HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-03-25, Page 8THE STORE WITH THE STOCK rints We would like to show you our Range of New Prints We have 56 pieces to choose from. Prices from 15c to 30c a yard Old Colony Percales Extra quality Cloths in very newest patterns, abso- lutely fast colors '6 pieces only at per yard 30c New Table Oils, Squares, and Scarves now in Stock SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Fine all Linen Toweling, Orange or Green bordered at 15cayard LENTEN GROCERY Peas, per can :Salmon, per tin Castile ;Soap, 4 for Kipper :Snacks, per box No. 1, Sodas, per lb. Baking Powder, 1-1b. tin at Jello, 3 pkgs. and scribbler for Macaroni, 4 lbs. for Bulk No. 1 Peanut butter, per lb. Prunes per lb. Head Lettuce, per head SPECIALS 10c 10c 9c 5c 15c 20c 15c 25c 15c 10c 10c J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 Y c": The Canada Trust Co. THE HURON & ERIE Mortgage Corporation -INTEREST RATES NOW EFFECTIV Z 1714 e'er .Cent. for 1 and 2 Years 314 Per Cent... for 3 and 4 Years :33= Per Cent. for 5 to 10 Years. SAFE AND CONVENIENT Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE .AND BAFZT7 0111 ZURICH 11111111 11011 ill 1 1.11 11 111111 1 111111 1111111 1011' 111111101111111111 HERA jp�Ip;]11M1RIllifnC , zu Jews Grocery Store II l'fl 1111 1111111,1f6 llll! 11 Peas, No. 2 per can "I" .., toe Corned Beefy 2 cans ... 25c Brooms, 5 strings, each All Bran, with wooden spoof Cream cheese, Half -1b, pkg.,) 1.5c Laundry Soap, (unwrapped) 10 bars for. 25c Pickles, large jar - at .:,'. 28c Raisins, Seedless, . • 2 lbs. ate; 25c rwr.v..... ... 29c 23r: Menno Oesc EGGS WANTED. - Zurich Phone 165 1111 IIIUIIIIINIIIl0IIIIIIIIIIIII11111IIIIIIIIIIIIIII0 I i,, . 1i11811Hiliil4,lllllih, )iiill{Ilfiiftlf(lllnl lil/(.d;l�t 11111 11111111111111 I!! 111.1111111111P,l. ITEMS OF LOCAL fTEEST, Miss Jessie MacDonald MacDon- and spent Saturday in London. Bu Mr. Clayton F. Pfile of Dashwood, r� called on Zurich friends on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Trevithick of. Brinsiey were Sunday visitors with•• relatives in town. Pleased to report that Mrs. Albert " ,Hess has recovered from her recent :$' illness. Flour: Mrs. Norman ,Gascho visited with her husband at Byron Hospital on Saturday. Mrs. Peter Waiver and daughter Blyth visited with friends in town on Sunday. Special meetings are heid in the Evangelical church this week,. Yon are welcome. Mr. Alvin Finkbeiner of Crediiton, was the guest speaker at the 1. P Rally on Sunday evening. Messrs. Addison Tieman and =Val. Becker of Dashwood were in town on bbusiness on Tuesday. Mr. William Isc'ne and daughter of Sebringville were visitors 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Klopp a few days this week. Also taking in her Koine: through illness. M`4 Stadel;bauer and family of Londq ''were • Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P. Kraft. .Frederick Willert Passes services -on that day. Dea`th was caused by a heart at - Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witmer and -ch removed a well known, family and Miss Vera Decker of De-, end- ''w. 'dent -of Dashwood fate on troit spent the week -end in •town, atm +lY 'riveting," in the person of so attending the 'funeral of their 244.F ederiek Willert •a lifelong' res- grandpa, Mr. J. Decher. ident of`•the community, aged 78 yrs. 3 months and 19 days. Before mov- ing to "town a :goodly number of ye- ars ago; Mr. Willert was a prominent farrner,''on the'•l4bh concession, dux- ing which time he served several ye- ars on' the :Hay Township Counci!, he also sat on. the Hay. Mutual Fire ttsurairce Board for a number of years'. He was known well in the district. Surviving are: one 'brother John ,`: Dashwood. Besides his wife, IMarg4'ret'Wolper, the family is as I pleased to get back to Zurich friends followii' 'Mrs. L. Restemeyer, Hay Twp, rs T. Hays, Tecumseh; MTS. During the rather nice clear days Ed. Kraft, 14th'Hay; Mrs. Ted. MR - MARKETS erected every Wednesday) ;creamery, ............. 