HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-03-25, Page 1'"" "" •'. ^ , • ifoL XXXVit ST. PETER'S Read the Frorne News, an 1.1•14,64,10.1.1* Evangelical Lutheran Church •ZURICH — ONT. 14A Changeless Christ for a efaimg- • ing Worl Friday, 8h—Luther League. Thursday—Choir Practice, SUNDAY SERVICE& 10 a. m.—GermanServile' c.. 21.15 a.m.—Sunday ScitcoL 7.30- p.m. ---English service.. Everybody Welcome ea, all Services. E. TUERKHEIK, Pastor,. DRYSDALE Mrs. Joseph Rau entertained a goodly number of friends on Sunday the occasion being Mao. Rau's birth- day. A number of friends from Seaforth being present Messrs. Emery and Urban Denom- me of Detroit, were, visitors with their father, Wm. Denomme Sr. Sorry to report that Mr. Joseph (S. Bedard, is not improving as rap- idly as friends wiuld like to see with his infected eye. He motored to London, on Tuesday to consult the Do You Need Glasses? specialict again. -Stop and Think how important tb 'that you wear correct glasses--cor- meetly prescribed for your vit. don. Correctly styled to your face. Your health may largely depend en teen See C. E. ZURBRIGG-,, R • At HESS JEWELERY STORE Every Tuesday at ZURICH At Dashwood, Saturday,. at Pfilies Store. Rev. Father L. Marchand is at London this week where he is cele- brating Holy Thursday and Good 'Friday with the London church, who ;observe this im a unique way. It is some years since Father Marchand attended these sirvices at London. Surve-yors are busy making propar ations for the laying of the pavem- ent south of Drysdale towards Grand Bend, which link likely will be pav- ed this summer. The Department is traightening out the fences and paling in newfences for the farm- ers along the line, and making the road the specified width. -.-4.. ., -.4.4. ..„ TRY ECKEL'S -A. -1- + 4.• 66M I: .k. o Talk" re -ad _ d 4.. 4.4. 4- calso 4- , 4.,• ' VARIETY OF ''CAltE„. PIES, 'A 4. . CHOICE. . - + I# 4 • + SWEET 'GOODS. • + + All Ingreclieuts Used :are . .The Ilighes* (Imlay- • ALL CONFECFIONS ICE CREAM Eckers Bakery Zurich -.7. :31:7. .4. Telpoilocsne LADIES. ATTENTION! Get your new Spring Hat now while selection is best. Newest Styles — Lowest Prices. Also an assortment of flowers to brighten your Spring olitifit. We will appreciate your pat- ronage. • ZURICH HAT SHOPPE CARD OF THANKS The bereft relatives of the late Edmund Deichert wish to convey •their thanks to neighbors and friends and those who loaned their cars at the funedal of said departed. —The Deichert • CARD OF THANKS follow the Local Ads, 1•767;;Va.lo: Chester L. Smith, PubliallsorA, $L25 a year, U.S, $1.60 in Advosteilk, $1.50 LN ARR4A,RS, $2 MAY EX WIARO1O. .1flude IVIeidinger of London, siweek.:end at his home here. r.''ana Overholt was a Satur- si o)ir` inaLondon. avid Stade motored to Lon- ' allay. • Gingerich of the Goshen aged near 'Kitchener for .,,months. rs. Hilton Trueier of motored to Mitchell The bereft family of the late John a: •.