HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-03-04, Page 1-.„ 'Vol, XXXVI P. 4.• 4 ea ZUMCH, THURSDAY MO' tHe 11 me News, ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. "A Changeless Christ Ear a Chang- ing World.' Friday, 8h—Luther League. trhursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: 0 a. m.—German Service.„ ,.1.15 a.m.—Sunday Schooli.. 7.30 p.m.—English service.. Everybody Welcome an, allq'..vervitne E. TUERICHEIBS, Pastor. o You Need Glasses? Stop and Think how ;Toped -ant it is, that you wear correct glasses cor- rectly prescribed for your vision. .Correctly styled to yeti= face. Your health may largely depen1 on. keen vision. See C. E. ZURBRIEGG, R. O. At HESS JEWELMY STORE Every Tuesday at ZURICH At Dashwood, Saturday. at Pfders . Store. Rabbit Loses Life x Viththe steering column of his bicycle bespattered with blood and rabbit hairs Harvey Beattie, jr., age 10, Goderieh Twp. reached the Co- unty Town. on .Saturday afternoon to tell of a collision with a rabbit la midair while it was crossing the road He lost his balance and was thrown to the road. The rabbit being killed outright. Th.e rabbit came from the, side of the road and its head struck the upright post just under the han- dlebars of the bike, killing it ironed- iatel3r. HAY COUNCIL Theregular monthly meeting of the Council of the Township of Hay waf. held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on 1VIonday, March last, with all the me- mbers present. The minutes of the meeting held January 30t1a were ad- opted as read. 'After disposing of the communic- ations the following resolutions were passed. That Lots 1 to 18, Trudel Street, St. Joseph, be leased to J. Sararas for season of 1937 for $1.50 under condition that if same are redeemed no rental shall be payable. That the report of the auditors be accepted and that the Clerk arrange to have 75 copies thereof printed for .0.4.••••••••••••••••••• TRY ECKEL'S 4. NONG, MARCH 4, 1937. , eeea-eweiarge.,efeeeeetseSaatemlowa;aa..e".',..'"."ew7rawaeaeve"a,4-",,,' a follow the LOU: Lavitt's Theatre EXETER — ONT., Thursday, Friday, Saturday Mar, 4, 5, 6, COLLEGE HOLIDAY Paramount Special with JACK BENNY----BURNS & ALL Martha Ray, famous Comedian, THE GREAT ZIEGFIELD Metro, Goldwyn, Mayers, Great 81 Starring William Powell, Myrna LI Louise Rainer. 11 50 Stars. 500 Girls 1;1 One Show Nightly. Cornmencm, 8.30 sharp owing to length of.pic Admission, adults 50c. including Children 15c Theatre Closed Monday and Tu Wed., Thurs., Friday, Saturda March 10, 11, 12, 13th COMING —That G-irl from Paris. , —Reunion. —Rainbow on the River. distrtibution among the public vided for in the Municipal Ac That all accomodation and, for trtansients in Hay TownSh discontinued after March 10th, That the Clerk advertise for„., ers for operating the Townslii sher and trucking gravel for th% son of 1937. Tenders to be hands of the Council by one ag April 5th, 1937. That the following be app Road Patrolmen of the various. "T rlai divisions for the Township of e- for the year 1937, and that the',.' piepaie the necessary By-law. - CHOICC VARIETY OF CAkE, PIESAND. + Campbell (b) Robt. Munn (t,0 * Arthur; Road No. 2 (a) C.41C1 SWEET GOO".S. (b) W. Coleman, (c) G. Dick..;.• S. Ropp; Road 3 (a) C. AldW (b) A. Moussoau (c) 0. Koehleil 9: + 4 A Rd 5 (a) I -i:. All Ingredients Used are of the Highest Quality + • (c')4. Reichert; . 4. ( 13 L. ,T. G'reen, (c) H. A. Fuss; Rd. (c) P. Neuschwanger; Rd. 8. 0) 4. Eckel's Bakery — Zurich ALL CONFECTIONS -- ICE CREAM Telephone 100 OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSED EVERY THURSDAY EVEN- ING AT 6.30 UNTILL FURTHER NOTICE 4. 6 (a) 0. Greb, (b) N. Foster; R4.1 S. Chester L. Smith, PubIishovi $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Advent:az 41.40 IN ARJ4EARS, 42 tO.AY $E elits.114tt:10 T614140964/0181:411. fejt, •.