HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-05-27, Page 1Vol, XXXVII N 4.6 ZUR CH, THURSDAY dvertisin b 1, 31' 1 1 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran"- Church ZURICH - own, "A Changeless Chart foe as, Chang- ing Woa.' Friday, 8h -Luther Lague. Thursday-ch0ir Pactice.. SUNDAY SERVICES: LO a. m. -German Setat. 11.15 a.m.-Sunday Sclaocti. 7.30 p.m. -English srie. Everybody 'Welcome. to Services. E. TILIERICHEIKPasbrr Do You Need Gase? .5top and Think how important it is you wear correct glasses-eor- , Arectiy prescribed for your vfsion. Correctly styled to your face. Your • health may largely depend on. keen vision. E ZURBRIGG R. O.. To Improve Camp new kitchen and lavatory build - ng are :to be constructed at the tour- ist camp ;adjoining Harbor Park at Goderich at a cost of 1$1,525, the Town Council decided. Work is to .start at 'once and the contract is '•split four ways affecting as many trades. 4-4. In Magistrate's Court Rainbow trout come high in price particularly so if they are speared at night with the use of artifical light. SO Chas. ;Cooper and Reg. Evans of Bayfield found in Goderich police ,Court last Thursday, when they were each fined $10 and costs, or $15.85 in all, by Magis. Makins. They pleat- ed guilty. Game overseer McLean said they had a nice room on their string when he swooped -down. on the scent, jut. one of several raids on illegal anglers conducted In Huron. County this spring. -John Payne of Grey Twp., youth who pleaded guilty last week to forging his grandmoth- er's old age pension check, cashing it and spending the money, was senten- ced to two months in jail. If he does not make restitution in that time, he must spend a further two months in jai/. ---Suspended sentence was giv- en Frank Drennan, Ashfield youth, NOTICE • Mrs. Ed. Gascho who ha n do- ing hair -dressing in Zuriel or sx years is now established in.. • new home on the Lipphardt E te pro- perty, and is fully equippe o give you the latest in permanen,' waves, marcels, shampoos 1,, 'rinses, manicures and eyebrow ai ng at reasonable prices. ,11 ALL PERMANENTS et;',.A.RAN- , TEED,', ......: .." One free figer.:;*:00'. wi.701j TP11 Per- manent. Phone 4i5,9',14:2•45.641'itinents „ - ,.: „.,..., ',.,,..-.1.••., N a1'rte THIEL'S HAIRDRES0,-.., ;:)1.,'.i.,,:..1.) q-.i;.,1,.,, .,.' ,:.RLl,,sevgOeifeia:trR VrsFei:L11!;'„acise tlep1bI1:ha business.Pe1!ei waving' a sP4alf,;41) guaranteedPatioi:lottttrrs:; •,„,..„.,:- .. of shop. For:„SPPOffiti,ne4e,. 6. phone 102 Zurich.',,:,.. • ,"'"i4ii' ' •• 1 Ai i,:l PERMANENT 'W Specials for a permanent wave for a friend for One cent....5, $3.51. A •regular'PA) At HESS JEViTELERY STORE after he had pleaded guilty to steal- All waves guarnteed.:.,/ Every Tuesday at ZURICH ing $16 worth of wool from Robt. 25c with sha-mpoo 35e. ..,,,•_. MacDonald, farmer. Full restitution At Dashwood, gatlErdaY. at rule 8 has been made. HELEN'S BEAUTIA' Store., _, • . ,in Harness' BaeberSt.: L... _ EXETER .- _ 7.1 •F++ ++++++++444+++++,44.4.4. .4t • • • ,..,.1,04014t9t4v: -114v. her. - • ave one 2 MAV 27 1937 >1.rt 4.1 chaster L. Smith PAU:haw. $1.25 a year, 17,5. $1.50 in Actfo,tem $1.50 IN ARABARL$2 MAY BZ °BARON* Or and Seller in erntad 77..* -717;• 5411' • !, Mr. Joseph Campbell of Fairgrove, Mich., was a week -end visitor witn his cousin, Mr. Wm. Lamont. Miss Lylyan Rader is at London this week with her father who is ill at the hospital. Beginnir- next Wednesday4the an- nual halfhoiiday season will open for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. R,bt. Cochrane and Mr. and Mrs. V. 