HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-02-25, Page 5'Tharsday, 3 ob try,' 25th, 'r BUSINESS " CARDS LEGAL .)U JJEY.E .H+ L acs. ,AARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY pruauC, EdC. j ilD FICE—Hamilton Street, Just o'. the Square, GODERIC:H, °ataxia. One 1.0x20 McCormick Deering ;Special Attention to Corneal and •traciirrr, :uI good canditionY« •rspply to Court Work. ,Mr.. Holmes may be consulted at Goderich by Phone, and I'Iaone charges reversed. Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads, in this Columna FOR SALE DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE. L. D. Si D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON ,. At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH :Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHW OOD • Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Dr. 11 H. C O E N L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Streit Exeter - Ontario VETERINARIAN Dr. W. B. COXON„ B,V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. Geo. H, Beatty, Varna, Ont. FOR QUICK SALE 50 pounds of onion seed at reason- able price. Mr's. Conrad Ke11eie Zurich FOR SALE 2 bicycles as good as ,new. Apply Hartman Bros., Bronson Line. PIGS FOR SALE 20 chunks; 10 weanlings; 1 brood sow due to pig. Apply to ' W. J. Schroeder, Dashwood, Ont. AUCTION SALE Of Residential Property in Zurich, known as the Hoffman property will be sold by public auction at Domin- ion I1:ouse, Zurich, on Saturday, Feb- ruary 27th. If not previously sold. For further particulars apply to: Simon Hoffman, .Zurich mmorlasanonoromrancm z,�rieh� Ubcd Cprs For Sale Phone -96. i We are offering the following Cars A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc^ I for. Sale: See them! 1-1930 good Chex: Coach. rte. u College, ate of Toronto. All I d of Ontario Veterinary diseases of domestic animals treated :nal the most anedea;>ti principles, charges reasonable. tnded io,Alsonight aa11s promptly Bre- ;acme of Scottish terriers. Inverness Ber me's,. Office on' Main Street, eraposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron. and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON- gciuct any Auction Sale, regardless „as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will :make no charges for Services Ren- elered. ARTHUR WEBER Dashwood Phone 13-57. PRODUCE . Fair, Produce WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES --FOR-- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Zuriehs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the =very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, lEct., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins Yunghlutr & Son INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather, to surance Co. OF WOODSTOCK '.E LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY' CANADIAN 11+!UT- ' AL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO , mount of Insurance at Risk on Dace 31st, 1935, $20,4M730.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $254,627.52'. illtates—$4.50 per $1,000: for 8 Years; F. F. Klopp—Zurich 'teal„ Also Dater Lidhtnipd Rods.J said kiwis nk f' xA lutsur,ans e 1-1930 good Ford Coach. 1-1931 good Ford Coach. 1-1933 good V-8 Ford Sedan. 2-1930 good Ford •Coupes, with rumble Seats. 1-1928 Model A. Ford. All cars are mechanically gone , over by us. WE GIVE TERMS L. A. Prang and Son, Zurich NOTICE,TO CREDITORS RE: • ED. KRUEGER, late of the Township of Stanley, in ti,e County deceased. • CREDITORS AND OTHERS hav- ing claims against the estate of the said deceased are required to send Gull particulars of such claims duly verified to, the undersigned executors on or before March •5th, 1937, after: which date the Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to tlie; claims of which notice has been re-' ceived. DATED at Zurich, Ontario, till's 16th day of February, A.D. 1937. Clarence Parke, Roy Lamont, Executors_ AUCTION SALE OF FARM LANDS The undersigned Auctioneer bas re- ceived instructions to sell by Public Auction at DOMINION HOUSE, ZURICH LOCAL NEWs ;Mr. John 'Weido :is still