•41, Mr, Henry M. Willert of Dashwood s a visitor in town on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Abram Eckel, Mr. lid Mrs. Walter Eckel motored to lattsville on Sunday. Mr. Calvi- Williams of town was recent visitor with friends in De- alt. We are pleased to report that Mr. blin Pfaff of the Blind Line, who s been'confined to his bed, is now le to be up and around the house th the aid of crutches. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Schnell of De - nit, Mr.- Ed. Schnell of Bayfield, i's. ECCalles and Mrs. Nora Hoag - d of Detroit are in town attend - the 'funeral of their mother oa dnesday. 1.1r. Earl Witmer, who has been an loy in the poultry and egg de- ment of the Zurich Creamery, oe last fall, has severed his serv- with that enterprize and has d onto the farm on me 14th ession, Hay Township, vacated 1/1r. Theodore Miller, and which it Mr. Witmer has leased. Aaron A. Weber of the Bron- Wline, Hay, has sold his -fine 60- 0i, farm to Mr. Aaron Erb of ailley township. Mr. Weber will Ppossession this spring and will an auction sale on Wednesday, 24th. Mr. Weber has not as ecided just where he will locate, is .neighbors on the Bronson t to lose-, XV, :!'• and Mi tier as neighbors. 7, MUCH HOCKEY INTEREST +3! Some twenty, we'are told of Zur- leh, will join the special tram from Huron County that will attend the Canedian-Maple Leaf Hockey game in Toronto on Saturday evening. The train will start at Goderich and pick •••••• Smith, (b) T. Steinbach (c.)i:.$ ip to Toronto, and return the same • Oeseh. Rd. 9 (a) R. Miller, . • night. Canedians is the team of whi- ,R. , • Z'l * (b) Adams, (c) is- the star defenceman. sho- Surerus, (c) E. Erb; Rd, 10 (a ch "Babe" Siebert, formerly of Zur- rt , nomme; Rd 11 H Becker Jr; Rt1 • W. E. Turnbull; Rd. 13 P. 8.4i Rd. 14, (a) P. Campbell, (b) 17.;;- (c) E. Hendrick; Road 15, G. ,T4. Rd. 16 W. Dacharme; Rd. 17 riveata Rd. 18 (a) T, Dinsmore W. Farrell; Z.P.V. G. J. Thiel ;1) wood P.V., fl. Geiser. That accounts covering pay? on Township Roads, Hay Telt:$ Charity and Relief and genera!„.. unts be passed as per vouchariii)! Township Roails—j. N. Ziler 1.60; W. Farrell rd 18 1.(i0: (1.5 AmstAttoutmadtttA*AAAAAALAAAAAAmtrettem*AtAntrAvemAAAAAAttAAA 1 , 4 WE SELL TE -EE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Oxydol, large pkg.. _ . - .20c Aylmer, pork and beans,, 22 -oz. anis — ..... ...1 9c Royal York tea, half lb. pkg. -- ...... .........—......27c Peas, 17 -oz. tin, 2 tins • . 21 c Corn flakes, 3 pkgs. - — 25c Palmolive Soap, 4 cakes 23c Ovaltine, medixlm fin Heinz vegetable or tomato soup, per tin ...... -.......- Oc Fancy pink salmon, 2 tiris - - .._ . . 25c McCormick's wax tite Sodas, 16 -oz p1g...--.19c Royal York coffee„, 1-1b. tin at -39.c Asparagus cut -dugs, 2 squat tin at _.- ..... ..--...- 1 5c Lushus le% powders, 3 Pkgs. __----.....—...25t Fancy sandwich cookies, per lb. — .18c P and G. Soap, 6 bars ----. -„, .. - . 25c New patterns of prints at 19 c ite, 2 5t New HHouse Drew.% special 4 J. Highest Prices f Eggs. Elime4O mommaluxt.e.toing.... Uld be a game worthwile going to as the Toronto Maple Leafs are at their height, and full strength at present owing to the many causual- ties. The Iilontreal team are handi- capped by the loss of their star Howie il,arenz who recently suffered a, fry.- ;..Ctured leg, and who will not play this :iSeason. • OBITUARY .Late Mrs. John Schnell Another of Zurich's elderly reei- rd 6 $5; W. Fisher :rd 11 3.V4,, -,-Z , Delius right of way rd 1.4 siOria, Ins was called by death on Sunday Tilorning, February 28th, when the Pfile rd 15, $2; S. McArthur T. Soinhach rean came to Mrs. Elizabete Weber, td 8 ,1 ,.50; A. FA,' ,rd 8 4,. „,,,,,..e.iict of the lati John S...hnell of ett rd 4 2.40; A. Smith M. corriwan, rd 17 1.