Zurich Herald, 1937-01-14, Page 7To Ase Headache Fast Get Real Quicle-Acting, Quick-Di;"solving "ASPIRIN" i See How "ASPIRIN" TabletsTfork In 2 seconds by stop watch,, an "Aspirin' tablet starts to disinte- grate and go to work. Drop an "Aspirin" tab- let into a glass of water. By tl:c time it hits tho bottom of tho glass It is disintegrating. What happens in this glass happens in your stomach. For QUICK Relief If you suffer from headaches what you want is quick relief. "Aspirin" tablets give quick re- lief, for one reason, because they dissolve or disintegrate almost in- stantly they touch moisture. (Note illustration above.) Hence—when you take an "Aspi- rin" tablet it starts to dissolve al- most as quickly as you swallow it. And thus is ready to start working almost instantly . headaches, neuralgia and neuritis pains start easing almost at once. (� "A.spirin" tablets are made in Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade -mark of the Bayer Company, Limited, of Windsor, Ontario. Look for the name Bayer in the form of a cross on every tablet, Try it, You'll Say it's marvelous. Demand and Get— SP1 RI TRADE- MARK REG. LOOK r©63 iHr BAYER Cd2OSS In a communication to 'Impress Consolidated Gold Mines the General Engineering Company reports that in accordance with the agreement be- tween the two companies, the Latter undertook to act as technical superin• tendent of the property. Correlation of all available sampling, drilling and assay data bas been the primary oh. jective and this 'work has .-Been ac- '1i-ieli•:prosecpted under their direc- tion since Dec. 15th. Most of the as- saying since Dec. 15th has been of sections of drill core and work is proceeding of sampling the adit, sur- face exposures, and additional drill core. Ft. W. •Howee consulting engi- =ineer of the compang, reports rapid progress being made in re -check work Decision to re-samply all wol1ll to date has made it necessary to run an unusually targe number of assays, The assay plant is being operated two shifts a day. Two drills are engaged in a series recommended by engin- eers in the locality of Trench F, west of the lower adit, and Trench. F. east of the atilt, in both of which considerable free gold was exposed in previous work. Production at Shawkey Gold Mining Company for December was the best month in the mine's history, with out- put valued at $41,000. according to V. M. Ryan, mine manager. For the first ten months of 1926 output total- led $267,558, with $10,000 to tailings and a general overall extraction of 96.5%. There is a considerable tie up in the mill circuit due to the un usually large percentage of free gold in the ore. Drilling continues from underground, with success having been met with, while a programme of drilling on surface is to be car- ried on in en effort to disclose the extensions r,f the veins encountered ul an adjoining property to the west. Drilling is also to be done to estab- list. the No. 1 vein at a depth of 250 feet below the 575- oot level. 'Vie No, 1 diamond drill hole at the How to Mee MONEY in GOLD STOCKS Booklet telling how to select when to buy, how long to hold. Sent to those intoresled in buying well selected mining stocks. WRITE FOR COPY N. R. SAIN & COMPANY LTi'. 304 13ccy St. Toronto ghe achers• In West Get $Z OO Per Year LIINA.---Variations in Salaries $asletttehewaie teachers and in rates and assessment of various 1 school districts Were indicated statistical report brought in. by MacKay for the research coo- ee before the councilof the Sas- Owan Teachers' Federation. egates are working to have the 10al school systemrevised, en- units or districts and putting on for s":Iiool purposes on a pro - wide basis. 1,$25 teachers reporting to a ionnaire sent out by the federa salaries varied from $2,527.50 per'. to $200 per annum for 1935, pia 405 teachers were getting less $400 a year and 105 were getting or less. And 628 were owned by various school districts arrears ling $170,335. xation variation showed similar uolity. In one district the assess was as high as $1,028,780 and in ler as low as $2,800, while the rate varied from 48 mills to one \ing (.;t:o'ge VI. has indicated his readiness tt. become, like his father, the Patron of the Bay Scouts of the Empire, * * * To mark the King's Coronation, and as the Dominion's part in a project launched by Lord Baden-Powell., Can- adian Boy Scouts qualifying as King's Scouts before Dominion Day this year will be awarded a special Coronation Ring's Scout certificate. * * .