HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-01-21, Page 5hues ray; CH JE LD BUSINESS CARDS LEGA. 4. UDLJ T E. H ()LM lS BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUILIC, ETC. OFFICE --Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GO»ER1CI1, Ontario. Special Attention. to Coraaacel and Court Work. Mr. :Holmes may be consulted at Goderich by Phone, and Phone charges "cv reed. DENT L Dr. W.. D. Zsa, A CES L. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ •13L0t;1s__..LUltICH very Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARI'LE1B'S BLOCK, DASH WOOD Every Monday, 1 e e a,: aay and Wednesday Dr. E. COWEN L. D. S. L. ie 8. DENTAL • OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETERINARIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, S.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. Phone—et. A. R. Campo, .. Graduate 01 College, C..iti u:,. 4iseases of done.. by the' most Charges reawouaa. • calls promptly at.,:,,.,,. rarer of Scottr.. t H:ennels. :opposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. Zurich, 13. V.Sc. eterinary .3tonto. A11 ...;: treated principles, .y or night Also Bre- inverness Street, LICENSED AUCTIONEER or Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON- , duct any Auction Sale, regardless ,as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if notsatisfied will remake no charges for ' Services Ren- e dered., . ," _ ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood phone 13-57. PRODUCE Fa r , .educe WANTED 'HIGHEST CASH PRICES --FOR-- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY W 1 5 n 'Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS :Zurich a' Popular MEAT MARKET let Us supply you with ,the 'very Choice of Fresh and Cur - ea Meats, Bologna, Sausages, Ed., always on hand. Kept Fresh in Electric Refrigeration highest Cash Prices .tor Wool, Hides and Skins Yunghlut & Son INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK 14E LARGEST RESERVE BAL ,;114.NCE OF ANY,, CANADIAN MUT UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINES, OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec 31.st, 1935, $20,479,730.00 'Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $254,627.52. ',,sates—$4..O per ,1,000• for '3 Years Eu Fe 110.. •i'pp!ZuriCh tlso.IDealer in Meltable Rods Awl ali kiwis ol. Free Iat<saraace Put Your Wautp For Sale (Lost„ Found, Etc, Ads.. m this Column., .. . N SALE E OF .HORSES Mr. George H. Elliott has received instructions from the undersigned to sell by':Public Auction at Cudmore'.• Sale Barn, S•EAFO LTH, on THURSDAY, JANUARY 28th, at 1 p.m. 21 Choice Young Percheron and Belgian Horses from thirteen to six- teen hundred weight, mostly mares. Very desirable type for breeding pur- poses.. TERMS—CASH Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. W. F. Armstrong; Proprietor, „110140AN'ARVAMCa',a4AR .A09...I N.• TACE I have.a PCV license for hauling live stock to Stratford, Kitchener, and Toronto. All stock insured for full value till weighed in. Give me a call for rates. Phone 141. Zurich. Herb Block. For Sale A Four -Ton Weigh Scale for sale at Blake by Tender. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. 'Tenders close February 10th, 1937. Apply to R. N. Douglas, Blake, t31 FOR SALE 1 bay mare (3 yrs. old; Black colt rising 2 yrs; Bay sucking colt; a few fresh cows; some stocker pigs Apply- to Samuel Hohner, R. R. 3: Bayfield. Phone 78r11, Hensall. 1!6'x,21. T'JI,fA LOST In Zurich a quantity of money, about November 24th. Finder kindly return same to. Herald Office and receive a reward': mozeoscovn FOR SALE 1928 Ford Coach, good running condition, 4 good tires, only $75. —L. A. Prang & Son, Zurich. NOTICE, T have Tett my outstanding acco ants at the Bank of Montreal, who I have authorized to collect same Kindly- call at the hank and settle your account of owing me. Everett Heist. WANTED A limited number of cattle for 'winter feeding. Apply to Chas. Rau, R. R. 2, Zurich. LOST A 1 ae year old roan heifer, has horns; ring or slit in bottom of right ear. Strayed from my pasture farm Babylon Line, Hay. Finder kindly notify Herb Desjardi'ne, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE A 2,000 -ib. weigh scales and a Portland cutter for quick sale. Herb Block, Zurich. STRAYED From Lot 12, Con. 7, Hay, one Yearling steer white with some red on neck and head, slit in both ears. Finder notify T. H. Shapton, Exeter. FOR SALE About 50 White Rock Pulletts for iuick Sale. Apply to:. Theo. Steinbach, R. R. 3, Zurich. NOTICE ANNOUNCEMENT ian Dresses and Suits 70c. nsurance Included. This is a con - rad special for a limited time only. PARISIAN LAUNDRY LTD. And Dry Cleaners. Thief's Transport Mears. Robt. and Calvin Willi; 'no ored to London on Monday,' Miss Vera Decker left for troit over the week -end where will remain for some time. The local produce dealers. ;till busy dressing and prepar :'owl for the city .markets. Prot. Constable McCoy of Go, Jch was in town one day last w :n interest of appointieee Co - Constable for Zurich. They are anxious to have .a good man ee;re Zurich for this section, and we assured they have made a good '• ch in the selection of Mr. Earl Thiel. FOUR SEEK VACANCIE. All four candidates, Fred May; O. Southcott, Thomas Jones and Coultis, nominated on Monday to the two positions on the Town Co cil vacant through: failure of m t'_xan two of the 13 nominated' qualify in December have filed tli papers of nuilification and. an els ion will take place on Monday nex. COUNTY LAW ASSOCIAI"I r!