Zurich Herald, 1937-04-08, Page 4'1 CREDZTON Was Llys : Hoist of Ct'edton, a+iashes to thank her friends of the Marlich districtfor so kindly Iselinernb- vring her with cards and flowers, "While a patient in St..iEtse'ph's Hos- pital, London. A very pleasant ov:el;^,ng was spent ;r tutly at the Iniine'e,f M. and Mrs. . . Finkbeinef•, 'Crediton, when a xaseellanetrus tri ar,°er was held in 'boner of Miss Lativene Hirtzel, bride Ee'lett. The gift: were presented in a large decorated basket, 'Min 'Addie 1 Gaiser read an address accompanied the shower gift, The prrsentatien was made by Miss Leila Molhux. Miss Laurens llirtzel, atter opening her gifts thanked each one for so kindly remembered her. The evening was spent iii games after which re-• i'reshments were served. BLAKE Sunday visitors with Mr. and Afrs. Amos Ginge.rieh were.: Mr. and Mrs MADE FROM AN OLD FRENCH REOWE nucarracesaurnuica MASSEY:HARRIS NEWS FREE! FREE! FREE Free Mountings and Plenty.of Free Air for all Tires purchased from Us; Quality Best; Prices Lowest; Written Guerantees; Ask to See the Tire - which has over 125,000 miles of service. Brng your Cat- alogues, we will meet .all competition. Seeding Implements should be in good working shape shortly; Order M. -H. parts early. Cultivator points for many makes GAS OIL AND GREASE Tel. Shop 149 0. IMP? & SONS Res.: AUCTIONEERING? YES! 67 lv'ose Gerber anda nily, Mr. and Mrs. Sana, Girigericb and family, )ti' and Mrs, Roy Girigerieh, Mr, Curtis Bender. Mr, Rubon Gingorich. from New Hamburg spent the week -end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Sam Gingerich Mr. Land Mrs. Noah Gingerieh were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Edmund Oesch, Goshen line,. 11.1r, and Mrs. Cecil Attricige from Goderich spent. Sunday , with her mother, Mrs. E. Clarke. Miss Nancy Gingerich is spending a few daS,s with Mrs, Edmund Erb.. AUCTION SALE Of Farm . Stock, Implements and.: Household Effects on Lake Road, 2141 miles -west of Dashwood, on THURSDAY, APRIL 15th. At 1 o'clock, HORSES-1black mare 5 yrs old;; .1 grey mare 0 yrs. old; z. CATTLE --Veal calf, 'bull calf,. 2 heifer caves, yearling heifer, Her- ford heifer 2 yrs. old; Cow due in July; Fresh 'cow, Farrow cow; Tam- worth amworth sow with litter of 10 pigs 4.. weeks old. Cattle are practicallyall; good Durharns, • I1\IPLEMENTS, L+'T!G c--McsCor'Yr<' ick walking plow; Fleury plow, .sena- mer, coulter .and points; Massey cul tivator al tno1st new; 1 -horse scut%ler new; Coekshutt fertilizer ;trill new, mower new; 3 -section harrows; ver bean scuffler vrith puller attac-- meats; inthrow disc; 2 -drum roller; sleighs, hay rake, wagon. almost new, E tile scoop; flat rack new; ncckjckes doubletrees; set •britchen team harn- ess, set backbends; wagon, extension ladder, timothy seed, clover seed, logging chain, manure fork, hay fork, grindstone, 240 -lbs, scale, sepaa0,toii, trip rope and chain, rope 73 feet long, scythe, set sling. ropes, 3 `;pul leys, bucksaw, shovel and hoe; tris sels, bags grain and fertilizer, quare tity of hay, barrel, horse. collars,: sweat pads, cutting box,. horseblah kets, spiting seat, lumber, cluantity'oii wood, wagon box. ' HOUSEHOLD EIrllii*SIlign•i chair, kitchen cabinet, , 1.dr•,essi:is, chairs, wash stand, 6 d•iiing 4oarei'' chairs, lamp, rocking chsns',' 2• bar• ner gas plate, salt, hall Mack, bed,; springs and .mattress, . wash basket, small table, toilet set, milk pail,' Daisy churn, crocks, 'teapot, plates; • sealers, ikon kettle, dr on frying pan,... granite kettle, water: pail; Eiippel 3• bread pans, milk calls, .and numereus' ■ Herbert Mousseau ZURICH- - ONT. AS `YO.0 R MUDS n k11-TEMPLINIE JERhER • It is with pleasure we announce the appointment of this .enterprising dealer as the official outlet in his community for Hudson-Terraplane sales and service. Now, more than ever, owners and prospective owners of Hudson or Terraplane