* Like King' George V„ the new King has, associated himself with Scouting in v lows ways. Fie attended the creat London gathering of Wolf Cubs held at Hyde Park in 1921, the lm• peri, 1 Jamboree at Wembley in 1924 and 'the London Cup "Palava" of 1926. A photograph of the new Ring, when the Duke of York, shows him in full Scout kit and wearing the S"ver Wol" Scoutin;-'s highest hon- orary award. The decoration was pre- sented by Lord Baden-Powell in 1926, in recognition of the Prince's serv- ice to the Movement as Presldeet of the Bay Scouts Association of York- shire and of London. t * * His ideas on the responsibilities of citizenship were thus outlined to a gathering of , of tb b, the King when Duke o, Yoil, and President of the London Boy 'i. cuts Association: " f want a-ou to realize that you have a great responsibility to take up with the duties of citizenship that lie be- fore you. You may think these prob- lems have nothing t do with you; that it is ether people who have them le, solve. Bat don't believe that. It is 'nly whsn every man and woman realize their responsibilities to their. con, try in general that a happy conn, tr.' can result, because not one of us '.s put into 11'3 world for himself alo: e. Mai:e 3 our -e ,. effective in Your job, and do it with - all your might. Jecause dishones' and Ineffective work i. wrosf to your fellows and to your country Theyefore w' must all do the beet we can." Prince Gustaf Adolf of Sweden will 0 t i_ personal ;b 'go of the contin- t of Boy Scout representing that try next Fin mmer at the 5th In- p;ational Scout Jamboree to be held .Holland. His staff of assistants include Count Folke Bernadotte. dior SATISFIED USER "blue coal" gives me a warmer house with less attention to the furnace and at lower cost. l am not en authority, and consequently all black ,coals look the same, but when 1 order 'blue coal' ... the COLOUR assures me that it is genuine D, L, 64, W, Anthracite ]: say to my friends: 'Buy 'blue coal' because it's better'." MR. HARRY DANIELS LiNDSAY„ ONT: You, too, can have comfort plus economy by using this trade -marked anthracite. Order a trial ton today frpm the 'blue coal' dealer nearest you, 9.6 gi tfttCONFIDENCE TO BURN" H We must confess we have not learn- ed how to stand prosperity.—Brandon Sun. The strongest army Conquers the world, but the lowest price still gets its business.—Helena (Mont.) Inde- pendent, Junior Farmers Visit Interns; tional Harvester Plant When prize-winning boys and girls, '75 in number, members of. Junior Farm Clubs, representing the different provinces, visited Hamil- - ton a short time ago, one of the most interesting interludes was a trip to the Hamilton works of the International Harvester Company and the picture shown above was taken after a trip through the large plant. F. M. Morton, vice-president, who is also honorary presi- dent of the Canadian Council on Girls' and Boys' work, received the group and conducted them on a trip through the farm imple- ment factory and binder mill. Mr. Morton is seen in £he centreof the second row. At noon there was a tasty luncheon served, at which J. G. Rayner, president of the Canadian Council, extended a generous word of praise to the Harvester company for its courtesy and con- tribution to the pleasant associations to be carried away by each vi sitor as a life -time memory of the trip. Among other tributes, Mr. Rayner explained that a part of the funds necessary to carry on club work accrued' from the proceeds of a gift made years ago by the International Harvester Company. Among those in the group are the following Ontario Club Members:— W. W. Werry, Hampton, Ont.; G. F. Robson, Denfield, Ont.; Frank J. Giffen, Creemore, Ont.; Mac Walker, Carepbellcroft, Ont.; Floyd Metcalf, Bowmanville, Ont.; Beverley Shouldice, Shallow Lake, Ont,; Carrel Nicholls, Port Hope, Ont.; Arthur Banting, Alliston, Ont. Kenora property of• Keneebo Gold Mines has ' t'eached a • depth of 520 feet, and has intersected 16 'feet of mineralization, including three feet of quartz believed to be a new vein, ac- cording to a wire received at the head office from Chat Young; mauaging di- rector. The quartz contains pyrite and fine sulphides, while the wall rock is also mineralized for some distance on either side, it is stated. Doreva Gold Mines has made im- portant additions to its already, large lit dings in Bousquet