confined to his bed With illness. BORN—At Zurich on Tuesday, February 23rd, to Mr, and Mrs, Mor- riis Andersen, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Hess an"yl 'family were visitors with friends in Kitchener. Mr. George J, Thiel is having aj"i auction sale of farm stock and iris plements on the farm • he recently sold, half axile south of town. The sale is billed for Thursday Mare „11. Miss Doreen O'Dwyer who is ate tending Laurette •College at Strat- ford, spent a few days with her par' tints, Dr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Dwye,O,, O Mr. Lewis Boshart of SeaforthOlr Harry Nafzinger of Waterloo and Misses Mildred Kipfer ;and Violet Oesclr, spent Sunday afternoon with .Miss Beatrice Gascho of town. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Willert ,of near Hensall, accompanied by Mie,' and Mrs. Louis estemeyer of the 1.4. con., Hay, attended the funeral ,,of the late Henry Willert at Ronneee Mich., last week. _Mos. Willert, the wife of the deceased pasSed awal' only 6 weeks before the husband. Miss Ruby Hendrick, R,.N.,. of Detroit, has returned to that city ' af- ter spending a few, weeks with . her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert .Her drick of the Blue Water, south, Miss Hendrick was also in care at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Hendrick where there was illness. the other day while Mr. C. 0. Smith and two sons were working in the bush getting out firewood, they felled a tree in which -was a hive of bees comfortably nestled for the win- ter, with a nice supply w of honey stored away, about 50 pounds. One of the boys was badly stung by the bees before he got under cover, which seems almost unbelieveable ho ;the middle of February, for5bees to take the air. The beekeepers Haberer Bros. were called and, they *exit down to the bush located a half mile south of St. Joseph, and gathered in the colony and are taking care of the same. OBITUARY Dies From Stroke Jolla Greb, aged 65, died at his farm home in easterly Hay Town- ship following .a stroke. He is sur- vived by a brother, Mr. Simon Greb of Exeter, formerly of the Babylon line,,Hay; three sisters, Miss L. Greb of ,Flint, Mich; Mrs. Evelyn Broder- ick •aid Mrs. Laura Wiilarr±. -If Pet- rolia; seven sons, Irwin, Melvin and Wesley, at home; Gordon, of Salina, (Cas.; Edward, of Kansas 'City ;-Leon- ard, Alton, Ill.; Harry of Kirkland Lake, and two daugnh.ters, Miss Lily and Miss- Lucy at home. The funer- al was held on Monday with 'inter- ment interment in Exeter Cemetery. Succumbs In Detroit Word was received at Goderich last week of the death in Detroit of William Lane , for 38 years clerk 'and treasurer of Huron County and mein;ber of a pioneer family of Aah- field Twp. He was in his 86th year. Death occurred at the home of his son, Dr. C. Lane, of Detroit, with, whom he had resided for the past few years. Another son Stewart, lives in Vancouver, a third son was killed in the Great War. A member -of a family identified with Huron sCpunty history, over a period of 80 years, Mr. Lane came to Ashfield with his parents in the early 50's, Ile taught school for a time, married Hannah Stewart, now dead, conduct- ed a conveyancing business at Dun- gannon for a time, occupying the position of twp. clerk, and in 1890 he removed to Goderich to take mar the position of county clerk, later transferred to the treasurer's office. He was an able executive. HERALD 'Advertiser • • ;Again, we will devote a little space :try and educate "The Free Adver- r' which is very often a big prob- to a newspaper publisher. Adv - e 1j3ising space is the (bread and butter a newspaper, and if a publisher Mit sell this available space he X farad himself in a bad position. A spaper cannot afford to give awey space any more than your Meter give you his professional service x r a Dentine fix your teeth, Jewel.