(40; w. ,A,„, ,': Zurich, at the age of 79 years, 5 months and 18 days. Deceased was man rd 2, 3.60, F. E. Denennii4 10, i.so. . ei. .,..7:-aa!A;l,f,.ctX0Sitiont of Zurich practically all Telephone b kuu•A.!), I • ate, being a daughter of.the well accouutq---Bell Tetr^:.01::. *ri family of the late Mr. and tolls, Dec. to Jan. 81.33; H. G. frtpi. balance salary etc, 201.80; INteeadilit Mrs.. Casper Weber, pioneers of the * .clistriat. On December 3m1 the late Electric Co., material 108.18; G;' ' Schnell fell and fractured her Stnitth, printing. acct. 10.25:- .,illi,.:7')\irs, charity and Roir--s,..azogoioi.:449i. at whic.h time she was removed rent 3.50; 0. Witmer milk 8,1. .4 ,Nt!":.- -:th r, Clinton Hospital for treatment, ,, Mernt.‘r acct. 16,56; C. Swartze0 • bey beef 6.85; Johnston & Kalbilei. acet. 3.56; J. Albrecht tranap' 23.30; J. A. Williams & 'o, 7.20; G. J. Thiel hauling stumps, $4,,, a wy weaker and weaker until Sun Hospital Sick Children grant e5., ,4 day When she passed. Always of 'General Accounts znot i� a.,,ialleerful and joval disposition she Hall lights 3.36; Gestetncr Co. M. 5.86; Municipal World acct. 6,32`;',::: That the Council adjourn to „ncei again on Monday, April 5th, at 1.$0 °Clock in tb'e afternoon. A. F. Hess, Clerk. Farmers! Attention! We have been appointed selling Ikgents for the celebrated Viking 'Mabel° Cream Separator, the separ- ator with a ten year guarantee. L&. as demonstrate this machine ;to YOu and compare it with all othera, And ion% forget, the best feature is the unusual easy terms. Liberal allowance or trade-ins. C. SCHRAG & SON, tf44 After a month at the hospital, she longed to come back to her home in turiell; which wish was granted, and tance that she time she grew gradn- very pleasant to meet, and she bore her sufferings with great pati- ence.,.; Hes husband predeceased a -- hot* ten years ago. She is survived three sons, Edward Schnell, of Bayfield; George, of Border Town, N. Jersey, and Eldon of Detroit. Two Alaughters, Mrs. Ed. Challes and Nora Hoagland both of Detroit; four .brothers Harry Weber of Kitchener, Adolph !Weber of Ingersoll; Louis and Charles Weber of Zurich; and three sisters', Mrs. Beers of Buffalo, Mrs. Demuth of Port Arthur and Mrs 41ras, taidlew of Crosswell, Mich. 'Be- sides many relatives. and friends. The funeral was held on Wednesday aft- e-aoon, with services in St. Peter'a Lutheran church, interment In the -aitheran cometer, Her pastor, Rev. 1, Turkheim (Mc:Laing, 5.0 Sp CLI 1 RIMLESS READING GLASS Come in and Try a Pair of the Newest Shape Clear View Spectacles, either.. Natural Or White complete with Case. s4, The ie eller Phone 74 Zurich Servet Solvay Coke Miller Creek Rosedale Alberta, and GLEN ROGERS' BRIQUETS Tile and Briek W. R. DAVIDSON Highest cash prices paid foi- Eggs on a graded basis.. Phone 10 TIZNS Aria .04,04-4,•,00•44:40*40,00 • 4'• • 4 4'• • 0,'AtI"VA"+ A 'AAq 4,04,0-4$009•4,04-,13-Zr.0-C44.‘ 4. 4. ' - • Cold • • • • • S'EE 4.* 4 at, 4 4.4 Cr 4 t Weather Is 1-ibre AND IT'S vercoat e OUR RANGE AND DIFFERENT STYLES WE HAVE ON HAND. MADE TO IIIEM3,TTE SUITS $19.50 Up ne• man EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS 0-011=Ena6=1Uligaira= T"{E.tanratif,MZ.eintnreaSS ".F1.11MatTaiana O.ld ere ' r he„,r We are again prepared to supply your rtesds for the Cold Weather with Good Woolen Underwear for Young and Old. .Also Moa' and Boy's Top Shirts, Sweaters and Sweater Coats, Wool Socks, Mitts and Gloves. Wool and Flannelette Blankets, Flannelette:.•,,, Tadoussac Flannel suitable for Dresses; Cur- tains and Curtain Goods, Comforter Chintz; Men's, Boys and Children's Heavy Rubbers; Also Men's Rubber Boots, Harness Repain, Halters, Anything in Harness. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND R. N. 0•UGLAS GENERAL MEROHANT PHONE 11 gm' 97 BLAKE ligiSMOINCILMMISMINA•aliiii44114104M0101404559 afifiONSIOW4140691E4456414M•1041Mapp