Zurich Herald, 1937-01-07, Page 2tl`w0iPM4*d'm/•i„0.KOWA4wl0* .4k4t kepMd etea$•epoeetekeee P+eeei.4':trt+^elee^eeleseeee ,IYele0 to tees a
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Synopsis of Preceding Instalments: ro elow and see, against the gra
Sheila Carscadden, 21 lost :her job ash -white, something black, prostrate;
downtown New York office. "Oh, my and he's killed h'iMaelf".p'
."risen he reached her poor flat house Sheila whispered. "Oh, god, .:help
home, Angela, her younger , sister, him?' And leaning out, she shouted„
crippled b, infantile paralysis, was "Peter!"
• i.niring a blue leather purse Sheila Her voice was matted in the snow.
bovghe at . a church rummage But the wind was not so High now;
er a slime, she founa $50 in. a although the' flakes were failing thick-
,: Inside poeket., Their widowed er and faster:
:her insisted that Sheila return "Peter!" she .cried again, in agony..
looney to Gertruda Keane, foster- Oh, he would die there, with no one
aughter of Judge Paul McCann, to help him. And she couldn't get
wino told her to keep the money, the down! She was back at the: window:
found by questioning that she was a again. Peter was groaning .feebly,
daughter of Cornelius (Con.) Care- "Oh, God help usboth, get us out
cadden, an old friend. Then Sheila of^this l"
saw Peter McCann, the boy whom She was groping in the, dark.for the
she had spent a day with the previ- dangling chain of the light when she
ous summer at the beach, but his heard a sound close to her that was
marriage to Gertrude Keane was now like a long sigh. A smothered shriek
only several days off. He asked her burst from her; someone was there
to meet him. Peter explains why he going to throttle her—it sounded like
had been unable to find her. a great animal sighing just at •her
CHAPTER 10 ear.Not conscious of what she was do -
"Well, it doesn't matter," Peter ing, she ran to the 'window, gripped
said. "Because when I don't show its deep sill as best she could, climbed
up my folks will get in touch with the over it with almost the . swiftaer3S of
police." a leap, and was dangling out In the
"But they'll put our names in the sucw,God, forgive me my sins!
papers!"Sheila answered.
"Not if my father gets on the job. sobbed Sheila, and dropped.
He has 'em all in his pockets. If I A shocking instant of descent rush -
could only get out of here in time ed by her; she landed on something
for that party, Peter went on, res- soft, sprawled helpless on the snow.
tively, "I could square it with Gert "Get off nate!" shouted Peter. (My
fast enough. Mother wouldn't care, God, you've killed me!"
anyway. But if they have to call off Sheila, snowy, breathless; •'panting,
the p arty*" gathered herself together, rolled over,
"Cali it off?" she repeated, as he scrambled to her knees, to her feet.
paused, scowling. She bent over him..
"Yep. You see, it's for Gert and me "Oh,- I've hurt you! And I'm not
and there's going to be a hundred hurt at ally You broke my fall!
"I'll tell the world. I ,brokeyotir,
people there. That'd be a heck of a fall!" Peter''agreed, groaning and
note!" "I hate o to muttered. twisting. "You knocked the,, wind out
"'I think of Mammal" Sheila of me! Oh, raY leg—"
presently said anxiously, "Is it broken?" She was pulling;
"Well. gash, imagine if you were lifting, trbroke to make' him sit up.
going to bek married onlevelly.
Tuesday!" "I think it is. RBut what got me,"
She"I'd stilled hateat him ink of he said, feebly,; ;struggling to his.
rstillg" to repeatedtel Mamma, knees in the darkness and the ratv'i
worrying," she coldly, soft coldness of the snow, "what,
A sneeze spoiled the effect of her me—ouch! was that T thought 1 ]tu
speech, and Sheila, drawing her coat couple of ribs in my lungs. I- ihoi1i
closer about her, observed wistfully I was bleeding to death; inside.•;+
that she could eat a good dinner this damn able
ee"y minute. "But, Peter, we're down!' Sheis
"Look"I could eat a.hosaid uddPeter s, of exulted, supporting him, staggers
another long," he said suddenly, after little as his weight stumbled aga
long Intervale. "We've got her. "You're all right, aren't
to drop out of this window, somehow. You can walk, can't you?"
