HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-03-18, Page 1r 1,1e 'Vol. )(XXVII ZURICH. THURSDAY Read the Home News, a • ST. PETER'S tEVangelical Lutheran Church • ZURICH ONT.. "A Changeless Christ Ler a Chang - Friday, 8h—Luther League. Thursday—Choir Practice. • SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m.—German Service. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—English serice. Everybody Welcante its nil Services. E. TUERICHEWIE, Pastor. ......11■1111.0•11,MIMOMMUNIMMMV. 'IN You Need Glasses? .Stpp •and Think how important ft is 'that you wear correct glasses—cor- rectly. .prescribed for your vision. 'Correctly styled to your Mace. Your -.:Ilealth may largely depend on keen •vision. See C. E. ZURBRIGG, R. 0. 'At HESS JEWNIMRY STORE Every Tuesday at ZURICH At,Dashwood, Saturday, at rfile's Store. TO VISIT ROOSEVELT OttawaShortiy after Easter,Lord Tweedsmuir will return the visit paid to him in Quebec last summer by President Roosevelt, and in so doing will set a precedent He will be the first Canadian Governor-General to pay an. official visit to the head of the American Government. SELLS CAR IN JAM Almost any salesxnan can sell a car, but to a Kincardine salesman go laurels for selling one under pecul- iar circumstances. While spending a time in Bruce County jail for air in- fraction of the Highway Traffic Act he applied the principles of salesman ship in his daily round a duties. His term ,up, the first act of the salesman was to 'drive a car to a near -by -town. Be had 'sold it to a fellow inmate during their term in jail, with the promise of delivery as soon as he was released. WOULD ABOLISH SPEED LIMIT Abolition of the 35 -mile -an -hour speed limit on Ontario highways was proposed to the Ont. Legislature on Friday introduced by J. Clark (Lib. Windsor -Sandwich). Provision would be made for limits in cities, towns, villages and built-up rural areas. The bill would fix a 30 -mile limit in cit- ies, towns, ,and villages; a 20 -mile limit at intersections, curves, rail- way crossings, or hills when the clriv- • :14 Till( ECKEL'S - -t also : ÷ Ferguson be given this permission. •• Geo. ;Walker_ reported re',:the,,,154 + CH CE VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES, AND + .1.- rent for the seed show. Geo. Fee reported re .the Poll Tax as being all SWEET GOODS. i• paid except ond• and was mscructed •147 alk" tread Leavitt's Theatre EXETER -- ONT. Tuesday and Wed, March z3-24 MISS ENA 'GOODINGS Of London, presents a Song, °Dance Review. Special Electrical Scenic Effect. Electrical Equipment loaned by the Toronto Theatres Ltd. INTERPERATIVE NATIONAL 7ie, FOLK DANCING Beautiful Costumes, Georgeous Sce- nic Effects. WINTER SCENES GARDEN SCENES. TOYLAND, ETC. Local Pupils will be assisted by Lon- don Artists, consisting of dance. singing, Male Quartettes, Readings, - Etc., Etc. Admission --Adults 35c. Children 25e Tax Included. er has not a clear view of approach- ing traffic; a 15 -mile limit In school, zones, etc. Penalties set forth in the bill were $5 to $50 for first 'offend- ers; $10 to $100 and license suspen% dedsion for second offenders; $20 to $200 and suspension of license for subsequent .offences. Herisall Council Minutes The regular meeting of the Village Council was held on March 1st, at 8 p.m'. in the Council Chamber with all members being present. Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted. lAr. G. Ferguson appeared asking for permission to out down three tre- es by his property. Motion, that Mr. Ag Ingredients Used are of the Highest ''Quality * ALL CONFECTIONS - ICE CREAM * Telephone 100 • - Eckels Bakery — Zur to collect the same. F. G. Bonthron ieported re une. paid taxes as being $833.00. Motion that we extend tax roll untill next meeting • F. G. Bonthron reported re the t assessing. The Clerk reported re tht 4- property advertised for sale. Motion that -we accept T. J. Sherritt's tender + • of $20.60 foi , +++++++++. ++1-.2-14-244+47++1•+++++++++++++++++++4+++++ ersmith Twp. par Motion, that we instruct the Clerk to get information on the 'dump gro- und property. Correspondence read -4.rOaws.: B ell Telephone Co., MunicipalWrld; County Treasurer; Canadian Bank of Commerce; Ont. Municipal" Electric Association•'Firstbrook, Monteith .°& Co; Relief Officer, Stratford; Ontar- io Hospital; Salvation Army; Treas urer Dept., Geo. rollick, T. J. Sher- ritt, same filed.. .4 - Motion, that the town,. =tall a light on the north-west corner'of th7s. Town Hall, to go .on and off with the street lights. That we accept Geo. Follick's resignation from the Library Board. That we app•omt -Miss Margaret Habkirk as a member of the Library Board for the year 1937- 38-39 and that the Clerk prepare a by-law confirming the same. MOtion, that we reconunencl George Fee, and, G Hudson as County Constables. t o± lot6 in Tuck- WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thurroday„ Friday and Saturtiay • Salmon Red Cohoe„ Golden net 1-11.1_ tin Del Maize NibIets, Corn, 2 tins Rice, Choice blue. Rose, 2 lbs. i 7 c • Fig Bar Biscuits, per lb. 15c P. and G. Naptha Soap, .6 bars __—.....—.—_- 25c • Heinz. Infant's Food, 2 tins . .19c Eagle Brand Condensed Nlilk per tin Heinz's Spaghatti tin„ 2 tins . . . ........25c Tomato catsup, 12oa.„ per bottle Soap chips, 3 lbs. 25c Aylmer barnacle juice 251ii-oz..2 tins ..-----21.c Tomatoes, lame 2vi, size, 2 tins . Sauer kraut 2 vi size, each 2c Peanut Butter 32 -oz. quart size each Rinso, large pkg. wads Flusho, per tin --- Ladies 19c House ilretmes„ :speCialt Wall paper Imo= kVA at Auzible J. W. MERNER Highest Prices few Eggs. Mar 140 64 That we. accept the Auditors' report. and that we have 125 copies printed. Bills and Accounts read as follor,vs: F. "W. Bess, printing $15; First- brodk, Monteith & Co., auditing 76.103 Huron Co. registrati•on by-law '7.55; Huron County, indigent 6.10; W, Davidson, coal hall 31.72; W..S. Pfaff, labor streets .60; Hensall Hy dro Ball 14.26; Mrs. W. Sangster re- lief groceries 19.50; W. R. Davidson ceal 9,50; W. Green do $6; Mrs. G. Walker meals 31.75. Motion that accounts be paid „and that we -adjourn., James A. Paterson, 'Clerk. Fanners! Attention! We have been appointed selling Agents for the celebrated Viking Dlabolo Cream Separator, the sepal. - :Ater with a ten year guarantee. Let as demonstrate this machine to you Ind compare it with all others. And don't forget, the best feature is the lanusual easy ternis. Liberal allowance for trade-ins. C. SCURAG & SON. . ; tf44 follow the Local Ads. et' Chester L. Smith, Publiake4 $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in. Advo 11,5o LNUUWB,2MAY BIC ORAIMISIF e's • *;^."4- /41 JUNE... az Oinedffle don r. Milton Gesell spent the week with •friends at Sullivan Twp. iss Anna Deters was a few days tornnetatHaspital last week taking r. Her Schile of the 14th con. king treatments in a London hos- iss Beatrice Gascho or Exeter, a Sunday guest at the home of Eilber. lepEvangelical Y. P. League will rye their annual Rally next Sun - evening. You are welcome. r. and Mrs. Gid Koehler, Mins e O'Brein and Miss Pearl Wurtz ored.to London on Saturday. o.,..c.and Mrs. Nicholas Deichert of roit were here attending the ,fun - of the former's brother. • • ev. E. Burn and Mr. W. 11. Edi- ffer Were in Crediton on Tuesday gave addresses at the Ministerial Ly. arristers Geo. Morley of Exeter, E. Donelly of Goderich and F. Gladman of Exeter, attended the sion Court here on Monday. IT. Christ. Bechler of the Bron - s• line, near Blake has sold his farm t„, his neighbor, Mr. Samuel Ginger - i who gets possession this spring. . Bechler is having an auction sale 0,:•his effects on Tuesday March 30th rs. C. Ayotte, who has been for inter months in Detroit, has ;zte.eiti'lier•libme here In town, :being brought over by her son, Mr. Paul Jeffrey, and Mrs. 