HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-03-11, Page 1XXXVii ZURICHP THURSDAY. MORN' Read the I -Tome News, a ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH -- 01Cf. "A Changeless, Christ ler a Cheag- ing World." Friday, 8h—Luther League. 'IThursday—Choir Practice. • SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m.—German Service.' 11.15 a.m.—Sunday SchooL 7.30 p.m.—English. service. • Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. TUERICHEIM„ Paster.. Do You Need Glasses? Stop and Think how important it is "that you. wear coxrea glasses --cor- rectly prEscribed for your vision. Correctly styled to your face. Your .thealth may largely depend on keen See C. E. ZURBRIGG, R.. O., At HESS JEWELRY STORE Every Tuesday at ZURICH At Dashwood, Saturday, at Pfile's Store. Leavitt's Theatre EXETER — ONT. Thursday, Friday, Saturday Wed., Thurs., Friday, Saturday March 10, 11, 12, 13th. THE GREAT ZIEGFELD Metro, Goldwyn, IVI.a.yers, Great Show Starring William Powell, Myrna Loy, Louise Rainer. 50 Stars. 500 Girls One Show Nightly. Commencing at 8.30 sharp, owing to length of picture Admission, adults 50c, including tax. Children 15c. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday .March 15, 16, 17th "THAT GIRL FROM PARIS" SpeciaI.Picture with LILY PONS JACK OAKIE And all Starr Cast A gay song and dance comedy. COMING March 23-24 Miss Eva Gording of London, Presents a song, Dance Revue. 344" TRY 'PAGKEL'S -It- +• • CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES, also fir , + • + • + • • SWEET GOODS. All Ingredients Used are of .the .Highest Quality • ,..'f611ow the Local Ads. Free Tractor Schoo and Talking Picture Any farmer interested in Tract any tractor owner or operator gardless of tractor make is int to attend a free Tractor School my Dashwood warehouse en Ma, 15'th and 16th. International H ester Co., factory trained ngin will conduct the school, lecturing proper care and operation of tr ors. In addition, any question have will be answered and tips ori justments and repairing will be g Talking moving pictures will, shown at intervals. Morning starts at 9 a.m; afternoon at 1 FREE TALKING PICTURE TAINMENT !—On Monday March 15th at 8 p.m. sharp. • farmers and their families are vited to a big free talkie show, in my warehouse; Don't miss t During the school sevexal ' Mc ick -Deering tractors will be,, play if the roads hold good. V. L. BECKER, I.H.C. AG ZURICH and DASHWO ROASTS HIS CAT .0 Over in Stavely, Alta., J. O. lit the fire and closed the ove 6 before doing his farm chores..,'Whel: much later, the oven was t '*• led There was the family cat, ro..; death. STEPHEN COUNC .11: •.,. •4.--, -Steplpir ditomon Monday March ist, all ÷ tubers being. present. Minutes of number of hockey fans were at previous meeting were read and ad- MondaY evening, attend- Walter Eckel made a business o London on Tuesday. and Mrs. A. J. MacKinnon and Archie were at London on Sat - STs. Coward Truemner of Cred- 'nd +Mr. NicNevin of London, we- fles in -town Tuesday. • T. L. ,Williams was a visitor. er aunt, Mrs. (Dr) Fletcher.at ton the past week. and Mrs. Wesley Surerus, of t. were week -end visitors with • C. Fritz is spending the week her• daughter Mrs. (Dr) H. R, , at Exetet, who is ill, auction sale of the effects of Pip Foster was held last Thur - ;and was well attended. The • as not sold. Jacob Brown has sold his finc... ng property at the west end of o Mr. Moses Erb of the Bron - line whe will take possession this . • - and Mrs. Urban Pfile, Mrs. le; -Miss Pearl Pfile and Ms; MacDonald attended the fun- , the late John Kleinfeldt, a for ' 1 ent ot the 14th concession, t,..,... . . - , $, •-,-* 44,;,,,, I' AND 3.