HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-04-29, Page 2For lovers of green tea "SALA 11 GREEN TE sal 1St!i4y By KATHLEEN NORRIS Synopsis for preceding instalments: After two chance meetings with young Peter McCann, son of Judge McCann, Sheila Carscadden found herself in love with him. During a secret meeting, the boy confessed the truth: he was engaged to an- other mid, Gertrude Keane. The library (their secret meeting place) was locked for the night when they went to leave While endeavoring to" escape, two men suddenly ap- pear. ' rhey force Sheila and Peter into an automobile, and drove them to a farmhouse in Northern Con- necticut. Ken, ane of a gang of bootleggers, explains it is necessary to hold them temporarily. On the third day, Sheila and Peter are re- leased. When Sheila reaches home her mother and sister do not believe her story. -------- Sheila laughed, disagreeably. Her cheeks were still scarlete. "Only that isn't what happened,' ' she said. "Sheila,' • Mrs. Mcann began pia• catingly. "Never mind what hap- pened. Even if—I mean,' ' she cor- rected herself, apologetically, "even considering that you and Peter were kidnapped, and did spend two nights in a farmhouse up in Connecticut, and considering that the newspapers had the story of your marriage last night and this =filing, and that •y"ou and Peter do like each other— "I'm getting all tangled up in this Papa," ' she broke off to say, with a troubled smile. "It's because I'm r•.o stupid about putting things. "But this is what 1 meant, Seila. Suppose that Pap—that Judge McCann and I said this to you and ,, ;.Peter • 'You like each other, you've been thinking about each other for months. Today was to have been Peter's wedding day. Well, have it so. Be married quietly this after- noon, right here in church un Lexing- ton—we'll have a little' party after- ward, to celebrate the first wed - din'— ' There were tears in her shining eyes. She wiped them away, and went on, still holding Peter's hand, still patting it gently. "Then you go off to Pittsburgh. I've a brother there; Judge McCann had him on the telephone this morn- ing. T'eter, my brother, has a big foundry there, and he'll find a job for Pete. He'd seen the newspaper story and he was so nice about it, wasn't he Papa? And of course, you and Peter not being able to manage on what he'd earn, why, we'd see to that part of it. "I talked to Peter about this, this morning," she concluded, with a glance at her son's attentive face. "Tell Sheila what you think, dear." "Why, I think it's the best way out of it, Gert's gone to her grandmother —she's off hie for life!" Peter said gruffly. Sheila stared at hint in blank amazement, moved her gaze to Frank. Her eyes went to every face in the circle in turn, then returned to Frank, who was studying her with his odd, grave half -smile. Frank, so comfol.tably secure in his own wedd- ing plans— "But I don't love Peter!" she stammered. Mrs. McCann interposed in a soothing tone, as if she were speak- ing to a small refractory child: "But Peter loves you very much, Sheila, and he never would permit— and his father and I never could approve—of your going on, after all this, with such a stain on your name. There'd be no blessing in that for him, or for us. It may not seem so serious to you now, but the time will come when it would be serious—be- lieve me, dear. And the judge thinks so, too. The world would think very hardly of you, Sheila. They wouldn't know if you were married or weren't married—" "I wouldn't care what the world thought!" Sheila asserted. "No, you wouldn't now. But the time Wright come when yuu'd want tq marry someone else, ..:.and then there'd always be that shadow. Judge McCann and I wouldn't want Peter to be responsible for it, and Peter wouldn't, either—" "Why, but Peter knows perfectly well what happened!" Sheila persist- ed, indignantly. "He knows that we were both as innocent as babies through the whole thing!" Peter, who appeared to be exqui- sitely uncomfortable, cleared his throat.. "Well, I hate to give up my law work," he said, courageously, {But No. 167 Effective Wall Panel Effective Wall -Panel This lovely wall panel, as well as two additional ones contained in this pattern will make beautiful decorations in any room. You will tnrl t; . tifg ios 'zft5 tq your friends. They are fun to embroid>$i, filedthe color combinations stggest-ed are varied and charming. The pattern includes transfers of the three pictures, complete instructions for embroidering, details of the various stitches used, as well as com- plete color charts and finishing instructions. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS Write your name and address plainly, giving itumber of pattern irantcd. Enclose 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred), wrap it carefully and address your order to Mayfair Pattern Service, Room 421, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto, —as says—I've neves' my uncle's foundry—" "You have to think of the ance of things, Sheila," Mrs.. persisted gently. "The appearax evil know how much we he that!' "And you mean to say, Pe Sheila began bewildered, and ped, Peter, at twenty-one, wa a little boy after all, a little bo would be delighted to stop his, cult law studies and be off strange city and a new job, laughed suddenly, mirthlessly. "This seems very funny to she said. "Sheila, dear," Mrs. McCann in remonstrance and distress, mustn't think we're trying to co you, dear, or to trap you! J McCann and I talked this ove day yesterday, almost all night night. We want to do what's f you. This seemed to us the thing, the thing you'd want tq Surely—surely if you and Peter= fond enough of each other to remembered each other all :;t months, to have made an eng ment with each other only a days before he was to have', le married, surely then it was net that we should think that this would please you both. , "And admit that we were Iy Sheila exclaimed, angrily. "Aw, Sheila, pull yourself gether!" Joe said, unsympathetic "Dear child, we were only t ing of you," Mrs. McCann protes in a hurt voice. "I thank you all!" Seila said. a loud, hard voice. "But eat "1 necessary to -to sacrifice your on my account!" a e r e t p. t Suddenly she was, shaking with Wage as she had not known since vey small, schoolgirl days. She walked out of the room, with her head up, :and out of the house. No • one attempted to stop her; or, if anyone did, she was too blind, too deaf, to know it. Down the brownstone steps, that wore being gently powdered with snow, she went quickly. The cool, pure air of the silent holiday noon- time smote her hot cheeks refresh- ingly, Timid little flakes fell all about: her, her footsteps were soft- ened an the thin covering of the snow. At the corner she turned back, looked at the street. She was not be- ing followed, there was not a human being in sight. Instinctively 1 ctivel y sje had turned to- ward the subway, and home. But on the way she passed, on Lexington Avenue, a shabby, sign -cluttered doorway. Almost every obscure act- ivity known to the business world was housed in this old building; a Passport photographer, a stuffer of dead animals, a dressmaker whose ambitious sign of "Modes" had,.,been crossed by a humbler notice, " dhild- ren's school uniforms at cost." A dancing teacher had the top floor; a mender of broken china was some- where upstairs. The second floor was given over to "Mrs. O'Connor's Famous Employment Bureau." And against her particular sign Mrs,''. O'Connor had tucked cards. "Four` box -workers wanted. • Girls, good money!" and "Child's nurse wanted, Iovely family right near city. To be Continued Corner OR DALE glitASJ •:40a> Now is the time for all good-housee wives to come to the aid of their families with something new in the line of dessert. As a matter of fact, these desserts will appeal to appe, t:tes at any time, but we suggest the present because the sooner yea start serving these delicious, wholesome, quick -cooking , tapioca dishes, the sooner you will have settled for all time, the problem' of serving some thing "different" , The beauty of quick -cooking} tapi- oca is that it is tine -saving and also • money -saving. It, cooks in five min- ' utes, whereas old-fashioned tapioca: used to take 15, and so many varia tions of the one recipe can be pro duced that it will amaze you. Just imagine making the three desserts shown on this page from one recipe, and all in a few minutes—no wonder they get 15 stars! Quick -Cooking Tapioca Cream 1-3 cup quick -cooking tapioca '4, cup sugar 14 teaspoon salt 1 or 2 cf.m yolks 4 e-v,milk 1 cr t.' Lee. whites, stiffly beaten 1 t con vanilla Combine the quick -cooking tapioca, sugar, salt, egg yolk, and milk in top of double boiler and stir enough'', to break yolk. Place over rapidly boiling water, bring to scalding point (allow 5 to 7 minutes), and cook, 5 • minutes, stirring frequently. Re- move from boiling water. Fold a small amount into egg white; add to remaining tapioca mixture and blend.' Cool—mixture thickens as it cools. Add flavoring and chill. Serves -8. Now with this as the basis, you can go ahead and make the lovely desserts pictured here. In the upper corner is Coconut Crest—a toasted coconut to pin Vitt cubes of, mint jelly whit r"nakes a gay, sled °un- usual combination. Cinnamon Apple Cream—on the right—shows tapioca cream garnis'n- ec'l•,with rosy cinnamon apple spices. Issue No. 18-'37 1J•-2 Southern Delight—on the left — presents this fluffy, custardy tapioca cream -decorated with sliced kum- quats .or sections of tangerine, or oranges. SPRING SALADS Sunset Salad 1 pkg. lemon jelly powder 1' cups boiling water When beginning to "set" add: 1 cup grated carrot ' 1,'cup crushed pineapple 1 large orange peeled and cut up fine. Put in mold and when cold serve on lettuce leaves with dress- ing. Salad Dressing 1 cup white sugar 2 teaspoons mustard 1 teaspoon salt 2 eggs :'.1 tablespoon cornstarch cup vinegar 'A cup water Butter size of :an egg Cook in double boiler until thick. Stuffed Tomato Salad 4 medium sized tomatoes skinned 4 deviled eggs Lettuce Hard cook -the eggs then cut in Ask your des er abut Coleman Stoves that make their owl gas from Coleman Lamasoline, or p andtd Sve Company, Ltd. slept. WL, Toronto, 0 dor o. ENKED 'I MET Perhaps Ripley Could Use This Atlantic City Woman Kept A Secret For Seventeen Years ATLANTIC CITY, N.J.