HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-02-25, Page 1' 'Vol, )(XXVII No,S141 ZURICH, THURSDAY MOH lead the Home News, ST. PETER'S Evangelical 1411dterati Churc.h ZURICH — ONT. "A Changeless C.hrist for a. Chang- ing VirorIce= Friday, 8h—Luther Leave. Thursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m.—German. Servike. • •11.1.15 a.m.—Sunday Schee. 7.30 p.m.—English service. •Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. TUERKHEINk, Pastor. Do You Need Glasses? -Stop and Think how haportant it is -that you wear correct glasses--cor- :reedy prescribed for your vision. ,Correctly styled to your face. Your ;health may largely depend on keen vision., See C. E. ZURBRIGG, R. 0. At HESS JEWELERY STORE : Every Tuesday at ZURICH At Dashwood, Saturday. at Pfile's Store. Finds ,A Freak Egg Milton Russell, a farmer of the: :sotth-eaSterly portion. of Bay Tow - ship,. was surprised recently when :among the hen? eggs gathered there was one as large as a goose egg, but' 'soft shelled.•Inside it was an ord- inary egg, hard shell containing yolk and white. From California Los Angeles, Calif. Dear Publisher and Friend: My Son, Andrew, recently returned from the east and brought along a few copies of your Valuable paper for which I amgrate- fnl. Theygrate- ful. remind me of a large number of former friends which had almost forgotten- Los Angeles County has a population of over three million, and our annual Fair, which lasts about 12 days, has some days an attendance of 250,000. The city covers nearly as much territory as Huron county. This is the first cloudy day in a month; this morning when rising it was 70 degrees in my room, just two degrees warmer than all summer, ex- cept for a warm spell of a week, when we had a warm breeze from the desert. The ocean :breezes always keep the summer cool -In November the farmers were still making hay, .4. + eft . 4: TRY ECKEL'S tre also .:1Tr 2 CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES, AND SWEET GOODS. All Ingredients Used are of the Highest Quality ALL CONFECTIONS — ICE CREAM Telephone 100 OUR STORE WWII, BE CIDSED EVERY THURSDAY EVEN- ING AT 6:31)) MILLI. FURTHER NOTICE Leavitt's Thee EXETER --ONT. Thursday, Friday, Satur Feb. 25, 26, 27 • 6.41.12 WHEELER & WOOLSE' FEBRUARY 25, 1937. , • Chester L. Smith, PublUlost $1,25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in AdvanteK $1.50 LNARAEARS.$2 MAY WI OHAIG01,1$1$ follow the Local Ads,. In "MUMMY'S BOYS" A pair of shrinking Violets in. Valley of the Nile They feared the perils of ilVa Tomb.—Yet .they wonldo't le Harem Bcarein IVIonda.y, Tuesday, Weeinesd March 1, 2, 3.r.d. "DESERT GOLD" With Tom Keene and Buster Crabl COMING "College Holliday" Ma,rch With Jack Benny (Martha Ray, edian) Burns and Allen. . March 10-11-12-13 "The Great field. A Metro Goldwyn Mayer tire at advanced prices. "That Girl from Paris" with Pons, Jack Oakie ' and Gene R3 and on March 15-16-17. Hay Council will meet on Monday 'for the March meeting. l)r. A. J. MacKinnon attended an 'executive meeting at Lonaon on Monday. Mrs. Mabel Snider has returned aftr spenc....ag some time with relati- ves on the Blue Water Highway. • Mr. and Mrs. James Trevithick of Brinsley were Sunday visitors with her mother, Mrs. W. G. Hess. Mr. 'Kenneth Routledge has taken a position with the E. R. Guenther Transports located at Dashwood. Messrs. Herb. Mousseau, Albert Hess and W. J. Merner motored to London on Monday. which usually starts again in Ar This is hard for the people in Z to understand. -We cut from 6 crops a year where there is ple moisture. Now just a few•words about + self. In aVlay 1933 •I hada stro e.. aplexy which reduced me froit, + • healthy man to a helpless -e • -±e -4- ,•;fonett -night, bUt.4itlit4050 40 4 \ ‘: got on ray feet again after 11,4 , , • ier of weeks. Then in April' 1934,41,hiought along three good used Chev- had a second stroke which put me in rolett autos, ...which L. Prang and t bed for a year. I am now. slowly Son will be offering for sale. ..T. improving and seem. to. have nothing Mr. John McBride of the Blind mi + left but deternatiOn„ of which I • line, Hay Township has rented his 1 always had plenty, and my doctor - fine 125 acre farm to Mr. Walter advised me Lha tis the only Way to McBridel.._ , for a term of five years. get out of bed. I am unable to •runi.i‘ir . 