- opted. • .... ig he ;tploy, off game with the El.- I Mbtion, that the time for' the Tax .' ora team. Clinton winning tete round ,- Collector to return his roll to the .. 1 11 1. to 6. "Gib" Stade of town is Township Treasurer be extended to , Siet minder of the.. Clinton team and 4 giing a good account of himself. ALL CONFECTIONS TelePhone * Eckel's alkery )01 — ICE. CREAM *. 400 ; • — Zurich ........,.....rtenomote.ratier.,rmtb•sateomaueeKtUr0..ar.....amoratrint WE SEUL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Sabxrday Sliced Pine Apple per Yin Peas, No. 2 tin„ 2 tins.... ....— Quaker Oats, large Pkg. each Garden Patch GOrrr, 2 tins . Johnston's Floor Wax, 1-s, per tis Rowntrees Beking Chocolate. Half-lh, Jelly Powders„ 5 Pkgs Pork and Beans, tin, 2 'tins. — Prunes, large size, 2 lbs — Brooms, 5 string, each Princess Flakes, 2 -Efts. — Sockeye Salmon, extra speihil -bilge tin iP. & O. 'White Naptha. ,Soap S bars .... '9c 21c ------------- .... 23c .17a „ „ _.,.23c .25c • For those who nriah akv, House: 'Decorating E t3l e:have • our New Wall, Paper n, ATI n newt deigns, mad 'Stairmuitizi Fadeless paper- Yrom lc per ilen5leroll up. • Also Room Lots at' 1aSt zymes peper.at :15c per Alotiae 11011, Get youes aow., before it, is all gone, evere1f ,VelY dIM a 'Walk to do your papetirrggetill Jator is ERNER Highest Prima Eve Egg'S* 'Immo Me the 20th of March. That the report of the auditors me accepted and they be paid their remuneration of $9.00 each and an additional $3: for the, , preparation of their return to thef,4i, funeral of the late Edward a:ivon, held in St. Peter's C'hurch, renp Settlement, was one of the gr4st.everiheld. in the vicinity. The 4rant of the Mass was his son, A. Brisson of St. Peter's •fi.nary, London. He was assisted .ay.. D. L. Brisson, P.P., Sacred t.Church, Windsor, as deacon, J. I Ducharme, P.P., St. e ,se Church, Windsor. Rev. W. tripson was the 'Master of Core- , s. The Bishop of London,Mo,t john Ts Kidd, assisted in cope 'ttre, and later gave the Abso- -: His assistants were Rev. J. lly, vice-chancellor, and Rev. T. J. McCarthy, of St. Petr'. Leniins.ry. Rt. Rev. L. M. Forristal, 4,.ptn. Peter's Seminary, was the pv;kc,•her. Besides the above officials the Mass there were present from 4veryfollowing members of the clergy: Rt. part of the London Diocese the 63)0; 1. Hill rd 4 3.20; J. Smith P, Mahoney, vd,i#9.'1' D.P.V.G., Rect.- 6 2.80; M. C. Sweitzer St. Peter's Seminary; Rev. F. rd 15 3.8Dy - S. :Morrison rd 13 $2; Pay shennVive-rector of St. Peter'seet rd, 16 15.12; J. Patterson, gravel 6.304,!VnarY; Very Rev. Dean D. J. Insurance on town hall $24; In$4414p, ,Stratford; Rev. A. Durand, F.,. R ey. L. A. , Wemple, Rev. W. Mo.!- -premium on Trees bond $20; , Young acct. 4.75; Hydro Elec. Cum.:119XL, Resv. Cyril Doyle, Rev. J. G ,1,411P-10P ATTENDS FUNERAL Council'andthe Department of up icipal Affairs. That no refund dog tax be allowed after tte date the -Township Court of R4ision. Notice of the 10th Annual Confet:. ence on Township • Roads fprTw - Road Supts. for the Counties of.. gin, Middlesex and Huron to held in London on the 23rd and of March was read. It was decideil to send the Township Road Super tendent to the Convention ,at the Anse of the Municipality. The folowing orders were pass? N. Beaman rd 3 $1.58; I4'. King ti. 5 3.63; E. Chambers rd 7 2.60; T;, • Finkbeiner rd 8 1.80; H. Yearley rd .9 .2.93; P. Regier rd 10 