HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-04-29, Page 5FurSdayr April'.29tir,. 1:1157; '4 IQ. HE`, BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL IlluDLEY E CDLMES likeiRRISTER, SOLIC1TO11, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. '{OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just off 'the Square, GODERICB, Ontario. Special Attention to Cou cel and Court Work, Vr. Holmes may be consu 1ted at .k oderieh by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. ,r, ,.,.,somm......... . DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH 'Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday - and 'Wednesday. Dr. II • til. IC O W E N L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETERI.NARIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON (Office in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. ZurichPhone-9 6. bell, V.S, B.V.Sc. R. Camp Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All adlseases of domestic animalstr s IT the most modern. principles, olenight 'Charges reasonable. Day malls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish toenrrierrs Main Street, Nenneis- • Office opposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex I 'AM IN A POSITION T OaCON- :fauct any Auction :Sale, g ;las to size or article to sell. 1. solicit your biusiness, and iff not ofSsatisfied-will Renl make no charges Ren- dered. %4Z, ARTHUR WEBER -_Dashwood '.hone 13-57. PRODUCE. Farm Pioduce WANTEIP HIGHEST CASH. PRICES --FOR-- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular EAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ext.; always on hand. Kept Afresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins H. Yunghl ut & Sou INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK :TEE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADTAN MUT- 'MAL COMPANY DOING BUS/NESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec.. 31st, 1935, $20,479,7301.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $254,627.52. 'i1tates—$4.50• per $1,000, for 3 Yea s, E. F. Klopp—Zurich •i4:_ &, Also, Dealer in Lighluir Read% ail kinds o . L''iiG,la• last inial • Put Your Want, Ads. or Sale Lost, Found, Etc.. Ads. in this Column, WANTED A limited number of cattle will he taken in for pasture for the 1937 season. Apply to Mr. Ed. Brisson, half utile south of St. Joseph. McKinley's Chis Rocks and Leg. 8c after May 8th. Leg. 8c, Rocks 9c, after April 20th. Leg. 9c, Rocks 10c after April 12th. Leg. 10c, Rocks 11c, after April 4tli. All Breeding Stock Govt. Approved and Bloodtested. Started Chicks and Pullets fox Sale, Come and see them. J. E• McKINLEY Phone 97 ar 11, Hensall. R. R. 1, Zurich Seed Grain For Sale Good quality Banner seed Oats at 80 cents. bushel. Nobarb Barley seed grain at $1.25 bushel. Cash at barn. Apply to Birk Farm, Dash- wood. - Automobile Insurance Tariff and non-Tarrif Rates. Also all classes of accident and sick In- surance. For Particulars Apply to: J. W. HABERER, ZURICH NOTICE FOR GOOD CLEANING and LOCAL Nrs .Dr. Eckel, and the Misses I Waterloo were Sunday visito the Eckel home in Zurich, Mr. Hugh MacKinnon who ret from Queen's University last '" left on Monday for Kitchener.; he will join the Highway DePax 'Surveying Engineer's. Mr. Herb. Neeb h,as xecentl' appointed as agent for this di, for the Anker Holth cream Sella and if in need of a separator it, be to your advantage to consult 111Ir.Ortand. Johnston of the treal Trust Co-, of that city, w visitor with his mother, -Mrs Johnston of town, who is 'quite is five years sinceOrland was Tai Zurich, and friends were glad t' him. Mesers. Kenneth • and Floyd of near Dashwood, hav •purchases 145 -acre farm on the 14th c94, sion, Hay, from the executors of Earl wiser estate and have, t possession. Mr. Jacob Weido, who had an tion sale of his farm, stock and plements, is making preYaratibre move to Dashwood to reside: He leased his 75 -acre farm west of wood to Mr.;.Wnfi.