HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-02-25, Page 7BLUE LABEL 31' hall pound J. Lyons d, Co. (Canada) Lid. Toronto and Montreal YELLOW LABEL. 28' hall pound ',0m.s,m.....a„mm.,R.,. Here ° There Everywhere ),, A brother to every other Scout, without regard to race or creed e With Lord and Lady Baden-Powell present, the Scouts of India held their first Ail -India Boy Scout Jamboree at Delhi, during the first week of Feb- ruary. Boys of every Indian caste and creed made up the gathering of 20,000 Scouts. r* * Java has Boy Scout troops compos- ed entirely of Arabs,' Chinese, Japan- ese, Eurasians and Javanese. All fol- low the same Scout Law and Promise. * * ,k President Ulmanis of Latvia has become Honorary President of the Latvian Boy Scouts Association. Scout Ieaders welcomed him at a great camp fire near Riga, and pledg- ed themselves to training Latvian youth to the best standal'ds of citi- zenship. e * * English oaks, from acorns from an- cient trees on historic English es- tates, will soon be growing in the United States. Li response 'to , a re- quest from the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture received through the Boy Scouts of America, English Boy Scouts gathered acorns from 17 old estates closely linked with Eng - 1.1116n7, 7t.A.C111:31:07,6564e2.01.1i0 lish history, and these have been for- warded by the International Scout Bureau at London. The estates in- cluded Windsor Great Par- . the home of the Tiring, those of Princess Mary, the Princess Royal, and the Dukes of Norfolk, Portland, Newcastle, Devon- shire and Rutland. Acorns also were sent from the forests associated with Robin Hood and the poet Fyron. * * * The new Viceroy of India, the Mar- quis of Linlithgow, like his predeces- sor Earl Willingdon, has T ecome ti- 3 Chief Scout for India. K * >M More than 30 years ago a bridge over a rocky stream at Palampum, Tudia, •„ as destroyed by an earthquake and not rebuilt. During the rainy season it became a dangerous tor- rent, and could be crossed only by fording, or many miles of detour. Each year a number of travellers lost their lives in. attempting the crossing. Two years ago a troop of Boy Scouts of the Cana(' Anglican Mission School at Palampur under Rev. Geoff- rey Guiton, a former Mon'. -al Scout- master, built a stout four -span bridge across the stream, since when the road has been constantly open and not a life has been lost. Fiancees Must Pass Severe Test Fitness for Motherhood, Eugenic Soundness Necessary BERLIN, — Fiances of Chancellor Adolf Hitler's 'Schutz Staffel (black- sllirted private guards) must pass se- vere tests before being accepted as inhabitants of the trainin, home re- cently established for them at Jons- dorf, .Saxony, ; The principal: preliminary .00nciition Is Aryan descent ;back- to 1800; at - the least. The girl'+'candidates Will be examined as to their fitness for mo- therhood ar•1 eugenic soundness. They must also undergo tests of their knowledge of Nazi "Weltanschauung" (world outlook). Particular attention is to be paid to the difference in physical propor- tions of couples. An S. S. man will not be permitted to marry L girl • is thirty-five or more centimeters '' 1 inches) shorter than he. Of the inhabitants of the new es- tablishment, which is called the 1''- -'•1 If You're Told - to "Alkalize" Try This Remarkable "Phillips" Way Thousands are Adopting On every side today people are being urged to alkalize their stomach. And thus ease symptoms of "acid indiges- tion," nausea and stomach upsets. To gain quick alkalization, just do this: Take two teaspoons of PHIL-• LIPS' MILK OF MAGNESIA 30 minutes after eating. OR — take two Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets, which have the saine antacid elect. Relief comes almost at once — usually in a few minutes. Nausea, "gas" - fullness after eating and "acid indigestion" pains leave, You feel like a new person. Try this way. You'll be surprised at results. Get eitherthe liquid .Phil- lips" or the remarkable, new Philips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets. Delightful to take and easy to carry with you. Only 2501 a box at all drug stores. ALSO IN TABLET FORM: Each tiny tablet is the equiv.. alent of a teaspoonful of genuine Philips' Milk of Magnesia. MADE IN CANADA H1LLIPS'GLNK oI i07A27`il16LCs$A Goering home, after the first wife of Colonel General Hermann Wilehim Goering, Iiitler's chief aid, 250 will be trained in housework, gardening and various sportr. Sun Eclipse Due Due In June—Longest in Century —Only Few Isles on Course Over •South Seas LICK OBSERVATORY, Calif,—The longest total eclipse of the sun in more than a 'century will occur June S, but to astronomers. it is likely to be a total loss. The sun Will be hidden completely for seven minutes and four seconds, nearly an ail -time' record. Yet, scien- tists who last year scurried to points all the Way from Greece to Japan to study a mere 2% mliriute eclipse ex- pect to pass this one up. The reason is that it will follow a -nearly landless course through the South Pacific, mis- sing islands as effectively as if guid- ed by a matter mariner. The eclipse will start in the Elliae and Phoenix archipelagoes, near Sa- moa, where the sun will rise entirely obscured. A rare sight to the layman this means little to the astronomer because ho cannot effectively photo- graph an eclipse rose to the horizon. As the sun climbs into the sky, the path _o ptality will cross the South Seas rellitnl it reaches• Peru. There, near Cuzco, the ancient Inca capital, there will be a totally -eclipsed subset. Hawaii and Mexico will- see 'a partial eclipse and a very slight dent in the sun's disc will be visible in the south- western United States. From New Zealand to lonely little Canton Island will go 011e expedition: under C. B. Michie to await the eclipse in its four -minute stage. Los Ange- les' Griffith observatory considered a trip to Christmas Island but doubt that the island actually lies in the path of totality leas about caused Di- rector Dinsmore Alter to give up the idea, The isle most favorably located the path of_totality is Enderbury, an uninhabited atoll in the Phoenix group, but there is no anchorage and landing is dangerous. Sex, Maniage and Birth Control A Guide Boole to a Satisfactory Sex Life in Marriage. By Alfred H. Tyrer Prica 51.50 Postpaid Wmm, Dawson Service Ltd. 70 Aing Street E. Toronto TH E FAMOUS RUBBING LINIMENT Rub on—pain gone. Get the new large econ- omy size—Also avail- able in smaller, regular size. 97 Smiles and Chuckles Elsie—Did you have a good time. shopping yesterday? Mamie ---No indeed. 1 found the dress I wanted in the very first store I went into. —o— The fellow who thinks that the whole world is against him never seems to realize that possibly the world doesn't even know he is in it.: —0— Teacher Junior, what are the seasons? - Junior—You mean in Canada Teacher—Yes, - of course. Junior—Baseball and football. 0 We heard a minister say the other day that if you put a barbed wire fence on each side of it, you could not keep some men in the straight and narrow path, --o— CURSES I answered the phone at daybreak,'; And thought I would surely` freeze, 'Till a voice made nie hot all over By saying: "Excuse it, please." Why is it that some men • clieer fully give, a waitress a 50 -cent tip and then growl' when Junior w ,or: Little Mary ask for movie money after' lunch? —0— Accepted Swain—I know I'm not much to look at. • The Girl—Still, you'll be - at work all day. —o— A good story is told of a cub re- porter. Here is his last paragraph on a murder story: "Fortunately, for the deceased, he had 'deposited all his money in the bank the day before. He lost practically nothing but his life." —o— Snippy Paragraph "The final test of personality is to search for your wife's lost glove under the feet of other movie patrons and not get slapped. - --0— An Ohio movie house has instal- led extra wide seats for fat nen. It is a good idea. Keeps 'em from boiling over onto people who sit in the next seat. —o— ` Sandy-1wish I knew who put that joke in the paper about Scotch folks being tight. Lassie—Why don't you phone the editor and ask? Sandy-- What! And who'd pay for the phone call? Judge I'll sentence you to jail for a month. Have you anything to say? Prisoner—Yes, your honor. 