HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-03-04, Page 2For lovers o f green tea
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Synopsis of Preceding Instalments:
During a summer's outing, Sheila
Garscadden, blue-eyed, coppery -
haired and 21, who worked in a New
York office, met Peter McCann, son
»f the wealthy Judge McCann. She
was with him only a few short
hours, didn't even learn his last
'name, but when she returned to the
F3 VIE wee."Mil
It's always
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Each cake of Royal
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EAST plays an important
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Royal Yeast is always depend-
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For SO years, Royal has stood for high-
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Don't risk baking failure with uncer-
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To get uniform results In bread baking,
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city she realized she loved him.
Months later, at a rummage sale,
she bought a handbag in which she
found $50. The bag was marked
with the former owner's initials and
address and although Sheila's fain-
ly was poverty-stricken, she return-
ed the money. The house to which
she went was that of Judge McCann
and while she was there, in walked
Peter McCann. Peter and Sheila
met secretly the next day in an old
book room of a library to which
Peter had access. Peter told her
he loved her, but was to marry an-
other girl, Gertrude Keane, who
lived with the McCanns. When they
tried to leave the library, they found.
themselves locked in. Making their
way over several roofs in a snow-
storm, they descended to what ap-
peared to be a studio. Two young
men, bootleggers, who addressed
each other as Ken and Inky, sud-
denly confronted them. One had a
pistol. They forced Sheila and
Peter into an automobile, then into
a truck and hours later they were
taken into an old isolated farm-
house. After a few hours sleep,
Sheila found her way to the kitchen
and prepared dinner for her five
captors- Left alone with Sheila,
Ken explained that s1'e and Peter
had shown up in the studio when he
and his men were afraid of detec-
tion and for that reason they had
had to bring them along. They talk-
ed of their mothers, and of other
Sheila's thoughts reverted to a
previous topic. She felt tired, re-
laxed, sleepy, but there was an-
other feeling, an odd sense of be-
ing happy, completely at ease. It
was as if she and this strange; dark,
sinister-1oolthig yb ing pian were
speaking to each other's souls direct-
ly, without self-consciousness, in the
soft warm gloom of the old kitchen.
She might not have been able to
express it, or even to analyze it.
But she was pleasantly, dreamily
conscious of it none the less.
"I can't get over your mother
taking care of that olcl dog," she
A Stout and Sturdy Krait
Could any garment• fill
manly sweater for groing 1
him and the easy-to-wor]c •st
Match his school colors whe
instructions and a separate
8, 10, 12 and 14. The patte
which the original garment
the garment after it knit,
out abbreviations and an.,•�
Write your name and.;,
wanted. Enclose 20. cents 'z
it carefully and`nddress yo'
Room 421, 73 ' West Adelai
Again Ken made no co'
After a moment he asked, abr
"Know what Monk said?" •.
'Monk ?"
"He's one of those fellers.''''`
jerked his head toward the
parlor, to which the men ha."'
coming constantly from the
with logs, as the crashing .a:
tramp of their feet had to
"When I got here," Ken coni
in his lazy, indifferent tone, "
half -frozen, and starved. I
them what chances were of e
And Monk says, `Dinner's
But your woman tells us .sire
to wash our hands.!'
A new sort of terror
Sheila's heart and shook
rat. Her mouth filled w
water; her hands grew col
.Kerr seemed to sense
tion, for although it was 100;
to see her face, he ansi erde..
thoughts in his half-conteinpttt
half -amused way.
"You don't have to be air d.'
Nothing is going to hurt you. Yo 'li
be back with your mother tomdr-
row night, as safe as ever."
Shelia could not speak. She
swallowed, with a dry throat.
,;greater number of needs than this
p? The zipper closing will appeal to
inette stitch will wear well and long
electing the yarn. There are separate
ern for each and every size including
includes: a sample of the yarn from
made, a tissue pattern for blocking
-to-follow working instructions with-
bling chart.
ass plainly, giving number of pattern
un s or coin (coin preferred) wrap
order to Mayfair Pattern Service,
reet, Toronto.
"I wish to God it was true !" Ken
muttered, after a silence.
There was another pause. Then
he chuckled suddenly.
"Poor old Monk!" he said. "He
hasn't washed his hands for dinner
for live years!"
Shelia was' praying and shade na
answer., Presently lien said:
"You're not stuck on this feller?"
"On Peter? He's going' to be
married Tuesday."
"Well, I thought you were."
I was up at Tiller's Beach with
some people this year," Sheila vol-
unteered, "and I met him there. We
like each other, all right. Then I
didn't meet him again until last
until—1 guess it was Friday night.
It seems years ago."
"And you and him made u date,
"Well, he wanted to see me. To
"Explain why he threw you
..A silence.
"He didn't throw me down,"
Sheila said mildly, ending it. "He
wanted me to know that he hadn't
run out on ane. He'd lost the num-
ber of any house."
Upper Left — water -color painting by the
mother of Alexander Graham Bell, of her
three sons — the inventor with bow and
Centre — House at No. 13 Hope Street, Ed-
inburgh, where Bell was born.
Upper Right — The Bell Homestead at Tu -
tela Heights, near Brantford, where the Bell
family moved in 1870.
Lower Right -- Alexander Graham Bell in
his later years.
