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Iii you intend doing any Building or Repairing this Veer
we will be pleased to supply you with the finest of
Building Materials. Let us quote you.
4. Combination Doors --screens for the summer and glans
interchangeable for winter. Will make screens to p:rop-
crly fit your windows, Etc. Etc. Let us have your order
Headquarters for Johw .Manville Building Materials
MI. �
_3G'�� pµ Al ,.I
a ':X 9IF NJi.,�.IR �I ry
This old saying may or may not be true, but certainly
if your home lacks running water,, and a kitchen sink, the
job of housekeeping is greatly increased, .u.
With running water, supplied by a Duro Pumping
System, and piped to any part of your home, it will be
ready for an Ernco sink in the kitchen and an Emco
egu?l.'i;ed bathroom.
All I;Inco Fixtures and Fittings are carefully Spade,
subject to the closest inspection and will give years of
unexcelled service.
Emco prices are moderate. For example, Snow-white
t:, l'.amc.11cd Sink, as illustrated, 20" x 42", including Faucet
and Trap, ready for installation for as low as $36.00
The Duro Special Pump, illustrated below, has a capa-
city of 2E0 gallons per hour, is supplied with a 30 gallon
Galvanized Tank and 110 volt, 25 or 60 cycle, motor, and
costs only $8[4.00
Sancea i' : t a.ntt dy y''nyla ne pts
The Horne Improvement Loan
Act enables you to purchase Enico
fixtures, fittings and Duro Pumps
on the monthly payment pian over
a pet: iod nest exceeding three rears.
Enquiries given prompt attention
and estimates supplied without
Duro.Special 38
Also supplied for Gasoline EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LTD.
Engine operation London Hamilton Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver
Thursday, May 13th, 193'7
Coronation Day Holiday
Coronation Day, May 12th, has.
been proclaimed a public holiday
throughout the Dominion by the Fed-
eral Government. In notifying the
Provincial Governments thereof 'th,f
Dominion pa.rliaunnrit suggests that
the celebration in each municipality
be organized as may be most appro-
priate to local conditions.
To Represent Ontario
Hon. .Fetter Heenan, Ontario min-
ister of Iantl4 ani forests, will pili:d-
ally r'eprte;•et the Province of Ont';;' -
lo at the Coronation in London next
month, Premier Hepburn annowic.•d.
The pre prier d owing to press of
business he himself would not be ,:' i
to go to I:Ii ,,.ilei. He itiso stated that
there was a clauree of Hon. N. Hipel,
Speaker ul the. Legislature, AVo'ileee
accompany Mr. Henan. The Heater-
s. ant -governor, D. kis A. 'Brace, i:, ..rise
' atre.miing iter Coronation in ixi • ofli-
ci.al cohacity.
Mr i moved his , x.,, ;y
and tlo" o d ➢ _tto i to r• last
Thtusday raid is Lew nicely ett rd
in their r t lr'me on '.r ei_ Si '.t.
111 ftt➢e.y friends 0T .illsFred
11,,....s \rill .,e sorry to hoar she has
•.:•cell ..or4ineri to her 1 erten for the.
past two weeks through finless, I;tet
i nope for a sper.ciy recovery.
New Festres aster
Air. Feed Boi➢ti.'o'. (Gets received
th•:e a pp.:Atari: o e. o?;dC as. •r for
the village of r i :al ':d f!e@C.tlillg .•tr
t_e"--'o, ilt i...,.ri 1:,:. d 4.'h,.e 11."ld the posi-
tion; li '+t ,. ne _that and liter post-
master Sof (1 y,rars.e E were 'once
12 applicants for the position. Mr.
i I:onthran is weeii fie. rel i'or tie pc:•i-
i tion and will take well with the pub-
' lie. He :has been the, tax collector
for several years and this year was
also appootd assessor. He also cox-
lies'oii •a,ix stizaiice business. Darin(;
the Great War itlr. i onth.ron 'served
overseas with the American army. He
is being congratulated by his friends
in Hensall.
Died in the West
Mr. 'Wilson Carlile .receive word
of the death of his sister, Mrs. Lav-
' inti, Eiaon, \vho pea, se i n", a;t , at ii.•r•
home in Moose :raw oil April 34. S':.>,
was formerly Mr'.*. Wm. 'furry and
they lived for several year. on the
i Parr line er•:lr I-lii.l=. rre•n. .Af'te?r Mr.
Curry's death about .' years ago,
Mrs. Corry and :family moved to
Mcose .Irv: ti:1,-':z., where they horo.•-
t:':lel:•e!. Later she married Mr. ir'!-
..-n Slie leas ,..:5 to mourn her loss.
tin'ee eight;:litters. Mrs. ;.h'x. Forest of
i'. ills. Cr ?Ir;. Fred Hays of
\loos, jaw,3h'Y. Wim. Dort((. il.• mai
l or- ' ,on. Charles Crary. also of 11'o-
- Jaw; i- _e :i' ➢sMrs. 1'I. 1)i\'rrtin
of Tneehl, . ;"1-s. is -s Green of
I ' x ter, t ole-rule-1., Wilson CorLii .
of Berri edl ad Alfred Carlile: of
Fargo, N. Dakota. 'Thee funera1 took
Iilacce tI'ein her late irnmee 'with inter-
! meat in Moose, .law cemetery.
Has S7th B; -thday
Another of l e n •.-ell grand an 1 of=1
hulks, s, tli ',tt i , i ‘Ieter T nitre n tl.
lc,le4)1itcd her 87th birthday It her
home he're on Friday. A rr:.•at mom!: -.
relative: anri f rb nd r:a11e,,er ertu'iin:;'
the day to e,htc,eel t°': ser>.tattl''2tltrn.q,
lIf'r clanghtr r. Alt's. 3:i .To;rtrstin, is
n-ith her at tl"eir home on
Brock s t,, since the ei.."ith of lie. I:ir-
d'rmield a number o:' years ago. For
one of her age she i„ a)aite active.
enjoys He, when ':111x•. attends the
church services at the i'irit.'J Church
of which she is a member, and c•^r•rtt-
ly enjoys the visits of her reiatit'r-.4
and friends. She has six children hy-
ing, Israel of London. Walte:er• of Ste-
rling, Win. of Montana. U.S.?,., Ed.
of Exeter, Mrs. C. Schoch of Zurich
and Mrs. Jas. Johnston of Hensall.
Her many friend:, wish the chi lady
many more happy birthdays.