$) • , Decher wish to take this medium of .11 greatly thanking their neighbors and:, friends for the assistance and symp-. ii athy shown during the illness and funeral of the deported. • ss IN mEmoiltAk.',.... Pfile—In loving memory of a dear ve husband and father, George Henry VI Pfile, who passed away one year a- go, March 25th, 1936. Oh, what would I give to clasp your hand; Your dear kind face just to see; lio Your (loving smile, your welcome of voice at That meant so much to me. No one knows the silent heartache, Only those who have such can tell Of the grief that is born in silence For the one we loved so well. Sadly Missed' !1)37. his wife and fas ily. IVIitchell Of Hensail, is • W, days with her sister, er. nt. • forget the Easter •e Zurich' Hat Shoppe, rch 27th., , • eBnide of the Blind ost successful auction esday, and prices were rily Mr. McBride ad - 1,csk . Ed. Gascho of town, 1.1-sared in ,Zurich what is a'AitiLipphard Estate prop - 1 NeilIlget Immediate possess - e11 be an auction sale 46 of the Lipphardt Est- esday afternoon. eaoab dially invited to the cala,qurch on Easter Sun- etIrs`ionrning and evening ser n theiAlorning there will be erosnusie and in the ev- is nadOonag C)ng da vi sp a In Magistrate's Court Gocierich----A coonskin for which one man has already' aid a $29 fi. Were • ram Atibied "'The the Cross." Come, and as. • Sury•ying Highway The/ -Provingial Highway survey- ors are.,(hasily engaged on the road frolOrsOdale Amato and it is mak- ,. g Interesting, tone for Inc fa) in Middlesex Co, for ill -1—ion, is going aound and round ago., are o4' beinoaken) down and new 'when two more fines were levied ,t •- hard taw. some ran:tiers 43" agal possess- ers i.mt asa the cod fences came out in court, here last Thursday ,orketaeeted •by the' Department. It 7. I connection with the. same wit. Whenlita 644:- theztland' tihay had in use WE SELL TWE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Mardi 24th 27th, Garden patch peas. 2 tins . •.._------_• T9c Old. Dutch Cleanser, 2 •fins Golden wax 13eans„ per fin 10c Concentraled per 5ads, 1 large. 11 pirg'tc Kelloggs bran Ilake„ 2 Pkgs ..... .—.23c Aylmer pork and Beans, ".2:oz 'fi, 2 lin_Tc, Cascade Sahnon, ti, 2 tins far .25c Ammonia POwder„ per -Pkg. ..... Flush.o, per tin .... . ....... Sinko, per tin 25c Campbell's Soup,. assorte, 2 fins 23c Tomato juice llYi% ice., 2 firm Tomato juice„ 25% oz., 2 M& Jelly powdr, 5 Aga at ...—_...25c McCIarens stUffed •-perbOttle25c • Brunswick Sardnes, 5 tins ....... Lux Toilet Sour*, 4 takes 25c EXTRA. SPECIAL See the Picture. of the King -in our nc.. Vein can get one Free wills $1.00 purriase„ sally one. tu Ciseiounera, J. W. MERNER the racoon ran out of a holloac tae5s.'4or satny/Ye fp.•- a thse • •,uratialY an the line ould rarsie crriginally Malir fen tross were in the *et,.. -seveal feet - on the se- and •thiSs now has to • which was being felled in Lambto ;';b" "Vzt, a s - new fences County near Grand lend some week'sa s s go it was laid low • with a woodsM•• anan's axe. Borden -Schroeder came }seg.. ints possession of thaalicle. ands he rod' game it to 77 -year-old. Was: Garrido Bala who in turn presented it Lawreace Mason, of Middlesex, the. first to pay 4.1.1) and costs. Schroeder and Carrick eaclq paid $2 and 'costs for having in s'; John D)'-dier. ithela _possesion a coonski. .seaaan. Thus the Province of Ontaxio out of co'caMmunity was greatr- 4.72C plikd,:..;3WPatirr day mordug' tax Dram so Oar $30 richer because, a ebrat ran tout of a hollow tree.—Campaign ihlaron County against: drunken driveas continued with the arrest of H. aTirons, Blyth, who pleaded guar fy :and was sentenced to, Et days in jail.Another 15 days were added if Hams fails to pay $10 and. costs for driving without +1................ otheoratharosudden pasaing of one 4'.1; in the person of Mr* tsecher, who duparted tins the mOrniag, pp -- Cher '17ieeri '- enjoying his molar gook .th tin about tor days gar- ohm•''S•-aleath, when his stomach becan 't -of condition.; and/ what. has 10,*Oeen 'a very. robuat ems - =When 'Chas. •Mothersell,. f r aititaSi) alserame gradbally• weaker •-untiO: .Of life had' vanisfiedl. etea, stood up to answer a caarge or 1iir Was widely known, for stealing an electric motor, the crown, attorney a.sked to have him remand -1 ¶i;tear one hears name! ed tte jail for one week far mental raeniW.Wand to Izi-S1 was a! examination—When •Chas. Tew, Tor- great 1,4)iletnan, having- matched up! and Arai'n4rty fin, team AN- a veryl ftyto commercial traveller, failed to hndsve.,: figure, Os- well es- took - answer his name in county police crt. ma nr pire for horses in younger aThr bench warrant was ordered issued:life. Baare moviiig to Zurich he ich on Feb. 23 and admitted to bail. • having predeceased. an Deeher Tt wilts explained that Tew has been was a velrsociable man ana rond of missing from his Toronto home since company and always had some inter - March 2. Be is also wanted in Tor-Iesting subject to talk abut, and as a onto on a second drunk driving count consequence Ae will be greatte miss - far whirl) he was arreoted and ad- mited to bait a few days after the. Giodcrich offence was comitted. Xis arrest. He was taken into farmed'on the Babylon lin. He was custody for drunk driving in Goder-twice naed. Wit his7 (winpartio,us • - • -•- 1' • Farmers! Attention! We have been appointed selling kgents for the celebrated Viking Diabolo Cream Separator, the separ- Aor with a ten year guarantee. Let to demonstrate this machine to yoti md compare it with all others. Ad Ion% forget, the best feature is the musual easy terns. Liberal alloWancr. or ftrate-ins. C- SCHRAG & s.ON, tf44 ed among his closer friends in town, and contunity. Surviving are for daughters and one ass: Mn, Louis Rader of Dashwood, Mrs. Ernest. Rader o' the Goshen line south, Mrs. Roy nobler, of eta) letth eon. Hay; Mr. William Decker halt mile east of town and Mrs. Wilfred Weide of the parr line, Hay Twp. The funeral, was- hehl on':iNtro n day to the chereh ofi his choke, St. Peter's Lutheran church, •Zurich, with interment in: Latheran cemetery. The Pasto, Rev E. Turicheim oflicriatingS The bereft rsily` have the symnathy of a lame circle of friends as was *MAMA by (.0..tg ;,.t SO This is the Virginia bridal ensemble ... perfectly mated and exactly as illustrated. 16e ;lour bine coat' Semet Solvay Coke Miller Creek Rosedale Albera, and GLEN ROGERS' _ BRIQUETS Tile and Brick W. R. DAVIDSON Highest cash prices paid fur Eggs on a graded basis.. Phone 10 B:EmALE.: • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••-•#4.0 0 - 0 0 0 0 • tilt,- trhx 10 CP oF Order Your New nit i s a * • `le To -Day NEW SAMPLES $20.00 Up dr, it} C. *W. esp, 4u, #0. *es 1111 Iloffman et" SOn • • .44..#••••#*#••••••••••#••••••••••••6#A.##*4.Q.•4.0.ft.9.4410,"p",t, • • • ShIBALMERS AND FUNERAL. DIRECTORS .102011X1 AIMMIIIMININIMONIIM•••••••••••1•1M10.10001111.1•0 Spring Is Here And You will reouire many of the lines of Goods we carry in Stock. Call and sae for yourselves and you will find our Prices right as usual • FRESH GROCERIFS ALWAYS ON HAND! R. N. DOUGLAS 1' • • GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 11 - 97 BLAKE ..11111111111111111011.111111111111111M01111Mor