1 just want to ask one favor. Please tele- phone my wife and tell her I won't be home for a month. She never believes any of my excuses, --o-- "Nothing o—"Nothing is brighter than a baby 10 minutes before' its bedtime," says a New Pappa. A little learning is a dangerous thing. Experience will teach New Papa that a baby is al- ways brighter at two in the morn- ing. —0— Read It Or Not The little state of Andorra has a single house where 750 at a time can see a film. IeolancV rias three film houses. . --0— White Friend—They tell me that you drink 100 cups of coffee every day. Negro --Yes, sale, that's true boss. White Friend—Does it ever bother you? Doesn't it keep you awake? Negro—Well, it helps, —0— A quarrel is vulgar no matter how high-toned it is . pitched. —o— Fan Dancer-•-- What's become of the India rubber woman? Bearded Wonsan — The boss just bounced her. - "Radio has brought the world into, every man's backyard:' — Harry El. mer Barnes. "I think 1937 t4ill perhaps decide the future of our civilization," — An= tholy Eden. U*,ri tre000ue.,.•wt• tortoo-:Wtnr..+gnu..-. wi,.—inn—LL+e+.qn.i--np.-.u11,-sow••,-11,--u0.-os-.-aM„n.'W.+B', hong Canada's Alining -witttapussoats.. xn—eu..-iw—nit.._.rata•i.,-nn,.,,. Wallit..-•u"-..-.nn.—iw+-mo--.un•...mo-s-o-imoo•alt a,re.--n,»ui...o. „-,w "he Larder Larder Lake section in Ontario ilia west Of the boundary) has re- ly furnished - eontinuous Mine pws, Derr Addison, Martin Bird and Phot Canada Mines have recently POO news of major iillportanee, ebor't review of the operating pro- ]'ties and properties is as follows:— N RR ADDISON Diamond drill - g. :has. indicated large tonnages of ed'iuni grade ores. Reports indicate initial 500 ton mill installation. It reported by the Northern Miner at the Company has $000,000 in its easury. The Anglo-Huronian Com - any is known to have a substantial Iding in the Company, with Mining rporation, Nipissing and other min - ;interests said to have minor par- etpations. The properties are located the north end of the east arm of litter, Dake. ARTIN BIRD is obtaining impor- t• ore values over big widths on the cone level, With drifting proceeding -the first and third levels. The Com - ay is well financed, with approxi- ately .$400,000 on handl The Com- fany''sproperties are located at the oath' end of the east arm of Larder fake. >OMEGA MINES, Iocated on the Orth 'shore of Larder Lake is milling I w -grade ores on a 500 ton daily basis. The liability of the Company tb the Castle Trethewey Company ex- eeeds half a million dollars. Large tonnages and indications of higher - grade ores inspire optimism on the outlook, UPPER CANADA MINES, located some milds to the west, has oncouxl- tor'ed good values over mast import- ant widths in recent diamond drilling. The Company is reliably reported to have close to $200,000 in the treasury. The 500 foot level should be reached by March let, ORIOLE MINES, adjoining Upper Canada, is to be given an underground test in view of diamond drilling results, reported to be favourable and consistent. PELANGIO LARDER LAKE have already started surface work on their 600 -acre .holdings half a mile to the north-east of Kerr Addison. Donald Lough, associated since the beginning with Martin Bird activities, is Presi- dent-elect of the Company. BARBER LARDER MINES, located. about one mile to the west of the Keir Addison, pians active operations to begin shortly. R. S. Potter is the President of this Company. ARMISTICE MINES is another incorporation covering acreage to the west of Kerl• Addison. WESLEY GOLD has holdings to the south east of Kerr Addison. Many other incor- porations are under formation. Your Garden By GORDON L. SMITH ARTICLE NO. 1 Winter May linger or even return again later on, but the person who is determined to have a real garden this year is already making plans. After a garden is very similar to a house or library, it must be dreamed over and planned well in advance of ac- tual operations if the full enjoyment snd usefulness are going to be de- rived, Varieties will have to be se- t eted, rough . measurements made, e' 'ii'rangement perhaps for get- ting•seed started indoors. All of these things take a little time and it will be time well and enjoyably spent. THESE WILL HLP All that will be needed for these preIiminary plans will be a pencil and paper, and a good seed catalogue. If