- epair your watch, cobbler repair• r shoes, your plumber do your r work, etc., all Free. We have p ice of a good farm invested is Ment, have many financial o -- ions to meet to keep g in;;•, be• we ;can claim a cent for our ora i tea and to us it seems so strange 'many people think we can give • our advertising pace, 1c: of a;small charge Cardof Tl,a-.r'>e o}hams, Etc. n t.C'' ' , are not items, and no pap. r can rue free • concerts l - � , enterta'nnr< such function, WO. ; •e an adm r targe is made come, under the Category; hoe vrr, if patrona e iven us with posters or other + ting, an announcement in our admission price is not inO11 d d 'i' $° e 6 r &; PA Ft 004000,00O0000000,000000000410000000000000000000.0000 aer 1 wa ZURICH CREAMERY We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound 13. Fat for Churning Cream delivered at our plant. I Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same Day. 1 0 0 YOUR EGGS AND POULTRY "s i • We also buy and pay Cash for your Eggs and Poultry at Highest Market Prices, according to 0 0 0 abOr000060Oosoo4sss®Q7omenos000aaalnt8rilrroaatSco*onowatioRla9'®<I oo grade. ----Your Patronage Appreciated! O 6t 0 w THE ZURICH CREAMERY Cut Your Fuel ill 5 � / a ALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! •°n inns is quite v :r'1e me, providin ;• t b 4f so, then it wits be considered » REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A +ite hoe ing. Please do not expect' ° to•o inu li. from a loci]. newspaper LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL 4' pati aehcr:' He can no more work and1 4. TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU :ice live :on • earth, pay his debts wit!,»»t * n4ey, and board in Heaven, three+ WAIT+ 17. + IFl:etne SeEner professional or trades ear.. ; '✓'r 4' Ice Ordered Halted 7 `1' r CO KA.i13]!IjjS 0 ' I � d PHONE ev am ZURICH t b 31.ie •Goderich . Board of Health on 9 Friday last ordered a cessation of ' 4. progress e rI�44+++++++++.1._+++++i.+++++++ :•^t-».;..;.;..i^»..'F✓r^g..i'++++�F'^F»^4•'b•&•++0 the .annual ice harvest in for -several days, when it was Learned ethate an analysis received from the Goyrernment laboratory a` London, did1not measure up to public health requirements. Meantime a second sample has been forwarded for testt- jng. purposes. 4-4 .''4Filther• System Planned A possible expenditure of from $50;000 to $75,000 is seen in store for Goderich as a result of the mud- dy condition of the water last week. e_ecozding to W. R. Edmunds, an in- spector from the deparh-aent oil health, who is or the opinion That Goderich must have a litter basini installed at its water systena i'he inspector ;spent tune.: hours at the harbor lootting over the system aaat t4.614tine usual .amount of water to send away and have analyzed. :In Police Court Gdeiicli`on Thursday last, R. Cert 're and E. Cooper, 'teenaged Cli- ntonnyouths, faced charges in poli;: Court •: discharging firearms an «L1 t.a4.0a disturbance on .13ighwa i}o. 4, opposite the residence of A ;:cry; •'the' complainant. The lads ex ,.lained they hadshot a rabbit and climbed over Parry's fence to get the carctesieBoth Mr. and Iurs. Parry complained that the shots were too close' til their home to be comfort- able, that the boys handled their guns, when protest was made, in a threatening manner, suspended sent- ence was given with costs. Having pleaded guilty to committing an in- decent act at Clinton, Donald Staley 19 year old Hespler youth, was re- manded to jail one week for se:Oen- cc. Clare Irwin Irwin on a vagrant charge `was asked if he had got a job and aa his reple was in the negativ,> he was:$ent back to goal for another week. Thi. County Court d y • • On f The February sitting of the Sup- reme Court at. Goderich was opened last Tdeaday afternoon before Justice 7. Keiller MacKay, inwhich same de- lay was caused by settlements being made out . o eeourt. In one case, Percy .Hoskins of Goderich agreed to accept,,,$3,800 for injuries r.•eeived on July 30, 1936, when he was struck by a car driven by Wm. Craigie, also of Goderich: Hucicins was in hospital for five months, appeared on crutch- es. Craigie was in the employ of El- ectrolakaLtd,, and this company is to pay $2x500 ,pipe $300 costs.