HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-04-08, Page 5Thursday, AIxrtf 1'StTx, .1931; BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL LUDL i : , HDL S Put Your ,Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this . Colwnn4. :IARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT, am iir ARY PPU.B;LIC, ETC i ' , eOFFICE--Ilamilton Street, just off I'i, the Square, GODER1COntario, '"Special Attention to Couancel and Court Work. Holmes may • be consulted at Godexich by Phone, axed P u e charges reversed. ,.r w.w aux.: .. a,..r.ac..prica u+uuwmw,,,...wucmmmannu ego DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DE1TZ BLACK --ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB.'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday_ Dr. 11 FL COWEN L. D. S. D. I S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter » Ontario VETERINARIAN Dr. W. COON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON 'Office• in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. Phone -96. Zurich A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. 'Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All .iiiiseases of domestic animals treate y the most modern principles, ',Charges reasonable. Day or night (,tills promptly attended to. Also Bre- leder of Scottish terriers. Ina Street,s Main 1ennels. Office on wposite Town Hall. Phone 116, HENSALL. If LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM TNA POSITION TO CON - (duct any Auction Sale, regardless las to size or article to sell. solicit ;your business, and if iiot'satisfied''will' =make no charges for: Services Ben- eltered: ARTHUR WEBER.—Dashwood Thorne 13-57. PRODUCE• Faim PYthce WANTED. UIGkXEST-CASH PRICES —FOR— CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Win. O'Brien ?hone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Zurich& Popular MEAT MATS -+ T Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept Mesh in Electric Refrigeration *Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides: and Skins H. Yu.nghlut & Sou.. INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather tasaranCe. Co, OF WOODSTacK, RE LARGEST RESERVE iAL • NCE or ANT CAN.AD>< +t MUT liAL 'COMPANY DOING BITS/NESS OF TI&IS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of lasua'ance at Risk on 113ec- Met, 1935e $20,479,73O.O0 Total Cash in Bank and Don & $254,627.52. .` tes $4J O per, $1,6011 far 3 Year .. eb 0 Rocks and Leg. Sc after May Leg, 8c, ,Rocks 9c, afte,r April 20th, Leg. 9; Rocks 10c after .April 12th, Leg. 10e, Rocks 11; after April 4th. All Breeding Stod"lc Govt. Approved . and 131oodtested. Started Chicks and Pullets for Sale. Come and see them. MCKINLEY Phone 97 'r 11, Hermit R. R. 1, Zurich • RICH.. fr,I,.l LOCAL NE'S 1VTr. and Mrs. Sohn Brenner were visitors to Kitchener'last week. P GIw SCHOOL REPORT 10000 0000000000wow 004.0. r0w0,a 00000a00o00000 r000 ,•t Dr. and Mrs, P. j. O'Dwyor .and Or. XV--Etue, Earl 7.5,14; Martin' Fay a :trier:11; t of T. a family motored to London on Friday: Emfl a 73.04;, Ducharme, Debris (,d; , eATOC Xit8der PO8 11 1 'B.Byron'Cleavo, James 58.8;, Fat for CladCream de1ivrered at Drax galant, Mx: Norman Gesell() of Hospital, London ,Sr.I . Result of 7,,, .ter exams. of S, S. a U R f 1 CREAMERY R E /� No. d 1t of c) Stanley: a 01 4 14� A '� We l:�'oxxn 14uner, Violet" as spending the III—Martha Albeit 6L70;.Du-- 0Prompt Service and Highest Cash, Price Guaranteed week at his home hero, ;theme, Eleta 67.38, . Martini cicle, Elizabeth 67.5 es our Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for frac same Eisenbach 'were '' week -end visiessrs. Leo. aVlittleheltz and te Harvey 47,71; Dueharmo, 0 Day. iMr, Ronald Peck of ,Clinton, called Cleve I—(:'neerich, :Keen). 