Zurich Herald, 1937-04-22, Page 4AUCTION SALE Of Household, Effeets in Zurich, on SATURDAY, May ist, 1937 At 1.30 o'clock, p.m. Oak diningroom ;table, a Oak alining room chairs ; 0 oak Hu ff ; 'Oak china cabinet; Mahogaey parlor 'table; Brass beadstead; solid oak bedstead; springs, M attre es in he. 21 emelt stands, dresser, 8 rocking char wicker rocker, couch, Linoleum ler gene room, 2 Congoleum rugs; Feltall Meg; 8 toilet sets, bedding and mats, number of dishes; 2 galvatived tubs, 2 lawn mowers ri gal. jug; knivee ' 'and forks, tea kettle; dish pan, wood - butter bowl; coffee grinder, coal -oil stove like new; Peerless Pen. stove in good condition; sink; stand, eastern pump, seahee, pictures, and aiumerous other articles. TERMS—CASH OscarKlopp, Auctioneer. R. P. Stade, Proprietor. DRYSDALE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Corriveau and eineMbers Of the family rnad a bus• iness trip to London on Wednesday. Mr. Philip Denomme, Mr. and Mr. Charles Laporte were week -end visit- ers in Detroit. ' Mr. and Mrs. William Denomme Zee, .are visiting with relatives in betroit. The Misses Mary and Elizabeth Celinas were Sunday visitors with r. and Mrs. John Charrette, south Beavertown. 'Messrs. Omar and Isadore Denom- me of Detroit, were week -end visitois their father, Mr. Wm. Denomme Mr. Louis King of Chicago, is a visitor with his mother, Mrs. Ed. risson, who is not enjoying her good ;health at present. Sorry to report that Mr. Z. Jeffrey who is in his 92nd year, is mot enjoyine his usual health. Mrs. David Ducharme from Zurich is :nursing her sister, Mrs. d. Bris- e &on, who is under the doctor's care. Owing to the heavy rains on Sat- eeurday, the beginning of seeding op - rations has been prolonged, anby looks of things it will be late ' *hough before a start will be made. BAYFIELD Miss Lottie Higgins of Bayfield is isiting in Sudbury, having accomp- anied Mr. and Mrs. Brown Higgins on their return a week ago monday lest. :Mr. and Nes. L. W. Burch have re - Aliened to their cottage for the sum- ener to look after the cottages in Hi- eeghland Park. ejler,,4 and Mrs. W. R. Jowett, who e:ihave spent the winter in Fort Lau - e • eeaeeelele...eFlerida„...haee...aerjxesielam e• Mrs:. ee. -W.'eeviebeeee, .Misses tzd ,lean Wood e .arid. Mrs. E. P. Lew - els visited friends at London. Mrs. F. A. Edwards arrived home 'Saturday last from Sask., where ehe evisited her daughter, Mrs. R. J. Wat- son at Fairlight. Mr. and. Mrs. David Leitch are Tome, having passed the winter in Vorkeri ch. family of the Goshen; Mr. and Mrs. Cotteges Looted Mrs. James Day arid several fri- ends of Detroit spent the week -end at the Day cottage. They were dis- appointed to find that vandals bed broken in and ruthlessly destroyed valuable china and other articles and strewn bed clothing about, There was evidence of a fire having been lighted on the door and a .wild celebration had been carried on, beer bottles be- ing scattered about. Police are fol- lowing up a clue. ...•••••••-•-•-•.-•• .01111P St. Joseph and Beaver Town Messrs. Leonard Denomme and L. Scrams and Miss Alvina Denomme motored to London on Saturday. Mr. C. O. Smith andeeons of Bea, vettown have completed the sap boil- ing fOr this year. At first it was thought on account of the mild win- ter the run would be short, but i has proven satisfactory and Mr. Smith has boiled about 76 gallons of this sweat liquid. Mr. Filbert Denomme has taken down bis old fence on the Blue Wat- er Highway in readiness for the new one. Miss Eugene Aubin of Hillsgreen,' who was employed by Mr.. Dennis Charrette has returned to her home. Mr.and Mrs. Wm. Milne of Toron- to were week -end visitors with the tlatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Charette of the Blue Water south. Mr. and :Mrs. Adolph Parriseau of Detroit, Mich., called on Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ducharme, Sr. of St. .Tos- eph, north. • Mr. Wilfred Corriveau of the Blu Water ,north and who is under med- • ical eare, is improving nicely. - Mr. Avila Ducharme of Beaver Town south, has purchased a Chev. car. Attention Ladies! Mr. Max. Jeffrey has the roofing on his cottage and is busy copletiag the inside in preparation for the Sum mer tourist camping trade. Mrs. Rachael Denomme of St:Jos- eph north spent a few days in Zur- ich visiting Mrs. Ayotte. BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich and Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingerich, and Melvin, and Mrs. Allan Swartz- entruber spent Saturday with fri- ends at New Hamburg and Tavistock Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Erb a nd daughter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Oesch. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Erb and fam- ily spent the week -end with friends at Kitchener and Baden. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Schultz and Mr. and Mrs. Chris. -Rupp of Poole, were Sunday visitors on the Bronson line. Mrs. Donald Turner of London, spent Thursday last with her parents Mr. and IVIrs. R. N. Douglas, of Blake *eeereeseeuveeeeereeeeetieereereeereeeeeeseneeet north, accompanied Mr.. Turner t� London where she spent a fewdays. (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Swartzentrub- er .and Mr. Willie Bechler spent the week -end with friends at Baden and New Barnhill's'. Mr. and Mrs. Mose Gerber and SCARFE'S VARNISHES FOR EVERY PURPOSE— INSIDE OR OUT JOHNSTON & KALBFLEISCH Zurich — Ont. MASSEY-HARRIS NEWS FREE! FREE! 'FREE Free Mountings and Plenty of Free Air for all Tires purchased from Us; Quality Best; Prices Lowest; Written Guerantees; Ask to See the Tire which has over 125,000 miles of service. Brng your Cat- alogues, we will meet all competition. • Seeding Implements should be in good working shape shortly; Order M. -H. parts early. Cultivator points for many makes GM OIL AND GREASE TeL Shop 149 0. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 AUCTIONETRING? YES! ZURICH r " • • Trlurdiay, Ara 4 los'7 ha ever y 44 wan 11 Take a tip from the hundreds of moforfsfs who participated fu these tests. Put Blue Sunoco up against any other gasoline in town by testing it right in your own car. Prove for yourself that Blue Sunoco's lively, high-test action is unsurpassed, even. by extra -priced gasolines. Se's if you don't agree that today's; greatest value for your gasoline dollar -is .Blue Sunoco.. The Ross Federal Reeearch Ckiipora- bon, nationally known fact-finding or- ganization, asked 1214Motorisisil 14 widely separated citiee i .11.o. to contribute their servicetin testing a "mystery gasoline" in OteirOWn cars.- First—the tank.of each' c4..was drained of the gasoline it had ben using. The tanks of these cars were then filled with this 'mystery gasoline." , This unknown motor fuel was Blue Sunoco, with the color left out. E. W. Saybolt & Company, independent pe- troleum testing authorities, checked this "mystery gasoline" and certified that it was regular Blue Sunoco. After these motorists had, sufficient time to compare the performance of this uncolored Blue Simoco in their own cars again sl the gasoline they had used previously, Ross Federal in- vestigators called upon them and ob- tained their frank, honest opinions of the unknown motor filet ' vl,ueirnfapaalre EstSdaltol:e:891 C:71so:s Yee hellte been ne xs;ftnosted :aid: q: sing '414i6,‘'.isower 12il/s? 721 is) bet/croft-amend nr Petforrnance? 7J Table above shows what these motor ists reported after comparing Blue - Sunoco against 54 -other gasolines, being extra -priced. Furthermore, 85%, of the extra -priced gasoline users:, stated that Slue Sunoco performed better than the higher -priced fuels. they bad been using. 0% •• • •;•;" • :e. ' teit e. pric L. A. PRANG and SON SOLD BY: General Repairing and Used Car Sales ZURICH - ONT. 4111:111111311.11111/1011ELMOIRMIONSF ED. NADIGER Leather Goods and Harness, DASHWOOD - ONT. A. E. RAVELLE General • Store GRAND BEND' Amos Gingerich and Jean were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gingerich. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gascho and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Erb. Sunday visitors with Mr. ,Euid Mrs. Roy Gingerich were: Mr, and Mrs': Amos Gascho and family; Mr. a nd Mrs. Leonard Erb and daughter; Mr and Mrs. Edmund Desch and family; Mr. and Whs. Jacob Swartzentruber, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Swartzentruber. Mr. Ivan Wagler, accompanied by Katie Bender .and Mabel Yantzi, of Tavistock, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chris. .Swartzentruber and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Erb. • HENSALL Miss M. Hunter of Exeter, was a visiter here Mrs. Wm. Lammie. Miss Mildred 'Penick,. nurse -in - training, in 'Victoria Hospital, Lond- on, was a visitor with her parents. Xt. and. Mrs. Geo. Folliek. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dabus were re- cent visitors with friends in Lon- don. Mrs. Robt. Bonthron and daughter Mrs. L. Simpson retuned home last Wednesday after -visiting for the past two weeks in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Douglas and daughter Miss Noma of Hyde Park and Mr. Alien Douglas of London were visitees with Mrs. John John - ion and daughter Miss Margaret, Mrs.Mary 'Willard of Exeter hav Tilted apertmentl. in the Petty elock fornieely occupied by the lee) 1 1VIr. and Mrs. Sheffer, she moved in during the past week. Rev.. and Mrs. W. A. Young were in Toronto attending the graduation of Mr. Young's brother, Malcolm Yo- ung, from Knox College. Mrs. George Sparks has returned after visiting in London. Onions Being Shipped Hensall is well known as a great onion centre and some of the big city seed firms have stokehousee here. At present quite a number of leen are employed at the storehouses getting the onion sets shipped out for the spring trade. Celebrates Birthday Mrs. John Johnston quietly celeb- rated her 86th 'birthday at her home on April 7th. A number of relatives and friends called on her during the afternoon and evening to congratul- ate her. Besides letters and cards and telephone calls from relatives" at . a distance, she also received beautiful, Conservative in, politics. Is surviveifinp„ and it was agreed upon by all: by 3 sons and 2 daughters,. 'Ins wiTe 1 that a sick committee should be ap- passed 6 years ago; there are, also /7 graralchffd.rem and eight greati pointed. Wilmer Jones and Leonard'. grandchildren. The funeral was brad Mellier to, the Stade Cemetery.. committe.e for 1937. 1VIessrs. Barri-- were appointed on the sick; LOCAL NEWS NO .AFERESTSi MADE Despite police investigations nee ae- rests have yet been made in connect - lion with the :robbery- at. Blyth an early hour Saturday :last of Joseph Coulter, who was, relieved of $800 in cash, after two young thugs, their faces shielded by masks, assaulted him when he grappled' with the assail- ants. The thugs,, one of them: brand- ished a nickel -plated car door handle in the pretence that it was a revolver 'broke into Coulter'ai inane.: and. ended money. The intruders knocked gifts and flowers. Mrs. Jelms.terr ie ;the 78 -year-old resident down and hale and hearty and enjoys lifeic.'r using lie/mice, store. tlio roll' of: hills friends wish her many more happy which was in his pocket. It is said birthdays. that Coulter s in the habit of carry - Late Thomas Venner . irrg large aunts.' of money. It jnst a Thomas Venner, a well known end year ago when Coulter was robbed of highly respected resident of the Chi's- ;:e3,0110, by a youth who was Tater ar- elhurst district passed away at the rested at St. John, N.B. and who home of 'his son William Veinier, of now serving a three year term at Hibbert Twp: on April 10th. About gingston. a month ago he suffered a severe at- ttoackraielyf .thEfee flwuasfr8o2m ywehaircshohfeas gfaeimlecel South Huron Junior Farmers spent over 60 years in the Chiselh- The regular monthly meeting was, unrst district where he was a suCces:" , old in the Town Hall, Zurich on ftil farmor. He was a member of tl-r, April Tth. with a large attendance. Chiselhurst United Church and o Fee buain.e.sa of the, Club, Was taken son Sclu3cit and Lee Oesch were call -- ed upou for a few musical numbers;. hirh were appreciated by all. Fol- lowing this Jack Corbett gave a speech, "Our Organization," The me- eting was then adjourned,after whi-- eh the Jr. Institute joined them in a. joint program. Clinton Junior Farm- ers and jr. Institute were presented: and:the president, Wilfred Mousseau. welcomed them to Zurich. Harold' Lobb, president of Clinton Jr. Farm- ers,, replied, expressing his thanks on behalf of The Clinton Club. Following:. this' Miss Edna 1Vkae Corbett read the. Cub Paper. Lee Oesch was, next with the Boys' Club paper,.. which produced much laughter with their gibes and jibes, slants aril MEs-ses Mari COlemart 'and Evelyn Corbett delighted the andiehte with, a very ,snappy tap dance. A mouth organ selection was • next' given by - Harrison Schoch. Mr. Ray Ortweirt gave a very comical reading .whicle was enjoyed by all. aVIr, and Mrs. • Wilfred Ducharme, bridal couple, we- re among the guests present. Wilf- red, who was president of the clubs for one year, was called upon to sass a few words. The president, on be- half of 'the members, wished Itr. and Mrs. Ducharme many happy years wedded life. The meeting was then adff,urried after, which the members ,laileeel for . cos/.,i of 1,onrs, a da- inty lunch being served by the girls.. •