are assured of complete facilities and service in their ownership and purchase of Canada's Number One Automobiles. Whether you own a Hudson or Terraplane, whether you intend purchasing one or even if you only want to look around, there's a cordial welcome waiting for you at the above address and demonstrations will be gladly given of Canada's outstanding moderately priced and low priced cars, the Hudson and Terraplane ... the cars that are three steps ahead of the field ... in Driving and Riding .. - in Style and Roominess ... in smooth, satisfying toad and city performance. COOK BROTHERS - Hensall - Ont. cotSuper Terraplane Brougham, $1030 Retail at Factory, Tilbury., OM.; ... ,.. __•_.t J,�ra.M•.�.....Ilrlrr.a ,;EttuHwwbarnuaA.+.�w�ai, other articles._ Everything will be sold as the,. prietor has rentedhis farin,for ate of •five years.. No :reserve;. ; TERMS—CASH Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. R. F. Stade, Clerk. Jacob Weido, Proprietor. f!*fs>al &Ay. April 811i, `1037' CANNAIIANS AN'D TH#:llL -fNI:) ISTitl<PS ...AND THEIR BANK icempo 11117141,1.1N •'•.444,•'6, • THE FOREST INDUSTRIES ES - The forest area of Canada on which there ss timber of merchantable size is larger than the total area of France and Germany combined; the standing timber on this is estimated at 274 billion cubic feet An area .of even greater extent is covered with young growth, This vast reservoir of wood is the source from which Canada drew wealth in excess of $110,000,000 in 1934 (the latest figures available) in the form of primary products such as: • raw material for saw -mills, pulp mills, wood distilla- tion, charcoal plants; • logs, pulpwood, bolts, ere., for exporr, • firewood, railroad ties, posts, poles, fence rails, mining • timbers; • maple sugar,balsam gum, resin, cascara, tanbark. moss, etc. STANLEY TOWNS 'he total value of manu6tccured products made prinei' paliyfrom rawmaterialsofforest origin was $494,435,948. Forest products in 1936 afforded an excess of exports over imports—$158,560,000 vergimportant to Canada's international trade. The Bank of Montreal has co-operated with every activ- ity of the forest industries -assisting in every phase of production and rnnrketing. The Bank has had the priv- ilege of financing a large share of the export business of these industries. Thousands of workers are depositors, sharing in the safety and ltcilities of the Bank with their emnploying companies. * if ' .• Some bf the Bank's services :wrist frequently used by em- ployers and employees in the forest trades: Commercial accounts, foreign currency accounts, financing of shipments; commercial loans and discounts; collections; trade and credit information, safekeeping of securities; savings .accounts; per— sonal loans, money orders. travellers cheques; banking by mail.. BANK OF MONTREAL "A Bank Where Small Accounts Are Welcomers Zurich Branch: B. M. DAGG, Manager 1tO»E1N, EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE.. THE OUTCOIN'1' OF Erse YEARS' "'SUCCESSFUL OPERATION after an illness of several ' 'Miss Margaret Johnston, who was sir [this month•'will take, ever, the Bos-'" Si re was: in .hes 70i;1i`•yeai. ill for a week is able to resume Tier se erry-Eote at Forest:. j.`'. born. in Wilmot Twp., Wet- work at the Pon office. At the 'Waterfront Mrs. Alice Armstrong• and nty. She is survived by a I. Wilson and Edward Berry of Tor- 11g 'ate at work at the Goderich a<c; Urs. H.. • Berney, and a sin- onto visited with their mother„ Mrs. harbor ,dismantling an old dredge, Mrs. t ra Jacob Messner of Dashwood . Thos. Berry. the eriera7 Meade which has re - Wes. Cocheriine and .son iacx lett; E neral services were held. on Friday ;niained idle for eight years. The tyre Captures Many Prizes 1 this week for then ponies at Pilot ai,t1.301o'clock from the home of her x�3an'g is lbring :done by Win. Forrest. i Mound Alan. after spenc ng' the win. son