The Bells of Hope Street
What happened at Number i3 Hope Street, Edinburgh, Scotland, on March 3rd; 1847,
should have set that thoroughfare amongst th e immortals,, but 'most of us know little about
it. The Bell family lived at that address when Alexander. Graham Bell (who was to invent
file telephone 27 years later at Brantford, Ontario) was born.
Bell's grandfather, his father, and his uncle were all specialists in the art of speech pro-
duction ---of vocal physiology. The inventor's own interest in that subject began at an early
age. To his early training Bell attributes his later ability to discover the principle of tele-
phony and to translate that principle into a practical mechanism which has profoundly intlu-
enced human history,
Everyone raved over Ritz, those nutty -flavored,
slightly salted, tasty and toasted wafers.
Here's a Chance t
Make Your rtune
The World Is Waiting For a Bet-
ter Babies' Diaper, Says
TORONTO— A fortune waits for
the inventor of a better babies'
diaper, according to Edgar D. Heist,
of Kitchener, Ont., president of the
foot section of the American Osteo-
pathic Association.
He told the National Shoe Re-
tailers' Association convention the
popular triangular "protective sani-
tary garment a child is compelled to
wear about the hips" causes damage
to babies' feet, legs and general
The unnatural position the diaper
forces babies' legs into is not con-
ducive to "million -dollar Iegs" in
later life, Heist said. He saw a
fortune for the inventor of a de-
vice for dressing infant children
"that will not deform them, as does
the present contraption."
Ask Supervisors To
Teach Agriculture
TORONTO, -- Appointment of su-
pervisors, graduates in agriculture,
in each county, district or area de-
signated by 'the Departmert of Edu-
cation, to supervise the teaching of
agriculture in the schools was urged
on the department by a committee of
the Ontario Agricultural College Al-
umni Association.
The committee headed by E. K.
Hampson, chairman, waited on Dr.
Duncan McArthur, Deptuy Minister of
Education, and Dr. George Rogers,
director of education. W. R. Reek, of
Ridgetoivn, P. M. Dewan, M.L.A., of
Woodstock, A.B.C. Tliroop, Renfrew
and R. S. Duncan, Toronto were on
the committee.
The memorandum proposed the su-
pervisors should be attached to the
office of the agricultural representta-
tives but should be paid and super-
vised by the Department of Educa-
ducation. In addition to directing the
teaching of agriculture the supervis-
ors would look after the school affairs.
It was proposed the scheme be tried
out first in a few selected areas.
"You know hg's yeller, don't
you?" Ken said, in dissatisfaction.
Sheila made no answer, and he
mumbled once or twice, "Sure, he's
yeller," before settling down into
silence again.
After another interval the man
began again, with his air of superi-
"You know there isn't anyone
who has 'anything on me!"
"Has?" Sheila echoed alertly.
"You mean the police?"
"There isn't one of thein could
pin anything on me."
Sheila pondered this.
"You mean because there isn't
anything to pin, or just because
(Tc be Continued)
Do you find it hard to go to sleep at
night? Do you feel poorly rested in
the morning, "jumpy" all day, and
"ragged" by evening?
Then take Wincarnis. Here's a delicious
wine, not a drug, that soothes nerves
so that you're able to withstand the
'trials and worries of the day; that
helps you quickly to sleep at night, and
floods your whole being with vibrant
new energy.
Wincarnis brings you all the valuable
elements of grapes combined with the
highest grade beef and guaranteed malt
extract. Almost as soon as you begin
taking Wincarnis, you feel greatly
better. This is because Wincarnis
helps to enrich your blood, soothes
your nerves and creates lasting reserves
of strength and energy.
Sot don't let your nerves keep you from
enjoying life. Let Wincarnis help you
back to full normal health.
Over 20,000 medical men have proved
in practice the value of 'Wincarnis in
cases of jumpy nerves, insomnia, pale
complexion, debility and general indis-
position. Get Wincarnis from your
druggist. --Sales Agents: Harold F.
Ritchie & Co. Ltd., 'Toronto. BO
Xs$ue No, 1b — '37
"It would be interesting tl know
if our present crop of suicides and
neurotics is not partly traceable- to
motion pictures seen durinta iinyires-
sionable years, and to subSequent
disappointments or despair wit011 life
fails to turn out that way."
—Pearl l3ucic.
We can't understand ha-. ate 'ant
acquired such a reputation for 1,;,eing
so industrious,. Nearly all we over
saw were on a picnic. — Labor.
On Sale Friday, April 2Iird
By gracious permisslan o) las J,,plapyst5 !lift
Programme is issued by fting GtUtae's.,/ubi-
dee Trust.
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Gargle with "ASPIRIN"
For the most amazing relief front
sore throat due to colds, do, ibis
Crush and dissolve three"Aspirin'°
tablets in M glass of water. Them
gargle with this, holding, the bead
well back. This puts the soothing
analgesic medicine of "Aspirin" tar
direct contact with the sore, in-
nflamed membranes of your throat.,
Thus rawness and pain are eased
almost instantly and you have won-
onderful comfort. You'll say it's the
most marvelous way to relieve a sore
throat you ever found.. And your
doctor, we are sure, will approve it
Ai "Aspirin" tablets are made n
Canada by the Bayer Company, ) i -
it:ed, of Windsor,
and Get