'Evans of near Brussels were Monday visitors with friends in these parts. Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Brown and, 1V.lr. Jacob Brown motored to Tor- onto and Kitchener over the wek- end. Mr. Wilfred Power and 1VIiss Stella Power of St.Thomas were week -end visitors with their brother, Rev. Fr. L. W. Power of town. The first scheduled game of base- ball on the Zurich diamond will be played here on Friday evening of this week, when the Mitchell boys will be over. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. William, Miss* Ethel and Mr. Calvin Williams spent the week -end with Rev. and Mrs. R. Whitesides at Coboconk, Ont. ` Mr. Wm. •Durnart and Miss Alice c4 Kitchener were holiday tWt- homs-% eaed pair of ..at 'OOTS,.‘,7„,, _t five years ''' old.:, The noVelty . bout, Ta a • . .y,rhicii are one nit'clred-i tWojitY , --).- ., ÷ them. is that they ar home-inade and -E- also - ÷ + ' were brught. from Englafid , , about ' + • t CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES, AND *otthuiidred Years,- a.gby thlatt. t ' MM. LarkWort'hy. They ae',.: now SEETGObDS: tie property 61 her son, Albert Larlt-: • + All Ingredients Used are •of the Highest Quality ALL COINFEC i IONS - ICE CREAM TelePhone 100 Eckel's Bakery --- Zurich worthy, of this town. ---Mitchell vacate. , Huron -Perth Schedule, 1937 Following is the Huron-Perth,Base- ball schedule as drawn U.P_redently by the exAmtive: .May 24 -Zurich at. Gegertch 28 -Mitchell at 041c11:':' 31 -Crediton 31 -Zurich at A1Attiheifl.., Juno 1---Goderich 4 -Mitchell at: 4tlit 4 -Clinton a jtif 4 -Exeter at 7---Goderich at•i•.:4VOtchell 7--Seaforth tI E4teter - 8 -Clinton at Creditnii. 10 -Clinton at ZirOch. 11 -Crediton vt Gqtlerich 14-Zarich at Exeter. 15 --Mitchell at Seaforth 17 -Exeter at Clinton 17-Seatorth t Gkierich 18 -Crediton at Mitchell. 2 1.-Goderich EXoter 21-Seaforth. at MAtchell • 21 -Zurich vt Crediten '25 -Crediton at Clinton '25 -Mitchell at Goderich :25--Seaforth at Zurich :28 --Mitchell at Exeter. G Nicarich at Creditoti: jaily 1 -Zurich at Seaforth. 1-1\litchell at Clinton. 5-Goderich at Seaforth 6 -Clinton at Exeter 9.-Exet-r at Godeaich 9 -Clinton at, Mitchell. -Crediton at Zurich. 13 ---Exeter at Crediton. 14 -Zurich a Clinton 15 -Exeter at Mitchell 16-Goderieb at Zurich 16 -Crediton at Seaforth 20--Seaforth at Clinton 22 -'-Exeter at Zurich 23---Sortfo:rth at Crediton. 27 ----Clinton at Spaforth, • Our Rug Guessing Contest „closed Jon Saturday , evening. The correct number was 171C and was won by Mrs. Sam Oesch who had nearest to that No. 1759. . . Speck& for Thursday, Friday and .Saturday Aylmer choice Golden Corn per tin Royal York tea, half -4b., eacTli .... Ginger snaps per Ib. ... 10c Kelloggs Corn FlAces.., 3 pkgs. Old Dutch Cleanser, 2 tins • ______19c Aylmer pork and bea-ns 22 -oz. 2 tins. Catsup 12 -oz per battle .. .. Johnston's Floor "Wax 1-s per tin . Fancy ph-lk SaknOTI, 2 tinS CoWans cocoa „ per tin 2.7c matches„ spot tight, 3 boxes Lux soap, 4 cakes Ladies' full fashioned hoe. per pair Ladies' knee Hi cope hose per pair Children's Auakte sox at pr. . Eic 25c. This Store Closes a:very/Wednesday afternoon dr- ing June, indy„ ,1k3031,,gaist, ana Sepbataikr High* Mums ar Ems. - Viteme i49 ... We . regret,ito repOrt that Mr..Wm.. Racier' of town:while up town on Saturday suddenly became