`i The executive of the Huron ty Law Association was returned another year when the anneal _me ing was held at the law library Goderich. Officers are as fo11o" President, L. E. Dancey, K.0-; vie pres., iCrown Attorney D. E. Holm secretary-treas., R. C. Hays, K.C;- brarian, D. R. Nairn. IS IMPROVING Miss Myrtle Armstrong, Clinto public school teacher, and a.sister. Mr. John A. Armstrong, of the Go hen line, Stanley, and who we struck by a bicycle two months ag has recovered sufficiently to resu e - part of her school duties. For tlke* past she has .been teaching only halls time. THIRTIETH ANNIVERSARY A most enjoyable evening was ent last Friday night at the home Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ,Sreenan, wee. of Blake, when a party of relative3; and friends from London surprise them, it being their Thirtieth Annie ersary of their wedding. The event ing was spent in music, dancing ani singing. A• lunch was served, after which all retu"ped back to thelY homes in London in the small hour, of the morning. HURON'S WARDEN pi Reeve J. Eckert, of McKillop Twp1 was on Tuesday agternoon elected ae warden of Huron County for 1937, Warden Eckert has been 12 years b municipal life, six of which he ha • spent in county council. He is 4', years of age, farms 100 acres in Mc Killop, was married 23 years ago ti 'i and hss Miss BJliana O'Conner, nor, family of eightchildren, fst two of whom teach school, and •th're boys. In politics he is a Liberal ant in religion a Roman Catholic. BAYFIELD MAN DIES WAR ON SLOT IMACWINES .Since the seizure on Monday' last of three slot machines from business planes at Hensall, Kippen and Aub- urn byProvincial police, H. C. Muss- a ehnan, of Kitchener, has lifter eight 41 of his machines !torn different places in Huron county. Five machines we- ee taken from Goderich, and it is I ioubtful if they will return, Mr. Musselman remarked: "It ,seems str- ange that the machines should be de Waxed illegal, evexi though we ha:: the decisions of seven Supreme Court Judges in our favor, we ha -e spent 350;000 in the last few years t) 1eg dize the machines, end I'm seee thr storekeepers hare tried to co-operate ithemn keeping. children from playing 111000. 0***011114040/4001110410•0*******0100cooeme 1 1 H1LLSGREEN W.M.S—The Wornen.'s Missiona.r,,' •Society held their first mee.ing a.. the New Year in the iiome of Mrs. Robt. Stephenson on Wednesday af- ternoon, January 13, with, Mrs. W. Turner presiding. We opened our meeting by singing hymn 571; Mrs. Rt McAllister offered Drayer, all re sponding in a gin'+ra: 'Lhcnkeel /lag prayer in unison. The scripture itM- san ,was taken, Mrs. W. Turner from Si. Mark 10: 13-16 and St. Luke 7 36-50, verses. The devotional leflet Jesus, the Friend of Women and C t- ildren. 'waa given by Miss Rena pherison, Hymn 605. The secreterys and . Treas. then gave their reports, which were adopted. A"letter cn ba supplies asking for second luau ing and quilts was read, material is being got and two quilts will bemade The roll call was answered with 1.1 points for Mrs. Turner's group and 0 points for Annie Jarrott"s group. ? he.presentation of a life member srtiticate was presented to Mrs. R. .IcAllister. A past president of the •>ciety of which she thanked them in fewlwell chosen words The study A Conversation Between Two Doc- , yrs"'' sand "The Sense of usefulness" .aas given by Mrs. Robt. Stephenson. The offering was then taken. The fl kebruary meeting will be in the 5 home of Mrs. H. Turner. Silent pra- yers were offered and then Hvn1n tal 356.. We closed our meeting with g prayer in uni,un. • The Address: e ZURICH CREAMERY We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound 13. Hat for Churning Cream delivered at our plant. Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same Day. YOUR EGGS AND POULTRY We also buy and pay Cash for your Eggs and Poultry at Highest Market Prices, according to grade. ----Your Patronage Appreciated! THE ZURICH CREAMERY see®arsarmoenvocaraC"r oceee1@igoonmee+a! oeiceeeekeeeeseeeeelocee senet ecce•tees 4. 1 4. 4. PH����NE Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. mittagrammumonsms 69 Ys ae L FL1flSCH ZURICH ++++++++++++44+++++ 44,++++++++++++++++++++++++4•++++++++++++++++++++.:.+4.4.+4. '.4,+++*.++++.H.+++.++++++++.+.0•. + '.p..¢.' ..g.aa'`i+ ..i..Q',f'.p.'',..Y.++.:.+4.4.