HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-05-27, Page 43' 14 M Tirt 1p this advertisement .. , present o Baur Anker-}iulth Decker or mail acme address below . , . if used between. mow and thirty days from date el pada sc.aa oxtit will be accepted as S8.00coward the purchase of a new ZEiEibMMM SEPARATOR Only One Cooper of This or Any Other 'Kind Acceptable' ea Tach Separator '1e Self -,Balancing Bota alone is worth more than the price at which any other separator sells: No other ericsn r n- • facturer wil give .you a g°:.es + e: is writing that his bowl is self-bala-t lig All other American b.)v;is are an.:- itaiauced at the factor} ... :taker -14, -4th 'bowls are not and never need be re- azxrned for "re -balancing." 'Twenty .Other Exclusive Features on the °":!'VIII" ... Eleven on the "CHALLENGER" ii HERB.. NEEB Zurich - Ont. DRYSD-ALE Mr. Franklin Coiriesau. r ret to state is not doing .o hell afte- 'tonsil operation, as he 14 .:till oo?ifir- ed to the bed quite ill. Pleased to report ` at 'Mrs. '?v n- `tague is improving nicely from her ,illness Mr. and Mrs. Ross of Detroie, Mr. Arid Mrs. Blonde of So=atia :pent the Itoliday with Mrs. Jos. Ran. Mrs. Ed. Bi•'i?•o-r ha; returned to i::taer home after caring for her father alis: Z. Jeffrey for a fey. weeks. Miss Leona Bedard is away to London where she is assisting at the eminary. Ma. and Mrs. D. Geromette, of. :Mt. Carmel were Sunday visitors at ache home of their daughter, 3Ir. and Mrs. Rennie Denomme. Mrs. Wm. Denommr; sant 'yrs. G -e. :Denomme attended the quilting of 'Airs. Wm. Duchar•me at St. Joseph son Monday. !leased to report that airs. John Laporte is well enough to be able to AD her housework. Workmen. as well as machinery are 'ausily engaged in shaping up the road .ides for the new pavement .about to 4. laid of here. "Fanners re !also busy in,. moving back their mead fences. It will greatly improve h'appearance when completed. Mr. H. Fisher ,and friend 0f Tor- onto called on friends here this Nva, ek•end, Miss Mary Hagan of London,is- ited her sister' hiss Dolly and both er Prank. Mr. and Mrs. W. Huxtable of Cen- tralia visited With tho tatter's moth- er, Mgrs, J. Love and family. Mr, and Mrs. D. P. Anderson and daughter are this week moving to Varna to make their, future home: BLAKE C Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Bechler and family were Sunday visitors with Mr and .firs. Amos Gingerich. ich. Mr. and Mrs. Joe l: Lis Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schlegel were visiting with friends on the Bronson Line. Mr, end Mrs. Rudy Swatrtzentruh- er spent Suer' n; with lir. and Mrs. Seth Amens, Zurich. Mr. and :* , ML se Erb, Mr. and . Mrs. Join Erb Spout Sunday evening 1 w .th 31:. and Mr:. Sam Ropp of l :seer r a e. i ,tr.....a Mts. Jacob Gingerich and -bassi'-y" were Sunday Visitors with Mr and Mrs. *'soy Gingrieh. air. and Mrs. R. NDouglas and daughter M1:. Gladys R•g. N., spent the Creek -end with the former.' clan- . ghter. Mr. and sirs, D. Turner, of London.• Sutton, acooxa"t)anied by Bliss.I.11a Dewson visited with the 1 aft; r,5 b'res tilers, Elston and Lloyd' DOW$071., An,naunce,siput Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cnrnie, Stanley announce the engagement of their el- der daughter Mary delle, to Mr. Gladwin Eeltain Ihtc stlake, son of 'ilr• and i\frs. A. E. Westlake, of the BlueWater Highway, the wedding to take place the end of May. HENSA•LL Mrs, John Zueiie has returned home after a pleasant visit with re- latives at Mt. Forest. Wm. Otteerbein, who has been in very poor health for some time, was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, islet week, for treatment. The local bowlers are planning for their pleasant summer pastime and the fine .green is being well looked after by the present caretaker, T.W... Palmer. Samuel Merrier and Geo. Brock are putting in a number of tomato plants in which they specialize year to year. Te appearance of the local post I office has been im;:.