HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-02-11, Page 5I,,7-wrrsday„ Irdhruary14:10, 1937., BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL tvDL ;Y E. HoLME S (BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT••• ARY PPIJBLIC, ETC. O.'FPJ:CE---Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERIOH, Ontario. Special Attention to Coursed and Court Work. Holmes may be consulted at oder eh by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCIK—ZURICH :'Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HA.R'rLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Fiery Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Dr. 1.1 H. COWLN L. D. S. D. DF,NTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETERINARIA.N .Dr. -W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. Phone -96. Zurich R.. Campbell, V.S, B.V Sc. •' raduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All xliseases of domestic annuals treated by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night ae•alls promptly attended to. Also Bre- ester of Scottish terriers; Inverness fennels. Office on Main Street, •-•pposite Town Ball. Phone 116. HENSALL.. LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON- sdu,ct any Auction - Sale, regardless sas to size ' or article.' .to sell. I sit your business, and if not satisfied will !, =take no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57, PRODUCE Faim rioduce WANTE1 'HIGHEST CASH PRICES --FOR-- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on. hand. Kept 1 fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins Yunghl u t & Son INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK ISE LARGEST RESERVE BAL-•. AANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT: .z1 AL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO ;Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 81st, 1985, $20,479,730.00 'Total Cash in Br;nk and Bonds $254,627.52. Rtes --$4.50' per $1,000 for 8 Years.. E. F. Klopp—Zurich 'ebb tiso Dealer inLidhtnind *loris? ;tt siil'lxert.ls 4lf Fmk lasttr no:u,: Put Your Want, For Sale Loa, Found, Etc, Ads. in this Column, NOTICE SPENCER CORSETS, Individually 7URICH HERALD Owin • to the h: ary v:;!unlit of ad- anisiKosileastairssanaaannIaasOrattiselislossessetsras Mr. Wilbert Johnston of Godrrich, is spending a few *days in town visit- ing with friends, Mr. Harold Rader, .of the Goshen line south, is spending a few weeks with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Truemner at. Toro7;to. Designed. Style or Surgical. . Farm Sold ,Mrs. Anna MacDonald, t39 Phone 137 Hensall, Ont Mr. James Swan of Brucefiely damwornamorMasgonAmmonvosterairsommenimsleispostemetrommize FOR SALE Young beef by the quarter.—A p. ;fly to Sol G•ingerich. LOST A small' Ladies' Silver Wrist Watch in Zurich. Finder kindly notify, or return to Herald •O�ee.—Reward. FOR SALE P>arn. 40x30 feet an Posts at Mc- Curdy Farm. Material good, will .sell cheap. Also some cedar post,. Apply to: Frank Keegan, Bayfield. 1.7190.21WItableiela061.59:11=4.11711 NOTICE I have a PCV license for hauling live stock to Stratford, (Kitchener, and Toronto. All stock insured for full value till weighed in. Give me a call for rates. Phone 141 Zurich. Herb Block. For Sale A Four -Ton Weigh Scale for sale at Blake by Tender. The lowest e any Tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders close February 10th, 1937. Apply to R. N. Douglas, Blake, t31 FOR SAL 1 bay mare 6 yrs.. old; Black colt rising 2 yrs; Day sucking colt; a. few fresh cows; some stocker pie, Apply b Samuel Ilohn•ar, R. R. Bayfield. Phone 78r11, Hensaf.. NOTICE t,•,ct la. nine. r, errently visited at a .r',t-r, Mr. arid We have a house for sale or rent; C. 0. Smith, the rest years We'. Apply to: Mr. Wilhelm many more year- -L. A. Prang & Son, Zurich, jjj good