We could easily freeze to death in
here before they found us— "My ankle hurts,.and I kind of to
lee tie
To keep a yot.
sweater. Trull a g
There are see,
and every size ani;,
stimple of the yar
sue• Vattern for b1
Write, ye
size of pat
ferrel), , W
n's heart warm physically as well as affe-
be so effective as this sturdy pullover
dispelling garment and very quickly knitted.
instructions and a sepi.rate pattern for each
2, 4 and 6 years. The pattern includes: a
which the original garment was knit, a tis -
the garment after it is knit, easy -to -follow
out abbreviations, and an assembling chart.
arid. address plainly, giving number and
d. Enclose 20 cents in stamps (coin pre..fully and address your order to Mayfair
421, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto.
,fie Corner
the best
he, wise
vage the
osis so
under when I walk
"Oh. don't"! Sheila whispered, fur "gut wanting on it ion itl"
s the best thin;
ming white. in the wordy: for it;" Sheila, ,,a,ss ed
"Well I tell you we could We
ages 'got anything to to tt'. n a e s rly$< ,!flora Zlae
emerr"o clots-howl-eery -gg tn.ti tend ea t]n s„:eziow to , --
better to see 'the direction in -which
us until Monday morning-•--” she 'was -guiding liim, ''Ma -says that
"Oh, please!" the only thing to do is to get the
He was at the window, the girt be -blood started back."
side hinr. They opened it, and a rush At the mention of her mother' her
of cold snowy air swept into the heart sang. She would be safe at
roto and made them stagger back, home in twenty minutes now, safe in
gasping, the miracle of warmth and love and
Peter shut the window; there was understanding that was her mother's
again an unearthly languor and close- kitchen. She could have whatever
ness in the suddenly quieted place.
"Listen!" he i=ai3; "I"' take this lad- had been left from supper, and a cup
d and set it in the snow down of tea—
there on the roof next door, and drop Gosh, I certainly thought d wreck -
onto it." ed myself!" Peter shouted, limping
"That'll break every bone in your along beside her. Sheila supported
body!" Sheila predicted. him with both arms; they were mak
The ladder was about four feet ing their way toward the two hooks
high. They looked at it dubiously. of the fire escape, just visible in the
"If I could get down," Peter mut- gloom. The snow whirled softly
tared, "and telephone Gert---" about them, wet their faces.
And without further warning he `Peter, go carefully. It would be
was up at the window again, he had awful to walk right off the edge of
thrown it. open, his head was out in the roof!
the storm. Like a person transfixed "I can't hear you."
in a terrible dream Sheila saw his "Take care!"
body silhouetted for an instant "I didn't think I could walk as well
against the falling flakes of the as this, even."
"Oh, you will be all right." -
snow. "Be awfully careful going down the
Then the the space was empty, fire escape. We're up on the third
except for the thick soft flutter of
the blizzard! fl"or."
Sheila rushed to the window and They fingered its wet leen rails in
screamed into the blackness, the the gloom.
whiteness, outside, Nothing could be "Taste it easy now, Sheila!"
seen. Talking to herself—muttering "I'm going awfully slow."
frantically, Sheila turned back into She lowered one foot cautiously
the room and extinguished the light.over the edge, gripping the railing
This done, looking down, she could
s -e the dim, white expanse of • the
t '•s
to the jolly x'
partially iia,?
liquified oval:
tra gelatine :i
If tomato
milk is pour . in,
thick tomato puree mand butter eq
creamed tog'ether.
spoon flour and one
ter to each cup of s
is excellent as a sau
and cheese.
Jam that becomes
gary before it is use
in a moderate oven,ui%
melts. When cool, th,*`i
once more.•
Lumpy breakfast po' ridge may be.
made smooth by vigd.rt s, beating'
with a wire whAlt,. sl te4 spoon or a
strong Dover c' be eX Rr, • ••^ .
Salad dressing that i§,ll,t'npy may
be restored to smoothnessby beating
with a Dover beater, as allay white
sauce. Mayonaisse requiresdifferent
treatment. When it separates, beat
an egg yolk in a bowl and slowly
beat in the curdled dressing, then
continue beating until all the oil and
vinegar or lemon juice have been
Vegetables that have: started to
burn to the pan may be saved. Set
when it should have been only heat-
ed for a bedtime beverage, may be
set aside to use in cream soup or
cream sauce next day.
