HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-05-20, Page 4"0 Clip this advertisement , .. present it to your Anker -Horth Dealer or :mail oxo address below .. , if used l+ecau mow and thirty days from dare e,f etrbli- aation it will be accepted • ,s SS.OQ toward the purchase of a new 6 kera CREAM SEPARATOR "Only gine Coupon of This for Any Other hind Acceptable on Each 'Separator 'The Self -Balancing Sow: .alone is worth .snore; than the price at which any other separator sells. Noother..tmericanman- •a racturer wil give yen :a gnayautee in waiting that his bowl ti,, serf -balancing, All other American howls are hand - balanced at the factonc• - . Anker -Horth howls are not and never need be re- turned for "re-balaricing." Twenty Other Exclusive Features on the 'THIEF" .. - Eleven on the "CHALLENGER" HERB.- NEEB Zurich Ont. NOTICE BARON'S CHAMPION Registered Clydesdale will et:'nd 'ior the Season of 193: at Tiie own stable 2111 miles north, half mile east of Zurich. .Service fee a'S.09, two mares S1...O0: 'iris colt u1D.00. :Phone No. 94—;Zurich. ROBERT BAKER. FOR SAT .E Eight one -year-old Durham cattle -for saie. Apply to Russell Bparken :R.R. 3, Bayfield. Phone T8r4 Tlerts ell Meeting of The Huron County Council The next meeting- of Huron County tri¢nci1 will be held in the Council Chambers. Court lionse. Godevteh, ietar-io, Commencing Tuesday, 'jute Met, at 2. p.m., 1937. All accounts, Notices of Deputati- ens, Applications and other Business erequirinit atteetin„ f rte. -•> �;1 Gi, ., til VIE in the hands of the Clerk by Way Oth- j. M. ROBERTS, County 'Clerk. } DRXSp4,LE Miss Mary Gel'glas is visiting with friends at Del -reit for a few weeks. Mrs. Motltaete, we are Sorry to report; is on the sick list. Mr,. taisd Mrs. John P Rau of Zaie- ich were Sunday eve, visitors tat; k.he Koine of Mrs, • Joseph Rau,. Mit, and Mrs, Leo Deionlnm est De- troit, spent the week -end Wilde the forixler's parents, 1Vir, e$"ad Mrs, tlylikip Denomme. Cllr. and Mrs. Ebner 'Peaky, and Mass Evelyn Wesley* of T etroit, sl,. cnt the week -end at 41te Mousseau home, Mss. Ed. Brisson is assisting in caring .for her fat'h'om Mr. Z. Jeffeey who is quite poorly. Sorry to relaoit that Mrs. Therese+ Denomme is quite i11 at present. 'Farmers have practically all their early seet3ing In by now, and are'' - waiting for farmer weather which will being .along growth, STANT FY TOWNSHIP Council to Meet The next meeting of Stanley Conn - will be held on Friday :slay- ?yrh nt xhr 'regular hour, All Inaereeted ones please take note. Announcement Mr. and Mrs. il, F. Anderson, of Stanley, announce the engagement of their daughter. Helen Ein abeth.to Mr. James Elmer Turner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Web: -ter Turner, Stanley. the marriage to take place quietly in flay. Late John A. Moffatt A life-long and esteemed residenr of Stanley Township. John A. Moffatt passed away quietly on .11ay 7th. Al- though not seriously ill, he had been 'in failing health for •soine tints. -and . three weeks previous suffered an at-' tack of influenza and heart trouble from which he was unable to rally-. The deceased was a son of the late i Walter Meffatt, n Scott -mai pioneer, :and was born in Scotland. In 18,32 the family moved to the 4th con. Se- anley Twp.. In 1S-92 the late M.. Moffatt was united in marriage to Christina Campbell, who predeceased him in -1919. From this union there were two sons, Walter and Peter. He was a staunch Liberal. a valued member of Brucefield 'United Church, and for 50 years a member of the I. O.O.F•, Brucefield Lodge. There are left to mourn, two sons, Walter, St- 1 aniey- Twp; Peter, Seaforth; four grandchildren, and a large dircle of friends. His quiet, kindly personality l will be missed by all Who knew -hires. The funeral was conducted hy his pastor, Rev. W. A. Bremner. CREDITON Death of Henry Pfaff Crediton lost one of its best known residents in the death of henry -Pfaff in his 78th year. He was born in Lautar, Hessen, Germany and was married in 1880 in Germany to Eli- zabeth Schmide. In 1884 they calve to Canada and settled in Hay Town - 4 scABEES YARAi O LAC -4111011R ESPo- LLrrutrosccg scARf & Ca • .