ill and re- club:eamedical; aid. and assistance to get.to his home. On Tuesday he was;• taken to London Hospital for treatments. At last, after a number of years of expectancy the .road from :Zurich to Hensell has received a dressing of dust prevention, it being the Calcium •road salt, and it is a great pleaure to see cars pinning along this ,par- ticular road without any dust flying. Mr..Quimby Hess, who has recent- ly completed his course at Toronto University, accompanied a numoer of about sixty students to a coming trip at the Karwartha lakes district. This was part of tie University ,aourse, and the students were shown Some practical work in' forestry and civil engineering. Mr. Hes returned to his home here on Friday. Forty I -lours' Devotion The solemn opening of the Folly .Hours' devotion will take place in St, 33zniface •Church at 10 o'clock on Siday May 30th. They will continue until Tuesday evening. The services will be conducted by the Rev. *Ur. Bursa of the Redemptorist Order, London. Bran Spectacle 1 139$ ACCURATELY DUPLI- CATED Any Shape or Size 48 Hour Service Let me fill your next Optical Prescription I can show you the Very New- est Styles of Rimless Spect- acles at a right price Hess, The Jeweller Phone 74 Zurich NINO Put Your COAL in now at the low price. A. sharp aatf-, vance may be expected worn. Tile anci Brick W. R. DAVIDSON We pay Cash for Ens ?hone 10 nrotogramo..•..boll Order BASEBALL NEWS Zurich Wins from Goderich At Goderich on Monday, Victoria Day, and after spotting the Goderich team five runs in the. lint Inniag,, Zurich had evened the count by the sixth, and then went out to win 9-5 in the opener of the Huron - Perth Baseball League. Fine weather and a good crowd witnessed a well played game considering the earlines of the season. Three local pitchers tailed to halt the ontuan t Zar- ich boys once the bats comnieared to crack. The ,old hidden ball trick was worked by Duquette, of Goder- ich, on Stade in the fourth and in thesame inning Umpire M. Desch Vig1.5 knocked momentarily 1.111COTIRCI- ous when „hit 1-.).Ttt battea bait He. gantely coatinued after repairs. Frit - sky, who started in the box for God- , erich, was going along nicely until . , the sixth, whon he complained of a sore ,arra. Worthy, who replaced L!'••ahraivueerbselett, aAp:Othitdia.n•solnin'g him, lasted but half an inning, giv- ing way to Fsher. Heideman, for Agents for the celebi*4. Viking Zarich, went the ronte. fliabolo Cream sevtts.Or, the: SeptieL t, ator with a ten ypartittpli(90: core ny innings • • i'is the as demonstrate n Chine to ou Zurich 01 told compare it with thers. And Gc,iserich- 500 000 0017-6 on't forget, the beSt feature 2300 9 '; Heiden011lan 11 91 anntents, suat easy Liborai•allnwanca Potteries or trade-ins. • Yunghlut; Goderich, FritZley% Wor- and PH1.ONE BCIMAG tf44 thYy, Fisher and Curran, iswommowszsasomagazaustestgatutzeommorassoratamovammoi. To NEW S AM LES r tr0 idOZAB1 • EMEALMERS AND 9:0.1 voiles FLiNEnsti, DIRECTORS , • • 41.0 ar) 4,000..1.4 4.4.' 4%4' • .0 414. Pi, tb, aommr.Sammus=uomar.auimewsarminstmroa's. St m er reArannaml•tdaMMIII.Ct INIC.12.7.1n.....004,..bl See Our New Prints, Broii4'- cJoili Chintz, Cur. 610 Curtain Goods, Et 1937 Garden Seeds, Root Seeds, Paints, Varnishes, Floor Wax, and Polishes, Varue. Lac, Etc... Etc. HARNESS REPAIRS, ETC. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND DC,N IGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT B LA K F