spent the holidays with Mr. and. Mrs. D. Tie- rnan. Miss Onieda Restemeyer nurse in traininig° in St. Joseph's Tdospital, re- turned to London Tuesday, after spending two weeks vacation. at her home here. Miss Anna Tiernan spent the week end in Detroit.. Lawson—Cooper A dharmin.g wedding took place on Saturday last in Kippen United Ch- urch, when Grace, daughter of Mrs. Wm. W. Cooper and the Date W. W. Cooper, of Klippen, became the bride of Dr. Wsn. ,L. Lawson, of Listowel, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Lawson, of Exeter. Rev. E. F. °handler per- formed the ceremony, for which Miss Sean Ivison played the wedding innis- h . W. R. Goulding, of Exeter, sang On complaint; •of:.a dairyman, of Exeter, llobt. Snazel, 25, • business. promoter,. was arrested at coder en on Saturday night by Sgt. A. C. Ross and lodged in county jail. The charge 18 false pretences and the amount in- volved is $200. Srcazel has engaged R. Nairn as•. counsel. Accused it at present engaged in.conducting a conn rnur•'fy` roil,..:,'...x,tdi::ing carnpa.i n .-et,a n f h it d e s e d Zurich Drug Store 1 School_ Supplies I We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies All authorized Public School All High Scilool Text Books, etc. PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. See Our Supply of Toflet Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfurnizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. wr Dr. A, J. MacKinnon, Zurich F