°oved by the i;e- painting of the front and also by in- lterior improvements.1 Margaret McGiegor, daughter of Mr. and firs. John McGregor, has ac- ' cepted a position with the Bell Tele- phone here. Frinds are pleased to learn that that Mrs. English who has been so poorly for some time past, is now improving and hope she will soon be restored to normal health. Moved To Town Mrs. Stapleton, formerly Miss Eva Stone and family, of small children, have moved into the home formerly known as Thos. Simpson's home on Queen St. They moved from North- ern Ontario last week. :Irs. Staple - ton's husband recently passed°away. (Intended for last week) Mr: and Mrs. Mose Yantei and family from Fergus were eek -en I visitors with' .Mr. and Mrs, Aaron. t Erb and Mr. and Mrs. Mose Gerber. } Mr, and Mrs. Ainos Gingerich and Jean were Sunday visitors with Mr. Mrs. Jake Swartzentruber. and S v zentrnber. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Swartzentra- ber, Mr. Edmund - Swartzentruber, and Gordon Etb spent the week -2nd with friends at Tavistock and lint,- ener. M; .s Rudy Oe•seh and son Willie, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Gesch, Goshen line. 1 I STANLEY TOWNSHIP Rev. Mr. Peters of Lakeside took the work on the Varna charge least Sunday. Rev. H. G. Bandey taking thte services at Lakeside. MIr. George Poulter of Browns- ville is spending a few days with fri- • ends in Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keys and son Stewart of Egmondville, spent San - 'lay with their sen EImare and wife Babylon Line. Mr. and 3Irs. D. F. Anderson and daughter Pearl :Loved this week from their farm on Tarr Line to their new home in Varna. . Miss Gladys Coleman of Bgrnond- ville spent 'Sunday with her sister, 1Virs. Elgin McKinley. Mrs. Win Carnie attended the W. 1. S. of the London Conference at Chatham recently. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stogdill of FRENCii WAX MADE FROM AN OLD FIRENCI FORM:ULA MASSBY-HARRIS NEWS FREE! FREE! FREE Free Mountings and Plenty of Free Air for all Tires purchased from Us; Quality Best; Prices Lowest; Written Guerantees; Ask to See the Tire which has over 125,000 miles of service. Brng your Cat- alogues, we will meet all con petitioxt. Seeding Implements should be in goodworking shape shortly; Order M. -H. parts early. Cultivator points for many makes. GAS OIL AND GREASE Tel. Shop 149 Qp KL :i P & SONS Res. 67 AJCTiVE .Rivr YES! Organize Tennis Club The young people of Iiensall held a tennis meeting in the council chain bet. Mfr. Sam Rennie was appointed president and Miss Sarah Manson, secy-treas. Another meeting in con- nection with this will be held shorti; Anyone interested in tennis is wel- comed to join. 60th Anniversary ti St. Pauls' Anglican Church, -Hen- sall, will celebrate its 60th anniver- sary, by holding special services in honor of the occasion on Sunday, June 6th. On Thursday, June 10th a garden tea will be held, from 3 to 6 and at 8 p.m. an evensong. On Sun- day moaning the special speaker .will be Rev. W. H. Snellgrove, B. v., and in the evening Bishop Seager of Lor-- don. On Thursday eve, a for er ee- ctor, Rev. H. Naylor, of Listowel, will speak. St. Paul's •church Iris had an interesting career, and was opened for worship on June 10th, 1877. Institute Elects The Junior Institute inet at the. home of Mrs. M. G. Drysdale. on May 19th, with over 30 present. Miss M-; McLean, president, 'very ably presial ed. Following -the opening Ode, ."O Canada" was suing,• followed with the. Lord's Prayer in unison. The minutes were given and the roll call answered with the payment of fees for the coining year. Financial