HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-03-04, Page 8PAGE; RIGHT THE STORE WITH THE STOCK We would like to show you our Range of New Prints We have 56 pieces to choose from. Prices from 15c to 30c a yard Colony Percales Ext;°a quality Cloths in very newest patterns, abso- lutely fast colors 6 pieces only at per yard 30c New Table Oils, Squares, and Scarves now in Stock SPECIAL! SPECIAL! - Fine all Linen Toweling, Orange or Green bordered at 15c a yard LENTEN GROCERY SPECIALS 10c 10c 9c r7C Peas, per can Salmon, per tin Castile Soap, 4 for Kipper Snacks, per box No. 1, Soclas, per lb. Baking Powder, 1-1b. tin at ,jello, 3 pkgs. and scribbler for Macaroni, 4 lbs. for Bulk No. 1 Peanut butter, per lb. Prunes per lb. Head Lettuce, per head p rSC PRODUCE WANTED 15c 20c 15c 25c 15c 10c 10c SON PHONE 59 ZUlI I RAW the Canada Trust Co, P HURON & ERIE IIIIIIII 11111111111111111111111uuiII111111 ullONulll 1111Bi1u I111u1111111E111l1u1I111111 1IIIBIII111111111 1111 II! I lililllitlrl11111 I I" ZU1�I Ready Cut Macaroni H' Store bs, . 25c 20c 25c 5c 25c 25c 25c 29c Mincemeat, 30 -oz' coma 'ner Apple Sauce, 2 cans; Rice per Ib: Pilchards, 2 Corned Beef;, 2 cabs Spanish onions, 6 1 Minna ( new cere Merino EGGS WANTS IIII1111111111111111111111111IIIIIIl11111111111111111111111111u11111ui11u111111111IIIII ulliluull 1 111111111 unc Phone 165 ulllll11111 I Ilul 11111.1 ululul uuul L. ITEMS OF LOCAL INT Mrs. C. Eilber was a visitor .t Hensall a few days this week. Mdss Bessie Best, of St. Thomas, is a visitor at the home of her ;aunt Mrs. Henry Galhnan. Messrs. H. Howard and Peter A. Manson, of Hensall, were visitors town one day last week. Messrs. John E. Gascho and Orville: Witmer motored to Fergus, on; Sat -1 urday. r E Hay Council met on Monday+ fo the March meeting, and transacte a large amount of business. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stade and so Harold were visitors to Detroit ove Sunday. Four weeks from Friday is Goo Friday, and the beginning ..of Ease` ter season, which is consi.derabl earlier than usual this year.' The date for the auction sale o the farm stock and implements o;'_ Mr. John McBride, of Hay Twp. hark been set for Tuesday, March 23rd Mr. Percy Hern, of Clinton, and - i a Collegiate student companion, vis ited with his friend, Mr. ArchieMae; Kinnon on Saturday. Mr. John N. Cantin of Montre was a visitor with his parents at Joseph over the week -end -':,Jo Zurich ' friends were indeed e e to see him." Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith mato to Poole and Stratford on Sunda where they visited with Mrs. Smith sister-in-law, Mrs. I. Wilhelm, w underwent an operation at Stratfor; General Hospital. The most beautiful weather tha we have (been enjoying all throng Febre try is now continuing.. on int -:(Torch, nice bright sunny days wit„ a filtle bit ' al thaw each day, bei. quite :.old at niglits,--wwioh is 911iL seasonable. A number from 'Lowe- are attendin the hockey games in the-distric these fine evenings, and as the ploy offs are now in progress, some re `class of hockey is being 'demonstrate 1 Mr. Harold Stade is "goalie" for th ra ga ^:1 cele Sgel ice' eete a enielet gei.1 �dSl. '9G��' � Clinton team and is giving a gooda orrected every Wednesday) 'utter, creamery 31 gs, dozen 1'5, 13, 12 ckens, dressed 15-10 ckens, 'hire 10 eat, 'bushel ', 'bushel: 55 ley bush ....... ........` L00 ekwheat, bushel 80 our, cwt. 3.00 to 3.90 ran and ,Shorts, ton 34.00 ye Hogs, cwt. 8.50 otatoes, per bag 1.25. 1.25 Mortgage Corporation „ t RATES NOW EFFECTIVE 3 Per Cent. for 1 and 2 Years 3'.