`Cake which has "fallen" in the pan
S makes a good basis for cottage pud-
ball an` ding. Cut in suitable sizes, and pour
*t 'ever a soft custard sauce;put a dab
s.'f' •:. : sr +.e , etech :piece,•
idles ;'a
it :into
ing flour"
ne table
oon but-
The ,puree
macaroni •
and sug-
y'he placed
the sugar
m. is fresh
Backing, she put down the 1
other foot, and so descended care- the pan in a larger pan of coldwater. Then shake the vegetable out
fully; snow fading all about her and into a fresh pan, leaving'. the scorch=
the already
powdering head piled snow dislodged and shoulders, and ed part sticking to the bottom. Ad-
ditionalwater may then be added
Just because more years than you care
to count have fled by on your life's
calendar is no reason for feeling old.
Age, after all, isn't a matter of years.
It is a matter of health. Stay vigorous
and you stay young.
But how, you ask. Do it the way
thousands of people of advancing years
do, Take Wincarnis regularly. Win-
carnis is a delicious wine, free from
drugs, that brings you all the valuable
elements of grapes combined with the
highest grade beef and guaranteed malt
extract. Its invigorating effect is
unusually fast :yet perfectly natural.
These valuable elements in Wincarnis
give your ageing system the stimulating
nourishment it requires. They soothe
your nerves, enrich your blood, and
flood your whole body with almost
youthful buoyancy and vigour -quickly
help to restore normal health,
More than 20,000 medical men have
heartily endorsed Wincarnis. It is a
great tonic. It will make you feel
young again by creating kr you new
stores of etrengtb and energy. Get
Wincarnis from your druggist—Sales
Agents: Harald l . Ritchie& Co. Ltd.,
falling away below her fingers and
Following her, Peter was surprised
to discover, as she had discovered,
that the fire escape went down only
one short flight and ended on another
dark, snowy roof, among chimneys
and skylights.
T(o be Continued.)
FOIL young girls
womanhood, f o r
women in middle
life going through
the "change," or
those who suffer
from headache,
^r.<.sks:. `Y.;•:^7 weakening drai,as,
backache and ner•
i• VOUSneSs, Dr
Pierce's :Favorite Prescription is fust the
vegetable Ionia needed, Read this: Mrs.
%Villi,m Roy of 18 Pelham Road, St. tea: -
:trines, Ont,, said: "I was all rundown anti
seemed to be `all nerves.' .t did Hol feel
at all Well, ] could not do a day's house-
work without feeling tired to death. Head•
aches also =plied nay strength,y i dscideo
to use Dr, Pierce's Favorite 4rescrf tion'
and ft strengthened me and rid ase of tha'
ron•doovn, upset condition" Buy now!
and the cooking process continued as
A cup of sliced raw potatoes will
remove all trace of too much salt in
a kettle of soup. Let them stand
in the soup about fifteen minutes
and they will absorb the excess salt.
Remove the potatoes and the soup is
ready to serve.
Pie filling which boils' over in the
oven should be sprinkled with salt to
keep the burned sugar from sticking
to the oven at cleaning '`bine. ` Any
sweet mixture which boils over on
the top of the stove needs the salt
treatment a.• well.
A jar of fruit spoilt ,first at the
top. If caught in time, j almost half
of it may be saved. Put the good
part in a saucepan, britt to the boil
r •.. ^ 't1 11
and seal hl
rnalll* 1.
once. 11.ttra sugar be added if
g >e.
the secret of how to be a popular
mother or hostess: "Become an ex-
xpert at mailingquick-breads, especi-
ally muffins and waffles." Try the
Two cups flour, 3-4 teaspoon salt,
1 egg, 4 teaspoons baking powder, 2
tablespoons sugar, 1 cup milk, 2
tablespoons melted shortening.
Method: Sift dry ingredients to-
gether; beat egg until' foamy, add
milk and fat; immediately combine
two mixtures and niix quickly. Bake
in greased muffin pans in hot oven
425 degrees. F. for 25 minutes.
Two cups flour, 3-4 teaspoon salt,
1 cup blueberries, 3-4 cup milk, 3 1-2
teaspoons baking powder, 1-3 cup of
sugar, 1 egg, 1-4 cup melted butter.
Method:— Add blueberries to the
dry ingredients and combine as for
Standard Recipe.