Township, Que- bec, during the last few days. The -cquis`tions eomprise the south half of the- Vaughan claims lying to the north; claims owned by Engineers Exploration the east;-,- the Gravalle group of claims adjoining the En- gir.eers Exploration on the north, and the Ash group adjoining the Gravelle to the east. The company now holds a total contiguous area in excess of 4,200 acres extending a great dis- tance along the strike of the Cadillac ore zone. Development is being ad- vanced with 3 drills and surface crews with portable compressors en- gaged in operations. The wo'r'k is a formulation of a definite program of underground development after determining the best locaion with a working shaft. A prospect shaft is now being sunk at one of the impor- tant showings. A crew of 42 men are employed. l -lova Cadillac Gold • !dines is pre- paring to speed up work on its prop- erty located 1% miles south and slightly east of the O'Brieu in Cadil- lac Township, Quebec, officials report. At present, the company is building a permanent sett of camps and a large crew of men will be put to work to open up a shear zone which was discovered some time ago, which consists of a sheared porphyry with narrow blue quartz veins. The trans- mission line from Northern Canada Power is about one mile distant from the northern boundary of the prop- erty and the property is less than a mile from the new C.N.R. line from Senneterre to Amos. Underground work on the 200 -foot level at the Sturgeon River property I pdOURITE BLUE LABEL 314 HAV POUND YELLOWHAIL LABEL Z8a rQUNa ,y J• Lyons & Co. (Canada) Ltd, Totcnlo & Montreal of Brengold Mines indicates a possi- bility that No. 2 and No. 7 veins will intersect at a point below the 203-toct level, officials report. To ex- plore the possibilities at greater depth as indicated by under gret?n, work already completed, as rapdly: as possible. a diamond drill contrabt has been let and the drills Will be working underground within the next few days. A very comprehensive un dergronnd diamond drill program has been laid out and the area to the south and west of the present under- ground' workings will also be explor- ed by a number of long flat holes. Lateral work continues on the 100 and 200 -foot levels, with veins Nos. 2 and 7 being opened on the former horizon. Drifting on No. 2 vein is also underwater on the 200 -foot level while a crosscut is iheing driven to the southwest to explore the aown- werd rontinu.itiou of No. 7 vein. ow t tor. Ile has a wooden leg, a as5Nye, false teeth and wears a nilliiie—It must be the • feminine 6 'that makes them hanker 1It" StuWicT. m 4 ' nsense Read it or Not:— If you want to peel onions with- out crying—place a steel needle be- tween your teeth, with the sharp end on the outside and bite on it. Man likes to hug a delusion, especially if it comes in skirts. Start and Finish • My dear Miss Sliiith; Dear Miss Smith; Dear Mary; Mary Dear; Dearest Mary; Mary Darling; Mary Beloved; My Soulmate; Darling Wife; Dear Mary; Hello Mame; Pay to the order`of Mrs Mary S. Doe. Advertising You kissed and told, But that's all right; The man you told Called up last night, When a man doesn't care t; hat he says no one else does either. Hubby (at golden wadding) --Well, dear, all the years have flitted by,. and I haven't deceived you yet, have I3 Wifie — No, John, but goodness knows you've tried hard enough. Naomi — l can't see what in the world she wants to marry that man 13rcte—The groom may be t(,e •light of. your life, but wait until tibui light starts going out. if 'you would acquire a profound knowledge of !nen - study women, Grace -1 wonder why so many marriages are failures? Frank— It must be because so many inexperienced people go into it. There is consolation in the thought that we are not Iikely, when we ar- rive in Heaven, to be taxed for the purpose of trooping the golden streets in rcpajr. ,"When ;Asia and Europe loop to- ward the Americas their eyes look as though they had bayonets in them." General Moncada of Nicaragua Breakfast Little bits of sawdust, Little bits of wood, Flavored scientifically Mekos' the breakfast food. A poor Intl is strengthened and dispiplined by his obstacles. !tub stones together and they spark. [tub brains together and they sparkle. i•,nciutle in your New Year's reso- lillions one • to cultivate good habits, 1'4 old ones prow wild.—Sherbrooke r Cord. Body Buil WHEN you feel out - of - sorts, when you've no appetite, or stom- ach elves trouble, with gas or dys- pepsia, tr y Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Lf you want to put on healthy iiesli— it the coni" tot you. 'Read what Mr. liddon of Clinton lint„ has to say: the spring of 14l4 alter playing hockey. having' worked lona hours all winter, catnt rundown and was losing weight Chet p 'very rapidly 1 couldn't •sleep rght. In Match 1 started using Dr. a's Golden Medical Discovery, 1 gained eight, my appetite was wonderful and 11 a: well ns ever, Any now 1 w sir tablets St cents liquid $1 Si $1.35. here No. 3 — '37. D-1 n of the Year Letter to the New York Times.— Sir:—For Man of the Year 1 modestly nominate myself. 1 am neither mon- arch, dictator, Fuehrer, President or even a deposed king Nor am I a movie star, postmaster, baseball cham- pion, maestro or champion corn -husk- er. I am just an average American business man. You may well ask on what i base my claim. The answer is simplicity itself. From high quarters 1 am vaguely referred to as one of the "vested in- terests." thJug h "divested" would mer properly fit me. It is 1 who am expected to pay the income tax, undivided profits tax, so- cial security tax, the plus tax, the sur- plus tax and the non-plused tax. The Robinson-Paonan, Wb eelsr-ltay burn and what -other -Senators -have -you bills are al' aimed at me. T must rear a family, satisfy the labor unions, send my wife South fox .he W,nter, support the missionarie( in Kamchatka and trade in my nev( car fol a still newer car each year, You already have my photograph IS you., files It is that blurred corm posite picture showing a man trying to keep his ear to the ground, his eyd to the future and his chin up, all at the same time. It's a good trick III anybody can do it.—Simon Ottingera' --ork. FREDERICTON, N.B.—Larger crops of the staple varietie were produced in New Bru• lswick during the past season as compare° with 1935, accord- ing to a report prepared by O. C. Hick, superintendent of the Soils and Crops Division, Provincial Department of Agriculture. Harvesting of potatoes and roots was handicapped by heavy October, rain and early freezing. A prelimin- ary estimate of 4,916,000 cwt. for the' p',tato crop showed an increase over 1935, when the total yield was 4,383,- 000 cwt. In 1936 45,100 acres were planted, or 800 more than in 1935. Foots planted in 1936 required 11,- 800 acres, about the same as in 1935, ant the yield was 2,656,000 cwt., all increase of 399,000. 'Increases also were shown in pro; duction of wheat, oats, barley, hay and corn. Classified Advertising tNVENT0RS A N OPFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List r" of wanted inventions and full information sent free. THE .RAMSAY Company, World Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. "QUILT PATCHES" FIVE POUNDS $1.00 BEAUTlb'IIL Materials! Washfastl Prints! Broadcloths! Makes five quilts'! "Free Pattern." Refund Guarantee! Eton Mills, Department Wtls, Outremont, Montreal. YPERIENCED • SALESMEN WANTED "to represent one of Canada's largest men's tailored to -measure clothing organizations.: Our great purchasing power and manufac-' turing facilities enable us to produce the. finest men's tailored -to -measure clothes at. the lowest prices in Canada. Liberal com- missions paid to our representatives, plus generous bonuses to good producers. Apply. at ,.nee, stating previous experience. P.O., Box 2580, Montreal, Quebec, TORTURE STOPPED 1 f A Minute 1 For quick relief from the Itching of rumples, blotches, enema, athlete's foot, rashes and other skin eruptions, apply Dr. Dennis' cooling, antiseptic, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION, Its gentle oils soothe the irritated skin, Clear, greaseless and stainless—dries fast. Stops the west intense itching instantly. A 35c trial bottle, at drug stores, proves it—or �moosyback. Ask for— - 80 D .13 m k:d o egFD oZ a6:�"•v& iv, ,,,,,p.e: 6,,,,,,,„:„:-,,,,,, "y:yorz�,01,.6.,:;54;:44;4;:c6::. �fr � �z:e.5&,a, kt, enrer���r©`a=��rtthieohOhe1rlub-f l rnI.kWze-"rly- G-op , s9 '0 9,pS61 . tisrdese ,eNl4 C'. % 7pce1944°. 4 ratQ .sp1t7c,eIj�g09h�erng raer d ute .30adpurn, 41-6;b4 ees ,2�1 co�ur Ri44s,or�e osN:v ioer4 eyorde�CSed+r�ptoCOp3. eceNyty.t p Other Products of the St. Lawrence Starch Co. Ltd., Port Credit, Ont. Durham Cores Starch, St. Lawrence Corn Starch, Ivory Gloss Laundry Starch and St. Lawrence Double Reined Maize Oil. 11132 eeteremeaf mien