HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-03-11, Page 7! Lyont & Ca (Canada) Ltd., 'monk,& Montreal WITH THE NE -S "Scouting fosters a community " "sprit, a true democratic spirit, which means not only freedom; but accept- ance of responsibility, when Europe- an youth are being welded into mili- taristic units." Thus spoke his Excellency the GeV- ernor-General, Lard Tweedsmuir, ad- dressing a notable gathering of 1,200 guests, at the annual banquet of the Toronto Scout Association. "We do not want to see Scouting ever affiliated with militarism," His Excellency declared. "The destiny of our system depends on the quality and character of our : people. At a time of very grave danger today, when the extraordinary advances of science develop, by false analogy, a tendency to mechanize ail human society, we then more realize the value of Scout- ing, which appreciates and encourages individuality, and brings, boys into contact with, each other in a spirit that will never be mechanized." His Excellency was introduced by Sir Edward Beatty, Others of the long list of prominent .figures pres- ent included Lt. -Gov. H. A. Bruce, Most Rev. Derwyn T. Owen, Primate of Canada; His Worship Mayor W. D. Robbins of Toronto, Rt. Rev. Mgr. E. M. Brennan, Vicar General of the Roman Catholic Church; President the Hon. H. J. Cody, of Toronto Uni- EINEFOR KIDNEY AND BLADDER WEAKNESS STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS LOOK AND. PEEL YOUNGER Keep your kidneys free from Waste matter, poisons and acid, and put healthy activity into kidneys and bladder and you'll live a healthier, happier and longer .life. - One most efficient and harmless way to -do this is to get from your druggist .a 40 -cent box of Gold Medal Haarlem 011 Capsules and take them as -directed—the swift resutls will surprise ,you. Besides getting up nights, some symptoms of kidney trouble are back- ache, moist palms, leg cramps, and puffy eyes. If you 'vent real results,. be sure to get GOLD MEDAL— the -original and genuine—a grand kidney at m•ulant and diuretic—right "rom Haarlem in Holland. Give your kid- neys a, good cleaning .once in a while. versity; Commissioner John McMil- lan, ,Salvation Army; Very Rev. D. T. L. McKerroll, representing the Pres- byterian. Church; Rabbi Maurice E. Eisendrath; Chief Justice the Hon. N. W. Rowell; Mr. B. K. Sandwell, Editor of Saturday Night; Hon. Geo. S. Henry; Brig: -Gen. W. H. P. Elkins, C.B.E., D.S.O. A feature of the banquet decora- tions, on the wall above the speaker's place, was a full length photograph of King George VI in Scout )cit, and lighted with flood lamps. "I will use this in writing a otory of Canada and Canadian Scouts;" was a promise of His Excellency the Gov- ernor-General, presumably speaking as "John Buchan," in accepting a writ- ing table set from the Boy Scouts As- sociation of Toronto at the recent district annual banquet. Broadcast Bans Mr. Gladstone Murray is entitled to much sympathy in his task of de_ ciding what shall and what shall not be communicated to the public of Canada over the governmentally - owned ether. While he is a Cana- dian, a good deal of his recent Life has been spent elsewhere, and he is probably unfamiiar with the changes of opinion which have taken place in Canada regarding the discussa- bility of many subjects, including venerael disease, sterilization, sexu- al abnormality and the like, which were regarded as hopelessly im- proper when he last resided in the Dominion. None among all these subjects is now more respectable than sterilization, which is actually practised by at Least one provin- cial government under a statute of several years' standing, and which :has been ..long and courageously advocated by the Lieut. -Governor of• another Province.. A ruling which will prevent the members' and sup' porters of the Alberta Govern- ments past and present from defend- ing on the air a statute which they have enacted and administered is rather obviously impractical. It istrue that an important re- ligious body in Canada is opposed to sterilization, but weare quite con- fident that that body would never claim that the advocacy of sterilize- - tion constitutes an offensive criti- cism of a dogma of the Church, and is therefore repugnant to the most sacred feelings of its members. A Timely Publication The year 1936 marked many po- litical changes throughout the world. Revolutions in Spain end Paraguay; general elections in the United States, Japan and France; the over- turn of many cabinets; the .disap- pearance .of Ethiopia as an indepen- dent state—these are hut examples,, To take account of these important changes, the POLITICAL HAND- BOOK OF. THE WORLD, 1987, which has been published .annually since 1928, has ben thoroughly re- vised as of January first of this year. This volume is published at .