—A set- tlementi~was also reached in the $15,- 000. broach of promise action instit- uted' by 'Miss Emma Lavis, aged 52 of tClintofi, against John. Howard of l3ayfieldOIMiss Lavas who claimed she was ,court d for 15 years by Howard who lkd other home the latter 4l' years, al;aoeniered -a claim of $2,300 for bei d 'and lodging. Howard, it was alleged in the statement of claiaii niatrhii ranother. woman in December last eget 'repeatedly ° promising to marry 11'iiss'.:.Lavis.--After'Nhearing evidencefor two hours in the action of G. ,'a Litt against Mrs. E, M. Litt, for an•aotionting for the period they were gaitners in - the Bedford hotel, business in Goderich, Justice MacKay suggested the litligants attempt to i^each lin ••ai%ticable settlement. This was accomplished, Mrs. Litt agreed o pay Mr. Litt $4,000 for his inter- ests it the Hotel arid release him from all claims, . including alimony, she (raving obtained a divorce the prey- ous day. Each agreed to pay their own costs ---Dr. N. C• Jackson was And Dry Cleaners. daughter. The remains were taken. I granted a divorce decree nisi from "o G::aid Bend cemetery for inter- his wife of Windsor, the action was Thiel, s., Trairisport 'anoint- not contested. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1937 At 2 o'clock, pan. The following Farm Lands viz: Lot 15, Concession 11, Hay Town- ship, consisting of 100 acres of good farming land. There is on the prem- ises a brick house and bank barn. Also 25 acres, being South of Weat Half 19, Concession 8, in the Township of Hay. For further particulars apply to the undersigned Executor. TERMS -10% on day of .Sale, and balance in 30 days. Arthur Weber, Auctioneer_ Sol. Schroeder, Executor.. NOTICE SPENCER CORSETS, Indivi4ually nesigriett. Style or Surgical. Mrs. Anna MacDonald, 139 Phone" 137 Hensall, Ont NOTICE ANNOUNCEMENT P'l'ain Dresses and Suits 7Oc, Insurance Included. This is a con- tract special' for a limited time only. PARISIAN LAUNDRY LTD. Died at Egmondville Death of Mrs. Jonah Green Mrs. Jonah Green, a former well known resident of the district, pass- ed away last Friday at her hone in Egmondville, after an illness of over a week from pneumonia and pleuisy. Mrs.Green was 71 years of age the day of her death. She was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Rush of Grand Bend, and was .born in Scotland, and when eight years of age the family came to Canada and settled in Hay Township, later going to -Grand Bend where Mrs. Green spent her early life. About 50 years age she was married to Mr. G7.'een and for 30 years they lived at Brew- ster cornor where they- were highly esteemed and respected residents. About 20 years ago they moved to 'the J.:Dell farm, just west of Hensall later going to the 3rd ton, of Tuck- ersmith, where they farmed 250' acr- es -of land. A few years ago Mr. and Mrs. Green retired from farm- ing and last fall moved to Eginbnd- ville. Mrs. Green was a bright, jolly disposition, a great favorite with the. young people, a good neighbor, al- ways willing to help in a time of need, and wherever she lived she ,made.many friends. She is survived by her husband, four sons and one t 21000M000O000O00®OOi+OO®@OO tiOOtialats0000mOiitliMe00O00000 v • • o I � Your Winter's PueI is 0 Colder Days will soon be here again, and provision i smust be made with suitable Fuel t•o keep the home 'a' warm and comfortable. We can supply ® pp y practically 0 all the called for grades of Coal and Coke with oprices very morerate... Let us fill your bin! L Master and Pioneer Poultry Feeds Plow points to fit all makes of plows i 0 O 0 w . 8 SEEDS! _ SEEI)5 `. We are in the Market for Red, Alsike, weet Clovers and s Timothy Seeds. a Coal and Coke at Hensall and Zurich • at all Times. 1 y 3 3 1 L.Schilbe & ~ o eo00®01BOi!!o.OAO01111.0s wiatnele DesageoseeseOOOOOOt5 ties se riVVIANINVAMMVINWWWW6MVAWAMIAVA4,41 Zurich Drug Store School Supplies We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies All authorized Public School Book s,inch ding theNew Speller 1 All High School Text Books, etc. 014 etc PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfuxnizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. • MacKinnon,uri��'� 1�, J.Ch&ivolAiwk)www\mm,,Fmippmokr Nvispir