inn -law. to • Dashwood 'Evangelical Wm- Hyde of Hen'sall,, ` is gaining ,conte trot, and the parts shipped ubyr� ter with their friends' andgielatives rt ch rch With";Revze:II E: Roppel oI'd , fame as a violinist of note and. in:.ra%1 to Whig -stem The dredge was; this vicinity: ', tinting Interment took Place in 'the 1G recent contests he rias' Won lb • The W. M. S. of Goshen Uniteit'� Geishen lLine''cemetery. The pallbear prizes. Eleven of these were firsts and. church joined by members tiom the'; err°wei.e., Ezra Bender, John Bender, four were seconds- Mr. Hyde is Varna and Blake Societies 'had a very' Leona. Bender, .Ervin Eckstein than 60 years of age and.in successful meeting on Friday. Mrs Leri ,Pr• e and.Jacob iressner. 'Ihis last contest --that at Seafortl— Smillie, returned missionary„ was the ;,- guest speaker. Following the sexy-' A.. ice lunch was served. w�� On Wednesday evening of last week fire, caused by oveili'eatedstove pipes, destroyed the dwelling house of Mr. Frank Boyce. 1tlost of the contents were saved. Mr ' Boyj and family have moved into Mr. tcobor•t Armstrong's house. Mr. Mervyn Keys, of Timmins,,ac- companied by Miss Mildred Morgan, spent the week -end with the formes.''s' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Keys. • DASHWOOD Wall Paper and Decorating Over 600 samples to choose from. Estimates free. lee All work guaranteed Reasonable prices.—C. F. PFILE, Dashwood. Phone 29-82. t43 Miss Gladys Sprowl of Lucan sp- ent a few days with Mrs. Betty Tay- lor last week. 11Irs. Wright and children. of Lon- don visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gertttner recently. Mr. and Mrs. George Rosendahl and Janie of Waterloo were Sunday visitors in town. Mr. Joe Hartman and son Lee of Waterloo, attended the funeral of the late Noah Dieterich on Monday, M,rs. Louis Rinker was taken to London hospital on Sunday where. she underwent an operation for mast- oids •' tics L. Walper's sale of household effects Wad' well attended on Satur- day. Mrs. L. Wolper left on Tuesday with her son Louis who has peen here for the past month, for Covell, Sask. where she will make her home' with her son. Harry Hoffman visited friends in Tavistock, on Sunday, Mrs, Humble of Sarnia is spending few days with her mother, MrS, inkheinrr', Deeth of 1!4..e, la" eider Nits. Marcus Bender died on Wed Miss; " Ilie Pee, who has been in Milve> for the past four months,. is pendir g a week at her home her..,• NSALL Mass 11 ae McNaughton of Toronto Mn. Wm. McGregor, of Kippers, visited with her .father, Mr. D. Mc- :attended the wedding of her brother Naughton. Mr. Munn Oesch and Miss Jessie Wm. ' Davis, who has been for MacDonald at Ripley on Wednesday some weeks in Mt. Forest, was a of last week, holiday visitor at his home here. Clinton Orangemen, are making Mr, and Mrs,' Wm. ,Simpson of Preparations for the 1.2th of July Detroit visited for a few days with celebration which will be held in that their mother, Mrs. L. Simpson and town this year. grandmother, Mrs. R. Bonthron. The James MoClymont. of 7fippen has two lather accompanying the Sinp- returned from his, trip to Florida,,, 'during the celebration of the Pass - sons to Detroit, to visit relatives.where he spent some time, and is look ovgr Rigid inspection of the milk Mrs. Thomas Consitt is visiting ing good. with;. her daughter, Mrs. McAllister Left Town of the • Parr Line. Mir. Siverns, who. has .conducted a Mrs. Robt. Bacrett of London, is boot and shoe repair shop in Exe- visiting with her sister, Mrs. Robt. ter for some time ,has moved to Paterson, Sr. also, relatives and fri- Parkhill. Mr. A. E. Wuerth., aends in Hensall and vicinity." Hensall, is starting up a similar bus - Mrs. James 'McMarten and dough- iness in the ,same, stand. ter -in-law, Mrs. Chas. McMarten and owned by Boone Co. oz Toronto There was a bustle of activity at the ;harbor when the Donald Mac, Kinc- ardine tug, moved several grain bo-• won first prize for old-time violin a' s in preparation for the unloading,' of storage cargoes - playing in the class for players more) 4_4 than 60. Miss Loretta Bell is Mr... Hyde's piano accompanist izt, these contests. - COUNTY NEWS J Huron Old Boys The Huron :0.1d Boys' or Toronto, are holding a Social Evening, Fridax April :9th, .at West -end, Y,M:C.A-„ ;College and Dovercourt Road. There will be special prizes for euchre and' bridge. The usual old-tyme Huron, lunch will be served. All Huronites. of Toronto will be made welcome,. .'