31 ,dozen,.;';. ' .. 16;, 14, 13 s, dressed .. 15- btus e1 1 10 1300 wild_ S5 bus}r : _ .......... 1.(10 eat, ltushet 8 p ` .. 3.00 to 3.90 d Short, •.lion 34.00 gs; cwk " ` 7.51) sr Per bag 1.50 of BORN ng — At Stanley Township. rich 194, to Mr.. and Mr A Armstrong, a son. Ric/4/410n. = At Hay Township on tM ch 22nd, to Mr. and. Mrs. Ross Ri ° rdson, a` daughter. - ' Hay- At Zurich. on March 22nd, to ill r. and Mrs. Wm. Hay, a son. I 1, ` 1x'S." S. Gottschalk is confined to the funeral of the late J. Decher. Friday of this week will be observ- ed as Good Friday and the beginning of the Easter season. Most of the churches in town will hold special Mr. Val. Becker of Dashwood has purchased part of Mr Philip Fassold's shop which Mr. Becker will use as an implement sheds and will be a great convenience to Mr. Becker in his business. ' Mr. and Mrs. Seth Amens who spent the past winter months in In- dianapolis, Ind., returned to their home just east of town •last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Amens enjoyed the winter very much, but are indeed N••••••••••••••••••9/•90009Iie1••••• a Ithe past week, most farmers thought ler, , hwood•,Mrs. J. Chesmart of • the spring was here and they. ,,got :Birml _ 'aini •Mrs. R. Poehier of Ft. • busy and tapped their trees. But Wayn :`Ind; and one son, Mr. Erwin HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE COAL and CAKE C31cler Weather always demands the more suis;"-tble fuel for your heating equipment. Let us supply your needs with the right kinds:.of Fuel at moderate prices. PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Gc•odyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes '4 Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. STADE & WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY — PRICE -- SERVICE ivery little :maple syrup has so far Wille of Hay Township near Hen been made, as it requires warmer said, ,o grandchildren and 3 great weather for this sweet liquid to fi�id grand a+'Wen. The funeral will b its way out of our national trees, he1fj �.�m the family residence 41 I nam•ely the Maples. Freda , afternoon at 2 p.m. with in terrne + • in the Lutheran cemetery,, it Spring which was ushered in on Ibe making much headway as to -day, r °' spectsS Wednesday, it looks like mid -winter with snow pelting down, and the ;,{3y ':050'farmers of the Dashwood weatherman - _ little E'x'and Zurich vicinity gathered weather for a few days at least, how -in k- . Becker's Dashwood ware- • ever, we have the assurance that it lrodse ob• March 15 and 16 to attend • will surely come within a few, we- t "e o • g !,rent Lectures and moving • eks. pct ti showings sponsored :by Int. Heave 'ger .Company of Canada. The Pi'b , _ + .enuring the day consisted mai Of -lectures and. discussions re latilte i tractors and power machin- ery,,+rest methods of operation and"� e of the machines were ext piaine• 't by Mr. B. ,Siim, field engin- eer q the ,Company. An mteresting featu" , , of the school was a large displa of tractors and machinery, 26 piece ,rt' all, already purchased from Mr. Be.eker iby farmers of the dist- rict, 1t certainly looked like 'better times 'bn Monday evening one of the largest »• crowds ever assembled in Dashwgbd attended the Free Moving, !Pictuj i.. show. The warehouse was 1 packed' and many were turned away through lack of space. The program ', : s both educational and interesting with. Many comedies. H. L. Boyd of the advertising dept. of the Co. was in chosge of the program. It is with ,pleastre we are able to announce; a similar night show to be held in Zurictir•sn early April. The Jr. Farrn ers of :South Huron and surroundine gents are co-operating to Said the. e ori Monday, officially, does not seem to CTOR:SCHOOL A BIG 1 1 no••••••••MM0••••••wwwM 114 ,1 LAKE HURON LOWER The February report of the levels of Lake Huron was one inch high- er than the previous month, one inch above the February, 1936 level and 23 inc-hes lower than the average for the past 77 years. ISSUES NEW STAMP The Ottawa -post office depaxtment has announced that a new,,non-com- m,emorative regular issue of Canad- ian postage stamps, bearing the por- trait of King Geoige VI will be av- ailable April 1 in denominations of one cent, green; two cents, brown; and three cents, red. Larger denom- inations are also available. DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher attended the funeral of the late Mrs. .;in Campbell at Dorchester last +'ridgy. number relatives from ,. e at - 'ended th , funeral of the late Mr. 'ohn Decl.er in Zurich on Mender. Special Lenten services are being cfree show, the date of which will be eek. ( announced later. Watch your Iac...l eld in the Evangelical church this paper for the date., Tharudiay, liter h. 'afh 1.1.'1>` `f VIel i fi+ l44+t+4+' +++*++irP++lk' +$'4•,rm•I, ,r ----H +++4./'4,,;c4"i,,l,4i :44 04 YOU 5 1 a. •' Hardware and :u.mft1., �T- Ir ,,. .E ITN1IS SEASON CALLS LL$ &�1R GOOD NEW FENCES ON THE FARM. LET US SUPPLY • YOU W'IT'H THE BEST OF WOVEN WIRE, Ilk 4,ALSO HAVE BARB WIRE. SEE US A -OUT 4. NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING, . AND EVA TROUGHING 4. _ SPECIALS! ,. SPECIALS! Special Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon ..— 28c i, 1 We also have some very Attractive Prices Furniture, See Our New Beds, Springs and • Mattresses, 4T USED FURNITURE 1wa Godd Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand; . 4. Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick One Dozen Used Rockers rangingSal. t from X00 Up. t BE SURE AND SEE THEM! 1 .(Johnston ( Ka1bflejh Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 I -...s+++++.44+99+++++++++44,115+++++4-0-+++++++++++++44.9 s+f++ + ++i 44+.99+ +F+l+¢+++++r44,,+I+F+Y ++ +4-0- Elf+++FSE++f++l+++3++F++44.9 Mens and Boys Zurich Garage Work Shoes EATRA EXTRA We have put in a Stock of Good Choice Quality Men's nd Boys' Work Shoes, and invite the public' to ' come in and we can fit you up. PUT IN A SUPPLY OF MEN'S AND WOMEN'S RUBBERS, MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS. ETC. GARFILED " BROWN Victoria Street. Zurich, Oat. WE GIVE EXPERT WORKMAN -i SRTP IN REPAIRING • Your -Patronage Solicited LARGE SHIPMENT OF TIRES JUST ARRIVED Regular $10 Heavy, Service at ..6.351 Reg. 19.76 Heavy Service Tires' 6.90 Best of Gasoline at 'per gallon. 23e Lubricating Oils .and Greases at Cor- . res om jh Low -Prices Get Your Requirements Hera. where Year Dollars Go the Farthest! ElMeitt Workmanship on all Makes e! CCharges Very Reasonable, OUSSEAU Phone W3. Zurich: I11I1.s1 =101111li1 .011111111!11111111111111111IIIMININI WfiYf liillif1101lll, IIII11niRipillNF 7k>aNlUl(Nail{IliiIlli11111111111 l 11119610111119160u THESE PRICES subject to cluusge without Notice a Painting Wagon .....—..1- $7.00 and 10.00 Painting Buggy ..... 6.00 and 10.00 E.E. Recovering Buggy Top 16.00 and 18.00 Rerimming Buggy Wheels Set 12o00 fa 3.00 1.00 a 125 B Buggy Shaft Cross Bar Buggy r �ggy Spokes each,.rrrrrrera.•rrr,.,..,........................ HESS, the Repair Man 111111111111111111111N1IIIIINII11111 1111111111111111111111111N1(N11011111W"IDu1111111111111NIl0NlllNllillurtlikiiYHIfHNNliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiillilluliYIIIGIiNI@IIIIiIIMIIIMNIf ' E MASSEY-HABRJS NEWS Almost New Top Buggy and 10 -inch grinder with New Plates, at Bargain Prices Please manifest your appreciation for having received credit on Repairs by settle at once. We now must have settlements to meet obligations. SUPERLASTIC TIRES • AND TUBES, - GIVE YOU GREATER VALUE PER DOLLAR GAS OIL AND GREASE are/. Shop ;s fl I IAPP 8 SOBS Res. 67 :ter..-•ar: *q.++T TES! 6 .. 10,