$2.50 by Tarper & Brothers, New York, for the Conucil on Foreign Rela- tions. Fish Never. So Plentiful BOSTON—On Bootee's famed fish pier, greatest fish marketing wharf in the world, storage space is'over taxed these days as trawler captains and wholesale fish buyers shake their heads and exclaim in unison: "We never saw such a winter." Because of open water every-' where, in harbors as well as lakes and rivers, explained Edmund L. Dunn, president of the New England Fish" Exchange, the fresh water 'sup- ply has been a constant one this winter, with every prospect of con- tinuing. Consumption of the fish through- out New England and the rest of the country, serviced by long trains of refrigerator cars and chains of trucks, leaving here every few min- utes, was expected to increase 25 per cent during Lent, but even that stepped-up demand will not serious ly raid the big stores. The usual ice conditions, " si8iv blizzards and foul weather`` '..that. raise the cost of fish, have been ab- sent this year and consequently the , prices are at rock bottom. Of course, Mr. Dunn continued. a run of heavy storms at sea and a sudden freeze-up would change the picture overnight. • - To a Cat . That Swallowed a Cricket Marion Doyle in the New York • Times. You were mysterious enough be- fore— As, copper eyes outrivaling the fire, You sat beside it on. the ebon foor, A shade upon a shadow; one :de- sire Paramount within ,your furtive mind, Rendering you oblivious — deaf, .dumb, blind To all within the warn, tai .4.15 room, y. Except, the , movement of a.tiny scarab— .A bit of jet— half -hidden by the scuttle, That fiddled, unaware of imminent doom, The tremulous monotony of a shuttle.. You crouched. You leapt. The fid- dler disappeared Down the red lane of your malefi- cent throat. And now, complacently, you stroke your beard; Brush the last crumb of: Autumn from your coat! Stull and Nonsense Rural Father (to his college son) do you spend so much time op, the crease of your pants? ,•Oollege Son—.jt is very important, dad, not to wear baggy trousers. ,',Rural Father — Important, is it? Do you ever see the statue of a fa>E•nous man who didn't wean baggy *users? --o— 'Phis is from the Los Angeles 'limes:— "People who have half an holzr to spare usually spend it with s ?; ebody who hasn't." —0— party of tourists were being wn over the cathedral by a le: uide–=Behind the altar lies Rich - the Second. In the Church yard side', lies Mary Queen of Scots. By door there lies Henry the VIII. who, (lie demanded, halting ve an unmarked flag -stone), do think is lying there? earby Tourist—Well, I don't pow for sure, but I have my sus - ions. —0 ---- married man is authority for statement that a girl's tears are ny unless her nose is red. —o— rs.. Gabble— (showing photo 'to s band)= -This is an instantaneous lure of myself. i ir. Gabble—i can see that, with - 0 t:'' having it told. Your mouth is s t.. SPRING SONG Rain, rain, go away, Koine again some other day In July or August! —0— ricnd-1 know an artist who tad a cobweb so real that a a.. rl spent a full hour trying to get itf!'own. an: --Sorry, old man, but 1 don't Ii levc it. ri: nd—Why not? Artists have b=n kriativn to do such things. „g a'',Yes, but maids haven't. --o— , teed it- or not:— he-fourth of the babies pre- iri turely born in the United States I;r ,pitals die before leaving the hos- -0— Mtn—Joe, os- -0—an—Jot, you carry the baby at me_ have the eggs. You d,i!;p them.. •,. . SIGNS OF SPRING Pb,: tulips are above the ground, Tiia bluebird's back from the South, UI^n my roof the rain drops pound), An seen will end the drouth. The. cleaning . companies advertise, 1'4r:Winter clothes, a rate; he seed concern will give a prize Iftyou order now—don't wait. Each d<y'some harbinger adorns, 1h i tine surest sign of Spring Coes from my' tender, aching corns -- Th . hurt like .everything! LAVE SHORE TECH- MORES WRIGHT•HARGREAVES SYLVANITE: • TOSURN OMEGA KPRR AOOLSON. MARTIN BIRD UPPER GNAW • NORANOA MINES POWELL' ROUYN LARDER LAKE GGL NORTHERN ONTARIO KIRKLAND LAKE LARDER LAKE v7 NS T' A R' f 0 FA'ANCOEUR ARNTFIELD ALDER MAC CUEpEC ICAMt RON FaYearth Lahe lgcGAPRY Capron, CWA� Li sr Beaver ,apE}'f7h/.L�Vf WESLEY G x.e) J:9/NES This fAatrleen drtZM+n firolsr informal; • be%eV of En.cs, rrs/,atb a bi t1nctrividuas/ ,'wern5.'-',F» i7d exact-/awar'L'ia, re Noe C4rtiFied. 4th'944N.A•NM/NN %1 svirAt, NN--iw—.:!—,•m+Nii�eN—n:-�n„�:,n�u1—Yn—..vu..