+4. The address to Mrs. R. McAllister was read by Miss Annie Jarrott and the presentation by Mrs. Robt. Steph enson: Dear Mrs. McAllister—We, the mem- i Lois of this society wish to express our appreciation of your faithful ser- o.we in this most worthy cause, t he al; eading of the gospel to all nations ile our members are few and :ere has often been cause for dis- , Ointment, you have arwayss by 4' a 'once encouraged us to per- r.'ere and we are thankful to say we Wave been able to accomplish something worthwhile in this noble work. We' wish you to accept this ceetificate of life membership and trust we may all go forward to gre- ater endeavour with perfect trust and confidence hi Him who has given the command "Go ye into all the World and preach the Gospel to ev- .ery creature.' . Within 10 days of his 86th birthday John W. Tippet, son of the late M. and Mrs. Charles Tippet, died in Clinton Hospital. He married in 1878 Isabella Higgins, and lived in Varna where he conducted a harness shop, moving to Bayfield in 1895. He war a member of Bayfield L.O.L. over 50 years. He was treasurer of Bayfield School Board until a few years ago.. Survivors ire Wm. Tippet, Billings Mont., Mrs. Wm. Mustard, Marmi, Fla; Mrs. Percy Dyment, Detroit Rev. R. M. Gale of St. Andrew's Fir ited Church, conducted the funeral services on Monday afternoon at his late home and Rev. W. G. Bugler at Trinity Anglican Church. ALMOST COMPLETE Exeters' new arena and gymnasium now awaits only a few minor touches before being ready for opening. Ear- ly in°Novemlber the engineers' staked out the site of the new building and ,Saturday evening the contractor, N. 0. Ripe', of Preston, turned over the keys of the new building with only a few minor detairs to be fin- ished by local carpenters. Exeter now has a municipal building that has been admired by hundreds of visitors and one which the citizen:: might well feel proud. It is the only one of its kind in the province of Ontario and we are assured that no municipality the size of Exeter can boast of anything 'better. -=Times -Ad- vocate. South Huron junior Farmers The regular monthly meeting of the South Huron Junior Farmers was 'field in the Town .hall, Zurich, - on Thursday lasst and was opened by the ,resident, Wilfred Mousseau, who ;poke a few words on the progress .)f the club during the past year.The -oil call was well responded to and :he reading of the minutes .of the last meeting was given by the secretary, George Ducharme. Speeches were riven by Lloyd Mousseau wrio spoke on pork production on the farm, Geo. Tinny speaking on eurr'en't events. The business of the elnb° was then taken up. The meeting was adjourn- ed, after which a very dainty tea was erved by the Junior. Institute, about 75 being present. The remainder o" '.o evening was spent in dancing ;eith music supplied by Gelinas or -1 heetra. Signed on behalf of Hillsgreen W. M. S.—Edna Cochrane, President. Notes—Mr. and Mrs. George Ste - ashen and son Bobby of Walker:.on, spent a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stephenson recently. Miss Doreen Reichert visited her aunt and uncle in Zurich during the week. Some are suffering with colds' and pink eye in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Forrest and daughter visited the latter's parents, gear Chiselhurst, during the week. Mr. Herbert Stephenson spent a clay in Stratford during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Reichert gave a 'surprise party to a number of fri- ends on Friday evening. The occasion of two birthdays were celebrated. Messrs. Arthur Payne and Alf. Westgate, Harry Adkins, were in London during the week. Miss Annie Cochrane of Clinton, visited friends during the week. The main aim of the weekly news. 'paper as the name implies, is to give new of its own district. It may have other aims, such as to give the mer- chants a chance to tell of their goods in its columns or to try to influence public opinion through its editor- ials; but first of all it must give the news. Some of this news is not easily obtained and no editor can cover it all without assistance. Especially is Otis true when you have visitors. any of the ladies think that per- onais are the most interesting read - i;; in the whole paper. Your visitors s re visually glad to have their names spear, so send 'ellen in. Sometimes eople come' in and give the impres- hen that they are -asking a favor hen they want us to insert the terries of their friends who have been hpeiiding a few days with them. No ,Person need feel that way about giv- ing us news items for we are indeed glad to get thein Ell. OUT es 06—ta e 0114) his eta Fuel Colder Days will soon be here again, and provision must be made with suitable Fuel to keep the home 2 warm and comfortable. We can sup* practically all the called for grades of Coal and Coke with prices very morerate... Let us fill your bin! Master and Pioneer Poultry Feeds Plow points to fit all makes of plows SEEDS! SEEDS! We are in the Marketfo _� . Red,Alsike, . • .. A , west Timothy. Seeds. c Coal and Coke at Hensall and Zurich at ,}„ a Clovers.it all Times, alt alett34taa aeS9metgel Wel et- e,etCage* al teCal elsew esiee eMese0e#Tee,+xwps.B®®t(i9 rmaliwilimmatim z 1 Zurich Drug Store Sehool Su. y ,lies We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies All authorized ]Public School Book s,inclkdiug the New Speller All HigN,"School Text Books, etc. PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. eK Dr. A. J. MacKimion,Zuriol 1K/4/ Wt ± NWAP PAW' . kW?' FMAP \A MMN WWI**