HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-03-11, Page 5Thoredayr, March t ttfe, ±937., BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL OQDLEY E. HOLMES 138ARRISTETe, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. 'OFFICE-HamiltonStreet, Inst off the Square; GODERICH, Ontario.. Special „4ttentien to Councel and Court Work. Mr. Hloboes may be consulted at :Goderieb, by none, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. -S. D. D. S.,, DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK -ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Dr. 11 Ho COWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter Ontario VETER1NARIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home of the late Dr, 1, Routledge. 'hone -9 6, Zurich A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. Ali m iseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, harges reasonable. Day or night galls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eerier of Scottish terriers. Inverness 73ennels. Office on Main Street, opposite Town Hall. Phone '116. HENSALL. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex AM IN A POSITION TO CON- .nluct any Auction Sale, regardless iris to size or article to sell-- I solicit :your business" and if not satisfied will rnalte . no charges-, for,. Services . Ren- dered- ARTHUR enadered- AR HUR, WEBER -Dashwood 'Phone 13-57. PRODUCE Faim Pi odu ce WANTED HIGHEST CASH; PRICES -FOR-- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS 'urichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the ,leery Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices tor Wool, Hides and Skins [. Yunghlut & Sou INSURANCE Western far n rs' thing HartaitaI 65,5. Jr. IT.I-Laureen Oesch* 74.'7. .Monica Hartma grey 62.2; Artltt Baltei. 57.6, Put Your Want, For Sale 'Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column, • IN MEMORIAM Willett --.In loving memory of our dear wife and mother, Melinda, whom God called home eight years ago to- day, March 13, 1929. But God has called. our mother, .Away from a world of strife, To shine.among the angels In a fairer, brighter life, Safe in the larme of Jesus, Safe from all grief and sin, x'orever^'and forever;, Where all is pure within, Our hearts are full of sorrow, And tears have dimmed our eyes, But we shall meet her once again, In the home beyond the skies. Sadly missed by her loving husb- and and Family. LOST Between .my- place and Bert Klopp's farm,. ,Bronson line, a black robe. Finder kindly leave at Herald Office or return to: Fred ,Haberer- FOR SALE One 10x20 McCormick Deering tractor, in good condition. Apply to Geo. H.Beatty, Varna, Ont. ZURICH HEl' I.I P LOCAL NEWS Rev. Father A. M. Brisson of Loa - don was in town on Saturday, Mir. and Mrs. J, W. Merrier motor- ed to Stratford one day last week, .Misses Emma and Adella RaceY+ of Kitchener were Sunday guests -at :'�h.n home of Mr. and Mrs, John Brenntlt. The Evangelical Men's Chorda will sing in the morning and eveniliF services next Sunday. You are i vited. Please take note -that out Ste = will be closed every Thursday evel Mg at 6.30, until, further notice; Eckel's Bakery, Zurich. Gasoline prices in Zurich are o somewhat fluctuating condition present. A few weeks ago she pr was raised from 25e to .26e to -day we notice a prominent deg has a.._prominent sign out at lac woul be a nice thing to the car;su," if this 23c price could be manta' by the dealer and sell his prociuct a reasonable profit. RECEIVE INVITATION Mr. and Mrs. James Masse of't. Blue Water Highway, Hay Townsht and who have recently become natio widely known throughout t.ie wort, upon the birth of their 21st child i; cently, have received an invitatip from the Premier of Fro/lee to vas' that country with all expenses, , pals Premier.