--- a• For Hebrew Festival Recently approximately 1,000 gal- lons of milk have been shipped to Toronto by a 'Goderich dairy, to be consumed by Hebrews or that city Councillor Elected child, of Barrie, who have been. vis- Harry Bowler vas elected to the iting with Mrs. Robt. Bonthron, Ieft Brussels village •council in a three - to visit` friends in London. cornered contest, the other candid- Mr. Ray Paterson has returned to ates being F. :Salmis and J. Kelly_ Toronto after spending the holidays . Boyler had a Margin. of tfo. 'vote,s with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. over Semis. Paterson. 'guys Wroxeter Practice Mr: Bob Passmore of Toronto, Dr.. L P. 'Camp'bell of Fordwici'r holidayed at his home. here. • Hrrold Bonthron of Pickering: tollgge, Newmarket, , spent Easter vacation at his home here. M Iton 0•rtwein and son Llody of London were visitors with relatives. here: Thos..Sompson of \Vft gham, ;•called Thos. ;Simpson and mother, Mrs. on friends here. .ited in marriage to Wes. Holland factory rate. Sines the fiscal yePr Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Bowes and Roc:, son of Mr: and Mrs. Egerton ;whish ibtsgan Nov. ist eight miles of children of Oshawa visited over the Roe, McKillop. Rev. .Shepherd colli- new line liave' been built and canv- holiclays with his brother, Mr. Claude , crated. assing is now toeing done On about 15 Blower, 1Takes Over Forest Hotel more miles. Only a few tnE•r•o signat- The many friends of Mrs, Robt, Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Acheson, of tires are required for the building of ' Paterson, Sr., are ple••tsed to see her Owen Sound, visited with relatives in , t mine anile' stretch from Russeldab able to be out' again after being con `"'Neter. Mr. A eheson has resigned to Roy's church and along the Hih- netic:ay +'I^rCh 1st aa. ti'' ;loran of home . cOil i.E,i.,i2 -. -••�-' 1i7teteY'••' r.. i, . Birney, fined to her for sevetr�l wwol." ig TJD;vi'FA*i with the Dank of N.10"� r�i;1� _~L7s.•','. _N', son-ln-law, Homer Ste -1 through illness. treat Lit Owen Sound and on the :C�ri ivies -Advocate, ,18 T V was, carried 'out by Inspector Wein- gor?t, of Toronto, who even supervis- cd'. he feeding of the cows. Accord-: ' ing 'to the ;faith, tows must not of fed foods which -tend to sour the milk. 'The inspector also acted txs: overseer during the milking, sterilis ration of equipment, in fact, every. process until the milk was sealed in new five -gallon cans' and ready for- elhi dnaen(t. • Credit for $1,109.47 The thirteenth power bill from the- ant-";11,ydro Elec. Power Com,-' is a. credit for $1,109..47. Last year the thirteenth power bill was $903,35. has purchased the medical practice of the increase this year, bung X205 94 the .: late Dr. Alex. McLeod, of in view sof aka fat• that" ;.during ,•alto Wroxeter. past eighttee i . months ,thee• ,:rates to Roe—Wallace+ hydro users 'hi Exeter. have been ^e- The 'United church manse, Egiuond duced three times with a total saying ville,'was the scene of a quiet wed- to the consumers 01 more • than. '" c ding h + E [arch 27th, when Selina ',:2,500; ,tli'6 sli.otaing this yes:. is a May, eldest &tighter •of Mr. and Mrs very splendid 'Erne: 'The Exeter rnial Alex. Wallace, Tuckersmith, was un- system is expanding at a very satin- • ra;w,k ,: