HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-02-11, Page 4r Write FOR FREE BOOKLET Department of Fisheries Ottawa Please tend me your free 52 -page bank, "At:; Day a Fish Day", c.•u- 1aining over IGO delighriul Fish Recipe,. i Vary' your diet with the healthful, appetizing goodness of Canadian FishandShellfish. Serve Fish Foods more often during the week. Whatever form is most available to you...fresh, frozen, canned, smoked, pic- kled or dried ... you will find it aneasily digested food... rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, iodine and other health -giving elements. ti You'll find its variety of - \ flavour adaptable to count less simple and delicious 1 recipes. And you'll find that Canadian Fish and i Shellfish give you full value in sound nourishment for 1 every -cent spent. 1 DEPARTMENT of FISHERIES 1 OTTAWA _ SALT FISH DE LUXE 1 l 1-1b. packale fisge of boneless cod or other ana- , dine sah freshened. Butter Sin cup ,af hot water 2 hard-boiled eggs 1 ;h tsp. of pepper 1 tsp. of dry mustard 1 Flake freshened fish into pieces. Turn three-quarter cup of hot water in which fish was freshened; aver fish, which has been placed an platter or shallow dish. Sprinkle with teaspoon of dry mustard and half teacnoon of pepper. Chop hard-boiled eggs over fish and dnt generously with butter. Serve with tomato sauce. i 1(c Name Address CW -2 A N..V D A Y A F I S H D A N' BLAKE Mr. and i~.Zrs. Ern,ierson Erb and daughter Marion were Sunclay z _ it- ors with Ith. and Mrs. Joe- Beehh r. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob S-artzentru tier, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Sweruzentrn- oee' were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Menno Stecklt, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Mose Erb spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Steckle Misses Eva Bechler and Laura Gescho returned -home after spending a week with friends at Tavistock and Baden. Mr. and Mrs. Arioe Gingerich, Miss Alice Erb, Mr: and Mrs.Roy Ging- 1 erich and Mr, Ervin Gingerich spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard 436, of the Parr Line. Mr. and Mrs. Chris, Swartzentrub- ger and family were Sunday visitors .,with Mr. and Mrs. Art. Weber of sear Dashwood. HILLSGREEN Miss Lizzie McAllister is ill and confined to her home, We wish hei a .-speedy recovery. Miss Mary •Forrest is improving after being sick the past few weeks• The Session of the Hillsgreen Un - ted Church and their wives were en- lertained at the home. of Rev. E.and Mrs. Chandler at the manse, 3C,Ippen on Thursday evening. • .47s. lov- s •ly evening was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Robinson we- re in Mitchell during the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Faber of inron Springs Hospital aria Mr. Jno 'abe., and Misses Effie and Laurette IBell of Hensel] visited one evening the home of Mr. W. Jarrott and Annie. 'glen and Dorothy Love, daughters. 01' 1VIr, and Mrs, G. Love have been a'>a with a had erld. Mrs. McKay of .11lensall .is helping to wait on them. Mrs. Latimer of Konioka is visit- ing her sister-in-law, Mrs. Blackwell. Mr. Usborne Littlefoot of Lotelo i gave a delightful sermon in the Hills ,Green church. on Sunday afternoon. I Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Snowden were recent visitors with friends in Lon- don. Mr. Russel Sparks and John Pen - hale each delivered horses to Grant Summers of Aylmer recently. Late Jane E. Simpson After an illness of three weeks, borne in her patient way, Jane E. Simpson, widow of Hugh McDougall, on Jan. 30th, passed away. She was the elder slaughter of the late John and Mary Simpson pioneer settlers of Stanley Twp. Was born in 1854 and was married in the West in 1887. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs lied Watson, of Stanley. The funer- al which was private held from the home of her daughter on Feb. lst, to Bayfield cemetery. Rev. R. M. Gale conducted the service. St. Joseph and Beaver Town s Messrs. FrankJeffrey and Ross Hewitt of Windsor called on friend•, in Beaver Town on Monday night. Miss Cherrie Jeffrey of Beaver Town'left for Windsor on Tuesday . last. Mr. Fred Ducharme and family of the Blue Water South, motored to London on Monday to visit, their daughter, Sister St. Denis of Brescia Hall. Mr.aud Mrs. Vincent Jeffrey of. Detroit spent the week -end with their parents. Miss Marie Siemon of St. Peter's Seminary, London, is spending a few weeks with her parents at St. Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. Fred ,Siemon, Mr. Simon Bedard of Windsor called on his parents near St. Joseph, after at- tending the funeral of his nephew. Mrs. Barn. Hartman of Thedfor'd,' is spending the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Duch- arnie, Sr. The Misses Veronique Ducharme and Doris Cantin were guests on Sunday last to Miss Margaerite Du- charme of St. Joseph. • Mienday Wedding On Monday morning in St. Peter's Church, French Settlement, a pretty wedding took place in the person of Mr. Richard Masse of the Blue Water Highway south, to Miss Leona Dewe;: of Grand Bend, In the everting r large number of relatives and friends gathered at the home of the beide,: where a dainty dinner was served. and the evening spent in dancing. The bridal couple received man- alueble gifts and all extend ter they, �•�'� ....„.0, W,Ai.F „,,e,..,. ;1..e. y .- STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. John McClinehey has sold 50 *tees of his farm, east half of lot 13, Concession 10, ,Stanley to Mr, - *Amore Stephenson, Il7rs. Robt, M. Peck has returned ar tier ho!I?e en: Babylon Line, after v +•,,,.,....,x4•u,xxE.j vt7,lirt'J wool, .,, u ttJ. Died at T. eentti Reye and Bedard of the 14th eon,„' who died• in a Toronto kJ[ ospital ori: Soturdee4 last lees ee ernes-`. 'day moaning in St, Pet•or's cemetery, where a large number of friends and relettves attended, 8aoine #:rom iS'te ney Point, •Chathaan, Windsor, Count right and ;other points„ We all sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. Theo; Beilieed in their sutl a'ea teti,ct:l'nbii DASHW0.OD Nee and Mrs. Felix ,Wilds wr Spent the past few pater ti; in Chi ago and Texas h e returned hem Rev. and Mrs. Luft visited rely ves in Kitchener lIast week. . • I A number bf relatives attende the funeral r,.f the late Mrs. Harr (nee Minnie Rinker,) ,'in Sarnia, e o Sunday aftema n. , Miss Zeta Nadiger who recentlet graduated -from Victoria Hospital, London, has been successful in ebV taining her et;.gistratieu exams whit entitles her to her R. N. degree .e present .she is engaged on a case a3 Winchelsea. We extend congratulat' ons. Mr. and ,,Mrs, Norman Kellernia and Mr. and. Mrs. George Gordon o Kitchener were Sunday visitors wit Mr. :and _Mrs. Alvin •Kellerman Mr. Herman Tyler was waken St. Joseph.'s Hospital, Loudon leas weed •where he is in a seriousiieondit ion suffering 'from ploro-pneumonia', Mr. and Mrs. N.. Ogden of Exete.* were Sunday visitors with Mr. - ari Mrs. Wm. Nadiger. Chaar Hold Annual' Meeting Thi .choir of Zion Lutheran church held their a.aaiata1 meeting and thEe officers for the year Were elected. per. C,lateib ,Pfile wasre-elected choir leader,' Mrs. M, Klunip asat leader; R. Miller Peesident, Miss Helen Nadigor Sem-treas. Social 'committee, Mee- llea l ;der, Rota, Fassold, M:rs, E. Ned eer, C. Martene, Mrs. R. Miller; Press Reporter, Helen Luft. A Social. Evening A social evening was held by the aentbers of Zion Lutheran church hoir 'last Friday in the hall above ,file's store. The evening was spent n playing "Court Whist which was weeeetly enjoyed by all present. Prizes were won by Melton Walper and Mrs. Messner.. A dainty lunch. war hen served by the committee lir charge. e • • Walther League Meet The Regular meeting of the Walth- er League of the Lutheran church was held on Tuesday evening, Feb- Truary 2nd with a good attendance. Rev, Luft took charge of the meeting at which newspaper clippings were ;discussed and the remainder of the. evening: was spent in Bible Study, Miss Ssther Martene gave a reading which was much enjoyed by all. HENSALL Geo. Ferguson of Usborne Twp., has purchased the cottage at the coiner of Albert •St. and S. Richm- bnd`, >from the Robt. Stewart estate, and is making preparations to move nt:; the village. 'Miss A'feD.ougall, R.N., of Seaforth s nursing G. C. Petty, who has been 11 for some time with pneumonia. Florence 'Welsh is visiting relativ- es and friends in Toronto. Miss Minnie ,Reid left Saturday hist for Florida to epend the remain, •d'er .of the winter months, Alexander Smillie of Toronto was a recent visitor with his .son. Dr. Smillie, Mrs, L. Simpson, who has been vis- iting her son and daughter in Detro- it for a month, has returned home, Louise Drummond has been confi- ned to her home with a severe cold her place at the telephone office be- ing taken by Mrs. E. Shaddick dur- ing the illness. Mrs. Harry Horton is confined to her home with cold and flu. Joseph Hudson, who has been in Westminster Hospital, London, for several months, was taken to Victoria Hospital for further treatment. Mrs. Slizabeth D. Harold, wife of the late Lewis Harold and a former well known resident of Hensall, died at the hone of her nephew, Roy Wren, Aberneed Apts., Calgary, she had been visiting her nephew since November, accompanied by her sister Mrs. M. S. Wren of Winnipeg. Mrs. Harold was born in Hibbert 73 years ago, The continuation and public scho- ols are making preparations . for a grand commencement to be held in the, Town Ball, iensa:ll, Friday' ev- ening, ening, Feb. 14th. Has 80th Birthday Wm. Dougall, of this village, re- cently very quietly celebrated . his 80th birthday and very