• Blum of France wants M and Mrs. Masse to bring their entir family and promises there an inter .sting time as guests of the Fienn Government. This is indeed, a ver- """'1 r - ""'- n{ier which to us seems h2ri$ to decline. FOR QUICK SALE 50 pounds of onion seed at reason- able price. Mrs. Conrad Keller, Zurich FOR SALE 2 bicycles as good as new. Apply Hartman Bros., Bronson line. PIGS FOR SALE 20 chunks; 10 weanlings; I brood sow due to pig. Apply to W. J. Schroeder, Dashwood, Ont. NO`TIC . SPENCER CORSETS, Individually Designed. P'•=*Te or Surgical. Mks.. :.IacDonald,: t39 Phone 137 . w Hensall; Ont Ubed Cars For Sale We are offering the following Cars for Sale: See 'them! 1-1930 good Chev. Coach. 1-1930 good Ford Coach. 1-1931 good Ford Coach. 1-1933 good V-8 Ford Sedan. 2-1930 good Ford Coupes, with rumble Seats. 1-1928 Model A. Ford. All cars are mechanically over by us. WE GIVE TERMS! gone L. A. Prang and Son, Zurich Buys Alfalfa Seed Ontario's 12,500 -bushel surplus of alfalfa seed has been purchased for approximately $185,000 by -the Sov- iet Russian Government, the Domin- ion seeds branch at Toronto reports. The last of 25 carloads is now enro- u•te to the Atlantic coast for trans- shipment to Russia. SCHOOL REPORT The following is S.S. No. 9 Stanley for February: Figures indicate percent- age. Pass 60% Honours 75. Those "marked * were absent for one or more exams. Sr. IV -Edith Swartzentruber 81.6, 'Ella T3ohn 78.1; Anna Foster 70.8; Sr. 7II-Gladys Hechler 83.2; Mary Foster* 77.7; Norma Hey* 71.2; Meade Baker* 71.2; Yvonne Gelinas 69.8; Vernon Oesch" 66; Ambrose the report of and Hay, U. �� rr'G l OF WOODSTO+CK n'` 72.7; Teddy Jef- e. eager insurance, 'THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OB- ANY CANADIAN MUT- <I'TAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN O.NTA.WtI° :; mount of Insurance at PI~"islt ors Dec, 31st, 193x, $20;479,730.00 'Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $2'54,627..52. '',rtes -$4.50 per $1,000, for 3 Year E. F. Klapp -Zurich ;" ti‘ar ,. %Is�c» Dealer lrry�iin, tihtai t It dS 1 R$Aa.%i u U 9i i tAA" LDi±:titi'tRulkse spas 59.1; Bruco Harry Bechtel.* 51. Second Gfass--Betty Baker 70.6; Harold Erb*' 77.7; Ivan Bechler5 75: First Class -Orland Gerber 84.8; ,Stanley Gingerich 83.2; Jim Dinsm lowed by pneumonia. 23e was born ore"81.3; Vera Oesch 79.3; Clement p Tirogier 74.8; Roy Erb 67.3; Victor ,at Bayfield and for more than 25 Hey* 66.5;; Lucille Regicr" 60.0; Lr e- years has been a practising physician onard Foster* 55.2; in Wroxeter. For several years he Sr. Primer --Clara Baker's 95.5; 'iMas principal of Zurich Public school from Baker* 87; Dorothy Oesch 80, and it, was here that he met bis 5; Nola Beehlera 73, life partner, Miss Clara Koehler, dau- ghter of Mr. Peter Koehler of Zurich, she was also a member' of the Zurich teaching staff at that time. The late Dr. McLeod is survived by his wince Womens' Instxtit"� The Zurich Brandi of theWoni.' ens' Institute met in the Counei Chamber Monday evening, Max,. 1st with a good attendance.�`he� Ilan was nicely decorated- with,:St..Paa rick's colors, and attractive" sprin flowers. Mrs. P. Manson occupie the chair fol• the program. The o ening song "Killarney" was sung h the members of the Institute , Rut Johnston, Betty Dietz and Wroth; Weida sang "The Wearing of ti Green." An Irish reading by Mist Beatrice Manson, 'a splendid papcx on "Ldgcation" was gi : en by Mi Jessie MacDonald; aelurreorceis song, was given by Mrs. H. Hess, Mrs. Hey, Mrs. MacKinnon, Mrs. W.. Joh ston, Miss Jessie MacDonald, Mrs. P Manson, Mrs. T. Meyers and,.Mrs O; Klopp, who were attired in Irish co; tune sang•, "My Wild Irish. Pose and "Diana's Quilting Party". A+ interesting event of the evening wa. a "Cake Naming Contest" conduct? by Misses Jessie MacDonald prize ,donated ; by: Mrs :*Mrs. was vvon- by It e s, O'Dwyer,' Atte 4 program the president, Mrs. TMe•'; 4--* ers presided over the business pro- gram. The roll call was responded to k. HENSALL by the members, "Floor to '•ereove ;; stain."' During a soo'al period tieing! Mrs. Wilson Carlile visited with owing the meeting, refreshments in Oiler daughter, Mrs. Wesley Richard - St. Patrick's style were served by tlie'i,on