} Per Cent... for 3 and 4 Years 33,s Per Cent. for 5 to 10 Years. SAFE AND CONVENIENT Andrew F. Hess, a Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETX 1 �'�°��"�`'"'`� ' • count of himself. This is howev nothing unusual as "Gib" has playe in much faster company the Test tw winters, when he minded the net fe the fast Guelph team. Budget on March 9th Premier Hepburn early in the We ek announced the budget wiuld b brought down in the Ont. Le, lel ' ure March 9th. The Cabinet put fi al touches to the estimates and th balance of the legislative program a meeting Saturday, Some 20 spear ors, Liberal and Conservatives, wi be heard this week onthe debate e, the throne speech. Night sitting are expected for a few nights. HARDWARE – . SEEDS and FURNITURE LOC'd4i? +C Jldey WeAther arlwAys dem tads the inoi suitIble fuel for your heating equipment. Let us supply your needs with the right kinds.of Fuel at moderate prices. PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and. Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Tires and Tubes Also Quick Gc.udyear Balloon and Cord in all sizes Furniture, Springs and Beds. Mattresses Felt and Marshall Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line .f heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. STADE so sr 1 0 0 • DIED IN DETROIT Word was received here of ,t1' passing of Mr. IIarvey Weber of IJ troit. Deceased was the eldest so of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weber `^,rat O residents of Zurich, and it wwa5' lie, ® riot Harvey was born and ,rade 0 and later left for the city. Mr;�'*e O er followed the traditional trade''' dM • the family, :bricklayer, to which * .had adapted himself very expertl He is survived by a wife and o on. Monday was the •first day or Tar and the 'weather was quite ‘bright, although quite raw. Whezi a. ever the adage comes from that At 'March comes in like a lamb it w e:o out like a lion or visa versa, ' do not know, but we have erotic* • that this, like most of these propl • e^ies, conte true some times.. • Costs Less With reductions in duty on British xtiles and cosmetics under the Alt- o -Canadian trade treaty, it will st milady less to be beautiful. And e housewife who uses British nt- e is and tinned foods also is bene - d generally. Duty on woven fab - c' is reduced. from 271/2 per cent. 221/2 .per cent., it was believed oolen dresses and suits will be che- er. in Canada. There is a sharp crease in the, tariff on British cot - n goods as well which may lower prices of clothes to the consum- �--q+ ormer Resident Passes Death of William Muldrew :The ,death occurred at Scott Mem-. `al Hospital Seaforth, on February: nd, of . Wm. Muldrew, a well known sident of the vicinity. He had been Spending some weeks visiting with is . , brother-in-law, Robt. Scarlett, here he was taken ill, and a week revious to his death was removed to e hospital. Deceased was a son of he late John Muldrew and was born t Blake, Hay Township, 80 years a - o, and resided there until the fam- lymoved to Seaforth, when he went West. Later he returned to Hamil- on, where for many years he was n employee of theWestinghouse Co. "For the past_ftve years he had been 'living retired in Toronto. His wife predeceased in 1905, but he is sur- vived'.;by .:two brothers. The funeral was held from the home of Mr. Scar- lett, conducted by Rev. T. A. Carxn- iehfiel, of Northside church, SeafortTr • then other times they ,area 1-.`'.t` 5 & IN E 'D 0 are. Ho , we whso , e = 1 ]find og weather and itill willa be affix R 1 �+V — ®N T.• Das', then. It looks very much '40 ,.f spring -ver° not very :far off, at cl• QUALITY PRICE - SERVICE "f so, it v ill be the most pleasant winter that we have had in seve 11140111 SOaNN 4 . . 'eca.des. n. agistrate's Court Thursday, illiari; 4th, 1937. ++++444+44+++++.++++.4444.44 E:1.+4.w.4-1, 5 4•+++++,i. . 