fittingly men- tion was made of it at the recent congregational.tneeting of the United Church, Mr,. ii r. Dougall being one of the esteemed Elders and in past ye - 7 Uh, 937 ars a Superintendent of the Sabbath. School, Ministers fleet A irxeetine of ' the South Huron Ministerial Association was held on. Mondaylast at the residence of the •secretary, Rev W. A. Young, The speaker of the day was Rev. E. 1?. Chandler of J£ippen, • who, gave a brilliant and fascinating address on the great evangelist, D. L. Moody, the oeeasion. being the celebration of his birth. Mr- Chandler traced the. life story of Moody, giving many interesting and amusing anecdotee concerning his life. He was a maim of wonderful energy, incredible reso- urcefulness, irrepressible wit, and many fine qualities. AUC'T'ION SALE OF FARM LANDS tThe undersigned Auetipneer he, ;re- ceived instructions to sell, hie 3'ull.ic .Auction at , DOMINION HOUSE, ZURICH On SATURDAY, FEBRUARY' 2, ° 1987 At 2 te'clock, p.m The following Farm Lands' viz: Lot 1.5, Concession 11, 'Hay'Town- ship, consisting of 100 acres'o# good farming land. There is on the prem- ises a brick house and bank barn, Also 25 acres, being South of West Half 19, Concession 8, in the Township of Hay. For further particulars apply to the undersigned Executor.. • 'ERMS-10% on .day°of Sale, and. balance in 30 days. .Arthur Weber, Auctioneer: S'oi. Schroeder, Executor: :�{�• Ex m,'kFtw. Compared to the you did hence ,%w. using . icae (1) quicker stn rtin (2) Faster piciap? (3) no ek llaiI fp (49 hettea! elf erg �fr0�o 1214 motorists in 14 U.S. citiesteek t�.• a 4 � ser° " "�,, ae>. ' gasoline®, • 95% of them proved that it gav better • performance than the g soli 4 5 e they h,. d b e using. Tins " an sten s" was ' t o Sunoco. LETTER FROM E, W. SAYBOLT & CO. A recognized authority on Petroleum This is to .certify that we have 'supervised the filling of the , drums of gasoline for these tests, and sealed them with tamper- proof EWSCO seals. analyses Furthermore, our laboratory have proved that this.gasohne;aWas feg14ar Blue Sunoco Motor FtieL en every r ' except for the blue Golairiaigi, W ob W es omitted to avoid identilicatioa i3Y ode taking part in the tests. Coloring, however,. does not affect the performance, of the gasoline in any way. LETTER FROM ROSS FEDERAL RESEARCH CORPORATION A nationally known organization We a witnessed the sealing of gasoline drums atand shipped these drums to R sthe Ferederal in Rs Federal rokefthetse seals, and gave een cities. Our representativesgons Blue Sunoco, minus its ten gallons approximately identifying blue color, to approf these one hundred motorisoin ads oI tbe se cities, first pumpingut the ir tanks. their Later, our representatives called upon these same motorists and obtained ulated a re- portsports, , an answers. e the Cor eotnes of the ports, and certify figures in this advertisement. Troth in gasoline advertising!. - . fact, instead of claims!—is what Blue Sunoco brings you in the most complete, the most daring test ever devised for any gasoline! HOW THIS TEST WAS MADE We employed the services of the Ross Federal Research Corp.—an entirely inde- pendent, fact-finding organization. Un- known even to our own employees, this or- ganization sent its .men out into the high. ways and byways of fourteen cities—large and stnall in eastern United States. WE LEFT THE BLUE OUT OF BLUE SUNOCO This was, to prevent identification. Other- wise, this gasoline was regular Blue Sunoco and the certificate to the left, made by an independent testing laboratory, proves it. WHO TOOK PART IN THIS TEST? More than twelve hundred motorists — people like yourself; work- men and clerks, housewives and doctors, business ex- ecutives and others, were asked to try this "mystery" gasoline, They came from all walks of life, in alt snakes of cars. The gasoline Was drained from their tanks and replaced withten gallons of this "mystery" gasoline. Then they went out to test it, Later, they were asked fortheirhonest, candid opinions. Here are the figures. The statements of those mo- torists who were already using Blue Sunoco, have been omitted from the compilation. BLUE SUNOCO WINS AGAINST 54 OTHER. LEADING.BRANDS OF GASOLINE In this remarkable test, Blue Sunoco was. compared with 54 other makes of gasoline —extra -priced, regular. -priced, cut -priced. The 1214 motorists who took part in the• test didn't know which gasoline they were testing—dont know even yet, until they read this report. 95% OF THESE MOTO1t1STS PROVED THE SUPERIORITY OF BLUE SUNOCO IN ALL-AROUND PERFORM- ANCE. THIS, BEYOND QUESTION, RANKS IT AS AN OUTSTANDING MOTOR 1r L7.EL AT ANY PRICE. L. A. PRANG and SON ED,. NADIGER SOLD UY: ' General Repairing and Used C,ar Safe;; P oather .Goodsa>l3d Harness ._ Lalines, .ss ZURICH . ONT. DASHWOOD, M• ONT., A. E. RAVELLE General Shore GRAND BEND t*