at Hillsgreen. hostess in charge. The Misses. Norma Cook and Mary G(:?',odwin, pupils of Miss EIeanor Fisher, were successful in passing the 'Grade: VI Pianoforte exams. of the aronto Conservatory of Music whi- ch :w'ere held in London recently. p Mt : and Mrs. Robert Green and &malt' of Port Stanley, were recent its ,rs at the home of Mr. and Mrs 71son Carlisle. Laird Miokle attended the funeral his aunt at ,Ridgetown on Satur- y last. Hensall Chamber of Commerce are ';.Hensall a euchre and dance in the 11 do March 17th, St. Patrick's day i •Mss, R. Prisley of Toronto visited vgrth her mother, Mrs. E. Rennie. 'Rev. and Mss. Young of Listowel PAGE FIVE -go eoe OFlO1f ;R. NEARLY Di' OCHE') i0000010000Yrs►0i,0000000110I 00.0.#00000000 r•*•f w•+rYffiYssee ow Edward Riley, of Kippen, is facing a reckless driving ohatge as w 1Vb,....1 • of an incident Sunday night last, in 4 which he nearly ditched a police ear. r: We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound B. Fie was diving along No. 4 highway south to Clinton and allegedly stoop- Fat for Churning Cream delivered at our plant. ea suddenly near the centre line of : Prompt Service and Highest. Cash Price Guaranteed' the- road. A olive car driven i the n$ n ee pN Cream ' d' Barrie direction by C. Constable Fer- ® Your Graded Tested and Paid for the same guson swerved to avoid the parked 0 Da car, narrowly missed a crack-up and y' went into a skid. The oMi,,, ... • +2' YOUR EGGS AND POULTRY able to stop his car near the edge of el the ditch. In addition to giving 2 We also buy and pay Cash for your Eggs and Young man a stinging lecture, Cie ; officer preferred the reckless driving S Poultry at Highest Market Prices, according to charge; rie grade. --Your Patronage A � �rg Appreciated! ZURICH CREAMERY YOUR SEED GRA.rl In ano:tiler column in this paper will be .found an advertisement by :the Department of Agriculture call. - ..rig ;attention to the danger of f ere- ers 'using seed without having g eel ination tests made of it. A cerefu perusal -of this advertisement mg 5e of very great value t:; reeey ' ,,i, ourtfaxmers. We kilo,/ that r: farrriers are particular about sewrrir; .i good seed.free from weld seeds a"•i with a high germination test bee ,'i}, sometimes these matte r are left of until it is too near so•,, Ing .,time ' o f. grave these toots prop r'. -j merle, an•a 'F' o thio ad ertisement will just, call H their attention to the necessity of I � having this work done in good time 4 before seeding begins. 13 +-- . 1 • THE ZURICH CREAMERY so se0••Oalosoomeaoc000 &OJ>vi see tone ppo.**0e. tfy a 49� APA ar ***0 000Orteeteee* ,1, t..loseph and Beaver Town Mr. Frank Jeffrey who gem 11 - Tinter months with his e;aughte: Windsor, has returned. home. Mie Eddie Brisson and Mrs. N. M. hntin . of . St. Joseph motored to incisor and Detroit on Sunday •i.t for -a few days. Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith and o sons motored to London on mda,y last. Mr. Leonard Sararas of the Blue 'ater south, attended a hockey .me in Toronto on Saturday last. Miss Yovne Cantin of London, is Trending a few weeks with her par- otS in St. Joseph, Mr. and Mrs. N. $ , Cantin. Mr. and -Mrs.. Paul Ducharme, of slake and family spent Monday last yith the latter's parents, Mrs. Rach- 1 Denoxnme of St. Joseph north. Mr. Ovril Ducharme who ha- spent e winter with Mr. Kuno Hartman es returned home for a few weeks. Already a few are taping their "eiple sap .trees. The season is early + no doubt there will be a heavy n this 'spring. Attime of writing Lake Huron is ii on its natural winter coat of •;But asspring is already showed • awe do ,not think there will be 'll aatflsh?n• OBITUARY DIES IN ILLINOIS. Mrs. Jaceb Gingerich of the Gosh- en Line south received a'telegrant on Saturday, giving the sae news of the passing of her sister-in-law, usic Kipfer of Hopedale, 111., at the age of 50 years, died at the Hospital. after undergoing a serious operation The funeral was held on Tuesday, March 9th to Lakeside cemetery at Pekin, Ill. The departed leaves to mourn her beloved children, three daughters and one son. The husb- and have predeceased nine months ago. WThe deceased has many sorr- owing relatives and friends in this , *ere •,, recent visitors with their son, vicinity. 