1fyowl FrHrHar are STORE 4v 4.4 t THIS SEASON CALLS FOR GOOD NEW FENCES. ON THE FARM. LET US SUPPLY ,°',, YOU WITH THE BEST OF WOVEN WIRE, r' ALSO HAVE BARB WIRE. SEE US ABOUT NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING, AND EVE - TROUGHING 14 ,. SPECIALS! SPECIALS! dik Special Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon 28e ti Zi We also have some very Attractive Pries In Furniture. See Our New Beds, Springs and Mattresses. USED FURNITURE Two God Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand; j Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale. , ',f,`. fi One Dozen Used Rockers ranging from $2.00 Up. . A 44 BE SURE AND SEE THEM! Johnston & Kalb eisch 1: Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 F' +4+44',,,O+++444,444+++++++.1•444++++++++++++++++++++++44 +4i 44',„O+ +1+'? 44,44fee:'i ++ ++•.F44,+61++•1•+• +.; + «b ++•£<++'z •k+ fi+44 Mens and Boys Work Shoes We have put in a Stock of Good Choice Quality Men's nd Boys' Work Shoes, : and invite the public to co me in and we can fit you up. PUT IN A SUPPLY. OF MEN'S AND WOMEN'S RUBBElitS, MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS, ETC. Ae Goderich police Court a quer- tett of young farm hands stood up last Thursday afternoon and told agistrate J: A. 4Vlakins that they Thad stolen grain, sold it, and used the money to buy ,gasoline to go to hockey matches. the magistrate said, "I',ll.:-re` nand each and all of you to) aiI,for one week for sentence. There is too,'.much of this going on." Donald Staley,' Tiespler, after pleading guilty o an amended charge of indecent assaults . other charges being with- drawn, also was .remanded one week 'tlr sentence.—It was an eventful day or 'a -'young 'woman from London, Formerly of Clinton. She was charg- ed with fraud in that she allegedly so'ured a dress from a Clinton mer - 'bent by false pretences. Onthe way up from. London to attend court,the ,auto in which she was a passenger, .tnrned`:.over in thte ditch and accused limped to the front of the courtroom 'wlien her name was called. She deni- ed ' any intention of fraud, but adm- itted the debt. The magistrate gave he until April 15 to straighten mat- ters out.—After a two day tryout with n farmer; Clare Irwin, on re- mand. charged with vagrancy, was back in court once more. "'.The farm er „says thtere's ibeen too much pub licitjr over this case and so he's tos .Sed Irwin back on our hands," the brown attorney said with a sid,. glance to the press desk. "There's naught to do but send him back 4n jell and hope for fine weathter," lie -1 chat ed the magistrate. GARFILED BROWN Victoria Street. Zurich, Ont. WE GIVE EXPERT WORKMAN- SHIP IN REPAIRING Your Patronage Solicited Zurich Garage EXTRA EXTRA LARGE SHIPMENT OF TIRES JUST ARRIVED Regular 310 Heavy Service at —6.35 Reg. 10.75 Heavy Servi a Tires 6.9tlt Best of Gasoline at per gallop;, 23& Lubricating Oils and Greases 'at Gds. _ ,v r spdr,Va g Loi.‘7"11:4"1" . Get Your yitequirements' Here, wlFecaw_ Your Dollars Go the Farthest!i Expert Workmanship on all Makes .of Cars, with Charges Very Reasonable �. 1VMOUSSEAU Phone 103. Zurich W18i111IIIIIIIID1111111111111111111!1111111111111111111181E1111111111111118!111111111111f81111111111111111111IIIIII11111111111(1111111I1011E111llll(811111;!lJltl 1111:111111111111111181111111111111111111111111111111111118G1i 111111: THESE PRICES subject to dwige without Notice Painting Wagon ' $ 7.00 and 10.00 Painting Buggy 6.00 and 10.00 Recovering Buggy Top .............. 16.00 and 18.00 Rerimming Buggy Wheels Set .................. 12o00 Buggy Shaft 3.00 Cross Bar 1.00 Buggy Reach .... 1.25, Buggy Spokes each ..P.Ar.,.....,.................r..,_.a... 25c ESS, the Repair Man 1111111111111111'81111111111111111111111111ID1111111111111111111I1111181181111118118811111111111111111811181118118Mi111161118i8A1811U>8881E:881111111111181811111111101811I11i1f8f11111E111121111Ra18a8U ' s..®t•...Neem.Wimps ,.,..,._..,MI 1 MASSEY4IARRIS NEWS Almost New Top Buggy and 10 -inch grinder with New Plates, at Bargain Prices Please manifest your appreciation for having received .credit on Repairs by settling at once. We now must have settlements to meet obligation&. SUPERLASTIC TIRES AND TUBES, GIVE YOU GREATER VALUE PER DOLLAR GAS OIL AND GREASE :Tel. ter-, 1.49. O. KLOPP & •SONS Res. ti .A.UCTIo v "::- c ? • 'YES! •