Add 1 cup chopped dates to the
dry ingredients of the Standard
Two cu,,s flour, 1-2 teaspoon salt,
2 eggs, separated, 2 teaspoons bak-
ing powder, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 1-2
The delicate, juicy leaves of "SALAIDA"
Teal are plucked when a few days old frim the
finest tea districts in Ceylon and !India—packed
in air -tight metal to keels, the 9lav'r ur In--dust-
n---du t 'ffree fresh and fill of delicious goodness, --sold
Fay.every grocer -38c per mlbw
The R1w:yal
13 nk of Can .. da
Shows Imre
sed Pr.. fits
Total Assets Up $55,000,000 Deposits by the Public Increased,
$71,000,000 — Liquid Assets 00.07% of Liabilities to the
The Annual Balance Sheet and
Profit and Loss Account for the year
ending November 30, 1936, issued
by the Royal Bank of Canada to its
shareholders, reflects v very substan-
tial growth ii, practically all depart-
ments of the bank's business. Fea-
tures of the statement are improved
earnings, and striking increases in
deposits and liquid assets. Total as-
sets are -shown at $855,588,457, an
increase of approximately $55,000,-
000 during the year.
Public Deposits Increase
Shareholders will doubtless note
with satisfaction the high esteem in
which. the Lank is held as evidenced
by the unusually large increase in
deposits by the public, the total now
being $726,548,253, an increase dur-
ing the yea' of $71,000,000. It is in-
teresting lc .note that deposits are
higher than in any previous Annual
Balance Sheet, with the exception of
that for November 30, 1929. Deposits
by Dominior and Provincial Govern-
ments are down $14.000,000. A note-
worthy development ie the increase
in non-interest bearing deposits from
$194:000,000 to $310,000,000. This
is, of course. accounted for mainly
by the eiscontinuance of interest on
Current Accounts, which also ex -
cups milk, 4 tablespoons melted
bacon fat.
Method: Sift .dry , ingredients.
Beat egg yolks, add,milk and bacon
fat (not hot) and combine with dry
ingredients. Fold in beaten egg
whites and bake in hot waffle iron.
When a earaniel ptf $Ming is too
:sweet, add more milk and cornstarch
.and possibly an egg. This makes a
arger quantity and aces up the ex-
ra sweetness.
Milk that has been sabred to boil,
Gold g'' ect I
Faairle , y Oil Capsules
Fine for Weak Acid Kidneys and
Bladder irritation
plains the reduction in interest -bear-,
ing accounts of $45,000,000.
Curren' Loans Reduced
Ordinary loans show a reduction,
of $32,000,000. Current loans in Ca-
nada are shown at $175,872,375, ^a
decrease of $41,000,000, while ad-
vances outside of Canada increased
by $7,000,000. It is understood pat
the decrease in Canada is due arrn.,
cipally to the liquidation of wheat
loans, brought about by the sale fan&
export of the large carryovet•t which
had accumulated during the last few
Call and short loans in Canada are
practically unchanged at $26,154,-
218. Call loans outside of Canada
decreased $5 000,000 and are now
Strong Liquid Position
As might be expected under exist,
ing conditions, the liquid position is
exceptionally strong, total liquid as-
sets being $513,230,273, an increase
during the year of $90,000,000. Of
this amount $179,280,9'78 is repre-
sented by cash on hand or on deposit
with the hank of Canada and other
banks, while $241,639,440 is repre-
sented by Dominion and Provincial
Government securities, The outstand-
ing change in liquid assets is an in-
crease in the 'holdings of Govern-
ment t ecurities of $53,000,000 and
an increasa of $18,000,000 in other
bonds, debentures and stocks. The
increase under this heading is under-
stood to be represented altogether in
short-term, high-grade corporation
bonds Total liquid assets are 66,07
per ceat of liabilities to the public,
which is, of course, a reflection of
present monetary conditions rather
than of deliberate policy.
Profits Show Healthy lneregae
Lower yields on Gover t
curities and the- smaIler.; ,w
eonimarcial loans' 1aav4 :1 ,w
an adverse effect on income,•but t
has apparently been .more than offse
by the reduction in interest,S`paid o
deposits. increased operating effi
ciency, ane improved earnings
other directions. Profits, in previous'
years have been shown before the f.
deduction of Dominion and Provin: :
cial taxes. This year, for the sake of '
uniformity in bank statements, net ^
profits are shown after taxes have ir.`
been deducted. Net profits amount
to $3,571,241,84 and on a conlpar ti
able basis with last year show .an in-
n crease of $202,000.;
Dividends paid absorbed $2,800,-
000; $200 000 was appropriated to ;;
Bank Premises and $200,000 contra;-.
buted to Officer's Pension Fund,
leaving a balance in Profit and Loss '
Account of $1,913,796, an increase of
$304,000 as compared with the pre-
Vitus year. S.
Annual Balance Sheets issued to
date show that the Canadian banks! :;
have never been in as strong a pose i
tion as they are at present to Meet
any commercial demands that may
The Annual General Meeting ofd,
the Shareholders will be held at the -y
Head Office of the bank at 11 a.m.
on January 14th, 1987.
Two cups flour, 1-2 cup sugar, 2
eggs, 2 squares unsweetened choco-
late, 4 teasioons baking powder, 1
teaspoon salt, 1 1-2 cups milk;• 1-2
cup shortening, 1-2 cup finely chop-
ped nuts.
Method: Sift dry ingredients.
Separate eggs. Beat yolks and add
milk. Stir into dry ingredients. Melt
chocolate with the shortening. Add
to batter with the nut meats. Fold
in beaten egg whites. Bake on hot
Note: If batter appears too stiff,
add a little more milk.'
One 40 -cent - box of these famous
capsules will put healthy activity into
your kidnrys and bladder — flush
out harmful waste poisons and acid
and prove to you that at last you
have a grand diuretic and stimulant
that will swiftly cause these troubles
to cease.
But be sure arid get GOLD ME-
DAL TIAL Haarlemaxlem Oil Capsules safe
and harmless the original and
genuine — right frim Haarlem in
Holland. Millions have .kidney and
bladder trouble and never suspect
it — some symptoms besides visits to
bathroom at night are backache,
moist palms, puffy eyes and scanty
passage that oft -times :smarts and
Much Gr
Is Exported
Churchill Port Is Busy; New
Record Likely To
Be Set
CHURCHILL, Man.—With exports
of wheat past the 1,000,000 -bushel
nark, this northern Manitoba sea-
port last week was well advanced in
a shipping season that may see a new
record set.
Four trans-Atlantic ships have al-
ready sailed with grain cargoes, and
close to 20 are expected to go out-
ward bound through the Hudson's
Straits before the season ends early
in October. The record for the port
was 1934 when 15 sailings were re-
Since the U.S. Firby sailed August
9 to open the 1936 shipping season,
1,277,000 bushels of grain have been
exported and inbound cargoes have
inchided mining•equipment, glass and
general merchandise for prairie
points. The other ships which have
already sailed are the Wentworth,
Salmon Pool and Jean L. D.
Strange World
Begged for Christmas in Jail: •--
Woodcarver Joseph Treboski, 46,
who makes more money in prison
than sat of it, has been allowed to
stay behil•d bars at Charlestown
Mass. fie gets up to live dollars for
miniature altars and trinkets and
was anxious to prepare for the
Christmas rush.
For Woman's Home'
A woman who recently. addressed
the Royal Institute of British arch
iteetsis said to have been ti a; first
of her sex to do so it one hundred
years. The next innovation sh'lttid
be the securing of feminine help in
planning kitchens and providing for
enough cupboard room in all hoa•so
designs. — Brantford Hxp ssieor.
A ( U P i.
And You'll Junip Out of Bed in the
Morning Karin' to go
The liver should pour out two pounds of
liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bite
is not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest.
It just decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up'
your,tomada. You got constipated. Harmful
poisons go into the body, and you feel sour,
sunk and the world looks punk. •
Amore bowel movement doesn't always get
at the cause. -You need something that works
on the liver as well. It takes those good, old
Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these two
•pounds of bile flowing freely and make you
feel "up and up". Harmless and gentle, tltev
make the bile flow freely. They do tho work
of calomel but have no calomel or mercury in
them. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by
namel Stubbornly refuse anything else. 25e.'
or rant- INS eta Oir 6,11,
AiYMOST:1$4...,_'vr,„pVIM• ,0E1' 1
$1.26 i1IIIlWgn4 s, tslri$4lte Oldie on request
Also excellent or 7Ccmpo a'9• D cafness
and Head Noises due to congestion
caused by colds. Via and swimming.
70 Pifth Ave., New York City