reports wore given by Miss Gladys Passmore; re- port for education, Miss Gladys Luk- er; Home Bconoinics, Miss Mabel Workman; Health and Child Welfare. Miss Beryl Pfaff. The district ?nnual will be held in Zurich on Rale lst. Miss Olga Bell being appointed a delegate to attend. COUNTY NEWS Merton Messier of Bayfield left last Monday for Parry Sound, where he has taken a -position with the Storms Contracting Co. Had Bad Fall Emery Desjardine of Grand Bend had a very bad fall while putting on e the roof of Bruce Bossenberry's new building. He slipped and fell to the ground a distance of about 20 feet, breaking seven ribs and become quite ills Announcement, Mr. and Mrs. David Vas= of Goderich Twp., announce the engage- ment et their daughter, Pearl Loretta to John MacFaxiane, son of Mr. and Ales. John MacFarlane, of Stanley Twp. The marriage to take place in May. Suffers Broken. Leg Robt. Farrow of Brussels is suff- ering from a broken leg, the result of an accident on the main street of Brussels recently.., He stepped out front beside a parked :car driven by J, Burns of Walton, andd was knock- ed down. :Exeter Teaser Resigns At a: eptcial meeting on Friday" the Exeter Board of Education ac- cepted the resignation of Miss H. Jones, who for the past year has been the teacher in Latin. Miss Tenee. h<.,t acepte I an appointment 0,. 'to staff tht' .tlr ');7 Ceilei;•- (plus government fax $51, total $915) and up for Standard Templete; $410 (plus government tax 555, total $965) and up for de Luxe Teaaplane; 51090 9, (plus government tax $73, total 51163) ' I and up for Hudson Custom Six; 51173 (•M s government tax 530, Mai 51853) and up for Hudson De Luxe :;Fig t ... retail in Tilbury, prepared for delivery. Alt price: start with ceupe, i"for price delivered to you, merely add license and transportation costs to your city --and local races, 0 any, Rif prices include following equipment Front and rear bumpers cmd bumper guards; one spare wheel, tire and tube; special radiator ornament, d t+ble windshield wipers; heavy duty stabiliser; Safety Mars. Hudson a 'Super Terraplane prices also include spring covers. 'cream will be made if Safety Glass is not required by provincial and not wanted by purchaser. Other accessories at prices quoted eaters. ,Ash about the new low cost Hodson Time Payment Pfau --terms to sett Your income. k b H SON MOTORS OF CANADA LIMITED, nibvry, Ontario dg "No, indeed, I said ;go z bye the old- fashioned way of driving tine day 1 first tried nucleon's SelectiveAutoznatic Shift. No hand gear lever to per; no need to touch a clutch pedal A flick of a finger .. a touch of a. toe A n .', v t! To stop! To go! Lots easier, anallots,safert It's the greatest driving feaUrre of the year, in automobiles eat are the est I have ever seen, in every way. Of course, the convention -)1 gear lever is available -with- out ithout cast if you. want it. But just strive once this new way « s moa you'll say `good bye, gear shift lt veil too.' Try 'Mtn 1' afore you luny your 1937 car Selective Automatic Shift optional .at small extra cost on aR 1937 Hndsons and'Terraplanee HERBERT MOUSSEAU Zurich -- Ont. �.No.1 can.�: asst C MODERATE av OE ytid <y 5-734 Teaches" x ' 30 • Years Resigns After. *yetis faithful service in the profession, Miss M.imiie Campbell conenereisbJzt specialist at the :God - erica 'Collegiate Institute, has tend- ered hes` resignation. A native of the town, she ixad also taught; at Niagara Falls and :llerth Bay. Miss Campbell will continue to .reside in Goderich. A Perilous Position Wilmer McManus of Goderich, suf- fered an unpleasant experience at the harbor: the other day, while watching' the loading, of the steamer Superior, he fell in rote writer between the wart 'and the s1•';Fortunately the water was-. calm end -the ship: was riding