a government bulletin on "Garden- ing" can be added, so Much the bet- ter. The catalogue, however, ,is in- dispensable. It should be of Canadi- an origin, because the seeds and di- rections listedtherein have been cho- sen with our own Canadian climate ill View. Catalogues today are more than mere lists of flowers and vegetables. Much other valuable information is given. For instance, along with the flower there is a description of color, height, time of blooming and some intimation 'whether the variety is frost r_sistant and if it is suited to sun or shade. All these points will prove of good service, especially to the begin- ner. If ti mixed border is to be laid out, it is important that the smaller plants be placed in the front and one will want to know in advance whether the colorsare going to match. Time of flowering, too, is good information to have because knowing that, it is possible to plait a continuous show of bloom right through the season. WINTER DAMAGE Aceoi'ding to horticulturists, most damage occurs at this time to roses, perennials, fruit trees and other plants which winter outdoors. Warm days that tempt too early growth, with near zero nights immediately after, and cold, drying winds from the North or West are responsible. Very tender things will benefit from a light cover- ing of straw, leaves or even olcl news- papers for a few weeks until Spring really arrives. Natur'e's own protec- tion, snow, is often absent, Sees Newspapers As Best For Ads. Commands Attention Asserts Ad- Va.a.rt sing Executive in Address • TORONTO—The daily newspaper 1s;an agency for the promotion of goon`` will toward a firm and its praducts was discussed by Morgan Er tman, advertising executive. °`Same times advertisers, in the selection of the media to carry their m'e-ssage .forget that first fundamen- tal principle—advertising must be see l;l 'said he. "In this regard, you ceroid- ;be well advised to select media that has Won the approval and centinued support of national ad- vettisers - and yet may be used arluantageously locally—your local ne�,Wtpaper is fundamentally a nledi- 41lt f first-class choice. It goes into thtX Homes to whom you expect to sell ' Your service by request. Its feti'titnes command the attention and int 'est of -every member of the fam4e ,'its pages carry not only the IIOI S,' f"'the world, but the shopping Flush Kidn nosy <,and as a result men and won'nedi;; have been educated to silo].) ' froiil the pages of their daily news- o q ° ptpe.r.-; I have said that your daily s°? o _.intothe home b- �'��,� e"3�1 � Pt��� ..� (9��i nt.ltspal?o:. comes y roiiuest-more than that, it is paid for because it is wanted. That is important to remember, because it is ya ir. insurance that your mes- senger is more likely to be seen than if he appeared in the garb of some unl,nie it and unwanted or tininvit- dd. Medium, "It.is at once apparent that you could not make personal calls on all of these who might be expected to use your service," Mr. Eastman there' is no way i11 which you could Gain in Health and Stop Getting Up Nights When kidneys are clogged they become weak ---the bladder is irritated -often passage is scanty and smarts and burns -• sleep 10 restless and nightly visits to the bathroom are frequent. 'rhe right safe harmless and inexpensive. way to stop this trouble and restore healthy action to kidneys and bladder is to get from rny druggist a 5.0 -cent box of Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules and take as directed -- yon won't be disappointed, litit be sure 'and get GOLD MEDAL ;Haar- lem Oil Capsules—the original and genuine,_ right from Haarlem In Holland—a grand kis- 'Ley stimulant and diuretic. Remember Also that other symptoms of kidney and bladder trouble are backache, leg cramps, puffy eyes, moist balms and nervousness. t Issue No. 9 '37 B-1 anticipate the need of this service for the prospect. Advertising reme- dies this situation by blanketing the community with your message. For instance, through the medium of your local newspaper you can send your message into the home, at a cost in the metropolitan centres of approximately one-fifth of a cent per call—and only slightly higher in the smaller cities. Just think of