�.vu...—uu �iw�.lv...-m�.�Na�uC—np—Yv�u].�mi�Cl�C.�p� t � Canades hthig Hig I Al lI—NN� a—ilu.—Ing nn�iiii a —wi ,�, xi—nc—W—„Vr—OI�NY.�X��I�u�,w.�lY—I@�-M�41i�vu� �N-� In addition to the Kerr Addison, Martin Bird and Omega properties, whicb are conceded to be substantial mines in the making, numerous incor- porations are being formed to develop the prospect areas in the Larder Lake district. The immediate vicinity of the Kerr Addison is the scene of the greatest activity. Wesley Gold Mines, to the south- east of the Kerr Addison, the Chester- ville and Pelangio properties to the east, and the Shaver property to the north-east, are new incorporations. Wesley Gold Mines are` diamond dI°filling; Pelangio have men at work; and the Chesterville are also reported to have operations under way. To the west, Barber Larder and Armistice Gold are starting active developments,' Mr. C. S. Greenland is Consulting ' Engineer in charge of operations on the Pelangio ane Barber Larder' properties. lie is particularly familiar with the district through his connec- tion with the Martin Bird property. The Martin Bird Is located some four miles to the south-west of the Kerr Addison. A normal woman is one whose :. biscuits turn out to be flat failures when company stays for dinner. Prisoner: Judge, must I be tried by that jury with all those women on it? Judge—Certainly; they have all been sworn ,to duty. Prisoner—Then, your honor, I'll plead guilty. It's no use to try to fool a pack of strange women- when I can't deceive my own wife. —0— It isn't so very difficult to forgive an enemy, unless you have done him some shabby trick you are ashamed of. —o— There is one nice thing about be- ing honest. You don't need to con- sult a lawyer to find out how. —0— The manager of the travelling con- cert party gazed glumly at the audience—five, all told. "I say, old man," he whispered to the comedian. "How do you account for this? We've never been here be- fore, have we?" —0— The man who is a great man to his neighbors is very great indeed. —0— Nothing is so frail and breaks so easily as the Ten Commandments. Innovation Here's a free birth notice, but we've got to publish it; otherwise we'll feel we're depriving readers of this column of knowledge of the lat- est innovation. IIIHIMElgaEgEa .-77iq M.. >.. „:, !:File ;•i ,1q b f oh mtion On All Canadian Gotta Pr i perties may be obtained from our Statistical Department. This department it in close touch with ah Canadian operating companies and any opinions ex,.ressad are without prejudice. Orders executed upon a commis- sion basis only. z �rdc1� EVENOP&s,- TORONTO STOCK EXCRANGE GO King St. W. - Toronto Issue No. 11 -- '37 8,113 Killed in Malaga Paying Its Way 11 Hats off to the Municipality otic Kings County for its fine financials, showing during the year applauds the Saint Jahn Telegraph -Journal. De.: psite the fact that the demands on this., treasury were greater than ever ba-; fore, the municipality finished the; year with no loans outstanding, nG bank overdraft and no bonded lndebt.` edness, and a cash balance of mere, than $13,000. With assets totalling.; $125,000, the 'county's liabilities are: but $23,000, leaving a safr and com•'t fortabie balance on the right side o$1 the ledger. Kings maintained its present good' showing through many years. It hall done so by keeping its expendituresi l well within the capacity of its taxpaaa' ers to pay, and at the same time It has paid particular attention to collecting' its assessments. Its record is an en- viable nviable one, and it stands as a fine ex-, ample to all public bodies in the pro- vince. rovince. Classified Advertising REPRESENTATIVES WANTED A DD To YOUR INCOME TN FOUR SPA$E tl Ume selling watches and silverware, Wrlta • Tisdall's 'Credit Jewellers, 1330 longe street, , Toronto. for particulars. PURE GUARANTEED WOOL "QUILT PATCHES" FIVE POUNDS $1.00 DEAUTIFUL Materials! Washfast! Aims! --' Broadcloths! Makes five quiltel "Free Pattern." Refund guarantee! EWA Mills Department Wils, Outremont, Montreal. 5 POUNDS QUILT PATCHES—$1.00 (PLUS postage. Prints, Broadcloths, finest Washtast .Materials! Free:— Pattern with instructions. Federated Textiles United, Montreal. INVESTORS AN OFFER Listrl EVERY INVENTOR, Lis of wanted inventions and full tuformatioa sent free. THE RAMSAY Cnanpany, World Patent Attorney's, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa. Canada. BEAUTY CULTURE SCHOOL ROBERTSON'S fiAI1tDRESSING ACADENIT Toronto. T?otr nt,n Chartered. Write fug tree t -', kiet, /5.,.,OlOrvi. r IOC,..,-:s'aso POULTRY RAISERS Cheek ROUP (Bronchial Flu) With a Few Drops of e