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hall pound Toronto and Montreal hall pound
J. Lyons & Co. (Canada) Lid. 28'
Coro ation Program
A Priceless Aid To
adcfast Listeners
Details Procession Step by Step
And Service in Westminster
Abbey Word by Word
Advance Orders Forecast
Enormous Sale
Recent events in .England have ne-
cessitated costly changes in the Offi-
cial Souvenir Programme of the Cor-
onation. Many new plates have had to
be made, and portions of the text
leave had to be re -)written and re -set.
Peoduced in the form of a Brochure
the Programme will be a masterpiece
of the printer's art, in every way be-
fitting the grandeur of the historic
occasion it is designed to commemor-
ate. It consists of -thirty-two pages of
text and illustration, with a cover
bearing the Royal Coat -of -Arms, print-
ed in full colours and gold.
According to a bulletin just receiv-
ed from St. Jame's Palace, London,
-the contents weal include: Special
photographs of their Majesties King
George VI and Queen Elizabeth —
Photographs of Her Majesty Queen
Mary, Their Royal Biglinesses the
Princess Elizabeth, the Princess Mar-
garet, and other members of the Roy-
al Family — A Coronation Ode by
When You W.;n
to Alkalize
Stomach Fort
Try This Amazing Fast Way
—The "Phillips" Way
Millions Are Adopting
On every side today people are being
urged to alkalize their stomach. And
thus ease symptoms of "acid indiges-
tion," nausea and stomach upsets.
To gain quick alkalization, dust do
this: Take two teaspoons of PHIL-
minutes after 'eating. OR — take two
Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets. -
Reiief conies almost at once —'
usually in -a few minutes. Nausea,
"gas" — :fellness rafter eating and
"acid :indigestion:" pains leave. You
feel like:a new person.
Try this way. Get either the liquid
"Phillips" or the remarkable, new
Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets.
Each ,one equals a -teaspoon of the
htlnid. Only 25• a box at all drug
Each tiny tablet is thea uiv-
,aleat .of an teaspoonful of
genuiao P351lipa' Milk of
Haarlem Oil Capsules
Pine for Weak Acid Kidneys and
Bladder irritation
One 40 -cent box of these famous
capsules will put healthy. activity into
your kidneys and bladder -flush out
harmful waste poisons and acid and
prove to you that at last you have a
grand diuretic and stimulant that will
swiftly cause these troubles to cease.
But be sure and get GOLD MEDAL
1-laarlen Oil Cttpsllles — safe and
harmless—the original and genuine—
right from Haarlem in Holland. Mil-
lions have kidney and bladder trouble
and never suspect it—some symptoms
besides visits to bathroom at night
are backache, moist palms, puffy
eyes and scanty passage that oft-
fttimes smarts and burns.
tie H I N
for Wok relict from the !tollingof pimples, biota*koa athlete's foot, rashes another akin eruptions,
w__ppplyit a Dennis' cooling, antiseptic, liquid D. D. D.
P ION, Its gentle oils soothe the irritated
Oen. Clear, trnaaclaon and stainless --dries fast, Stops
Ore most Intense Rolling Instantly, A85° trial bottle, st
drugstore«,pro'rcaIt—or money baok, Aakfor--- 31)
John Masefield, Poet Laureate — the
King's Majesty, the Significance of
the Coronation to the Empire, by John
Drinkwater — Description of the Cor-
onation Proceedings—a Pictorial Map
of the Route of tate Procession — an
Introductiou to the Service, by His
Grace, the Lord Archbiahop of Canter-
bury — The Coronation Service in
Westminster Abbey — an Explanation
of the Coronation Cerel mnial, with
illustration, by Sir Gerald Wollaston,
Garter Principal King of Arms — A
Genealogical Table, showing the des-
cent of the Crown.
With the aid of this Programma,
those listening to the Coronation
broadcast from London will be able to
follow the historic ceremony word for
word, and with complete understand-
ing of /what is taking place in the
heart -centre of the Empire, at each
and every moment.