it—for one cent your messenger will call five times— for approximately ten cents he will call every week in the year, repeating and reiterating your message until that day of need arises for the prospective buyer of your service. "That's selling at a low cost." Cost of Living Is Going Higher • 0 LONDON, — The cost at living is on the eupward grade. Prophets pre- dict it will go still bight- • Housewives ere paying considerab- ly more than a year ago for clothing, linen and c $ton goods. Mr. and Mrs. Newlywed ere now regretting they did not decide sooner for furnishing costs have risen 10 to 15 percent dtie- ing the las` 12 months. In France the cost -of -living graph is climbing a still steeper incline. The rise in prices thele threatens to wipe out the profits of the recent do- I valuation. it is giving the Blum Gov- ernment serious concern. Charles Spi nesse, French Mlnlste. of National , Economy, is phep._-ing special legis - ration. - On Sale Friday, April 23rd THE OFFICIAL SOUVENIR PROGRAMi1E OF THE CORONATION Sy gracious permission of tilts itfofesty ilsa Programme lc (sauna by Piing George's Juba loo Trust. COPIES MAY NOW BE RESERVED PROM ALL NEWSAGENTS AND BOOKSELLERS. PRICE III CANADA •-- 60 CENTS Peru produces the Cuzco type of maize. The kernels of this prtoduct are nearly an inch broad and are eaten one by one like chesttl'uts. GOLD'S PLACE IN A NATION'S PLANS °•-- The- Canadian gold indus- try, which proved• a national bulwark durtrlg the years of depresstan, is now expanding in .a manner of real importat•lce.. With capital rapidly dt- ve'Ioping several new areae, Canadian gold producers should show, and have already shown,- substantial increases. Our Statistreal Department will be glad to give unbiased information regarding individual com- panies, etc., upon request. c, m' ars HEWN 0.8,4,' TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE 60 King St. W. 111111•11IM • Toronto Classified Advertising INVESTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of wanted inventions and tun infopmatien sent free. THE RAMSAY Company, World Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. BABY CH1CItS LEGHORNS, 9c, BARRED ROCKS, 10e, White Rocks 1.20. From blood tested stock, Order early. Guaranteed delivery. April prices tower. 10cil down, balance C.O.D. Box 1 C, Kent Hatchery, Chatham, Ont. FARM IMPLEMENTS FANN1NG MILL (KLINE) MODERN SEM Grader. Testimonials. Mine Mtitt:teeur- ing, 121 Empress Crescent, Toronto. BEAUTY CULTURE SCHOOL OBERTSON 'S HAIRDRESSING ACADEMY " Toronto, Dominion Chartered. Write for free booklet. : •"' PURE GUARANTEED WOOL `xTHEELfNG YARN — GUARANTEED 'Vv pure Canadian wool—Grey, :white, mot- tled 890; enlored yarns -75c lb, plus postage. Bancroft Woollen Mills, Bancroft. Ontarle. Garlic Tablets far High snood Pressure No disagreeable ()dor or taste. A. power,'i1 internal disinfectant to influence the entire system. Your forefathers Used gar- lic for many ailments — Why? Price, $1,85 for ti weeks' treatment. Direct frdni Man- chester IDrug Co., Graham and Kennedy St„ 'Winnipeg. — Agents Wanted. WOMEN WHO SUFFER OMEN rvho suffer in si- lence often pay a double penalty for wearing this gag of unselfishness or silly pride. Painful periods are nature's warning that some- thing is wrong and needs immediate attention. Growing girls as well as women in middle life aro oaten sufferers from female irregularities. They find Dr, t'ierce's laborite Prescription is a dependable tonic, Read what Mrs. yohsn Roth, Route 4, Embro, Ont., said: "I loot weight, suffered from headaches and luy strength was completely gone. It was al- most impossible for Inc to eat. Mother ad- vised me to take Dr. Pierce's lhvotite Pre.. seriptton and in a short time 1 was feeling fine again" New size, tabs, 50c. i3uy nowt TORTURE In A Minute Por r�utck roller from the itching of eczema, blotches, pimples, athlete's foot,sonles, rashes and other akin ereotiaue apply Dr, Dennis' pure, cooling, entitle)).tie, liquid D. D. A, PRESCRIPTION, Its gentle rile soothe the irotcted skin. Clear, 1Trenseless end etaia. Ins- dries fast. Steps the most intense itching in- stantly. A 35e Pial bottle, nt drua stores, proves it- er money back. Ask for 0.0, D. PRESOtIIPTION, 28