85 Pn • on his friend, ,Archie MacKinnon, .dur'Eric g 75.5; erieh ennerhWi fixed" cieave. e' ung the holiday season, P feta a ter tees... 0 with relatives here. Dona 45 8 I Hay Council met for the regular Pupils having ('r) ft a g name wore absent duringexamlaratti- aneeting• on Monday mut akansactod on considerable business. Mr. and Mr's: E. W. toskopf of Kitchener, visited at the hone o,' Mrs. 'fhoin s Johnson last week... LOST --A Brown Speniel ^Ittniari acrnbxadT;e zasatcd in this vicinit;rl ml Dog, Anyone locating sae please ,Easter week. notify the Herald Office and rpeie 1 'Mr. Wm, E. itoff of 1!r grlee. ' *v.i-O” +�+++ ++'o�i++4.4 ;.a 4 a reward, calledOn relativesn t.',re �'!< lnit .g. ° day recently. I s due to illness, a E. Ann McNaughton, teacher: • Mrs. L. S. Eller and children of Fl YOUR EGGS, ND POULTRY We also buy and pay Cash for your Eggs an:1 Poultry at. Highest Market .Pz'iaes, accordln to grade, ----Your Patronage Appreciated! g IP THE . ZURICH CREAMERY Ole Ride'a$3®P�!'rirecpc cg2, �'rt�tlpr:v,w:yC ^H, rtrifrain8' e3e?9c'v' wfbou IXiss Violet Eremlin,' of Ciiaa on, Mx. incl i,Tr >. W a�..�, ci�nit. NOTICE 'TO CREDITORSwas a visitor with her sister, 1'di ; Mr, and Mrs. Z+:. I,ov, were to "+ •.1. (. Nora 'rerun, member of the Flt. 4, ford, Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of John Decker, the elder, late of the Village of Zua.:ich in the Co- unty of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the twentieth day of March A. D. 1937, are re- quired to :forward their claims duly proven to either of the undersigned Executors ox>< or before. the - seven-teenth day of April, A.D. 1937. And Notice is furthergiven that after the said date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they Hienshall have notice. Dated this third day of April A.D. 1937. of Montreal staff, Zurich, the past Mrs. Reid of Seaforth visited her j week, gather in this- - a Mrs. A. J.: ' Miss Lettae Love of Hensnll eerie .x. MacKinnon and 0.on on friends ham Archie, Mrs. Well. Johnston d son Foss were to London one daylA;t her returned •! o he- home after visiting week. CEA Your Fuel Bir n hA.1 Buy Stortra Windows and Doors REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. sisters in Chicago, Seattle, and �• LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND R' A + Reeve George Armstrong and; Co- Talc n drye t' "' pg. t few months. 'x'AT .Li. uncilloxs ;M. Turnbull, and Wm. l Mr = rT ?M,• T Morris i -. .0 r. s LET US QUOTE YOU? ugh and Road Supt. II. Steinbaol, 'of Hay Township, recently .attende `e road improvement' conventioixPl;ktp don.: The Concert put on by tie Ha , Cousins Concert Co., of ' Elmira the Zi'rich Town Hall, Friday evt[`- ing was another big success, and hall was packed -to almost capaely to hear these artists give their v r ious numbers which were: well- ' r William Deeher, Zurich. Lauded and highly received and affair was put on under .the auspi Louis Rader, Dashwood. of the Royal Knights Bible Cl<" ` .Executors. and it was a big success finan.ciall FOR SALE Nunvberone onion seed at a very reasonable low price. L. Prang&Son. The roads are on, their anti rampage in breaking up- and 56 spots -are impassable for the aut Fortunately the Zurich road to sell has no soft spots, but this pieta of road is badly in need or gr.avel."c; crushed stone, as the drag dei s ve, y /little good without. somdtiling , scrape. We trust the corein: nnmiir Seed Grain For Sale will see a better class of r to Hen gall Good , quality Banner seed Oats at 80 cents, bushel. Nebarb Barley seed grain at $1.25 bushel. Cash at. barn. Apply to Birk Farm, Dash- wood, Insuradce Tariff and non-Tarrif Rates. Also ^11 classes of accident and sick In- surance. For particulars Apply to: J. W. HAEERER, '.ZURICH FOR SALE A quantity of Early Alaska and 1935 late seed oats; some good mix- ed hay; also some green Mountain potatoes. Auuply to, Mrs. Mabel •Snyder, Zurich, phone 55_ FOR QUICK SALE A Chatham incubator, r, for quick Sale, apply to Mrs. Joseph Rau, Drys dale. NOTICE FOR GOOD CLEANING Spring and Easter . Have your Dry Cleaning and Laun- dry done•by THE PARISIAN LAUN- DRY LTD., LONDON. Mens' Suits and Topcoats 70c. All kinds of Lauri dry done at =reasonable prices. THIEL'S TRANSPORT, ZURICH NOTICE SPENCER CORSETS Individually Designed. Style' or Surgical. Mrs. Anna MacDonald, t39 1 Phone 237 Hansail, Out Carnival' at Bayfield "l'h+e annual xiaasqua*xa.de ccarneyal under the • :auspices of the Dayf.eld Agricultural Society was held in rho tower hall. l?iize -winners were: Nat,, tonal costume, "Maple Leaf" Eliza- beth Snowden; women's fancy, "Fo- ur Tittle Mai.de From School" Maree aret and Kathleen kliddleton; "Mark Mary Quite Contrary," Violet Turn- i er;, women's comic, ";School Sissy,' a Mrs- E. P. Lewis; "Lazy armC r, F " Mary Snowden; , now en; gent's fancy, "Pirate Presentation Mrs. Menno Oesch was p surprised on Friday eyenin the girls of her school 'room._, at tile- home and presented an "end table" Irene T read the fo1lOndeig ee dress' Dietz, made the presenta-tt_on :` Dear Mrs. Oiesch : - We, your pupils, the' girls ,o the Third Room, have come• to vis er visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Bell rr' : ,¢ near Kippen. Mr: and Mrs. G. Love and family 3 Mr.' and ilius. Hugh Love attended ,x. the funeral of a relative i : Co'..c Township. • 4. PH NE "x • -DRY:SDALE WALL D4 YOUR GLAZING WORK WH/LE Y(3ide. WAIT. - .i. 1 .F,,. Li[ISi1 4. '7 i T ;a, ICI. .i, AL Mrs. Philip Denonnne has gone to ' Detroit, where she is visiting with her children. ¥r. Charles Kennedy, from Mc- Natawan, spent the week -end with his cousins, at the Genilas home. It is regrettable that Mr. Philip Denonnne 41ost two head of cattle, who upon exalnination were found to halve an•a-bstruction of the kidney, • 000000000000 91.G#00e00 • ...,eedGrain V 000 000000000000 !Y tIA caused by the formation of a stone. .fit. This is indeed very unusual, sand Mr. • Let us ° cleana Denonnne will sustian considerable your � 0 �� � loss. e better crops Miss Florence Denomme who spent, p$�d assurance 0.0 0 a few weeks -in Detroit visiting fri- ends, his returned home- 41 �d 'seeds JrTZ 0 r nne.th Denomme as laf,.• g positron in ,a factor G lir. Franlc.Jeiirey leftsfor Zurich iMias er andPioneer Where he will stay with his sister Mr, $` �T Feeds a Plow ,1 all Residents of this vicinity are doing,makes of un , �m this pang Times are a plows SEEDS! ,..ri..�SEEDS! . : We are in the Market for Red, Alsike, weet Clovers a and ' Timothy Seeds. 1 Coal and Coke at Hensall and Zurich at all Times. for Kitchener where he has secured IA a y. 0 xr unusual amount of painting up �i . 0. better, erices,.,hi:gher, and . a.. g'caop is expected this summer ape 0 rent'1y. .Snt ing is here.' Birds are singing•, the ice on Lake Huron has moved •you many years of,3'anpy tic, Nlr, ° t and the roads are clearing up. life. We rejoice :wvith you -at youi•,t"'i .;liiseph .And Beaver Town happiness, and• hope.: • that we :shelleee,not lose you as a teacher fora loaige Miss Lucile Jeffrey of St. Peter's time to come. - ~Seminary, London, eaIled on her par - As a small token of our loge" ends encs 9f 'Beaver Town •on Sunday appreciation for all you haveatitt all' Last times done for us, we ask yo'to re '; Ma Gateld Denomme of the 14th ceive this little gift. May it�waysY Con., is engaged for the summer to remind you of the givers. MrFilbert Deno/rime of St. Joseph. Signed on behalf of the gaily of :. Mr. John N, Cantin of Montreal, your xoom. called on his parents in St. Joseph recently . Mr. and Mrs. Hank Brinker of St. .Glair; .Mich ;have returned to their home after spending a week visiting ar;7, relatives inthis neighborhood OBITUARY Death of Mrs. Mary Kraus £ The death occurred of Mese, Krauskopf at her Home in Sf, Col- umban, on Wednesday, March, 81st, 1937,.innher 80th year. She Baer been ill only a short time and her passing is a shock to her many friends She was ahighiy respected lady In her community and a devout member of St. Columban R. C. Church where her funeralwas held Iast Friday morning at 9.20. Her husband pre- deceased her 25 years ago on April 4th. She Ieaves to mourn her loss eleven _children; Aubert, Nicholas, Mrs. Jas. Nolan, McKillop Twp; Sr. M, Vietorine, Mt. Hope, London; Sr. M. 