4.05; P., - •O'Rourke rd 11 6.60; I. Tetereau 14 16.20; P. Desjarline rd 16 2.25;. Ismec rd 17 1.40; A. Latta rd 13 3.15; H. Turner rd 19 3.60; J, Gill :rd 20 2.60; Geo. Eilber, Supt. salary Lafielle, Rev. L. W. Powers, Rev. F. A.McCartile'.;Rev. John Fogarty, MeV. Austin Roney, Rev. J. Gleeson, Rev.:B. J. Ffoulkes, Rev. C. Nagle, Rev. H. Fallon, Rev. T. P. Hussey, Rev. T. IVIoran, Rev. L. Marchand, 'Rerv. F. G. Powell, Rev. R. Glavin Hillsdon McManus, Rev. J. II. , ..00,ock, Rev. F. R. Costello. The Ball -bearers were all nephews: Bobby Jelfrey, George Bedard, Lloyd Etu; Armand Denomy, Theodore Laporte, Regis Ducharrae. Mourners froni a distance were: his brother, Joseph Brisson, his wife and daughter Ber- nadine, of Detroit; Mrs. Peter 13ed- arcl, a sister, and her son Eugene; Mrs. Elize Papineau a sister, also 0, Detroit; Mrs. Alex. J. Deaorny, a ter and her husband and daughter Geraldine of Windsor. The deceased leaves to mourn him, his wife, the former Jane Jeffrey; three sons, Rev. Ii. A. Brisson, of St. Peter's Semin- ay, London. Ont; Edward A. of Chic- e.gt(, Ill; T. J. Brisson of Stratford; o daughters, both religious of the • OrAto Order, Toronto,ISister his •,41h-.111„ and Ste' M. Amelia. acci 9.9S; F. J. Wickwire, printing 6.50i Dr. C. C. Misner acct re Kin- • ney $131 A. Wein, wood for Mrs.Flyn $'8-; M. K. Fahrner groceries, relief • 0.15; P. ,McIsaac, ambulance, tel. and -burial of L. Walpel• $40.90; Treas. Co. Huron,, indigent acct. 63.85; "England, auditors fees 10.50; II We- 'ber, ditto 10.50. The Council adjourned to meet a. - 'gain. in the Town Hall, Crediton, on 3.1.onday, April •5th at 1 o'clock pan. Herbert K. Eilber, Twp. Clerk. Farmers! Attention! We have been appointed selling Agents for the celebrated Viking Diabolo Cream Separator, the separ- tor with a ten year guarantee. Let as demonstrate this machine to you •tnd compare it with all others. And don't forget, the best feature is the ariusual easy terms, Liberal allowance lox itrade-ins, C. SCHRAG & SON. UV IS THE TIME TOGIVE liEft THAT A. G. HESS JEWELER - ZURICH • ' • • Ugy., .13'E D'UT1 Chester la Smith, Publish** $1.25 a year, U.S, $1.00 in Adv, $1,50 £A1TRS,s2 MAY 09 OttAft0;799 , Semet Solvay Coke Miller Creek Rosedale Alberta and GLEN ROGERS' BRIQUETS Tile and Briek W. R. DAVIDSON Highest cash prices paid EON. Eggs on a graded basis. Phone 10 FIENSALL, '1 Oh . ... ................................... ..;,.„.. . : Cold WeaUier Is Here • AND IT'S • • ERCO ,4,,a-O04,44424-e,Oo.t., e 41 - TS emanansaancumareranossinosai* Overcoat Time • • • SEE OUR RANGE AND DIFFERENT STYLES • WE HAVE ON HAND. • • • • MADE 4 • 0 TO MEASURE SUITS $1950 Up Tr 309 • V It &CM- '61 4 401 • 0,, EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS <'• 4. tis 4 * 44 4-,,,,a,,,,.00,41.0 a 0.0 40.4.4 0144,tt•a444,6“5...4..z, 0. ,,, 1.0 4 .1 Ri..14,4...4$ Al .• 4. T 1,2an 41. Ow 4.144. 0 6,- 14p rot, 4;." 51‘, 41. 4. i&SUMIREMEMYENZEL ""1291293109:4,. 'VANCEMMET4913 Cold eat erel at. is er We are again prepared to supply your rme,es for the Cold Weather with Good Woolen Underwear for Young and Old. Also Men',..1 and Boy's Top Shirts, Sweaters and Sweater Coats, Wool Socks, Mitts and Gloves. Wool and Flannelette Blankets, Flannelettes, Tadoussac Flannel suitable for Dresses; Cur- tains and Curtain Goods, Comforter Chintz; Men's, Boys and Children's Heavy Rubbers; Also Men's Rubber Boots, Harness Repairu, Halters, Anything in Harness. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND R N. DOUGLA GENERAL m'aiROHAN 7" PHONE 11-97 BLAKE Alusouloixow