Those wishing to secure a. copy are
trongly advised to order saltie through
their bookseller or news agent with-
out delay. The price is 50 cents, and
delivery may be taken on April 23rd,
when the Programme goes on sale.
Orders so placed now will definitely
be filled, but once the presses start
no further orders can be accepted be-
yond the few that can be taken care
of out of a very conservative over-
Many public and private institu-
tions, societies, clubs and hospitals
have already ord.ered large supplies
and one West African colony will dis-
tribute copies in its public 'schools,
Last reports from England are that
more than half a miilion copies have
already been sold.
By Gracious Permission of His !1a-
jesty, the Programme is being issued
by King George's Jubilee Trust. All
profits from its sale will be -donated
to bettering the lot of the under -pri-
vileged youth of Great Britain.
1 vesting Iv Youth
his annual Presidential report,
Dr. H. J. Cody announces that the
University of Toronto received $100,-
968 in benefactions during the 1935-
36 academic year. Most of the sum
lea been used to establish scholar-
ships of one kind or another. Not
large in comparison with many edu-
cational bequests we read of, but, to-
gether with acenmulated endow-
ments, the amount has an immeasur-
able public value, notes the Toronto
Globe 4': Mail.
In its silnplest °ulnl an educational
scholarship represents an investment
in Canadian youth whose dividends
are the inestimable benefits of ad-
vancing scientific, industrial., business,
political and cultural life. But 'a frac-
Hoe of that $100;000 can provide the
"opportunity" to sone boy whose fie
tune .niay mean a cure ter cancer or
a disease -resisting wheat.
It is questionable if Canadians have
come to realize the need ter and bene-
fits of academic endowments. in Ms
report Dr. tidy drows a sharp con-
trast between the ed.ucatienal institu-
tions of Canada and Great Britain in
els regard:
"The. Universities' Grants Committee
in- Great Britain states to its report
for 1939 that 50 per cent. of the stu-
dents in the Provincial universities
began their education in public ele-
mentary schools and that 45.2 per
eel of the students reeeive assist-
ance. The percentage of assisted stu.
dents at Oxford, and Cambridge is
about 50. Moreover, hi many cases
the college scholarships are so sup-
plemented by grants 'irons the County
Counc is that the total cost of the New York Times
sttxt'.ents' university education is de- Somebody brings her bonne. dile
frayed.' waves as` 'ty
The age of the British universities
gives a partial explanation of this pic-— unlocks elle door—
ture. Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh,
Birmingham, Glasgow, St. Andrews
have beet') fortunate recipients of ac-
cumulated wealth for generations. But
the county subsidies to which. Dr.
Cody refers are the result of a gen-
oral appreciation of higher education 'ter
and public determination to improve Nonsense
upon it and plane the opportunities
offered in the way of the greatest
number of meritorious students,
It is a truise that education cannot
rely wholly upon Govoi'nmeets. They
assist to the lirnit of the taxpayer's
Pocket. Consequently our educational
lustitutions, if they are to retain their
traditional freedom, must look to pri-
vate assistance. As Dr, Cody inter.
prets it, an individual .can raise no
more enduring monument than to en-
dow one of our schools, More than
that, he can do no greater potential
service to mankind than to perpetf-
rte the privileges and increase the 0,O-
portunities of free, pro'ressive learn.
Auto ,mot:1ile Legs
Barred Teem
Are the young people of the pre-
sent generation going soft physi-
cally, asks the Chatham News? Di-
rectors of dancing in Hollywood
say that they are, and they Marne
it all the fancily car. Recently :-a
director was forced to examine' oi}e
thousand young girls, .in order to
select one hundred capable of stand-
ing the strain of a dancing act. He
says. that most young people have
"automobile legs", with muscles so
soft that they cannot endure even
moderate exercise. Theyc= ride' too
much in cars. This director says
that the young people ase their
legs so little in these clays that it is
a wonder they are able to walk. You ever can ten by the way a
This latter observation ie no doubt Celloty sass "Amen" in t'htch who-
over-stating the rase; but it is a fart
that the ancient and honorable ex-
ercise of walking is losing favor in
these days. Young people are drier- p ogle who go niter nothing Gt'uc;:-
en to school. They must have• the
'ally get what they go after.
ear if they want to go to a movie i‘,:r — ''Daughter, 1 l:o o yon
or a dance. Even when they go ;to hill 4,3 10 church this engin ;. 'fern
visit friends in another part of the arstor's subject, "An hour With Pa -
city, they must ride.j write flytnns," 0110 041 be very inter -
In the other' hand walxing is oxut tete„
of the most beneficial forms 4t,j t), e ;liter "1 shot ]d li;.e very
healthful exercise. The automotela cutch togo, rather. but 1 havo an
is a wonderful invention, and we are a.;'t-a;;eu;rf,t. with toy own lava Ito
told that more new ears have been him !night:,
sold in Chatham and Kent Count?
this year, than have been sold lit
any other single month since 10 1;; •1'iut0 is a mi,•:lty &,^reacts subject—
It indicates that prosperity is nit conte say '"Tigre go.•t+ c,n'." — 'fixes is
only coming back — it is al e.Cdy net so -- Time stays: two go On —
back. Keep 11:is uppermost in your head
Mr. Tiltnose •— "No, I don't want to
buy that horse. Ile looks as though
he had a mean disposition.”
Negro Attendant --- "You mustn't
mind dat, boss. He jets' got dat way
from runnin' in sulky races.
Read it or Not -- Sauerkraut made
of turnips instead of cabbage is be-
coming popular in the Ozark commu-
Political Speaker — "What we need
is a working majority, and then —
A Voice — "Better reverse it, mis-
ter. Mat we really need is a major-
ity working."
She looked me up in Bradstreet's;
now I'm Stun.
Fatiter — "I never smoked when I
was yoar age. I hope you will be able
to. say that to your son when you do
grow up."
Son — "Nott with such a straight
face as you do, Dad."
One Guy — 'Did you mark that
place where the fishing was so good?'
Guy TWO -- "Yes, put an X on the
side of the boat.."
first Guy — ''That's silly. What. if
we should get another boat?"
then he carries his Christianity with
hint lbe test of the v, -eek.
Midwinter Colds
WO go rut.
Air,.t:tne not -- 'You scent sad."
nett V'tnn?, Th'fir — Not exactly
G. Edward Pende•ay, in Tod , tette Only s.!ei Inial. Every time r
writes:—In the temperate zone , Igi t this far Cron etarth 1 Login to
cold epidemics run in cycles, read) feel terribly honiesivIt."
ing three main peaks each year: 1
October, in January, -and in
the late spring, around March i
April. The midwinter or,, is u5u xis
mast severe, and is followed le t (
worst outbreaks of [llettntonia, t: „
fluenza and other complications. ..
Men are somewhat marc suscept?r.
ible to colds than women, but one
race is no more susceptible than an on
ctrl cirrll �1,t re'i^int:c
other. Colds are caught somewhat ti11 ern lb.toil ,tperieno it like
easier by children under five and laptist, and be rosittve of it like a
adults between the ages of 25 and t
35 than by others. But the most, rhiciplc: and be proud of i1 like an
striking variations have nothing to L' l'e"PttlhilI, ;tt.d Day for it tike a
do with age, race or sex; they are, I i'esbytrriml, atud propoga.to tt !ileo an
the individual, possibly inherited';' Adventist, and envoy It like a Negro
susceptibles. .7–hunt W001(1 be some raligion!"
In the United States, 17 per cell',
of the population have one cold or
less a year. Sixty per rent have
three colds a year. The other 23 per
sent come what may, regularly have
from four to ten annually.
These are the folk loved by the
patent -Medicine trade. They ale; giants and the pests that want to al -
likewise, the living test tubes that': tv tys know how ley garden is getting
keep the virus alive between tinter along."
for the test of us.
If n man is happy, he is suceensiuf.
1 tilto itoreirly -- "There watt • a
ttt .tr o nem eel tat to see yen lodry "
kaai,iyet• -•- "!)ia ho hare a bill?"
Little 1)ot•otlly •-- No, Daddy, he
just had n plain ordinary nose.