'John McBride will hold an auc- 4, a car as my joints are too sore.. tion sale of his farm stock and im- :t Ten years ago 1 turned all . ml plements some tmie this spring, he ....§. affairs over to my son, so 1 ceuldcli follow obes of gardening an . will also remain living on the farm. + by hbi Mr.. and Mrs. Oscar Klopp, and Miss Jessie MacDonald motored. to London on Saturday. • Mr. Morris Andersen, proprietor of The Zurich Creamery advises us that during the past week he has been able to store his adequate sup- ply of ice from the Foster pond. $5.00 5.00 Special Value 94- Senaet Solvay CokeMiller Creek RIMLESS READING GLASS ( Rosedale Alberta, Come in and Try a Pair of the Newest Shape Clear View Spectacles, either.: Natural or White complete with Case. Hess, The Jeweller Mr. J. Albrecht, local caretaker of .the Town Hall, advises us that. there uite a number of transients on 7the road recently, as there is hardly. , 1.are q Phone 74 Zurich and GLEN ROGERS' BRIQUETS Tile and Brick W. R. DAVIDSON Highest cash prices paid few Eggs on a graded basis.. Phone 10 ,ta night passes but someone is kepti *44+. Messrs. Leonard Prang, Ross John- .:StOn and Harold Johnston were on a • iisiness,and pleasure trip to Nnig- aoithA.,'Torouto • . Ver the Week -end, and on returning • in the local ........s.+••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••44iir to, 4on ,4a.•••• • • 4P. 41" L. CP' .., Zurich + ..i, touring, of which I did a greet (1,t*. CELEBRATES 81sst. Eckel Bakery — BIRTHDAY . .. . was in Mexico; in every Stae easedf 1 I Mrs., Leah Kipfer of Zurich, cele . -1-0.-4-14÷4.-17H44++364+-1,-Z-4rrritt4.,4--1-4-4,i-114-144.--1444-1,4-1-÷te-1-Tr+++++ Penne and every Provinceeast l! • -..- Quebec, except Alberta. In 193,$ :.brated her ‘81st birthday at the home goine..:bii•uf Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kipfer on the friend and I had planned 18th day of February. She enter- •backChicago Fair, on to Detroit, Zar-, I tained Mr. and Mrs. Ezra .Kipfer and .-...---..........-.....—...„....--..... ich and then to New York City, then' Quet,64, family, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kyle and back by way of Maine and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kyle of Henson; and Ontario, but owing to my illness . ,.1 Mr. and Mrs. Leesome Disjardine could not go. v. and farnily of Grand Bend; Mi. and My son just returned with a neW Mrs. Jacob Gingerich and family, Chrysler for me and a Buick for* Miss Edna Kipfer and Mr. and Mrs. sister. We now have seven cars. We. Arnold Merner and family of Zuricli, could use them all of Mrs' Smith' Mrs. Kipfer is enjoying lifr usual drove; II have a young.driver to te: good health. She had her 1»rtliday me around.cake decorated with 81 pink and This illness has cost the a gr";ea't green candles. There were 18 grand - deal, but what is money, for I do net children, 4 great grandchildren, fon,. want a monument when I am dc'ad' daughters and two sons. The Heral.1 If I am not able to build enough in joins her. many friendsin wishinglife, life I do not want any built, wile:11 Mrs Kapfer many more happy ' birth- 1+‘ days. WE SFR f THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday RED ROSE COWEE, 1 lb. tin, per tin CROWN BRAND SYRITP„ "5. Th. 3tie PEARL NAPTEA SOAP, '6 bars . 25c ISALMON, FANCY COROE, 1 lb. tin, each WHEAT BERRIES, '51b bag, .. 29c ROLLED OATS,. frea, i bs. _ , ...... 25c SULTANA RAISINS, 2 lbs. Tor . _ . Pitted Dates'. 2 lbs. Handy Ammonia,per pkg. _ ... - .. Spa.ghetti Cooked 0-1C47:- fln,2' for 19c IVIacroni. Ready Cut, 3 kbs. for - - .17c Gaden War Mao% Vir tit ••• ••• ••,••••.4+4.• • 10c 13runswick Sardines 2 ens ......- ..... '9c Whole Wheat ICrun;rbies, 2 lynxes _ '25c Tomato Juieni. 