1 Rev. W. A. Young. Mrs. A. T. Douglas of Hyde Park DIES AT HENSALL is .visiting her mother, Mrs. John Miss Linn- Ortwein, daughter. of JQhnsson ,and sister, Miss Margaret. Mr. and Mrs.'J. W. Ortwein, Hensall cogs. English is quite seriously ill died at her home on Monday evening. entiller home on S. Richmond St. Miss Ortwein, a former eneployee of Geo. Douglas and Miss Irene, at- Northway's Toronto, was taken ill tended the funeral of their relative, in. November and spent some time in the late Wm. Logan at Varna last a hospital at Toronto. Later she w•eek. was removed to her home in Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hays and two Surviving are her parents, four sist- sons, George and Wnt. of Moose Jaw ers, Mrs. Brenkolp, Kitchener; Mrs. ssk., were visiting Mr. and Mrs, W. - Herself, Altoona, Pa; Mrs. pas. Pat- •C;iarlile,Mrs. Donald Grassick, who has terson, and Mrs. M. Drysdale, Hen- sail two brothers, Alonzo, Detroit been visiting at the home of Mrs. A. and Milton, London. The funeral is Todd, Hay Twp., is seriously ill. Her being held Wednesday afternoon at granddaughter, Olive Walker, R.N. is two ii attendance. etc o'clock, to Hensall Union Cern- f Mts. Robt Bonthron is making a y number of . improvements to her LATE DR. ALEX McLEOD liploe on King St. The work is being Word was received here last week done by Mr. ,Sweitzer of the Beach o;l?inm of the passing of a former resident _ of Zurich, in .the person of Dr. Alex `' Love -McDonald ander McLeod, who died at his home ?'A pretty wedding was solemnized in Wroxeter in his 57th year as a 4,Herisall United Church parsonage, result of an attack of influenza fol- on°'rS'et. Feb. 27th when Lula, daugh- Jr. 'Primor--Edsel Dueharme't 77; Pis ;Marie Ducharme* 73; Darlene - cue* 60 ,7. • No. on roll 35" Average attendance for Feb. 28.8. ems one eon, .Tolon Interment was roe. Petiole left on a trip to Detroit made in 1/4 Bayfield Cemetery on Sat- and Toronto,, they will reside .in. Kin - ter of Mr, and Mrs. J. R. McDonald of the London,Road, became the beide of RusselY. Love of Kincard- iase, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Love of Hensall, Rev. A. Sinclair officiat- ed. „The" ;bridesinaid was Miss Lottie Love,: sister of the groom, and the groom was .attended by Lloyd McDon ald. Following the ceremony a wed- ding breakfast was served et the home of the bride's parents. The yo - M, T3utson,,, Teacher:. urday aftornoott. Isardine; r • PHONE 6 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ +41 Cut Your Fuel j > In HALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! . REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. • C. KAP ZURICH 9 4 4 0600000000000, 0600000000000 $,fir,.. 00000000 :ro•mses(smessiso0 te ▪ Your \ATinter,..s Fuela la e e • 0 A O 0 ma a 0 Colder Days will soon be here again, and provision S must be made with suitable Fuel to keep the home as warm and comfortable. We can supply 1�p y practically all the called for grades of Coal and Coke with a prices very morerate... Let us fill your bin! a Master and Pioneer Poultry Feeds Plow points to tit all }makes of PloW • SEEDS! SEEDS! We are in the Market for Red, Alsike, weet Clovers and 3 Timothy Seeds. Coal and Coke at Hensall and Zurich at all Times,. 1 ii 0 • L.Schilbe n �4MIAlMAAA.Q�ile®a0lt�taserods�ena e�lO®ADOIi�y����[6�a11W®iA�# + Zurich Drug Store 1 School Supplies We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies All authorized Public School Books,iuctludilig the New Speller All High School Text Books, etc. PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. me[ ar See Our Supply of Toiletor ar Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. 0 0 Dr A J. MacKinnon, Zurioh . N vyUIs'Ro.1wmp ww s w MlMMiI „r wr A