:Friend — "Ilow's your garden get-
ting along?"
Adan -- "it is troubled with ttt•c)
kin:ls of pests."
Friend -- "Whet are they?„
Man -- "-rhe pests that cat the
Life of the Party
Mazie V. Caruthers in the
A3fller's Interna,
ahual fur bleeding ar remedy protrudingas
gas plies.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Sufferers report
wonderful results. 31.00 per bottle, post
paid, to any address in Canada, P. MILLER
Co., 325 Main St., Toronto, Ontario,
For Coughs tie to Colds
WHEN you feel
wont out, when
you are thin or stom-
ach gives trouble,
with gas, or "sour
risings," try Dr.
Piet•ce's Golden
Medical Discovery.
If you have a cough
clue to a cold or if
you Bleed to put on
healthy flesh, this is the tonic for you.
"My appetite failed, I lost "weight and
strength, and my whole system bccrune so
weak. Also my digestion was affected,"
said James Howarth of S. Last 25th St,
Hamilton Ont. "1. started taking Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and seen
noticed a decided change. I picked up in
appetite and weight and was relieved of a
cough due to a cold." Sold by druggists,
Tablets 50 cents, liquid $1.00 and $L15.
turns on a light,
And, entering her small apartmena,.
With thankfulness into the near-
est Chair.
Such a relief to let lief face relax!
iii'or hours she's laughed and scin-
tillated, till
}Ter countenance seems frozen T
a grin
Oh, what a weary role is their who
• fain
Must always dance and pipe a merry
tune! •
(hail, 1 agliaeci, saddest clown of
The myriad tribe of us, your kilt,
Tired, so very tried!
She rests awhile,
Then salmons strength to drag
herself to bed,
Ilow good it seems to stretch out,
and to feel
The body's tension lessen, and the
Of an unsmiling mouth!
For in the dark,
Even the constant muminer may
Like horning birds her thoughts
fly fast—fly far—
So comforting to rest and drift and
dream ---
Free till tomorrow of her cap and
bells ---
'his being gay is stieh a sad
Dentist — Now that didn't hurt, did
Junior — "You can't kid tee. My' clad
is in the advertising business.
Mon can tacgh et women's futtri-
tlon if they want to, but let them trY
to decide which is the front and rear
of their trines' hats.
The dat']test hour is only 60 min-
utes long.
This from (he Atchison, Kansas,
Globe: "A preacher was talking to
a little boy with a bruised eye when
"ites s ts wfc `
di d
� to fght And
the little boy ,saki: "You had aright
to preach to your tittle boy, he's the
gay that give 010 this eye."
And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the
Morning Rarin'to go
The liver should pour out two pounds of
liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile
isnot flowing freely, your food doesn't digest.
It just decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up
your.stomaclr. You get constipated. Harmful
poisons g0 into rho body, and you feel sour,
sunk and the world looks punk.
A mere bowel movement doesn't always get
at the cause. 'You need something that works
on tete liver as well. It. takes those goad, old
Carter's Little Liver bills to get these two
pounds of bile flowing freely and malt° you
feel "up and up". Harmless and gentle, they
make the bilo flow freely. They do the work
of odorant but have no calomel or mercury in
them. Ask for Carter's Litho Livor Pills by
nam°1 Stubbornly refuse anything else. 25o,
affair -
Issue No. 7
4i - j Canada ,�+ Hi j
Activity everywhere — with the
rapidly developing new Larder Lake
Camp, located in Ontario, east of
Kirkland Lake, and near the Quebec
Boundary still hording the spotlight.
Ii1 addition to the active mining oper-
ations — Omega, Martin I3irc1 and
Kerr Addison—many new incorpora-
tions are getting ready to commence
mining. The Armistice and McGarry
properties to the \Vest and the Wesley
and Pelangio to the cast of Kerr
Addison are probably the most int,
portant. Diamond drilling at the Kerr
Addison continues to enlarge an
already targe tonnage medium grade
ore deposit. The recent advance in
the ehares from pennies to dollars in
a short space of time is apparently
well justified.