-: le til • ere - err blies%faints -Max. SCARFE'S YARN -0 -LAC THE NEW ONE COAT FOUR-HOUR ENAMEL JOHNSTON & KALBFLEISCH Zurich — Ont. MASSY -HARRIS NEWS FREE! FREE! FREE Free Mountings and Plenty of Free Air for all Tires purchased from Us; Quality Best; Prices Lowest; Written Guerantees; Ask to See the Tire which has over 125,000 miles of service. Brng your Cat- alogues, we will meet all competition, Seeding Implements should be in good working shape shortly; Order M. -H. parts early. Cultivator points for many makes GAS r OIL AND GREASE Tel. Shop 149 0. I & SONS Res. 67 AUCTIONEE TNG? YES ,ship, Hurbt't 'outs y, "tt;ley'e• he fari�l-j ed for,` 'many' year;. , uxviving ATOM' wife% four daugh*c is and three •.'mus, U , Pf If, Sen; Oscar Pfaff, Wo,odham mill Otto Pfaff, of (i"redit- on; and 35.ge.kalidchildren and X0 great glandehildeeta, The family were all present at The funeral except one da- ughter ARO. the West.' the funeral which was largely •attended wras held from is es late residence. Burial taking place tithe Crediton 4vangelieal ce- ntetet"•yr. Rev. Johnston of the United 'Church officiating, in the absence of. Reaa, A. J'leteh 'eft was attending Conference at Chesley. DASHWO.OD • Mr. S. Gottschalk spent the week- end with friends in Seefoxtb. Miss Onieda Restenseye.r .nurse in training in St. Joseph's •Hospital, London, is spending her vacation with her:enirents. Mr. and Mrs. D, Tiernan and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tiernan, •`lass Anna Tiernan and Barry Cook of Hensall, motored to St. Catharines on Sunday. Mr am' lir. Joe Bruce of Wind - for spent the week -end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roirt. Hayter. Mrs. .Martin Mann (nee Mary Shetler) of •Califoznlia, called on fri- ends in town on Monday. Mr. Ezra. Kellerman of Toronto, visited at his home on Sunday. (Intended for last ~reek) Mr. and Mrs. Czar Steinhagen of Port Dalhousie spent Sunday with his .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Stein- hagen. Mrs. J. Schroeder' spent the week- end with her daughter in New Hares -1 vened the proceedings „with music. Rev. Young, after making a few op- ening, remarks, called upon what he jokingly. called the two youngest men in HOWL namely J. W. Ortwein and G.. C. Petty, to each plant a coronation . rtree in memory of the great.:event. This was followed by an interesting address •by Rev. A. Sinclair, after which all joined in a nxarch 'to the Town. Hall, headed by Reeve :;Shaddick, the Citizen's Band, and school children, the Legion, the: council; and school trustees. Arriving at the :Town Hall the children were all preshented by the Legion with med- als in vpmmemoration of the occasion Forrnii g into line all proceeded to the Il'nited•.;Church where a union service ,was held, the ,spacious church being filled t4;,;capacity. Rev. Sinclair, pros tided as a splendid address was giv- e-1.11)y zv- enbv "-v. W: A. Young on the mea - the lOoronation. Celle lIu.dsr)11, 'calla has !been eerie- usly ill 'at his henna here for nearly a, year, is note 'Showing improvement in his •ionditiou. He is bale to sit up a while each day and is gaining str- extgUt. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gram, Miss Ada Gram of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Grams of Lansing, Mich., were week- end ,visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Green. Mr. and Mrs. John Elder were vis- itora: with relatives in St. Thoniaxs. Mrs. Rev. F. A. Leak of Los An- geles, ngeles, Calif,, Mr. and Mrs. Gordan: Smith, Miss Mary South of 5, Woort- al:ee, and Mrs. R. Leal of Detroit are: vislting with Mr. and Mrs, James Smillie, Mrs. Leak and Mrs,. Smith: are sisters of Mrs. Smillie. Death of Victor Fee The death took place on Thursd'ay, May 13th, of a highly respected citi- zen of Hensall, in the person of Vic- tor Fee, in his 55th year, at his.hame near Henaall. He was•the second son of'•Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fee, of Hen - sail, ,anti has been i11 since Septem- ber, lie leaves to mourn his death his. wife, 'who was Miss Dignan, two brothers, George and Oliver Fee, of Hensall, and three sisters, Mrs, E. ,T. D.atxehman, Chicago; Mrs, E. J. Har- ris, of Ailsa Craig, and Mrs. J. Wal- lace, Buffalo. A private funeral was held on Friday to Exeter cemetery ivnth. ,l%ev. M. A. Hunt officiating. Observe Coronation :Coronation day services were very fittingly carried out in Hensall last. Wednesday morning at s.30 aim. when:the school children, together with a large number of citizens, met at the school grounds. The Hensel' Oitizeas Band was present and enli- burg. :Hiss E. Martinson spent the week- end with her parents in Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Routledge of Kintore spent the Week -end with her parent., \Ir. and Mrs. P. Fassold Mrs. Fred Willert who spent thee, past month with her daughter in Fr• Wayne and Birmingham, allele, es- turned .to her home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman and Mrs. Stavey and Mrs. M. Tiernan and Nancy Anne visited friends in Kitchener on Sunday. Mrs. Betty Taylor is spending a few days in Lucan this week. Mrs. J. C. Reid visited her sister' Mrs Edighoffer in. Mitchell on Sun- day. Mrs. Stadelbauer• and family of London were Sunday visitors with lVtr. and :Mrs. P. Kraft. Rev. John Oestreicher of Rosen g= dahl is visiting his parents, also at tending Conference last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher and fatuity spent Corontaion Day in Lon- don and Dorchester. Special Services Mother's Day Services and Coron- ation Day Services were fittingly ob. served in the Sunday SshooI session at.the. Evangelical church, }lq 41%,'; ; The Henrich Memorial, Band led ;ley 'day I ueseil Tiernan, carrying a large Un- ion Jack, paraded to the chur"th There Mr. Ezra. Bender Supt. of the 'Sunday School took charge of the program which consisted of band sel- ections, under the leadership of lie ler Montreal where -they-stook the ward Klumpp, recitations by Dorothy Boat da the St.;: Lawrence to New and Jimmie Taylor,., a sold- by i�ovk drde New York to Berin- eturns frim South R MZllan', fieafoath, returned belie t,'i• spend ng the past •five mon er E Florida. He enjoyed the want y„ he south inunensely-,..: am $4404aistitnilar ' holi- % eftM en Boat Trip ~las, earl Wood of Exeter, left Tor nto to join in with her sister ive Wood, R.N.; on an 11 -day trip tp Bein•iude. From Toronto they left little Nancy Anne Tiernan, -s reading aide; 'by -Mit. 'G. Link. Following the studyiw •was •carried rout 'Mr. 'Chester Moved to Exeter .of the lesson the Coronation program een and' Mrs. 'tele/nes Green who est er Ga iscr have been •running their farm on the mead "Ready to share in the Home."; parr L4}ie, Hay To,-nship for the This was followed by a solo "Rule" past seven years 41Lave recently move Bxitasisiia by Mrs. J. M. Tinian and.ed to their` residence' in Exeter, where, a cornet solo by Donald Oestreicher they were; residents a few years Band Concert and Play Presented triol tat leturniri to their farm in A xsiusical concert and play wa, Hay Thr }> held;•an auction sale of presented on Monday night to a lar their farm stock and implements this ge arowU by 'the Henrich Memorial Band of Dashwood in the Evangelical dhureh sheds. 'The play "Aunt Jeri- Shy on the Warpath," in three acts was staged under the 'direction of Mrs. R. }L Taylor. -, The cast includ ed Miss Grace "Pepper, Miss Gertrude Hoffman, Miss jean Weber, Mrs, Bet- ty 'Taylor, Mrs. Maurice Klumpp, Ad- dison Tiernan, Garnet Wildfong, Alb- ert Goetz and Mervyn Tiernan. The 'band gave a short Aerogram at the beginning and also played between sets. 