25Ni ue. large. tin,' 2 Ilus ....... 23c Corned Bee4, n :Mt' • • '24)e Hooked Mat Fnrm..-% New Patteten riints,„ per yard • - -.25e aVien.''s Heavy. tae' StricS1lu', hLa1 reg 1 5M Salt 41.14 Men's Heavy, Doe Skin .windbreuiters, Extra specIal--$1•39 Men's Sackw,„ tea", 3rgir..., ra• per pair Highest Prices for Eggs. dead. I .built a little one years ago when I bought a new outfit for roe Sherritt, which soave of the Zurich people may remember, when I bought a horse, wagon and harness, for a During the past week Mr. and Mr3 poor grocery man whose outfit lied,verett Heist and daughter Eunice!, the former proprietors of now Eckel's burned, but on this occasion I totik Baiery of Zurich, returned from eleIveanlwiaiayis.tntehlienkalmoil winin: wag*: ;1;heir extended trip south. It was about Christmas time when thtey left and Anna Hess of Zurich and. all other unfortunates. I noticed the . l,lehreabymiii,.ioHt oari sft has abrotherOrSunnOirlifoeisesifida: item about the Zurich Town 'Twhere OY.. Flag Pole. . F. C. Kalbileisch made, ing. However upon their arrival the pole in his father's factory.there they were greeted with weath- :.l.1:1 almost as cold as up here in this was not present at it's raising, iszllA III,I' Cold Canada" as the people of the 36 years. Tell all my Zurich fric was a good piece of timber to stailt: 'seuth term us.. After looking a - Alt; 9,1100.1,os Angeles and other places if they wish to see me. again th*:, must come to California, as 1 do -01,-la.bit,, and not being able to find the expect to be able to come 0 7;qi..1;,,1i,q.'thael;m1,,essttieult,elid fromthehtande :enetticittied, Pacific again. . aSt:ever to the Atlantic coast in William H. Smith, 879 Ainhirst4;!';'),IC-,..'iP no east. a distance of another three thousand miles; here however, they . - . found the balmy warm breezes and Farmers!:the' sun Attention!:, ,and warm, and they good -- ,, joycd this climate to the full, it . 2,+:4 We have been appointed Sellin ,, "as at Miami, Florida where Mr. 1 Agents for the celebrated Viking- iti.aist captured the monster 50-1b. i sail .ash while deep sea fishing in the Atlandtic. Mr. Haist has several very attractive photo snaps with his prize fish, and is having it mounted RETURN FROM SOUTH Mabel° Cream Separator, the sepa,il 4.for with a ten year guarantee. Int os demonstrate this machine to yo and compare it with all others. And don't forget, the best feature is thc a•ed shipped up here which his w1,1 unusual easy terms, Liberal allowance rize as a souvenir of the trip to the for trade-ins. •outh, 1087„ Mr. and Mrs, hairs SCHRAG & SON. tf44 ..1 for th:.; present he at' Dashwookl‘ m+++.,,,,,.++...+;m.,..,+++auut++++,,•.+++,.+4.,44ibibiwititAtan,akakteettsfi,Jiiiiiligesal'o.,+4++,44,..,./Y4fauokkooKwar+,4440114/40.11,,,,+++40,44,44,,W+747k,..k, ' • • • • • • •• • • • • • • •• • • • •4 • 4 4004, ERCO k • , 4 k '+'• • '4 • k+, k+, ••, IP Cold Weatb er Is Here AND IT'S Overcoat Time SEE OUR RANGE AND DIFFERENT STYLES WE HAVE ON HAND. 0. MADE TO MEASURE SUITS $19.50 Up 7rit'" • I 1167.7 0 '474, ma EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS ittt Ot, 0' 0' oe 4,.. ot, !wt.+ 0,4,4,0* ,9.++Sate 4.,•+4,11.4,4kbklk,4.0•04,,V 41,•44.4,4+41+44 et,,,N4,,C704.,kkesek... ak,4, 43 JO, e..ft AMIIEMBECEZILSEIMMN" .44110001=Staud111511=31E1=111011150. 1011111512M5901E551369MM$53551111$ Col eieha eather si We are again prepared to supply your needs for the Cold Weather with Good Woolen Underwear for Young and Old. Also Men's, and Boy's Top Shirts, Sweaters and Sweater Coats, Wool Socks, Mitts and Gloves. Wool and Flannelette Blankets, Flannelettes, Tadoussac Flannel suitable for Dresses; CurL tains and Curtain Goods, Comforter Chintz; Men's, Boys and Children's Heavy Rubbers; Also Mens Rubber Boots, Harness Repaini, Halters, Anything in Harness., FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAM) R. N. D JGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 11 - 97 tossimainaliszazzasa E3 LA KE ,,'-1110111111111iL 4 .4