health. sold the Love farm near I.1i1.1s� to Mr. Ludwig Schatz, of near Z It is said to be a splendid 'prof and will make Mr. ,Schatz a comfortable home, S>ill Ice on Local Rink Regardless of the big "was tet" and mild weather on Monday, Ithis. Ferd. /Taborer, manager of the cal rink advises us that he has goo l Ise for skating, as the bed of ice *,tet',-• stood the mild weather wonderfuj)y. The community is greatly In '•m• pathy with Mr. and Mrs Thea; e„ card of tats 14th Con., Hay in ' tltr,. loss of their eleven year old son �+ 1 mond, who passed away in a Ton+ Hospital on Saturday with-vlaat thought to be brain tumor. Regi ( Iess of everything being done h ; , medical science could and good.'done. les • ing, the lad failed to rally suites' 1 gli, to pull through, and his passin1 a sad hour of bereavemen'c to•fu, family and friends. Has '90th Birthday h,•: i:•la rty dry V(: .,,li Llai., w(.elc we haus( carte our reading matter somewhat. A old adage "When it rains, it Pours also is applicable to a newspaper pal fisher, and he would be just' as an -1 0, xious as the readers to have these big national ads spread about a little • more if possible. a 0 ail Church Meeting in At the annual eting. of jetties 6 air• •t 'Uniiu'cl (:hatece, Exeter, the e ongredrg ation p regia ally free of bt.. About eight year ter )fago al ations ere mtele. to the i,nsemenl:. costing $1`2,000 novae the depres- sion, members 1, a>„e l r'.m successful in "getting oaf; o ' the red/ Neighbors and rionds /donor Bridal Coaplo• A reception was held on ,.Monday evening in the 'Ira, all Hall i:a honor of Mr. and ;. r... .. r.y a :it ,ick, bri- dal couple. 'i'he , arct:a pre -enae' 1 with a Studio (ouch. h. ta'd' aas read f y :' , ,. ` le:ion on r f. 1 elf of tl : '. e! s"t' 1+r:de 'an ^ ,..00 i. !+) s". on l ehalf of him- self and Ma `:'a i ' replied in a very Iilea€Ing ire,' Lane:: was served and a pie tri • was spent b7* .hose lire r;/ es 0 0 0 0 ZURICH CREAMERY We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound B. Fat for Churning Cream delivered at our plant. Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same Day. PAGE FIVE YOUR EGGS AND POULTRY We also buy and pay Cash for your Eggs and Poultry at Highest Market Pt ices, according to grade. ---Your Patronage Appreciated! THE ZURICH CREAIVIERY as► seseeeecaeoesooeeeeG,0a.2 ssosi essa eaes',acr4:aasiQ $11069esaftseva • iVs3+4•1h•1• •'P•8••3•'f•+'F••II••t•• •i'+,; .;.., sea J..• uYourFuel Bill e+ �A 1 . Storm Wird, ors and Drors LET US QUOTE YOU,,; • Your Label We have corrected our mailing list aiyr to February 9th and if you have paid. your subscription on or before hat date your label should shays If it has been overlooked to give i ou credit kindly let us know and we will attend to it. We ere -•an'- 7 o report that we have added a n.i,:a- er of new names, and we welcome I hose to our list of weekly readers. lease remember our rates are $1.2:; Canada and $1.50 to the U.S.A., advaanre. seal if at all possible 'en remitting send -Post Office or eels Money, Ordees. Bank cheques p t too map itssmasmalll amonnta, • the esc''_,nr, . ' .t .s ars entirely ant of prof, , i le,i or a year's sub - aiption, 1‘,711011. for a few cents a oney Order can be purchased. „aa„ e , John S. Wilhelm who laves`r miles north of Baden, celebrate4la •: y 90th 1 irthday . anniversary, last tl t nes.lny. He was born on a farm 'it b Wilhy now owned by his neph ter He was married on Valentine r.ny 1871, to Miss Louisa Grube, istackwho is now in her 336t1). 110 Ir' e:;i:in>I in his •present 1) nen i7'. The fad -:lily consists 1,17:' "I four daughter•,. Vale r r,,• (T., on the homestead; Edward ` r' nrg; John E., of Ilii a 1,• a Mrs. P. a rg; Diehel and Mrs.— Ludatts of Kitchener; Mrs. Clay en 0. Smith, of St. Joseph and Mx T ' of Wet,. -'00, Th.n. re; . ' 'la Ne -.v /Iamb a,. ss 1isth;l(T' n and 20 greatg aid. )'i:. 