'Their numbers included;•Over- ture, -Extempore by Al. Hayes; March Endeaver, TheSpirit of the Nation. Mardh by Mrs. Alfred S. Gillett; Washington Post by 'Sense; 'Mount Healthy by Gus Beans, The Soul of. the Surf, Polka Brilliant by Clay. Smith; cornet solo takers by Donald Oestreieher. spring. Strike Ends Former employees of the Circle Bar Knitting,, go., and Botany Diy Spinners of 1%incardine discontinued picketing operations outside the pla- nets'after a week of activity. A nurrr- ber, made application for positions and the plants are again running at near full capacity. Destroyed by Flames Fire of'`an unknown origin destr- oyed the barn on the farm of Henry Glanville, of Stephen Twp., one and a half miles south of Exeter. The building wasp an old one and about four years ago the roof, subsequent- ly replaced, was blown off in a viol- ent wind storm. The building was empty at the time, ;A Slaughter House Burns The slaughter house at. Clinton, owned by C. G. Middleton, and rent- ed A L f. ed 'by H. Fitzsimmons and Sons, to- gether with the contents, was totally destroyed by fire recently, Miss Emily Morrison of Toronto, was a week -end visitor in town. Fire at Godercls. I+'ise believed to have started from was a visitor Mee Bertha Ortweineof London,{ a spark from an electric welder did with her mother, J I Mrs, Peter Munn.more than $1,000 damage to Brad - Earl Parlmei of Toronto is visiting with his parents, her. and Mrs. Thos. !admen, Mae McNaughton of Toronoto, was a v is:'.or with her father, Daniel Me- Natighton. I Mrs Alexander and son James, h::,•, been iaeideng in town, left for London where they will reside, Died at. E+ceter bee. and Mrs, Shelburne . Colematn John Snsith died at' the home of and family of Detroit visited with re- his daughter, Mrs. Jack Stare, •Exe-' ata ee in Here all and vicinity, They ter North,. in his 8 'r yenr. 'The de • •esti Beni ••d hone by his booth- ceased teas bone in v Ohio and ft" .'r, Mee 'S'.'rn, Coleman, wilt) tvill visit ,taiee . 'ars he ia'sided on the f.al lel is k:et. c.t zt :C.„weeks. `Road, %or the pat month he 1 ley,'s garage on Hamilton st•. Goder- ich, hem* ad"er-ich,before brought under controL The fire started while the staff were at dinner and the flames were com- ing through the roof over,•the office and repair sleep when the firemen ar- rived. Toole, accessories and parts, tires, et t., were damaged. ransfia,y, M'ny 20th, 1937, BILL BURGESS DISCOVERS46,*' SAFEST STOPPING Any Car Ever Had ...Another M. 1.Feature IA Canada's No. 1 Cars fI "Besthydrau- tics 1 ever sow!" Zipping along at 40, Biil • Burgessstepslightly on the brake pedal as the No. 1 Car crosses a line on The paveauent. Duo -Automatic Hydraulic Braker by Hudson firing the: ear to a atop in record time. "Measure it," says the - dealer. Wow! Only 69'fect, 7 inches. Much less than the distance legally allowed, reNo Firs• - L coon eel those hydrautlics!" And back they go over the same route,for a special teat with hydraulics purposely cut off- What? No brakes at all? Wait and see. Again, as they come to the line, Bill puts his foot down - - . and again, a quick, smooth stop. The sante foot pedal did the trick. No fumbling for the emergency brake! ttaaaeaesen "Three sep- smite braking systems!" Only Hudson and Terra - plane have brakes like these. Big, powerful hydraulics .. - with a safety reserve braking system operating from• the same foot pedal if ever needed.. Plus a third systetn in the handy parking brake -up at the instrument board .... ' with extra easy finger -touch release.. Safest stopping is only one of dozens of No.1 FEATURES'' you'll' find when you take the Wheel of a new Hudson or • Tearaplane: They are )No. 1 ii, performance, endurance, economy . already• holders of 41 OFFICIAL A.A.A. ,records! Ride, drive . - . and you'll discover why so many thousands, like BillBurgess, arechangingtotheNo.1Cars. HUDSON MOTORS OF CANADA