'Clare, Monastery Precious Blood, London; Mrs. H. A. Keller, Pioneer, Ohio; Jos. ausl Aug. Iir auskopf of Morinville; Alberta;Mrs. Jas. Mc- Laughlin, Manville, Alb., and Miss Clara at home; also one sister, Mrs. John Zettel, of Kitchener., Ont., and ane brother, Mr. John Foster of Zurich. Mrs. Win. Finlayson Passes The death occurred in Toronto on 14IaYc'h 31st of Margaret Weiland, wife of William Finlayson, in her 35th year. Her death came as .a great Shock to her fainly, as she was to the hospital only .a few days. Decea- sed: wasrthe only daughter on Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Weiland, of Egmondville, where' she was horn and raised. In 1925 she was uc ited in marriage to Were Finlayson, Tuckersniith, and .following her rnanriage spent a year in :Zurich, where :Mr. Finlayson was teacher of the Blake school Later they spent two years in Wellesley, a year in Milverton and since 1929 in Toronto. Besides her husband she s survived by two children, Lola, ten nd Donald Bee. She is also survived y her parents, 11Ii', and Mrs. Weal- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Meek of De- troit,Mich., spent the week at the latter's 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Charrette of the Blue Water High-) 'way so:ith. Withthe arecent high winds from the east, old Lake Huron has again gleaned its shores from its winter are left on the shores. 'Owing to the recent rams the 'creeks have made a gape= -ay opening to the. lake for the suckers to swim up',the: creeks, and a'xeady the old - 'time :fishermen of our burg and ad- jeining neighborhood are parading the banks of the creeks, but so far 'very few have been caught. Mr, 'Clayton Smith and Sons have recently purchased'from Mr. J, Hey of . Zurich, a' new Case tractor. Mr Max-ime Jeffrey of weaver Town has .purchased a lot in St. Joseph' and has already erected a cottage... on it. The building is well under way and will be one of the modern type. Many happy returus of the day, Max. Mr. Leon Jeffrey of Beavertown received the sad news frons. Grand Forks, North Dakota of the death of his father, Mr, and Mrs. Kuno Hartman and fancily of the Goshen Line, were . , unday visitors to Mr. and Mts. Fred Ducharine. of the` Blue Water High- way south. ' ' t is with much regret that we re-- port the' death of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis ,Charrette of the Blue Water Highway who pass- ed away on Monday of this week. We sympathize with the parents in their sad bereavement. Mr. William Jennison motored' to Toronto to on Monday last on a burin- ►-I3�"1{ " , alrwa F. la►i3—/aand of EgmondviIle and four broth- ess trip. NX. Wbods:e "Mee •Beard"- . Chester ers. The remains wore brought to Miss Mario Masse of the Bltte Wat-1 s al'ti, IlesetAea ler ra i,. htouid Nods McGillivray; eornie . "Hoban 'Jo is: •Seaforth and the funeral was held er Highway eouth, is on the sick list mad, a:,l , Il ee4 ee Mew eseeteaeuer ' Featherstone; giris, "Mammy," Leo from the Weiland Hoare on Friday , at time of writing. We hope for a eta Wender. afternart speedy recovery,, y • -Schilbe x',asstRl 00x491000 ac,omkwae+.s., s seftwee om • 1 • 0000 000' 00040$ So Wih'Y'AN1'YY':4YkL4LYYNMANkYFksA11Nk'dYhL'd?'Wc ZurichDrugstore School Supphes We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies All authorized Public School BooI s,incll.7dirg theNew;Speller All High School Text Books, etc. '" PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ter 'See Our Supply of Toilet �� � et Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and uBr s • laea, We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs, C a�C 0 Dr. A, J. MacKinnon, 1RAR MPIP Phis MgA1 ip AF ppvw mkt, ptq.