-Schroeder, a x bor, for a term. of five years An interesting " moving t or ch, of residence is taking place this nesday, When Mr. and Mrs Geq Hess and Mr. and Mrs. Orville • ., mer are exchanging places of r ence. In the' e'change Mr Wit will discontiniile "helping in the and Bakery, but.. will continue milk route in Zurich, wlnld Mr. W ert will be assisted in the'"bakeryt; his mother, Mrs. George Uess W. M. S. MEET The Woman's Missionary Soce of St. Peter's Lutheran (Churc'h their monthly meeting op. Thursd .evening in the basement df the c rch. The meeting was opened wib. a devotional service. ' The Top l; "The Negro's Struggle Upwards" w s very ably given by Mrs:', Herb Mogi seau. Clippings on the topic well read by various ladies, after wh41‘ Spring Easter a very helpful discussion took plaid± Have your Dry Cleaning and' Laun- All the ladies taking part- ''The but - dry done by THE (PARISIAN LAUN• mess 'vas conducted by the 'Presidelit DRY LTD., LONDON. Mens' Suits after thanking all tree roadies wto and Topcoats 70c. All kinds of Laun took part in the prograft ' The nib=- dry done at -reasonable prices. eting was closed :with htd' Lord• THIEL'S TRANSPORT, ZURICIT i'e e 5 Prayer. 'Seaforth Store Robbed Mr.Isaac Hudson of :Seaforth ciis- eovered on ,Saturday that his store had been broken into and about $10 taken from the till by raiders who gained entrance by prying the back window open and who escaped thro- ugh the front door. Prov. Constable McCoy is investigating the case, PREVENTS SERIOUS FIRE Prompt action by M•rs. Oliver, mat- ron of the Children's .Shelter, God- erich, who, on smelling smoke in tho upstairs of that institution auout 10 o'clock at night saved what aright have proved a serious tare Smoke) was belching up the .rear staircase when Mrs. Oliver first ran out of her room. She grabbed a fire ex-tirtguis- her and rushing downstairs single. handed put out flames which cnveiop ed the wood:box, filled with 'kindling wood. Six wards of the Shelter, aa - Jeep on the upper floor, wee e not wakened. It is not known how 'he fire got its start. A Golden Wedding A, golden wedding v2.1r.iversary was celebr:tet:t by a well renown and highly regarded couple, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Butt of. Kippen, who passed the fiftieth milestone of their married life on Tuesday last, April 20. Dur- ing the day, friends and neig'tbol called on thtem at the home of theic son, Thomas Butt at Kipper where they are living at,preT.^nt, r •l * • . ded their Wiest wither. In the evening the family held a•banquet in honor of 'Mr. and Mrs.` Butt at their son's hoome. The. guests, present for the oc- casion were 33 : immediate relatives and Rev. and ,Mrs. Chandler. The toast to the bride and groom we' proposed by Rev. Mr. Chandler, tc which Mr. Butt replied. A well word- ed address to Mr. and Mrs. Butt was read by Mit. Edgar Butt, who pres- ented them with the gifts, including a purse and two -burner electric stove: from the family; 'a sum of money and a gold coin from Mr. Butt's sisters and families; Sanacell wool blankets and -a lace table cloth from Mrs. Butt's sisters and brother and sister- in-law; other beautiful and useful gi:Fs included cut g'ass, china, cut- ts end boxes of chocolates. DASHWOOD )on't forget the Band Concert and Iiba.:path" entitled "Aunt Jerushy on the to be held in Becker's new ;p on Monday night, May 10th. ss 'Gertrude Hoffman arid T. offman were 'beth successful s'u'ng silver medals at the St - ford Musical Festival entering the flat ,Alto Horn and the Oratoria Classes Henry Calfas of Sarnia visit- ed with friends in town Iast week. Mrs • A. 'E. Oestreicher spent last eels in London. Wilburn Anderson of Musk- okalis visiting with Mr. and Mrs. S. Gottsehadk. i�s9�ik'■i■ri a ���s oe *iii=iiim LDVP .1 tlll•II•R111111111111111111111 iIIEI�I•r1I1I l rii 4 ��ii: !!ggJLI!Ij!IiiH!1II It�1 1111711171/1.11110111107 unwireMire 1 '''''''' -"111:151114.111"1.4114 L'''-111111111 ril `-/"—moi ��iii%���1/���: ■ee�/ tib.1106...:110111411:0+10;w'llealleb%06. MC Modern Conveniences Today a Necessity- Are ecessity Arc Emco Bathroom Fixtures and Fittings are modern to the minute, mechanically perfect and finely finished. They . will give years of satisfactory service and greatly improve the appearance_and comforts of your home. The four pieces illustrated—Built-in Bath, -Shower, Toilet and Lavatory with all fittings, ready for .installa- tion, cost only..,»,..... . $137.00 Other complete Bathroom equipment as low as.., • • • $ 80.00 Duro Pumps Furnish Running Water If your home is without running water, there is a Duro Pwaap that will furnish a supply to kitchen, bath- room, laundry and barn. The Duro-Special Pumping System has a capacity of 250 gals. per hour, complete with 30 -gallon Galvanized Tank, 25 or 60 -cycle, 110 -volt motor, and costs only - .. $89.00 Home Improvement Loan Act Take advantage of this Govern- ment Plan to modernize your home with Emco equipment. Small monthly payments over a period up to three years. Write for .)'ree Booklets, or see FOR SALE BY: STADE and WEIDO Duro-Special EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LTD. &int aiSa• be fernished fn Sns,.lineSngiaeoperation. Condon Hamilton Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver lI9 renummuntenvomenseee Infant• Child Passes Tile ..sympathy of the community wa05 •deeply touched during the past weel 'and goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Hamacher in the loss of their Little ,son Kenneth, who passed away ,On.'Wednesday, April 21st aged 10 M .00.000.000••••■MW•••41100060g1oM•••O••••••/ly•■■11••si j • .ZURI H REAMERY • We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound B. o iti Fat for Churning Cream delivered at our plant. Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed • Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the sarne : • Day. a co O YOUR EGGS AND POULTRY a 0 0 THE ZURICH CREAMERY ss peso llio(a•I poo ecooeeii,meefolo oate=wnoe,pv-+cc eb eep0000gateaotoo We also buy and pay Cash for your Eggs and Poultry at Highest Market Prices, according to grade. ----Your Patronage Appreciated! 1 +++++++÷+÷÷+ , 3 ✓,.ate ;....; + r SII• You are Cordially invited to Attend the FREE Showing of The New Talking Motion Picture (Children must be ,attended by Parents) "The House I I: at Anis built" See this Picture and Learn how to "Fix Up" Your aid Home or how to Build a New House TOWN HALL -- ZURICH MONDAY, MAY 3rd, 1937 At 8 o'clock "The House That Ann Built" is shown through courtesy of Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials :Ke. PHONE 69 LBYLEISC 44+.1.44+++44+++++++++++++++ +•i•.h • 41. the 414, •fit (a f ZURICH a re$..:,..;.'}.4- e+•¢.F +•g...44 -,•q•.1•'1! 0 ■ 0 0 6 6 0 e 0 ssaM190000aaoasAae®0g'®®sroa.>saM•eaaaaaas.a•at+6aa®.sl g Seed Grain C1eaniw!1 i Let us clean your Seed Grain for better crops and assurance against weed seeds Master and Pioneer Poultry Feeds I Plow poets to fit all makes of t plows 5 SEEDS! SEEDS! 5.11 We are in the Market for Red, Alsike, weet Clovers Timothy Seeds. BABY CHICKS on hand or ordered a and L.Schilbe &:_o f e g'6■iP•■••1!.•••••■/••rs•6 •VMS4 ■!.w••OO®{�•M■■■■■!!■®®.®■ rwwwwww"masiewaiaiwimatimiatiww4 months. The funeral private was 511 held on Friday afternoon, conducted by• ev.: T. Luft with interment in the Bronson Line Lutheran Cemetery GOING' TO ENGLAND Mr. T. H. Hoffman who leaves his home on Tuesday to sail on the S.S. 7Vlontcalm frohl Montreal 'on Wed- nesday April 28.th to sing in the Cor- lionation Choir, was specially honored on Sunday evening. First he was in- vited to James St. United Church in 'Exeter prior to,. the evening service on the pretext of attending a re- ;hersal. When' he arrived the choir was awaiting him and presented hien With a purse of money accompanied Eby a complimentary address. The "presentation was made by Mr. Ed. Sliapton while the address was read by Miss Ella Link in the absence of ,the choir president, Mr. Elford who .was i11. Exeter, April 25, 1937 Or. T. Harry Hoffman: Dear Harry:—As citizens of this great Empire, we are looking for- ward to the eventful day of May 12, The Coronation Day of our King and Queen, and in a special way that +vent has brought us together this evening. We all know the honour Which' has been conferred upon you, Whom we feet very near to us, and Ake to claim as our own. Years of ,'reparation and training have been necessary for those who have been chosen to sing in the coronation choir • We have watched with pride and interest the honours which have been conferred upon you from year to year, the medals and scholarships which you have won. Bu't this has been the crowning honour, coming only once in a lifetime. We cannot allbw this opportunity to pass with- out telling you how proud we are of you and wishing you well, At mem- bers of James St. Choir we give yon now a small token of our appreciat- ion, wishing' you God's speed and Boar Voyage. --,Signed, Members of Jarnrte, St, Choir; M. Mord, President. Zurich Drug Store School Supplies We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies All authorized Public School Book s,inelu din g the NewlSpeller All High School Text Books, etc. PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfuamizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, Zurioh pipmmwwwwwwpAmw PAMN, MmAr.,4, 4 1 111