LIMITED, Tilbury, Ontario, HERBERT MOUSSEAU Zurich --• Ont viilalL'ARyF "�c: use >711 S-728, TERRAPLANE ter ah<tet Atte been ill at the home of his daughter:, _racing centres... The entire stable; in. His wife Emile Wilson, predeceased which it is .estimated approximately him by .33 years. He is survived by $100,000 was invested by the late Dr tcua sons and three daughters. Whitely in the last half -century, was Death of• M..Elfasrsi sold for a total of $1,656, with Olivet-- An esteemed resident of Exeter Harvester, 2,11X, bringing top price.. and a former resident of Usborne, of $1Jo- passed away in Lindon Hospital, ire the person of Michael Elford, aged 74 years, 2 months and 19 days. Of Messages of thanks for his Coron- late years his health was not good ation greetings came from Kin,; and he underwent two operations- A (( George and Queen Mary to Lord number of years ago. he retired front Tweendsmuir, governor-general, of a farm rat Elmville. Canada. The King cabled: 'I'he Queen and I extend to the people of Canada our heartfelt thanks for their loyal assurances and good wishes on+ the occasion of our Coronation, which; we deeply appreciate. GEORGE R.1. The Queen Mohr's neteessage was: "Please accept •my gratefulthanks for the Charming message from yourself and the people of 'Canada which has, touched me. MARY R." Thanks Canada tl S Ask Beer Rooms Close The Municipal CaeunciL of. the Towrnship, of Colborne, adjoining Goderich onthe: north, has forward- . ed. a. resolution_ to the Town of God- erich Council,, asking that body to use its office and influence to have beveraago rooms in that town abolirh- ed. The resolution was passed at the May meeting. AD.ag Case Months ago Charlie Brandon, 'teen an.d scooted across an open field. A age Bayfield youth, was proosectrted ibw nights ago a C.N.R. east:rounci• fors7xaotiittamilkilling,•liis•neighbor'. train is reported to have struck and' pet Pomeranian because the dog had j killed a ,deer not far from' the spot torn clothes on his mothers clothes 1 where the doe was struck by the tru-- line and made shreds of the Tieing sem. room chesterfield. &1e was ordered by the court to replace the, dog, • but elf- Huron's First Festival ter a long lance of time he bad not Fifty-eight schools competed at done so, and a the neighhes hailed Clinton an May llth in the first Hur- the boy to the :county : police court. on. County MUSIC festival. E. C. "He brought me a mongrel, Two yrs. I J3eaoom, £P.sS., of Goderich, was re - old. I want a Pomeranian puppy,"1sponsifrle for the arrangements and explained Mr. Tom, the neighbor. ', organizations. W. R. Golding, of Ex - Brandon was given to jailer 2 to re-' titer, acted as conductor and accent - place the pup. , Jimmie while the adjudicator was Roy :Fenwick, provincial supen•visor of Horses BringLowPrices music. Wieners in the:: clrisse. and Hundreds of men prominent in their selections were: Rural :school Ontario ;harness racing circles throe- choir, one -room, S.S. Ne', 1, Stephea gad the Goderich Trotting and Pacing Twp; No, 3 Godei•idt 't'wp; No, ti Association stable at A'gtiaultnral 'Grey Twp. School chair, from two or • Park last Wednesday when fourteen three room ethonls, less than 25 voce - fine horses of the Blue "VVatter stable es---•lilthel public school; Pashwood owned by the late De. 3. H. Whitely, school, and bruises, .ee:h'ol. Choir 'eine under the anctioncter's hammer "'-•ons moat, then three rooine, not le hna•,cr:ty of this e t+: lt`ieti:11 , I'if,'. , 1ti 1•, t ;pr, , r •o'n ?, notmore t.: from Western Ontario, but as 4.han 25 voice.: Winn,';: in•'tool, So - ,..:ore or more fa one other Ontario :.'o th school, Xx t,'r :t'httol, Deer Hit by Truck: t AStratford owned truck hit a deer• while it was crossing No. 8 highway • 3 tniles east of Goderich. A fender: bowled the animal over in the ditch and the driver stopped and alighted,. .but as he approached the deer, a doe,. it suddenly got up, hopped a fence-