— Mrs. E. Mitchell, who claimed she lived secretly as the wife of L. Arthur Richards for 17 years while he posed as a bachelor in the fashionable circles of better neighborhoods, won in court the right to administer his $100,000 estate. After Richards clied last October, Mrs. Mitchell charged that since 1919 she had lived with him and their son in one section of town while he played bridge in fashionable homes and kept secret their alleged marriage cere- mony. She testified he stayed with her Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights, but his relatives testified he never said or did anything to indicate he was harried. Robot May Tell Best In Tastes LONDON, ENG., — Food -tasting by a robot as a way of detecting minute differences in flavour was suggested in London, by P. N. Williams, food research chemist, who told the food group of the Society of Chemical In- dustry. "The individual is incapable of ac- curately detecting differences in 'fla- vour. Not one in 100, given samples of butter and margarine, can identify them by taste. "Perhaps the day may not be so far off when the problem will be solved by the invention of a robot taster." half crossways, remove yolks and mix to paste with dressing. Season with salt and pepper. Hollow out tomatoes large enough to hold eggs, brush inside, with dressing and put and put egg inside, so that the yellow shows above the tomato. Sprinkle with paprika and serve on shredded lettuce with dressing. Pineapple Date Salad 1 pkg. lemon jelly powder 1 cup boiling water 3-4 cup canned pineapple juice 3 tablespoons vinegar Ye teaspoon salt 1 cup canned pineapple diced 1 cup dates pitted and quartered. Dissolve jelly in boiling water and pineapple juice, vinegar and salt. Chill. When slightly thickened fold in pineapples and dates, turn into a mold, chill until firm. Unmold on crisp lettuce leaf. Garnish with mayonnaise. Serves .8 persons. All In One Salad 1 head lettuce 1 can string beans drained 2 cups diced cooked potatoes 1 small can flaked fish Green onions sliced 3 shelled hard -cooked eggs, sliced 3 tomatoes cut in eights 'rii cup mustard pickle 3-4 cup salad or olive oil 14 teaspoon granulated sugar '4 cup vinegar 3-4 teaspoon salt Pepper Break up lettuce and arrange in salad bowl. Put in layers of other vegetables. Toss together with dress- ing made by beating remaining in- gredients with a fork. Serves 6 per- sons. it rect from ilRontr'eal to ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, IRELAND AND FRANCE "ASCANIA" "ANTONIA" "ALAUNIA" "ANDANIA" "AURANIA" "AUSONIA" "ATHENIA" "LETITIA" Popul r Steamers offering Individual attention and complete personal service to passengers. A complete shipboard hole. day with a willing helpful. 'less eliminating all care. The lowest rates of passage obtainable. A high standard of accom- modation in all classes. Apply to a2 (VNARDW!ITI! 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It's always full-strength PNEW/SPODUW® DOUGH/ 1 ORD' HAVE USED ROYAL You get every cake of Royal Yeast in an air- tight wrapper ... sealed against contamination r J"0 bake a loaf that's sweet - flavored, fine -textured, and truly appetizing, you need a good yeast ... one that's full-strength and pure. Royal is always dependable. Each cake is protected by an air- tight wrapper, to insure absolute freshness, full leavening power, purity. It's the only dry yeast with this special protection. For 50 years, Royal has been the stand- ard. Actually 7 out of 3 Canadian house- wives today prefer Royal when they bake with a dry yeast. They know they can always depend on Roval for good results. Insure yourself against baking failure. Get a package of Royal today" Send jor FREE booklet To get uniform results in bread baking, it is important to keep the sponge at en even temperature, Tito "Royal Yeast Bate Book" givas in- structions for the care of dough. Send coupon for free copy of the book, giving 23 tested recipes for temptinf breads, coffee cakes, buns and "rolls. BUY ' MADE - IN -CANADA GOODS Standard :Brands Ltd. Fraser Ave. St Liberty St. 'Toronto, Ont. Please send me the free Royal Yeast Bake Book. Noone._ Address Town Pray.. ai