quietly' art'1ie., would have ween cru- shed die ;,, pulled fi orn Itis;,• pre- cihious po t ion, by stevedores 'who, dropped;�te � :txucks and rushed, to his aid Eti. t,,. In•1` s window at Clinton dispI... rig ` ;•rens 8 tache is ,a sworcl;py a- swcxrrl fish. Tlns sword? which is of: .soliclzAioric, was taken from e. two tun'' h `d and fifty pound sword fish. at Vs. '' Sedtia, last'Auaust:.T.t meas- ures- inches in 'length and is the proper of "Grd'Cunninghalne. Anoilier Barber Shop' George Little, of Bayfield, has ren- ted the store•'onthe.Square, Goderich formerly occupied by S. Smith's shoe repair shop, alid is opening up a bax- ber shop there in the near future. Mr. Little is well known hi Goderich and is i barbers of '20 years' expo-- ence, "!raving w orked at his trade in Detroit and Windsor before rernoving to Bayfaeld.' Taxes the Same.' A Wt. rate off•:60 mills for public school lie and'.51 4 mills for sep- agate school suplaorttrs was fixed by Gode •ich ,Conncilt"Ihis is unchanged from last year: • Total budget calls -for an expenditure 'of .x$•127,991.73 and is divided as follows•; Collegiate Inst. 7 mills: public school % mills; sep- arate schools 10 shills gen. rate 33% mills, relief 1 mill. A grant of $50 to Canadian Red Grosg' for London flood suf•"ferals was mac,; attid one of $800 to Aleltandra FespitaI. Te ii+eoei%e Isegacy • • Walter Davis, Exeter, son of the late Arthur S`. Davis •,recently attain- ed his 21st birthday and falls heir to an estate :valued at between five and six thousand dollars. The estate is that of his grandfather, the. Iate Wm. Davis, of Ashford, Kent,England. This estate was wound up several yrs ago and Walter's share has been held in trust until he reached his maturity Car in Ditch Allan Pletch, !St`ratfo d Musician, formerly with Tony Fart's band, with three friends narrowly escaped seri- ous injury when his car left highway No. 8 six mites east .of Goderich and plunged throne -1 a guard rail ripping off eleven postts of the guard rail and crashed through into the ditch. Pletsch and' companions eteaped with minor bruises and shock. The ' car - was wrecked, ;damage' being esti-mats; ed at $300.00 Former Mavor Pauses Frederick T. Jackson, one of Olin• ton's oldest and prominent ausines' men passed away in the Clinton Ho- irii'il, Althote`ii nt" 4n t'•tn best health he had continued tole' as. reselease his business until a few days when he was forced to stay at home:' Mr. Jackson was born in Clinton on March 10th 1860 the son of the late John Jackson who were among the pioneer settlers in the district, com- ing from Yorkshire, Eng. He was educated: in Clinton and :was assicl'at- ed with his father in the shoe busin- ess. The business was established in 1854 and has been: in the family for over eighty years Clerk 50 Years in Business With the last days of April,. Clerk Jos. Senior rounded out 50 years as a prototgrapher in Exeter, but it is nearly 70 years that the name of Senior has been connected with the photographicbusiness-.-On the 3rrst of July 1867 his father, the late Chas Senior, started business in Exeter. !Those were the days of the tintype ''photo when .;.photography was'a my- stic art„ veiled in secrecy and prac- tised : by few. He ' occupied several buildings before purchasing the old Royal Hotel which was torn down a few years ago, to make room forthe residence :now occupied by R. M. Francis. Dies at Clinton Frederick T. Jackson, Teading bus- iness man and a former mayor died suddenly in the Clinton Hospital. 