'Ayotte • will Ibe living in her home here for the .sumin.er months. • MiS's Lenora Haberer, of Zurich, was a- successful candidate for Grad -e X piano in the recent Toronto Con- serva1ory examinations. Miss Haberer who -is the present organist of St. Pet.4,'s Lutheran church, Zurich, is a pupil.of Mr. W. R. Goulding, A.T.C. M. Qf Exeter. • OBITUARY DIED IN CALIFORNIA Word has been received here of the death .of ' Mr. Henry Sippel of San - Francisco, California. Ile was a 1 kradie_and hig son were in tly> auto - *eased two years ago. Two bro- Deichert on Saturday, 'March 13tb former Zurich boy, and a member of tiiPpe familyHeft here a t,p4l.le- , he paralyzing hand of death re- 1:O'i agen 51 years, 10 months, and Waocl, Ont., ATE 'EDMUND A. DEICHERT 4bi, tra4, learning the trade in the t1Lers, Louis -Sippel of Detroit, and Philip Sippel of Pigeon, Mich; and i* yeir the suffering of Mr. Edmund Hess •Carrige Shop Zurich. In reeeni. 18days. Mr. Deichert had been 1 Iiiiiit tfty years ago, and died in hi rittl' year; was a carriagemaker by ono sister,,Mrs. John Kuntz of Dash - ,r daughter Gertrude having pre - 4 are his wife, one son Milton, 'bile businesi 'in California. Surv- MU:eh :sufferer of .an. infection in the. head for some months, having had aktCritileal operation performed in a 4tE'roit' .*ospital, and it v, as his de- „!,,. sire to come back home to Zurich to clkyaleseent, but it was not the wish at the Master that he was to get well Ole slept peacefully away on Satur- d4.,,noon . The late Mr. Deichert, who was the youngest son of the late .*, and Mrs. John Deichert, of Zur- la0.has been for some twenty years a'resident of the States, although keeping well in touch with the fam- ily here in Zurich by frequently 'vis -1 iting here. He was not married. I Surviving are three brother and one sister. Nicholas Deichert of Detroit Jo.cob and John Deichert and Mrs. Itarry Yurigblut of Zurich The re-, mains Were laid to rest in the Luth- 1: eratt cemetery on Tuesday afternoon, service in St. Peters' church, Rev. E. *.uricheini officiating. We join the many friends in extending sympathy i to the bereft relatives,• 1 NOW 15 THE TIME TO GIVE HER THAT A. G. HESS JEWELER - ZURICH Seinet Solvay Coke) Miller Creek Rosedale Alberta, and GLEN ROGERS' !I., • BRIQUETS Tile and Brie,k W. R. DAVIDSON Highest cash prices paid foe Eggs on a graded basis. Phone 10 HENSALL 0.4 *I, 00 .Z,,2-1-4,044 .0444 ,(44 ?4.4444.44444.44•444,44.44-044o-44 tie • at 4 4 • •• • ea efir f ,N1 ‘,...------) Ut 11 • . • • j'e--- 0. • • Ck\ - • ,...,„ . . • • • Order Your New Su • • • • • • • To -Day NEW SA PLES •,,, a= et, . etp • w, te, a> • ee • • • en” eft- • • as • a& e (le • GP •43. • $ • eti* 01' • • 01 • Oa 4 Cs e .•4je.• 0.3:*•• 4 • 4 • ;TETT • e 40 O VSf ID tiall 4,4 0 EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS Ot• • • ef, 4 0, O ..9, A- 4 6 " dth s...eu•ss 4. 4, 41,,, ,:.> " ...ss, so es o 6N Se ,1),,Se et, 0 41,0.'. • 0 :;;;;,:, , .o r" Cold erch • 0,1 , Onfic.:41Thtn:rn eat ,er ndise We are again prepared to supply your needs for the Cold Weather with Good Woolen Underwear for Young and Old. Also Me and Boy's Top Shirts, Sweaters and Sweater Coats, Wool Socks, Mitts and Giceves. Wool and Flannelette Blankets, Flannelettes, Tadoussac Flannel suitable for Dresses; Cur- tains and Curtain Goods, Comforter Chintz; Men's, Boys and Children's Heavy Rubbers; Also Men's Rubber Boots, Harness Repaim, Halters, Anything in Harness. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL itirEtTCHANT PHONE 11 — 97 alignmommesimuommusewattonemarasersautamsommiramusgawnimatm,