,ono Meet/ miles t,1 the east of
Latter, the t:ancoeur and Arntlield
properties report important mind
news. l= rancoeur has again enlarged
the known extent of its new ore de-
posit and Arntlield has encountered
important new ore in its underground
operations. Farther east reports in-
d:sato that Osisko Lake to the south
of Noranda is sit long last to be ag-
greselvely diamond drilled.
In the West area near the Ontario -
Manitoba boundary, ;achigo River is
preparing for an active season. Its
is understood that the share, selling
at e20, are to be split twenty -for on
Smelter Gehl drilling in the God's;
Lake area has officially reported a ten!
to twenty-five cent financing deal.
'*gong holding companies the in:
teresting piece of news is the reportt
that Mining Corporation owns a ver
substantial interest in Kerr Addison'
with a present indicated profit o1
several million dollars,
The Sultshine CliI'tvekl-ta h Stint! 1-�~^^
west of Lethbridge in Southern
Alberta is close to completion" tvitht
gas pressure and oil showings iudicat
ing a successful well. 'Ibis well will
be important not only to the Sun.!
shine Company but also to Norden:
and Pacalta who have nearby acre-!
The Plains Petroleum well east of
Lethbridge is nearing completion. The
driller states he hopes to reach the
desired horizon with ten days clear
Comments the Windsor Daily Star.
A cl e'gluyan remarks that it is dan-
gerously close to being an immoral
act for Sunday School teachers to be
itersistenly late for their classes. The
bad example set young people by the
elders in this way, it is pointed out
Wright have far-reaching effects.
It is important obviously that Sun-
day School teacher's should be on
time for their appointments. On the
other hand, it has to be remembered
-that a Sunday school teacher is un-
paid, that be or she mevely carries
on the work for the love of it or else
through a sense of duty, also that
such teaching involves a considerable
part of many persons and that there
ate occasions when it is difficult for
a teacher to be strictly on time. Of
course, if a teacher Is persistently
late the conclusion may be reached
that the task is too gt'eat an interfer-
ence with his or her private life, and
perhaps in such circumstances it is
better for the teacher to drop out.
Punctuality is a trait that everyone,
Sunday school teacher or otherwise
should seek to develop. On this con-
tinent, unfortunately, thele is a wide-
eproad tack of it. We are not nearly
as particular and exacting in this re-
spect•as are the people of Europe. A
scree o'clock dinner invitation in
Canada may mean the arrival of the
guests anywhere up to 3:30,
Quite a heavy production of
Braille and Moon literature during
the past twelve months is recorded in
the sixty-seventh annual report of
the National institute for the Blind,
More than 755,000 bound volumes,
newspapers, magazines and pamph-
lets come from the institute's special
press during that time, proof-reading
and stereotyping being done by the
blind themselves. There were also
published 376 new "talking books"
(special graauophone records), and
over 1,000 bound music volumes.
\Vatches, first were made at
Nuremberg, Germany, • at the begin-
ning of the siNteenth century.
Classified Advertising
t4Inite Reeks 120. From blood tested
stock. Order early. Guaranteed delivery.'
April piece lower. IO r , down, balance
C.O.D. Box 1 0, Kent hatchery, Chatham,
of wanted inventions and full information
sent free THE RARISAY Cnmpany. Werld•
Patent Attorneys. 273 Bank Street, Ottawa,
IIbiAUT1FUL Materials! Washtasti ,prints!
BroadclothsI Makes nye quilts! "Free
Pattern." Refund guarantees Eton 'Mills
Department 'Wills, Ontremont, Montreal,
t x /10:ELING YARN — GUARANTEEDVv p urnC o white, wool—Grey, wo ot-
ted 8901 colored yarns -791 Ib, phs mot -,
tage. Bancroft Woollen Mills, Bancroft,
The Quebec -
Ma antic Gold Area
We have maintained a close
personal contact with this
area over some period of
time, a member of this
firm having made a per-
sonal, and first-hand study
of the field, visiting the
various properties individu.
The result of our study
Is available to those Inter-
nterested in Canadian mining
10201410 550(11 tXci- AP1GE
60 King .+t. W.