10 days previous he conducted the Mas- onic service at the funeral of a chase friend, J. E. ''`Shorty" Cantelon. Re was prominent in municipal affairs and was mayor of the town for six years. He was born in Clinton•in 1860. For many years he operated a shoe trade. Except for a short period he spent in Omaha and Toronto, he was a lifelong resident :of Clinton. His wife predeceased 40 years and his only, child Murray, died 10 years ago. Surviving are a• granddaughtier and four brothers. Golf Links Now Turkey Run The property on tlie- Blue Water Highway in Goderich fwp., which for a few years was the grounds of the proud Blue Water Goff •Club, ' am ou which Walter Hagen and other golf celebrities have played, Inas been leased by Geo. Allison and H. Grief ilths, and converted into a turkey farm. One thors:ind poults are being imported from Missouri by these yo- ung men, and it is' expected the fawn will be stocked shortly. i ed by affidavits. Four clauses, type- written at the bottom of the second`' of a three -sheet document, making; :bequests to the testator's husband, two nephews, one niece, and two friends, had been sheared ,off when,. found by relatives in a pigeonhole tax, a desk after the woman's death in: Sept. 1936. The residue, forming the bulk .of the estate, is willed to . ne.Iihews Beer Taxes The town of Seaforth received its, spit of local "beer .taxes" when town Treasurer Wilson received a cheque from the province for $311.73. The }payment representing 20 per cent. of the -' x collected in Seaforth during the provincial fiscal year, which end- ed March 1, 1937. COrartesy First" There There are two r ules that will cu t : down our highway losses:ourtes9 penses first. The second rule is to. start a little .earlier, so that you will not sake ;chknces on the way., The in -- crease in legal speeds' in Ontario, as .of the 24th of May, 1937, calls for more courtesy and will not justify chance'taking; for the higher the spe- ed the greater the impact when yore hit something. Two or three years. ago this Association put out a }hiller~ in, showing :that an automobile tray-• elling at f$0 miles an hour has the same capacity for inflicting damage that the same auto would have if it were dr`ived off a ten -storey building 120 feet high. The two simple rules. (1) ordinary courtesy and (2) taking, enough 'time to get, at reasonable speeds, front place to place, will cut •down the number of highway accid- e nts in this Province, t ZURICH HERALD' Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY' NOON FROM THE Herald Printing Office SCRIPTJON RATES—$1.25 a. year, strictly in advance; $1.50 #n arrears or 12.00 may be charged.' Ile . 31.60 In advance. No paper discon- tinued until all arrears axe paid un- less at option of publisher.- The data GENERAL NE of mote every Subscription ption is paid. is denoted on the Label. ADVERTISING RATES Professional Cards not excoeding- se% ,inches, per year $6.00. In Memoriam, one verse -60e, 25o for each additional verse; Card or" 'thanks, 50;r. Display advertising trade known on application. Misceilaneoue articles of not mere than foner. lines, For Sale, To Bente Wanted, Lost; Found, etc., One inser- tion 25e, 2 Ins. 40c., 3 ins. 60e. Farm or Real Estate for sale $2:03 for first Month, $1.00 for each fol- • ]owing month. 1 Auction Sales —82..00 per single insertion if not over.. four inches Magistrate's Fines Pines collected in the Magistrate's Court at Goderich in the month of April this year totalled $405, as compared with $152 in the same monoth last year. Since the first of April, when a rigid check was placed on .trucks in . an effort to stamp out over -loading and protect the roads, ten offenders apprehended by County 'Traffic, Officer Lever have paiid` fines Into court. These lines totalled $180. Court Rules on 'Will The nmuntilated will of ,Susan Har- rison, , former Ilensall woman, dis- posieg of an estate of ,$.16,628 w•L, nroved in Nilo—Yin form in ~It ',wort at Goderich, the• solicitor who A t3d7f,s al, oomnnunications tit ,.rr s r yltt» trill I'.'- ' a • ca Lunt copy an'i this was support- l l'« f:, E•i E;RA 1.. 1