'has -fors sears ', 7a a deacoa in the Bei , , "m..I p t> Tear :: e a,..ayo cat? • -dant. 1T0 is • g:i'1 of ;• o.l. : s{ t"' 4a Utile tt•le t,f �a ` rt!`)! tr..'' s very intera. ' pioneer (ler: He a. n t' r, t 1 It icn2 1-1 tlr s' ti. sa CANADIANS AND THEIR. INDUSTRIES.... 1 • 1 in ")! tGAT?CF 1 .I. o REPLACE TI-IOSE WINDOW PANES NOW, WE CARRY A c f. LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL ▪ 1 :MES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU 4 WAIT. 4 ss+ fil i• ®. PHONE 69 • • • • 4 • • g. • P • • ZURICH 31f ••••:-÷+++++++++++++++++++++44 «• 444444++++++++++++++++++++ IDEMIME'Jf;�9 ?Or : 0(29 900009et�L�S' 00,00 -• C4 +rO. CH" OZGDOC)aaiL9eae00CeJ�O 1 t a aLk 1 VII • '• y ``'J r.1 ^{�yfa j ii e • Colder Days will soon be here again, aril provirAot;i ® must he made with suitable Fuel to keep the home 8 warm and comfortable. We can sup! practically a - e 3' p etidan2r t'" !` ' i;'<;EMT NT 1 a all the called for grades of Co i and Coke will: 1 a s 0 prices very ar�oreraate... Let us fid your bin! lain DrG a Suits 70c. ss -,,,:ran,,,, T+i ' ! This is a con-/ 're Master and Pioneer PoultryFeeds :letnc 1 i naitacl time only. I �� �1 w R . points tot, all makes 2 P.‘?? , ..:'.I . "hRY LTD. .11, i Dry Cleaners. Thiel's ,Transport 'ND THEIR BANK THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC INDUSTRY • Established long before the commercial use of electricity 'was even dreamed of the Bank of Montreal has seen the hydro -electric industry rise from its infancy and has provided helpful financial service in every phase of the utilization of water power to industrial and domestic Use. •With abundant snow .and rainfall on the uplands, and ample reservoir capacity in numerous lakes, Canada is fortunate in having a reliable supply of water power within transmission distance of the principal industrial mattes. Oily one country, the United States, has a greater total of hydro -electric development, More than three-quarters of the power equipment used in manufacturing industries in Canada is electric - •driven. Seventy per cent. of Canedian homes, urban and stat, are equipped with this "modern servant." BANK .._A K F Cheap hydro -electric power has been an important' factor in the rapid development of the mining industries.\ It has been a deciding factor in the refining of base metals from Canadian mine*, which only a few years ago was a monopoly. of foreign countries. The use of water power has gone hand in hand also with the ex- pansion of the great forest industries of Canada. The production of hydro -electric power has advanced. steadily since the reY:overy, of 1932, reaching new high records each year. The per capita output is exceeded only by that of Norway, yet only one-sixth of the known avail. able water power resources of Canada has been utilized.. Hydro -electric industries and their employees all over Canada find in the• Bank of Montreal the convenient; and helpful banking service they need, M T RE A .L, /7A BANK WHERE SMALL ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOME" Zurich Branch: E. M. DAGG, Manager MrttEaN; EXPERIENCED ISAI' INS SERVICE....TUE OUTCOME Or 11i' YEARS* St7CCESsStit OPlRATifTht t•M11h"daa....44i'.7.....G.,3,Ace e.c.zaAL.mist.arn9.+x............�J.wuw.-uess[...i': s:•7:SCz "Y'ls.•::klz• ,. �. , el .c'L^tati iw a 0 a u. SEEDS! SEEDS! : We are in the Market for Red, Alsike, .-veet Clover3 and 0 Timothy Seeds. Coal and Coke at Hensall and Zurich at all Times. plows t') C3' _ts A fnatelatataa ..a 9 Zurich I)rug StoStore I Se 0 We have 1 all the 1 1 1 plieo a full Line of I requirementsof School supplies All authorized Public School Po old s,in(clil ding the New Speller All High School Text Books, etc.. PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. 11 Did A. J. MacKinnon, Zurich 6 raj 0 8 0